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The glossary on discipline Psychology

PERSONALITY AUTONOMY - isolation of the personality, i.e. ability to self-determination of the positions.

AUTHORITARIANISM - ignoring of the objective bases of the interpersonal relations, the requirement of blind execution of rules which are attributed by someone from above.

AGGRESSION - action which puts a trauma of physical or mental character to people around, such action is connected closely with negative emotions which number treat anger, hostility and hatred. Aggression which is directed by the person on itself — is an autoagressiya, it serves as an indicator of pathological changes of the personality.

ADAPTATION SOCIAL - the adaptation of the specific individual to various social conditions. Violation of social adaptation is drug addiction and alcoholism manifestation.

AKTSENTUATSY of CHARACTER - instability of mood, a conflictness, the increased sensitivity, i.e. the increased vulnerability of the personality concerning a number of psychoinjuring factors.

AMBIVALENCE of FEELINGS - at the same time inconsistent emotions to the same object.

AMNESIA - memory violation: retrograde amnesia — memory violation on events which preceded a disease; protective amnesia — a zabyvaniye of injuring events.

ANDROGINIYA-a combination in one individual of at the same time man's and female qualities.

APATHY - indifference to everything.

APPERTSEPTSIYA-dependence of perception of subjects and the reality phenomena on the previous experience.

ASSOTSIANIZM-mentality activity on the basis of formation of associations.

ADYNAMY - increased fatigue and irritability.

ATRIBUTSIYA-stereotypic dostraivaniye of an image

AUTISM - leaving from contacts to reality, an extreme form of mental alienation.

AFFECT - not pathological disorientation of consciousness caused by sudden over strong emotional influence at inability of the person to find an adequate way out from a critical situation.

The AFFECTIVE CONDITION - action which is directed and is regulated by a certain emotional condition of the subject — passion, independence, love, etc.

The UNCONSCIOUS - mental processes which are carried out without conscious control, i.e. on instincts.

BIOTYPES of the PERSON - the typology of the person which is carried out on specific features of simpatiko-adrenalinic system.

INTERACTION INTERPERSONAL — personal contact of several subjects to the subsequent change of their views and installations.

INCLINATION — subconsciously arising orientation on certain objects.

INFLUENCE - change under any influence of behavior of the subject, his positions, installations.

ATTENTION — an optimum condition of consciousness its orientation and organization certain significant objects.

INTERNAL SPEECH — represents means of thinking in mind.

SUGGESTIBILITY — readiness to be subjected to the corresponding influence, usually connected with uncertainty in.

SUGGESTION — introduction to the sphere of mental activity besides will of the individual, impact on its mentality in the conditions of decrease in his consciousness.

WILL — self-determination of activity of the person, based on understanding significant planned result.

The IMAGINATION — is the mental process consisting in figurative ์๎ไๅ๋่๐๎โเํ to reality, reconstruction of the phenomena of reality on them mentally to the description.

The REMINISCENCE - localization created before images, is perceived a material.

PERCEPTION — reflection of subject reality at its direct impact on system of receptors of the person.

REACTION TIME - a time interval between presentation of an irritant and the beginnings of reaction to it, considerably increases at the solution of complex sensomotorny challenges.

REPLACEMENT — a version psychological are sewn up, deep braking of traces of psychoinjuring influences.

GENOTYPE - a genetic design of an organism of the individual.

The consciousness HYPNOSIS condition, being characterized its narrowing and hyper domination of an inspired image.

The social group — a community of people which unite the general to interests the purposes and valuable reference points.

GROUP DYNAMICS - set of intra group social and psychological processes which are inherent in various stages of development of group.

GROUP ISOLATION — long stay of group in limited spaces why appears emotional intensity in the interpersonal relations.

GRUPPOOBRAZOVANIYE-association in group on an intellectual level of development when individual motives of activity coincide with the general social values.

DISFORIYA — a negative emotional condition of irritability or embitternment.

DOMINANT - the dominating center of excitement in the central nervous system that gives to behavior of the subject a certain orientation.

TASK — the purpose of activity which is reached as a result of transformation of initial conditions.

INFECTION - process of transition of an emotional condition from one individual to another I psychophysiological level of contact; factor of spontaneous social unity.

PROTECTION PSYCHOLOGICAL — regulatory system of personal stabilization which is directed on decrease in level not achievements in very difficult conditions.

