To follow his heart and become an actor.A play, dummy.
An almost affectionate way to call someone stupid.
Open try-outs
When anyone can try out for a part in a play or movie.
I have to get the part.
The refers to an acting role in a movie or play.
Jesus, whose side are you on?
"Who are you supporting?" (Note that "Jesus"
is often said to show irritation or other emotion).
Nothing Mr. Keating says means shit to you.
If something "doesn't mean shit," its not considered important.
(Almost always used in a negative sentence).
You're as excited as a cess-pool.
A "cess pool" is a covered hole for receiving sewage.
You can just butt-out!
When you tell someone to "butt out," you are telling them
to stop getting involved in things that shouldn't concern them.
Mr. Pitts, rise above your name!
Mr. Keating's way of implying that Gearld's last name is not particularly pretty since "that's the pits" means "that's the worst."
A "pit" is the core of a fruit, as well as a hole in the ground.
To meet enemies undaunted.
This is a poetic word that means "not scared."
Let it fill your soul!
A poetic way of saying that you should completely
absorb something in order to feel it inside you.
The name of the character that Neil will play.
We're not laughing at you, but near you!
Normally, one say's "I'm not laughing at you, but with you"
(This is a clever play on words).
Todd discovers that in every shy kid, there is a poet trying to escape.
You're in agony. Let's put you out of your misery.
"To put someone out of their misery" is auseful way of referring to a mercy-killing, which is done to end their suffering.
You don't get away that easy!
A critical phrasal verb. "To get away with something" is to
do it without being punished or facing negative consequences.
Walt Whitman.
A great 19th century American poet who wrote "Leaves of Grass."
Say it, even if it's gibberish.
A great word that refers to nonsensical words
or sentences that have no real meaning.
Mumbling, like a sweaty-tooth mad man!
"To mumble" is to speak unclearly
(This sentence is almost gibberish itself!).
As you wail and cry and scream.
"To wail" is to cry in a high pitched voice.
That a boy!
A common phrase you might say to a child to show approval.
Knock it off!
In this context, it means "Be quiet!" In other contexts, a truly great
colloquial imperative command which generally means "Stop it!"
You have got to do more, be more!
Note "have got to"----> "gotta" in rapid speech.
The saxophone is more sonorous.
An educated word which means pleasant sounding.
All right, god damn it, carpe diem!
A crude but common expression used for emotional emphasis.
That's not the point!
"The point" is the critical or main idea that you want to say.
An important sentence, as is the question "What's the point?"
Their own stride.
This refers to the way or speed of walking.
To illustrate the point of conformity.
"Conformity" isthe process of acting like everybody else.
The herd may go.
A "herd" is a group of cattle, but symbolically, the
word may refer to people acting in conformity.
The road diverged, and I took them on the one less traveled.
"To diverge" is to separate. This is a very
well known line from a famous poem.
The funny thing is...
A common way of commenting on something ironic, or unusual.
Its shape is aerodynamic.
A word popular in advertising cars which
means built to move quickly through air.
How the hell is Mut, anyway?
Note the addition of "the hell" in questions to show emotion.
The Dead Poets Society faces its first crisis as
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1058