| Unmasking Santeria
Santeria is a Spanish term that roughly translated means “worship of saints.” The Bible states that “my people perish for lack of knowledge.” Therefore, I am compelled to bring you to all truth by exposing and revealing insight into the history of Santeria (also linked to espiritismo and Palo Mayombe)—a religion that outwardly professes to be good, but in reality is witchcraft. Between the mid-1600s and 1800s, over twelve million Africans were forced out of the land they loved, brought across the vast Atlantic, and forced into an inhumane life of slavery, freed only by death, then carried on by succeeding generations. They took nothing with them except the clothing they wore on their backs and a tradition of religion that was a way of life for them—a religion of voodoo.
Many of the West African slaves endured a three-month journey to Cuba. These slaves had two things in common: their oppressors and voodoo. To maintain rule, the slave masters came up with a plan to enforce a new belief system for the slaves, knowing that these slaves possessed great power through the use of voodoo magic. Roman Catholicism would now replace the beliefs that native Africans had brought with them. But the slaves were clever people. They came up with a way to remain true to the religion of their homeland by disguising voodoo idols as Catholic saints. The devotees of espiritismo, Santeria, and Palo Mayombe are no different from the slaves who were entrapped by this religion.
African slaves used other Roman Catholic saints to cover up this evil practice. Through this dark practice of worship, slaves kept “the religion” alive by the trickeries of Satan. Now, centuries later, this same voodoo practice has changed its appearance once more, adapting itself to this generation and culture and the lifestyles that people live today. It has gone mainstream. No Catholic priest would ever send you to centros (spiritualism churches) or to a fortuneteller. This religion continues to disguise itself through saints in the practices of espiritismo, Santeria, and Palo Mayombe, and will continue to change in order to grow in strength and perpetuate its beliefs. Satan is a master of disguise and has no intentions of retiring. What he has done to millions in the past he continues to do today. His objective is clear: to spiritually blind as many people as possible, thus keeping them from entering the glorious kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 857