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Spelling differences in 35 categories

1-3: Greek (classic) & Latin spellings simplified

1. -e-/-oe-

2. -e-/-ae-

3. -yze/-yse



4-9: Old/Middle English simplified

4. -f-/-ph-

5. -ed/-t

6. other past tense forms

7. -f-/-gh-

8. -i-/-y-

9. /-st



French spellings simplified

10. -er/-re

11. -or/-our

12. -o-/-ou-

13. -m/-mme

14. -ck/-que


16. -ction/-xion

17. -ize/-ise

18. -a-/-au-

19. -se/-ce

Pronunciation simplifications










Spaces, diacritics, punctuation, miscellaneous








1. -e-/-oe-

(1-3) Greek (classic) and Latin spellings simplified


American British
diarrhea diarrhoea
enology oenology
homeopath homoeopath
maneuver manoeuvre


2. -e-/-ae-


American British
esthete aesthete
esthetic aesthetic
anemia anaemia
anemic anaemic
anesthetic, -thesia, -thetist anaesthetic, -thesia, -thetist
archeology archaeology
cesium caesium
encyclopedia encyclopaedia, encyclopedia
ether aether, ether
gynecology gynaecology
hemoglobin haemoglobin
hemorrhage haemorrhage
leukemia leukaemia
medieval mediaeval, medieval
orthopedics orthopaedics
pediatrician paediatrician
pediatrics paediatrics
primeval primaeval, primeval


3. -lyze/-lyse


American British
analyze analyse
paralyze paralyse
psychoanalyze psychoanalyse




4. -f-/-ph-

(4-9) Old/Middle English simplified


American British
sulfate sulphate
sulfide sulphide
sulfur, sulphur sulphur



5. -ed/-t


American British
burned or burnt burnt, burned
dreamed or dreamt dreamt, dreamed
kneeled knelt, kneeled
leaned leant, leaned,
leaped leaped, leapt
learned learned, learnt
smelled smelt, smelled
spelled spelt, spelled
spilled spilt, spilled
spoiled spoilt, spoiled


Other past tense verb forms


American British
gotten got
proven proved


7. -f-/-gh- and -ow/-ough


American British
  draft, -fty draught, -ghty (only air current, drawing of liquid)
  draftsman draughtsman, draftsman (one who makes drawings)
plow (plough), -man, -share plough, -man, -share
snowplow snowplough


8. -i-/-y-


American British
drily (dryly) dryly (drily)
gipsy (gypsy) gypsy (gipsy)
tire tyre (on vehicles only)




American British
amid, amidst amid, amidst




among among, amongst
while while, whilst




10. -er/-re

(10-27) French spellings simplified


American British
center centre
fiber fibre
fiberglass fibreglass
goiter goitre
liter litre
louver louvre
luster lustre (brilliance)
maneuver manoeuvre
meager meagre
meter metre
ocher ochre
saber sabre
scepter sceptre
somber sombre
theater theatre


11. -or/-our


American British
arbor arbour
behavior behaviour
color colour
endeavor endeavour
favor favour
favorite favourite
favoritism favouritism
flavor flavour
glamor glamour
harbor harbour
honor honour



humor humour
labor labour
misdemeanor misdemeanour
neighbor neighbour
neighborhood neighbourhood
odor odour
parlor parlour
rigor rigour
rumor rumour
savior saviour
savor savour
savory savoury
splendor splendour
tumor tumour
valor valour
vapor vapour
vigor vigour


12. -o-/-ou-


American British
citrus citrous (adj)
mold mould (rot and form)
molt moult


13. -m/-mme


American British
gram gramme, (gram)
kilogram kilogramme (kilogram)
program programme


14. -ck/-que


American British
check cheque (banking only)
checker chequer (pattern)


15. -g/-gue


American British
analog analogue
catalog catalogue
dialog dialogue
demagog, -goged, -goging demagogue, -gogued, -goguing
epilog epilogue
monolog monologue
pedagog pedagogue
prolog prologue
synagog synagogue
travelog travelogue


16. -ction/-xion


American British
connection connection, connexion
flection (flexion) flection, flexion
inflection inflection, inflexion
reflection reflection, reflexion


17. -ize/-ise


American British
advertize advertise
apologize apologise
appetizer appetiser
burglarize burgle, burglarise
characterize characterise
civilize civilise
civilization civilisation
colonize colonise
computerize computerise
criticize criticise
dramatize dramatise
economize economise
emphasize emphasise



hospitalize hospitalise
memorize memorise
mobilize mobilise
monopolize monopolise
naturalize naturalise
organize organise
popularize popularise
realize realise
recognize recognise
symbolize symbolise
sympathize sympathise
utilize utilise
vaporize vaporise


18. -a-/-au-


American British
balk baulk (balk)
gage, gauge gauge


19. -se/-ce


American British
defense defence
license licence
offense offence
practice, practise practise
pretense pretence





(20-27) Pronunciation simplifications


American British
adapter, adaptor adaptor, adapter
adviser, advisor advisor, adviser




American British
fagot, faggot (bundle of sticks)
wagon waggon




American British
appall appal
distill distil
enroll enrol
enrollment enrolment
fulfill fulfil
fulfillment fulfilment
install instal
installment, instalment instalment
instill instil
skillful skilful
willful wilful




American British
calisthenics callisthenics
canceled, -ling cancelled, -lling
chili chilli
counselor counsellor
disheveled dishevelled
jeweler jeweller
jewelry jewellery
marvelous marvellous
quarreled, -ling quarrelled, -lling
rebeling rebelling
signaled, -ling signalled, -lling
traveled, -ling travelled, -lling
traveler traveller
woolen woollen




American British
kidnaped kidnapped
kidnaper, kidnapper, -pping



worshiped worshipped, -pping
worshiper worshipper




American British
carburetor carburettor
cigaret, cigarette cigarette
omelet omelette




American British
abridgment abridgement
acknowledgment acknowledgement
aging ageing
judgment judgement




American British
insure ensure
inquire enquire
inquiry enquiry





(28-30) Spaces, punctuation, miscellaneous


American British
alright all right
anymore any more
cooperate cooperate, co-operate
onto on to




American British
B.S. BSc
Dr. Dr
Jr. Jnr, Jr
M.S. MSc




Ph.D. PhD
Sr. Snr, Sr




American British
aluminum aluminium
artifact artefact
ax axe
chamomile camomile, chamomile
cozy cosy
crawfish crayfish
curb kerb (edging of road only)
disk disc
doodad doodah
donut doughnut
furor furore
gray grey
karat carat (gold)
ketchup, catchup, catsup ketchup
mustache moustache
naught nought (digit 0)
pajamas pyjamas
specialty speciality
thru through




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