Control and measuring means
Subject of papers:
1 .History of formation of psychological science.
2 .Structure of modern psychology.
3 .Speech and its influence on formation of informative processes.
4 .Consciousness and speech.
5 .Concept and types of the unconscious.Ratio between consciousness and unconscious.
6 .Consciousness and unconscious in mentality and behavior of the person.
7 .Types and development of human activity.
8 .Communication of perception with movements.
9 .Perception and learning.
10 .Perception and conclusion (thinking).
11 .Psychological theories of attention.
12 .Associative theory of memory.
13 .Psychoanalytic theory of memory.
14 .The factors influencing development of memory.
15 .Practical conclusions recommendations on memory improvement.
16 .Memory theories in psychology.
17 . Two types of creative thinking: figurative and conceptual, their communication with the phenomenon of functional asymmetry of a brain.
18 .Imagination and creativity.
19 .Dreams, hallucinations and dreams.
20 .Imagination development.
21 .Tests of intelligence and intelligence coefficient.
22 .The concept of development of children's intelligence according to Z.Piaget.
23 .Theory of systematic formation of intellectual actions of P.Ya.Galperin.
24 .Classification and contents of the latest theories of the personality.
25 . Definitions of the personality in various sciences: comparative analysis.
26 . Abilities, endowments and talent: interrelation and distinctions of these phenomena.
27 .Genotype, properties of nervous system and ability of the person.
28 .Research of types of temperaments and their psychological characteristic.
29 .Character and temperament.
30 .Aktsent characters of teenagers according to A.E.Lichko.
Questions to examinations:
1. Object, psychology subject. Purposes, problems of psychology
2. Branches, psychology directions.
3. Psychology: methodology, methods, techniques.
4. Psychology: laws, regularities, principles
5. Interdisciplinary communications of psychology
6. Short sketch of history of psychology.
7. Concept about mentality.
8. Types, types, forms of manifestation of mentality.
9. Main properties, general regularities of mentality.
10. Structure, mentality structure:
11. Consciousness as the highest step of development of mentality.
12. Concept about activity.
13. Types, types, forms of manifestation of activity.
14. Main properties, general regularities of activity.
15. Structure, activity structure.
16. Levels of formation, quality of activity.
17. Stages, stages of formation, activity development.
18. Types, types, forms of manifestation of communication.
19. Main properties, general regularities of communication.
20. Structure, communication structure: - social perception;
21. Communication functions.
22. Levels, qualities of communication.
23. Dynamics of communication.
24. Stages, stage, communication phases.
25. Communication mechanisms.
26. Sociability, sociability, skill to communicate.
27. Sociability as socially and professionally significant property of the identity of the psychologist.
28. Main properties, general regularities of the personality.
29. Structure, structure of the personality:
30. Formation of the personality
31. Levels of formation and quality of the personality.
32. Types, types, forms of manifestation of group.
33. Classification of the group phenomena:
34. Classification of groups:
35. Types of groups on a level of development
36. Main properties, general regularities of groups.
37. Concept about feelings.
38. Classification of feelings.
39. Properties, regularities of feelings.
40. Interaction of feelings, compensation of feelings.
41. Structure, structure of feelings.
42. Functions of feelings.
43. Levels, qualities of feelings.
44. Similarity and distinction of feelings and perceptions.
45. Definition of perceptions.
46. Types, types of perceptions.
47. Properties of regularity of perceptions.
48. Structure, structure of perceptions.
49. Stages, stages of emergence of images of perceptions.
50. Concept about memory. Memory theories.
51. Types, types, individual distinctions of memory.
52. Main processes of memory: storing, preservation, recognition,
53. Properties, regularities of memory.
54. Structure memory structure. Memory functions.
55. Receptions, ways of increase of efficiency and memory improvement.
56. Thinking definition. Types, thinking types.
57. Forms and thinking operations.
58. Thinking operations. Properties, regularities of thinking.
59. Structure, thinking structure.
60. Thinking functions.
61. Levels, qualities of thinking.
62. Stages, stages of formation of thinking.
63. Theory of stage-by-stage formation of intellectual actions and concepts.
64. Concept about imagination. Similarity and distinction of imagination and representation.
65. Types of imagination. Properties, regularities of imagination.
66. Structure, imagination structure. Imagination functions.
67. Stages, stages of generation of images of imagination.
68. Receptions, ways of creation of images of imagination. Abilities of imagination.
69. Concept about speech. Speech and language.
70. Speech and thinking.
71. Types of speech. Properties, regularities of speech.
72 . Speech functions. Levels, qualities of speech.
73. Stages, stages of formation, speech generation.
74. Speech abilities.
75. General characteristic of attention
76. Attention theories.
77. Types of attention.
78. Properties of attention
79. Methods of research of attention.
80. Age features of attention.
81. Concept about emotions and feelings.
82. Theories of emotions and feelings.
83. Types of emotions and feelings.
84. Functions of emotions and feelings. Properties, regularities of emotions, feelings.
85. Structure, structure of emotions, feelings. Levels, qualities of emotions and feelings.
86. Stages, stages of formation of emotions, feelings.
87. Education of feelings.
88. Will definition. Will theories.
89. Determinism and indeterminizm. Types of will.
90. Properties, regularities of will. Will functions.
91. Structure, will structure. Levels, qualities of will.
92. Stages, stages of the strong-willed act. Strong-willed properties of the personality.
93. Determination of character. Similarity and distinction of character and temperament.
94. Types, types, forms of manifestation of character.
95. Properties, regularities of character.
96. Structure, character structure. Character functions.
97. Levels, qualities of character. Stages, stages of formation of character.
98. Character and individual approach to people.
99. Concept about temperament. Temperament theories.
100. Types of temperament. Type of nervous system and temperament.
101. Properties, regularities of temperament.
102. Structure, temperament structure.
103. Temperament functions. Levels and qualities of temperament.
104. Temperament and character.
105. Determination of abilities. Inclinations and abilities.
106. Classification of abilities.
107. Properties, regularities of abilities.
108. Functions of abilities. Levels, qualities of abilities.
109. Endowments, talent, genius.
110. Stagesof formation of abilities.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 702