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Other useful powers

Control Object

Animal Affinity

Astral Construct

Affinity Field


Call Weaponry


Combat Precognition

Detect Thoughts

Empathic Transfer


False Sensory Input

Graft Weapon


Recall (Agony) Lust

Sense Linc



Combat Modes


ID Ecstasy

Attack mode (Cha)

Display: Me

Manifestation Time: 1 action

Range:Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Will negates

Power Resistance: No

Ability Damage: 1d3 Con

Power Points: 3


You stimulate the Id of your victim in such a ecstatic way, that the shivering causes 1d3 points of temporary Constitution damage as well as forcing an arousal check. Nonpsionic buffers apply against this attack mode.

Id Ecstasy uses the same Psionic Combat DC Modifiers as Id Insinutation.


Chapter 7:
Magic Items Mom Wouldn’t Approve Of

Table X-1: Armor and Shield Special Abilities

Special Ability Market Price Modifier
Cleanly +1 bonus
Revealing +1 bonus
Locked +2 bonus


Table X-2: Specific Armor and Shields

Special Ability Market Price
Battlemaid's leathers 25,250 gp
Chainmail bikini 50 gp


Table X-3: Weapon Abilities

Special Ability Market Price Modifier
Castration +4 bonus
Raping +3 bonus


Table X-4: Specific Weapons

Special Ability Market Price
Dagger or cirumcision ,302 gp


Table X-5: Rings

Ring Market Price
Dominatrix's cockring 36,500 gp
Fertility 36,000 gp
Inertility 40,000 gp
Protection down there 8,000 gp
Prowess 2,000 gp


Table X-6: Rods

Ring Market Price
Pillows 10,000 gp
Vibration 38,500 gp


Table X-7: Staffs

Special Ability Market Price Modifier
Tentactular x2 standard


Table X-8: Wand Abilities

Special Ability Market Price Modifier
Phallic x4 standard


Table X-7: Wondrous Items

Item Market Price
Belt of rapid gestation 66,000 gp
Bodice of transvestitism 3,000 gp
Earrings of androgyny 24,000 gp
Everfull baby bottle 30,000 gp
Figurine of wondrous power (alabaster manikin) 13,500 gp
Goggles of voyeurism 8,000 gp
Goggles of wishful sight 8,000 gp
Hourglass of parietals 112,000 gp
Ladies' glass ball 12,250 gp
Lens of sexual revelation 7,000 gp
Lipstick of the houri 3,500 gp
Locket of love 240,000 gp
Marishar's miraculous bathhouse 255,000 gp
Necklace of prophylactic beads 1,500 gp
Periapt of Androgyny 20,000 gp
Periapt of otherworldly dalliance 20,000 gp
Periapt of proof against pregnancy 90,000 gp
Periapt of sexual aid 4,875 gp
Sheet of useful toys 6,000 gp
Strap-on of astounding 24,000 gp
Teeny-weeny bikini 12,000 gp
Underwear of modesty 2,000 gp
Underwear of virginity 4,000 gp
Whirlpool stone 25,000 gp


Table X-8: Specific Cursed Items

Special Ability Market Price
Frictionless sheets 5,250 gp
Helm of horniness 5,000 gp



Cleanly: This suit of armor has a fine cloth lining that absorbs all forms of waste, sweat, blood, etc. from its wearer, always remaining fresh and clean. Even nicks and scratches on the outside fade after a few days.

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mending, prestidigitation; Market Price: +1 bonus.

Locked: A shield or suit of armor with this enchantment is difficult to break or take from its wearer by force. It has a +5 enchantment bonus to its hardness, and anyone trying to remove the armor must make a Strength check (DC 28).

Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, arcane lock; Market Price: +2 bonus.

Revealing: This suit of armor is similar to those with the glamered special ability, save that rather than assuming the appearance of a common set of clothing, the armor appears to shrink to reveal more and more of the wearer's body. While the armor retains all of its properties (including weight), it can be shrunk to uncover as much or as little skin as is desired by its possessor. Needless to say, this type of armor can be quite distracting to those of the opposite (or preferred) sex.

Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shrink item; Market Price: +1 bonus.


Specific Armors

Battlemaid's Leathers: This extremely supple and finely crafted +3 light fortified leather armor is only made for females. In addition to being self cleaning and self mending, it supports the wearer's torso while hugging like a wet shirt, leaving little to the viewer's imagination. The Body to Die For feat can be used while wearing battlemaid's leathers.

Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, alter self, limited wish or miracle, prestidigitation; Market Price: 25,250 gp; Cost to Create: 12,625 gp + 1,010 XP.

Chainmail Bikini: This provocatively cut, fur-linedchainmail loincloth (and bodice for females) makes distracting one's opponents a breeze. Speed while wearing the chainmail bikini is 30 feet for Medium-size creatures, or 20 feet for Small. The armor has an arcane spell failure chance of 0%, no maximum Dexterity bonus, and no armor check penalty. It is considered no armor and weighs 10 pounds.

Caster Level: -; Prerequisites: -; Market Price: 50 gp.


Castration: Feared by men as much (if not more so) than its cousin enchantment the vorpal, a castration weapon has the power to emasculate those it strikes. Upon a successful critical hit, the weapon severs the opponent's penis (if it has one) from its body. Certain creatures, such as most undead, are not affected by this loss. The DM may have to make a judgement call about this sword's effect. A castration weapon must be a slashing weapon.

Caster Level: 16th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge, disintegrate; Market Price: +4 bonus.

Raping: When a weapon of this sort scores a successful critical hit, it is masked by a powerful illusion in the form of a living phallus, as it pumps magically created semen into the wound. This inflicts 2d4 temporary Constitution and Dexterity damage to the victim, as well as causing nausea if a successful Fortitude save (DC 14) is not made. A raping weapon must be a piercing weapon.

Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, impregnate, major image; Market Price: +3 bonus.


Specific Weapons

Dagger of Circumcision: This slender blade, used in certain rites of childhood, acts as a +2 dagger in the hands of any circumcised male. Otherwise it is simply a masterwork weapon.

Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bless; Market Price: 4,302 gp; Cost to Create: 2,151 gp + 172 XP.



Dominatrix's Cockring: Like the rings of friend shield, dominatrix's cockrings always come in pairs. One is an elegant finger-ring set with a red gem; the other is a plain gold band. The plain ring does not function until placed upon an aroused male's erection. When in place, the second ring keeps the male aroused until it is removed, and this cannot be done by anything less than a limited wish, wish, or miracle spell. The male can advance to orgasm, but will never enter afterglow or become fatigued from sex.

The wearer of the first ring has complete control over the male's sexual organ, allowing the wearer of the second ring to take 20 or gain a +10 circumstance bonus on arousal checks during sex. This control also allows the male to use the Multiple Orgasm rule from How Sex Works portion of this supplement for a number of orgasms equal to three plus his Constitution bonus. However, the control ring can also alter the temperature of the male's organ to anywhere from 0°F to 120°F, with resulting damage and fatigue.

Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, creator must have 5 ranks of the Sexual Prowess skill, chill metal, heat metal; Market Price: 36,500 gp.


Fertility: When worn, this bright platinum ring engraved with inspiring images of a lush countryside affects the possessor as if the fertility spell had been cast upon them. Additionally, female mammals are not subject to their menstrual cycles. It will have no effect upon a wearer who is already pregnant.

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, fertility; Market Price: 40,000 gp.


Infertility: When worn, this dull iron ring engraved with bleak images of a barren land ensures that the possessor is totally incapable of either impregnating another or becoming pregnant themselves.

Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, strike barren (found in Necromancy - Beyond the Grave by Mongoose Publishing); Market Price: 36,000 gp.


Protection Down There: This ring prevents its wearer from becoming pregnant or causing pregnancy in others, and provides a continual +5 bonus to Fortitude saves to resist contracting any sexual diseases.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, impotence, remove disease; Market Price: 8,000 gp.


Prowess: This ring offers a continual magical enhancement to the wearer's sexual characteristics and organs. It provides the wearer a +10 competence bonus to Sexual Prowess checks.

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, creator must have 5 ranks of the Sexual Prowess skill; Market Price: 2,000 gp.



Rod of Pillows: The possessor of this rod gains a +2 enhancement bonus to the DC of any of her sleep spells. Upon command, the rod produces soft, comfortable pillows (each up to 1 foot square) of the finest fabrics. Once per day, the rod can create an entire bed, piled high with soft cushions of all shapes and sizes, that lasts for 8 hours.

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft rod, major creation; Market Price: 10,000 gp.


Rod Of Vibration: This short rod (a mere 18 inches long) is crafted of smooth, polished steel and feels warm to the touch. Upon command, the rod animates, becoming slightly soft, and begins to shake. The rod can vibrate in three different modes: Pleasant provides no benefit, though the rod can move indefinitely at this level.

