EDUCATION1968 Warsaw School of Economics (formerly – Main School of Planning and Statistics in Warsaw, faculty: Foreign trade), M.A. diploma
1978 Ph.D. diploma
1993 D.Sc. diploma
1971-1972 University of Rochester, NY, USA; Ph.D. Studies
1984-1986 Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., USA; Visiting Scholar
1991-1992 Nagoya City University, Japan, Visiting Scholar
02/06 1994 George Mason University, USA, Visiting Scholar
Fall 2005 Harvard University, Visiting Scholar
Fall 2006 Johns Hopkins University, Visiting Scholar
Several short-term research studies in:
Germany (RFE/RL Institute in Munich), Austria, Italy (The Rockefeller Conference and Study Center at Bellagio) and University of Rochester, New York.
Adjunct faculty at Lazarski University
2006 Promotion (PhD) magna cum laude in Modern History at the Faculty for Philosophy and History of the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
1998 Master of Arts in European Studies at the College of Europe in Warsaw-Natolin
1997 Magister Artium in East European History at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany (1997)
Since 01.12.2009 Postdoc scholar of Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation, based at German Historical Institute in Warsaw
28.02.2006 doctoral exam at University of Tübingen
01.06.2001 - 31.05.2003 Scholar of ZEIT Foundation Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius Hamburg within doctoral programme ‘Germany and its eastern neighbours’
February – May 2001 Scholar of German Historical Institute in Warsaw
2001 – 2005 doctoral studies at University of Tübingen; several visits to archives and libraries in Germany and Poland
01.09.1997 Postgraduate studies of European politics, law and economics at
22.06.1998 College of Europe in Warsaw-Natolin with a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of the German Federal Land of Hessen
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 988