1) learn about the planets of the Solar System; 2) understand the recirculation of day and night; 3) differentiate among satellites, asteroids and meteorites; 4) get an insight into magnetism and gravitation; 5) learn about stars and constellations; 6) get acquainted with space vehicles and their functions; 7) learn about Y. Gagarin's feat.
I Spy. “I spy something with my little eye in space» - let the others guess the object.
Simon Says (Astronaut says). “Simon says stand up. Simon Says touch your nose. Sit down!” If a child follows the command without hearing, “Simon Says,” they have to sit down. Use some of the following: Wiggle your fingers, stand on one foot, hop one step, etc. You can draw stick figures for the hearing impaired
Stick cards of planets on an A4 format sheet of paper, cover them with “space dust” (semolina or cut in stripes tissue paper). Ask a kid (one by one, or each is provided with a worksheet) to blow the dust off the planets.