The rod can be set at forceful three times per day, for a duration of up to 10 rounds each time. This setting provides a +2 circumstance bonus to Sexual Prowess checks that involve insertion of the rod in some orifice. Lastly, once per day, the rod can be set to violent, allowing it to attack the user's foe as a Tiny animated object (see page 17 of the Monster Manual).

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft rod, animate objects; Market Price: 38,500 gp.



While not a type of staff, the following special ability may be added to any other wand during or after creation.

Tentacular: Upon command the tentacular staff sprouts a number of lengthy, sinuous tentacles which lash out in search of sexual secretions and negative emotional energy. Each orgasm enduced by the staff returns one charge to the staff. A fully charged tentacular staff cannot sprout tentacles until at least one charge is used. As the tentacles are slender and fairly weak (Str 4), they can only be used easily on willing, sleeping, unconscious, or magically held victims.

Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, creator must have the Rape of Power feat; Market Price: x2 standard.



While not a type of wand, the following special ability may be added to any other wand during or after creation.


Phallic: When used as a masterbatory aid to bring a female to orgasm, this arcane power returns one charge to the wand by absorbing sexual secretions and the accompanying emotional energy. Phallic wands, like their usual counterparts, cannot hold more than 50 charges of spells, and fully charged wands can cause some odd effects to those who continue to use them as sex toys.


"Charges" Effect Save DC*
Embarrassing fetish
Retributive strike

*The save DC increases by +1 for every additional orgasm induced by the use of the wand.


Embarrassing Fetish: When the wand reaches 55 "total" charges, any female brought to orgasm by its use as a phallus must make a Will save or become so attached to the wand as to be considered under the effects of an embarrassing fetish spell. A new save must be made every time the wand produces another orgasm.

Nymphomania: At 60 "total" charges, the wand induces in those to whom it provides orgasmic release a nymphomaniacal urge to engage in sex as often as possible unless a successful Will save is made. A new save must be made every time the wand produces another orgasm.

Sympathy: Upon reaching 75 "total" charges, the sexual power built up in the phallic wand is so great that any who have been using it in its sexual capacity must make a Will save or be affected by a sympathy spell in regards to the wand.

Retributive Strike: When the wand's "total" charges reach 100, its energies are too great to contain any longer, and it explodes in a retributive strike, as described under the staff of power in the Core Rulebook II (p. 205).


Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wand, creator must have Aroused Casting feat; Market Price: x4 standard.


Wondrous Items

Belt of Rapid Gestation: This slim belt is made of green silk and gold, and is set with coral. It shortens the time a female wearer is pregnant (as well as the length of any labor) to one-tenth what it would normally take. The magic of this belt has no adverse affect on the development of the baby.

Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, 'Irnar's poloroidic pregnancy; Market Price: 66,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.


Bodice of Transvestitism: Any male wearing this embroidered silken garment appears to be a female of the same race with identical stats. In order to see through this disguise, a character must make a successful spot check (DC 20), though females gain a +5 competence bonus to this check.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, change self; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.


Earrings of Androgyny: These plain gold stud earrings make it extremely difficult for anyone to discern the sex of the wearer, even if naked. It requires a successful Search check (DC 30) to determine the wearer's true sex.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Market Price: 24,000 gp; Weight: -.


Everful Baby Bottle: This glass bottle with stoppered top is always full of milk. The milk always fresh and warm, and is most nutritious. The bottle usually produces either goat or cow milk, though any mammal holding the bottle can command it to produce their own species of milk.

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Market Price: 30,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.


Figurine of Wondrous Power: The following is an addition to the figures listed on page 216 of the DMG.

Alabaster Manikin: When animated, this magical construct appears to be a lovely, naked member of the same race and opposite (or preferred) sex as the owner. The figurine serves happily and well (though it has no skills, save for knowledge of basic sexual acts). It may be used no more than four times per week for up to 12 hours total.

Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Market Price: 13,500 gp; Weight: -.


Goggles of Voyeurism: The lenses of this item are made of finely cut crystal. When worn over the eyes, they allow the wearer to see everyone around them as though their clothing were invisible. Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, voyeur; Market Price: 8,000 gp; Weight: -.

Goggles of Wishful Sight: The lenses of this item are made of slightly amber-tinted crystal. When placed over the eyes of the wearer, they make everyone appear to be much more sexually attractive than they really are. This provides all members of the appropriate sex (dependant upon the wearer's orientation) a +5 circumstance bonus to Bluff (seduction) and Sexual Prowess checks against the goggles' wearer. Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, pornographic glamour; Market Price: 8,000 gp; Weight: -.


