While on a business trip you spend some time in the street. It is very important to know the rules how to cross the street in the country you are on business. In the United Kingdom there are several types of pedestrian crossings: Zebra, Pelican, Puffin, Toucan and Pegasus crossings.

Zebra crossing has wide longitudinal stripes on the road. These crossings are often with Belisha beacons, black and white poles topped by flashing orange globes (they are named after Leslie Hore-Belisha, the Minister of Transport, who introduced them in 1934). Pedestrians may cross at any time there. The drivers must give way to pedestrians who demonstrate intent to cross.
Pelican crossings are button-operated. These have a modified sequence to the normal traffic lights. The red and green lights are as normal (stop/go), whereas a flashing amber means drivers must give priority to pedestrians – just before the flashing amber appears to the drivers. A flashing green man appears on the pedestrian set, which means those pedestrians on the road should continue, but those approaching the crossing should stop, and press the button again to start the sequence again. If the road is clear with the amber lights flashing, drivers may proceed with caution.
Puffin crossings differ from Pelican crossings as they do not have a flashing green man/flashing amber signal. The overall crossing time is established each time by on-crossing pedestrian detectors. The demand for the crossing is still triggered by the push button unit but kerbside pedestrian detectors are fitted to cancel demands that are no longer required (when a person crosses before the green man lights).
Toucan crossings are designed for both pedestrians and cyclists and are typically used adjacent to a cycle-path. It is very important to know that cyclists are not allowed to cross the road using Zebra, Pelican or Puffin crossings. There is a green cycle symbol alongside the green man.
Pegasus crossings are similar to Toucan crossings but have a red/green horse symbol and higher mounted push buttons to allow horse riders to cross. This type of crossing is only used where many crossing movements are made across a busy main road.
In addition it should be noted that pedestrians crossing a two-way road look first for traffic from their right, and it is illegal for drivers to park upon ‘zig zag’ lines either side of a pedestrian crossing to ensure pedestrians’ view of oncoming traffic. On the roads without a footpath, pedestrians may be advised to walk on the right.
(Know Your Traffic Signs. London: Department for Transport, 2010)
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1213