The Sum of All Things
King Solomon said in the book of Ecclesiastes:
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 NIV
Today looking back at my life, I realize like King Solomon that all was meaninglessness. Witchcraft added nothing to my life; it destroyed my marriage and stole my relationship with my daughter in her younger years. It filled my life with misery. It turned me into a man of hatred, pride, and loneliness—a man with a shallow life. It was I who was held captive more than those I cursed. I thought I had it all but in reality I was empty. Empty of true life! Jesus said in John 10:10, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
How grateful I am to have true life today. It has not always been an easy walk. Like everyone else my life is not void of sorrows or disappointments, even in Jesus. But I have something now that outweighs any day in my previous life, and that is the unconditional love of God. I have been set free and there is no greater miracle than the miracle of the salvation of my soul.
I don’t know if your soul is imprisoned by the religion or any other occult. Perhaps certain areas of your life have not yet experienced true freedom. There is a God with open arms who wants to set you totally free. If He could take a sinner like me who cursed His name, a man who knew nothing but darkness and bring him to the light, then there is hope and a future for you today. I cannot close the story of my life without offering you the precious gift that was so freely given to me when I was bound and could not see my way out of darkness. This gift is Jesus.
Pray this prayer with me:
Lord, I thank You for the transforming power that comes through Your Son, Jesus. I too want to experience true freedom and abundant life. I repent today of all my sins. I repent if at any time in my life I opened myself to the occult. I ask You to come into my life now and be Lord and Savior over my life. Wash me with Your blood, which is ever flowing, and transform my life forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I declare now over your life that every chain of Satan is broken, that the blood of Jesus shed on the cross is washing and cleansing every area of your being. Today I declare freedom in Christ Jesus over you. Amen.
John Ramirez
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 758