Hourglass of Parietals: This crystal hourglass set in iron chased with silver enforces sexual segregation. Its owner determines how long it takes for the sands to run out, but once this happens, all males and females within the building housing the hourglass must make a Will save (DC 16) or move to different rooms. Those affected will wish to stay away from the opposite sex for the next 8 hours or until they leave the building.

Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, lesser geas; Market Price: 112,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.


Ladies' Glass Ball: This small glass sphere contains a swirling green substance, and is usually found hanging from a light chain. The ball itself is plugged from the bottom with a plug of cork. If inhaled by a female, this green mist will prevent her from becoming pregnant for 1d4 months. There are usually 1d6 doses of the gas held within the glass ball.

If, however, the gas is breathed by a male it causes 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage. He must then make an hourly Fortitude save (DC 14) for each point of Constitution lost, failure resulting in the permanent loss of one hit point. Additionally, he will begin to grow hair at an accelerated rate (1d4 inches per day) and his voice will become very feminine.

Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Baltasar's impediment; Market Price: 12,250 gp; Weight: -.

Lens of Sexual Revelation: This circular prism allows its user to notice the sexual orientations of those viewed through it. It requires a full round action to concentrate upon a subject and bring their sexual aura into focus. During this time, the subject is allowed a Scry check (DC 18) to sense that they are under the user's intrusive scrutiny.

Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, divine sexual orientation; Market Price: 7,000 gp; Weight: -.


Lipstick of the Houri: This slightly waxy, bright red makeup is infused with great arcane power. Application of the lipstick provides the wearer with the ability to use the Transmitting Kiss metamagic feat for one spell. Each lipstick contains 5d6 applications, which will last 1 hour or until the wearer's kiss delivers a spell.

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have the Transmitting Kiss feat; Market Price: 3,500 gp; Weight: -.

Locket of Love: This small, hinged locket adapts itself to its owner, causing the picture held within to appear as the wearer's ideal lover. While worn, the locket causes all characters of the opposite (or preferred) sex who come within 15 feet of the wearer to become charmed (as by the charm person spell, Will save, DC 18). Victims will actually become enamored with the locket's wearer if they are of a similar race or kind. The charm lasts 1d3 days (though it can be reestablished by another failed save if the victim once more comes within 15 feet of the wearer).

Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, mass charm; Market Price: 240,000 gp; Weight: -.


Marishar's Miraculous Bathhouse: When activated, this small marble cube grows to form a Romanesque bathhouse 60 feet square and 20 feet high, with pillars and erotic bas relief decorating the walls. The single entrance is but 5 feet wide, and guarded by a bolted brass door (hardness 5, 30 hp, Break DC 25) which will open at the owner's command. Additionally, two iron golems (hp 99 each; see Monster Manual page 109) cast as comely harem guards stand ready to attack anyone who enters without the owner's permission. They will not accept any other orders.

Inside the bathhouse is a single room, set with two pools (one hot and one cool) and several marble slabs. Gauzy silk curtains, cushions, and tapestries decorate the place, all embroidered with the owner's symbol (if he possesses one). Several swans (white if the master is good/neutral, black if evil) swim calmly on the cool pool. In the bath house are 2d6 extremely beautiful beings of the same race and opposite gender as the owner. While they appear life-like, these beings are in fact magical constructs. They are happy to please and are considered to have 10 ranks of the Sexual Prowess skill. Upon command of the owner, the companions can switch to any gender or species.

Inside the bath house, it is always comfortably warm, and there is always food (as long as you like grapes and dates) and fresh water. None of this, nor any of the bathhouse's constructs can leave the building, as they turn to dust if forced to do so.

Caster Level: 16th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, cloudkill, geas/quest, Leomund's secure shelter, limited wish, polymorph any object; Market Price: 255,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.

Necklace of Prophylactic Beads: A necklace of this sort appears to be a normal piece of low-value jewelry until it is placed about the character's neck. The necklace of prophylactic beads contains 2d6 detachable spheres, each one of which functions as a contraception spell.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, contraception; Market Price: 1,500 gp; Weight: -.


Periapt of Androgyny: This item is a smooth, polished green stone on a light chain. The periapt makes it impossible for anyone to determine the sex of its possessor, even if the wearer is otherwise naked.

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Market Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: -.


