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Specific Cursed Items

Frictionless Sheets: These linens appear to be well made, though mundane silken sheets. However, after any living creature is in contact with the sheets for three minutes, they become entirely frictionless. This could be quite embarrassing, should any strenuous activities be going on at the time the sheets' curse takes effect. In this case a Reflex save (DC 30) each round will allow the creature to remain in place. The frictionless effect fades after 2d4 rounds once the sheets are no longer in contact with living matter.

Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, grease; Market Price: 10,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.


Helm of Horniness: This appears to be a typical metal helmet of the sort worn with any medium or heavy armor. When placed upon the head, however, its curse immediately takes effect (Will save negates, DC 15). The wearer becomes a nymphomaniacal sex fiend, finding themselves in a state of constant arousal. The wearer wants to have sex, lots of it, and enjoys this state of mind.

Only a wish or a miracle can restore former attitudes, and the affected individual does not make any attempt to return to the former way of life. (in fact, she views the prospect with horror and avoids it in any way possible.) Note that this is a one-use item: once a helm of horniness has functioned, it loses all magical properties.

Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, sex slave; Market Price: 5,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.



Demon, Succubus

As per the entry for "Succubus" on page 41 of Core Rulebook III, except:


Skills: Bluff +11, Concentration +7, Disguise +11, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, Knowledge (any one) +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +7, Ride +7, Search +9, Sexual Prowess +11 (6 tricks), Spot +10

Feats: Body to Die For, Sexappeal


Devil, Erinyes

As per the entry for "Erinyes" on page 49 of Core Rulebook III, except:


Skills: Bluff +8, Concentration +8, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +8, Hide +7, Listen +10, Move Silently +7, Search +9, Sexual Prowess +8 (3 tricks), Spot +10

Feats: Dodge, Sexappeal



Huge Plant

Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp)

Initiative: -4 (Dex)

Speed: 0 ft.

AC: 4 (-2 Size, -4 Dex)

Attacks: Bite +8

Damage: Bite 4d6+7

Face/Reach: 20 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft.

Special Attacks: Petal lures

Special Qualities: Camouflage, electricity immunity, cold and sonic resistance 20, blindsight, pheromones

Saves: Fort +6, Ref -3, Will +1

Abilities: Str 20, Dex 1, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 12


Climate/Terrain:Any land and underground


Treasure: None

Alignment: Always Neutral

Advancement: 9-18 HD (Large); 19-27 HD (Huge)


A forget-me-not bush is a dangerous predator indeed, but only to unwary prey - Any warrior worth his sword can slay one, if he isn’t fooled by it’s lures.

A forget-me-not bush appears as an enormous patch of rose bushes with one common root structure, a massive mobile maw hidden in the leaves. They hunt by releasing the petals from their flowers, which then flutter together like butterflies in to simulacrums of female mammals - The specific mammal depends on what animal the forget-me-not seeks for prey. Using it’s innate illusion abilities as well as it’s arousal-inducing pheromones, it can lure it’s prey within reach of it’s single massive jaw, crushing the life from its prey in a single bite.




A forget-me-not is a vulnerable target in combat, but it rarely attacks humans any way - More commonly it must defend itself from desperate grazers, and it’s defenses are quite adequate for that.


Petal Lures (Su): A forget-me-not can release it’s petals from its body and cause them to congeal in to an illusionary simulacrum of a female mammal, as though by a Major Image spell. Any male of the same species as the illusion who sees this lure must make a Will save (DC 13) or become Aroused and Horny. The lure will then bring the victim to the reach of the forget-me-not, where it will be devoured. The lure can travel up to four miles from the host and the forget-me-not can see through its eyes.


Blindsight (Ex): Forget-me-nots have no visual organs, but can ascertain all foes within 30 feet of their body or their petal lures using sound, scent, and vibration.


Camouflage (Ex): Since a forget-me-not looks like a normal plant when it is at rest, it takes a successful Spot check (DC 20) to notice before it attacks. Anyone with Wilderness Lore or Knowledge (plants or herbs) can use those skills instead of spot to notice the plant.


Pheromones (Ex): A forget-me-not emits powerful pheromones, forcing all mammals within 30 feet of its body to make a Will save (DC 13) or become Aroused and Horny. Those who step within its facing in to the rose bush cluster must make a Will save (DC 13) or be affected as though by a Masturbation spell.


Rose Golem

Date: 2016-04-22; view: 783

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