VIII. Listening. Write down the strategies and where to use them. 3-50- 5-
Think on ways to make these titles more emphatic
*A study of the factors affecting the trihyroxyindole procedure for the analysis of deoxyribonucleic
*An investigation into some psychological aspects of English pronunciation
Read the following titles of scientific books, identify the possible structure and find 4 unreal ones.
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo Galilei (1632)
Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void byMary Roach
"Common beverages effecting the brain activity" by Trink Spirit
Breaking the Logjam , environmental protection that will work by Roichard B Steward
Black ranching Frontiers by Andrew Sluyster
Vacuum power: origins and prospects by Nill Cleaner
Stepping stones, A journey through the ice age, by Christine Desdemainess-Hugon
Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis by Terry Brown
The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements by Sam Kean
Memory retrieval by activating engram cells in mouse models of early Alzheimer’s disease
The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes
Battling it out in the Bronze Age letting go of orcas, and evolving silicon-based life
Taking race out of human genetics
Decorating the mouse hole: ideas for life by Dr. Cattis
Digital Information Contexts: Theoretical Approaches to Understanding Digital Information by Luke Tredinnick
Potentiating the antitumour response of CD8+ T cells by modulating cholesterol metabolism
Exploring the repeat protein universe through computational protein design
Neuroscience: Making risk-takers settle Hollon, 2015
Final Theory: Rethinking our Scientific Legacy By Mark McCutcheon.
Dancing Atoms in the rain by Laurie G. Markes
The ABCs of Gene Cloning by Wong, Dominic 2006
Animal behavior: some begging is actually bragging D. Mock 2015
How to be creative in your titles
Writing a sentence or a declarative title
Replication stress activates DNA repair synthesis in mitosis
Force generation by skeletal muscle is controlled by mechanosensing in myosin filaments
Barcoding reveals complex clonal dynamics of de novo transformed human mammary cells
Playing upon phrases with similar form
Animal behavior: some begging is actually bragging D. Mock 2015
Consensus and controversy
Distorted idioms
Liquor and Drugs—As a Matter of Fat
A vaccine to prevent transmission of human malaria: a long way to travel on a dusty and often bumpy road
The emperor of all maladies: a biography of cancer
HMGB1: the jack‐of‐all‐trades protein is a master DNA repair mechanic.
The Foxp3+ regulatory T cell: a jack of all trades, master of regulation
To parcel or not to parcel: Exploring the question, weighing the merits
Milestones in cell division: to cycle or not to cycle: a critical decision in cancer
To die or not to die: an overview of apoptosis and its role in disease
To be, or not to be: NF-κB is the answer–role of Rel/NF-κB in the regulation of apoptosis
Immunology: In the right place at the right time
A ceRNA hypothesis: the Rosetta Stone of a hidden RNA language?
Evaluation of diastolic filling of left ventricle in health and disease: Doppler echocardiography is the clinician's Rosetta Stone
Indirect citations
Virology: The X-Files of hepatitis B
Enhanced external counterpulsation for ischemic heart disease: what's behind the curtain?
2) You are the man behind the curtain
3) The journalist behind the curtain: Participatory functions on the Internet and their impact on perceptions of the work of journalism
4) The man behind the curtain: X-rays drive the UV through NIR variability in the 2013 active galactic nucleus outburst in NGC 2617
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1264