Periapt of Otherworldly Dalliance: This pale, off-white jewel on a golden chain grants its wearer complete immunity to diseases, paralyzation, level-draining, and any other harmful effect that would otherwise be suffered while engaging in sexual intercourse. Additionally any outsider must make a Will save (DC 28) before they may even attempt to wrest the periapt from its wearer. The periapt's magic does not protect the wearer from hostilities of any kind (combat, traps, environmental effects, etc.).

Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, negative energy protection, protection from evil, resist elements; Market Price: 20,000 gp;

Weight: -.


Periapt of Proof Against Pregnancy: The wearer of this pink gem shot through with red streaks hanging on a delicate silver chain can neither become pregnant, nor cause pregnancy in another.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, infertility; Market Price: 90,000 gp; Weight: -.


Periapt of Sexual Aid: This item is a brilliant-cut white gem on a delicate golden chain. It affects both its wearer and his or her partner while they engage in sexual intercourse. The male partner is magically restricted from having an orgasm (and will be stuck in the over-stimulated phase) until the female partner experiences her first orgasm. The periapt increases the DC to resist orgasm of the female partner by +5. Should both partners be wearing periapts of sexual aid, the effects do not stack.

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have 5 ranks in Sexual Prowess, delay orgasm; Market Price: 4,875 gp; Weight: -.

Sheet Of Useful Toys: This appears to a normal sheet, but a character who covers herself up with it notes that it is adorned with small cloth patches of various shapes. Anyone under the sheet can recognize the patches for what they become and remove them. Removing a patch causes it to become an actual item, as indicated below. A newly created sheet of useful toys always has two of the following patches:


• massage oil

• riding crop

• blindfold

• body paint

• edible underwear (one male, one female)


In addition, the sheet has 4d4 other sexual toys, as determined by the DM. Once removed, items cannot be replaced.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Market Price: 6,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.


Strap-On of Astounding: This is a 12 inch long, though very life-like, artificial penis. When this strap-on is worn by a male, the penis'size and grandeur causes all fellow men who see it to become shaken and all women who view it to be stunned, unless they make a successful Will save (DC 13). When worn by a woman, the strap-on causes men to become nauseated rather than shaken, and the DC of Will save becomes 15. Descriptions of the conditions caused by the strap-on of astounding are found in the DMG, pages 84-85.

Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, sexify; Market Price: 24,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.


Teeny-Weeny Bikini: This bathing suit appears to be a well made, full body garment. When worn, however, it shrinks upon command to reveal more and more of the wearer's body. It will never reveal more than the wearer desires, but when it gets smaller than a modest one-piece it has distracting effects upon characters normally attracted to the wearer's sex. A failed Will save (DC 11) will cause such characters to become hypnotized as per the spell. If used in combat, victims gain a +2 bonus to their saving throws.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, sexual attraction, reduce; Market Price: 12,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.


Underwear of Modesty: These undergarments are pale, luminescent white, often adorned with gold or silver embroidery. They are always clean, dry, and warm - in fact, they are impossible to dirty without magical aid. This power ensures that the wearer can go for quite some time without worry for her freshness. Additionally, should anyone take a peek at the panties while they are being worn, that character must make a Fortitude save (DC 10) or be dazzled by the resulting flash of blinding light.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, flare, prestidigitation; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: -.


Underwear Of Virginity: These undergarments are pale, luminescent pink, often adorned with gold or silver embroidery. They absorb all forms of waste, sweat, blood, etc. from its wearer, always remaining fresh and clean. In addition, anyone trying to remove the underwear from the wearer must make a Strength check (DC 28) to succeed.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, arcane lock, prestidigitation; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight: -.


Whirlpool Stone: This item appears to be a fist-sized blue green semiprecious stone covered in arcane runes. When placed in a body of water no bigger than 1,000 cubic feet, the stone releases jets of air bubbles which cause the water to swirl turbulently. Additional commands cause the stone to heat or cool the water (anywhere from 40° F to 90° F).

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind, prestidigitation; Market Price: 25,000 gp; Weight: -.


Cursed Items

Drawbacks: These are in addition to the cursed item drawbacks listed on page 232 of the DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide, and can be used when 100: DM's Choice is rolled.


• Character is afflicted with a permanent embarrassing


• Character is affected Sacremon’s emperor’s new

clothes when item is held or worn.

• Character is struck sterile.

• Masturbation by owner causes 1d10 points of

subdual damage and severe scaring to genital


• Masturbation by owner causes character to go blind.

• Masturbation by owner causes character to grow

hair on palms.


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