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(1) …….. responsibility is it to look after the environment? Yours! And (2) …….. should you start? Right now is the answer! But (3) …….. is going to help you? We are! We are Green Warriors, the environmental protest group, and we know the answers to all your questions. We’ve put together this factsheets to get you started.

(4) …….. me? We all have a responsibility to the world around us. Ordinary people like you can make a big difference.

(5) …….. can I make a difference? By recycling your paper, glass and plastic and by taking part in Green Warrior demonstrations and protests in your area.

(6) ……..’s the first step? The first step is to come along to the Green Warrior offices and speak to one of our officers. They will let you know about the next protest in your area.

(7) …….. other organizations are you connected to? Green Warriors is a completely independent protest organization.

(8) …….. is Green Warriors based? We are a national organization, with our headquarters in Northampton.

1.22. Make a list of International Green Organizations. Then read the factfile and check yourselves.

Some International Green Organizations are campaign groups (spreading information and influencing public, business and government actions), whilst others are involved in conservation work (like creating, maintaining and improving natural sites).

Friends of the Earth (FOE) – campaigns for protection of wildlife and habitats, and improvement of the environment at local, national and international levels.

World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) (formerly World Wildlife Fund) – campaigns to protect wildlife and habitats throughout the world. Uses education to show the importance of the world’s natural resources.

Intermediate Technology – works on long-term development in poor countries, using technology appropriate to the needs of the rural poor. Aims to help people to become more self-reliant.

Greenpeace – uses peaceful but direct action to defend the environment. Campaigns to: save the whales, oppose nuclear power and weapons, stop acid rain and protect Antarctica.

Oxfam– involved in practical, long-term improvement of agriculture, health-care and social conditions in poor countries, as well as giving vital short-term emergency aid where and when it is needed most.

Survival International – campaigns to protect surviving native peoples and the environments in which they live. Publicizes the risks to native peoples, and campaigns for their basic human rights around the world.

Green Politics. Many people believe that we must all make major changes in the way we live our lives if we are going to save the planet and ourselves from a harsh and difficult future. This view is put forward by ‘green’ political parties all over the world, many of which are represented in their national parliaments. The West German green party (die Grünen), for example, increased their number of seats from 27 to 42 (out of 520) in the 1997 elections.

The green parties claim to offer an alternative to the usual political choices of the left, the centre or the right. They propose such things as a fairer sharing of the world’s resources between rich and poor nations, and have far-sighted plans for the rebuilding of a new and better society. They believe that all governments should place people, the environment and the quality of life at the top of their list of priorities when making policy decisions.


1.23. Read the text Greenpeace – Saving the Whales. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box:

Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1568

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