Tips on Leaving Messages1. Never leave number different than calling from
2. Always text in combination with VM
3. Always follow up VM with email
4. Always talk to someone
5. Send handwritten letter
6. Send a gift

Gate Keeper person that controls access to something.
1. Be respecrul
2. Send thank you letter
3. Send a gift
4. Always leave a message
5. Treat the gate keeper like the buyer

Follow Up Facts -‐ The Holy Grail
1. 2% of sales are made on the 1st contact
2. 3% of sales are made on the 2d contact
3. 5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact
4. 10% of sales are made on the 4th contact
5. 80% of sales are made on the 5th -‐12th contact

Daily Ritual
1. Get up early
2. Workout
3. Eyes on the prize
4. Do Your Call Calculation
5. Start with daily training
6. Role Play daily
7. Clean Your space
8. Have your 10xPlanner Ready
9. Make Your list of 5
10. Get your mirror in place
11. Have your camera recording
12. Find your music

Productions Fact
Top sales producers outperform average producers 2:1 and low producers 10:1

Productions Facts
Replacing your bottom 20% with only average performers would improve sales productivity by nearly 20%.
Cardone Call Calculation Worksheet
1. Annual desired income
2. Divide by commission per sale
3. Number of Sales
4. Divide by Closing Rate (Direct Mktg Assoc)
5. Number of Contacts
6. Divide by number of days worked
7. Total Contacts per day
8. 10X Rule
90 calls per day

How to Make Millions
1. Million Dollar Decision
2. Follow the Money
3. Keep Your eyes on the prize
4. Do the math daily
5. Call 5 people everyday that can change your life
6. Get support surround yourself with like minds

At some point in your career you will be required to call someone you dont know to get something you want. -‐ Grant Cardone

2013 $13m
2014 $25m
Q1 2014 vs. Q1 2015
$6.7M vs. $22M
In April 2015 we will produce more top line revenue than all of 2013.
M Projected

Date: 2016-04-22; view: 697