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Read and learn the proverbs and sayings; write their Ukrainian equivalents.


To confessmeans "to acknowledge oneself to be guilty of or "to admit one's own wrongdoing very much against one's will".

To admitmeans "to agree because it is impossible to deny, to receive or accept as true"; as: to admit one's mistakes, to admit the truth of something.

To acknowledgemeans "to agree or admit (generally publicly) that something is true".

To recognizemeans "to accept, to admit to be true, genuine, lawful".

Read and translate the sentences.

1. The prisoner refused to confess in spite of the evidence against him.

2. You are right and I have to admit my errors.

3. He will never admit that he is wrong.

4. I admit my mistake and I am ready to acknowledge it publicly.

5. They recognized him as their lawful heir.

6. He confessed that he had stolen the money.

7. She confessed herself guilty.

8. The accused man admitted his guilt.

9. Henry acknowledged it to be true.

10. Everyone recognized him to be the lawful heir.

7. Read and learn famous quotations:

1. The rule of law:

*If the facts are against you, argue the law.

*If the law is against you, argue the facts.

*If the facts and the law are against you, yell like hell.

2. Oak's principles of law-making:

*Law expands in proportion to the resources available for its enforcement.

*Bad law is more likely to be supplemented than repealed.

*Social legislation cannot repeal physical laws.


Read and learn the proverbs and sayings; write their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. Confession is the first step to repentance.

2. Open confession is good for the soul.

3. Actions speak louder than words.

4. First think then speak.

5. The least said, the soonest mended.

6. It goes without saying.

7. No sooner said than done.

8. Live and learn.

9. It is never too late to learn.

10. A little learning is a dangerous thing.



Law is a rule of conduct commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong. Law has also been defined as the body of principles and rules which the courts apply in the decision of controversies Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said: "Law is a statement of the circumstances in which the public force will be brought to bear through courts" Law is simply what the courts will or will not order in any particular case. Law is a scheme for controlling the conduct of people; it deals with social interests.

The essence of law, its origin cannot be understood if law is considered in isolation from economic and social conditions. It is society through the state that creates law, but law in its turn exercises influence on the socio-economic system. Law is certain to operate as an important factor in consolidating the existing social relations and in some cases in promoting the establishment of new relations whenever the necessary material conditions come into being. The more complex the economic mechanism of a society organized as a state, the stronger is the influence it exerts in many concrete directions.

In a developed state the sphere in which the law operates proves to be quite extensive. It embraces all the spheres of production, distribution and exchange. Law fixes the forms of administration and the constitutional system, determines the legal status of citizens and the activity of the state mechanism (state law, administrative law). It fixes the existing property relations and operates as a regulator of the measure and forms of distribution of labour and its products among the members of society (civil law, labour law). Finally, the law lays down the measures for combating encroachment on the state system, the existing order of social relations, together with the forms in which this is done (criminal law, procedural law, corrective labour law).

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Whatis the definition of law?

2. How was law created?

3. What role does the law play in the existing social relations?4. In what spheres does the law operate in a developed state?

5. What spheres does the law embrace?

6. What does it fix?

7. How does the law help the state to combat criminal encroachments?

2. Read, find the "modal verbs" and translate the sentences:

1 Don't help me, I can do it myself.

2. I can't do it today, I shall do it tomorrow.

3. May I take your newspaper?

4. You must know all these words and expressions.

5. You must be in time for the classes.

6. Who can tell me when we shall have our next test in English?

7. Where can we meet next time in order to speak about our studies?

8. You need not take a bus to go to our Academy. It is not far from here.

9. You can't make him go if he doesn't wish to.

10. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

3. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words in black type:

a). 1. Bothmy friend and I will be very glad to visit our teacher at her place.

2.You may take eitherthis newspaper orthat book to read.

3. I know neitherhim norhis sister.

4. Come to our place tomorrow eitherat 6 or7 o'clock in the evening.

5.Take neither his book normine. You may take hers.

6. Neither my brother norhis wife can speak English, they can only read English.

b). 1. Many of my new friends are not businessmen.

2. On weekdays I usually have muchwork and littlefree time.

3. I know a littleabout this new student.

4 At this time of night you can see fewpeople in the streets of Lviv.

5. I want to tell you a fewwords about our work.


4. Make up word combinations out of the following (combine A, B columns) and translate them:

A 1. to create 2. to exercise j. to fix 4. existing 5. developed 6. private 7. necessary   B a. norms b. laws c influence d. property e. order f. conditions g. state  

5. Read, translate the words and their derivatives:

crime- criminal- criminality- criminals- criminally;

to sign- signature- signatory;

to accuse- accused- accuser- accusation;

to signify- significant- significance;

to lead- leader- leadership;

to qualify- qualified- qualification- qualificatory;

to advise- advisor- advice-advisable- advisory;

to justify- to be justified-justifying;

to use- useful- useless.

6. Read, translate and learn the meaning of the words-synonyms:

Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1119

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