SECURITY PSYCHOLOGICAL — the condition of mental stability arising at understanding by the subject of possibility of steady satisfaction of its basic needs.

IDENTIFICATION — self-reference of the subject to certain social - group.

The INDIVIDUAL - psychophysical quality of the specific person as natural being and carrier certain, only to it inherent fig.

IDENTITY - an originality of mentality of the certain person.

The INSTINCT — set of the congenital behavioural complexes, able to become more active at influence of key irritants.

INTELLIGENCE - steady structure of mental capacities of the specific subject.

INTUITION - an informative presentiment, the inspiration arising from high synthesis of receptions of informative activity in the certain direction.

INFANTILITY — preservation at the adult individual of a number of features of children's behavior, his lowered self-criticism.

CATHARSIS - the emotional shock often connected with deep repentance.

KAUZOMETRIYA — a method of research of a course of life and psychological time of the concrete personality.

The CLIMATE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL - represents quality of the interpersonal relations which in aggregate influence efficiency of joint activity.

COMMUNICATION — semantic aspect of social interaction.

The INFERIORITY COMPLEX — resistant confidence of the subject of the personal defects, usually arises owing to resistant vital disorders.

COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH — consideration of mentality of the specific person as result of interaction of natural and cultural factors in the course of its development.

KONFABULYATSY — the arisen false memoirs.

The CONFLICT — collision of polar interests and the desires, beginning with incident in which one of warring parties undertakes measures to infringement of interests of other party.

CORPORATION — organizationally closed social community with the authoritative management which affects a basis of uzkogruppovy interests.

LABILITY — speed of emergence and the termination of nervous processes.

The LEADER — recognition by the group, primary priorities for one of her members with acceptance of the decision by it in certain situations.

The PERSONALITY — the individual as the subject of the social relations; the individual becomes the personality only at development of social functions, seizing fundamental base values.

CONTROL LOCUS — tendency of the subject to attribute responsibility for negative results of the activity to external forces or the personal features.

MANIPULATION — ideological influence for change of behavior of people, their living positions besides their interests.

MEDITATION — consciousness immersion in a subject or the representation reached as a result of limiting concentration on the object of meditation.

MOTIVE — sense of commission of any action.

MOTIVATION — need of the specific individual to achieve success and failure avoidance, defiant activity of the person in a certain direction.

MOTIVATION — a rational explanation the subject of the reasons of the behavior.

THINKING — the generalized and mediated reflection of stable, natural relations of reality which become very significant for the solution of informative problems

SKILL — the semi-automatic action of the specific subject created as a result of repeated repetitions or exercises

PERSUASIVE CONDITIONS — conditions which can involuntarily arise in extreme overfatigue and mental weakening.

DIMINISHED RESPONSIBILITY — inability of the person to bear responsibility for antisocial illegal acts owing to a disease state of the mentality, inability to give the report to the actions and to direct them.

NEUROSISES — psychogenic psychological frustration which number treat: hysteria neurasthenia neurosis of persuasive conditions.

NEVROTIZM — a condition of emotional instability and uneasiness.

NEGATIVISM — unmotivated counteraction to requirements and expectations the friend of the people who are often arising during age crises.

ENDOWMENTS — the general abilities, able to provide to the individual possible highly productive activity in one direction.

LONELINESS — a mental condition of the subject being in social and communicative isolation that is characterized by various depressions or feeling of alarm.

OPERATION - a way of performance of the action, caused by specific conditions.

SELECTION PSYCHOLOGICAL - determination of mental suitability of candidates to any kind of activity taking into account the carried-out results of psychological testing.

ALIENATION - a rejection the individual of social values that is the precondition of criminalization of his behavior.

FEELING - mental process of reflection of elementary properties of reality which directly influence sense organs.

MEMORY — process of preservation and the experience organization.

PANIC MASS — unaccountable horror which can capture crowd in an extreme situation, mass fear before real or imagined danger.

BEHAVIOUR — the mediated system of actions or the acts of the subject directed on satisfaction of certain requirements.

BOUNDARY SITUATIONS - causing a sharpening of consciousness or personal introspection.

POSITION SOCIAL — position of the individual or group of the individuals, regulating style of their behavior.

UNDERSTANDING — comprehension of value and sense of any phenomenon.

FEELING THRESHOLD - size of any irritant causing or changing intensity of feelings.

ACT — the conscious act of behavior of the individual.

REQUIREMENT — the source of human activity resulting a nonagreement of a real condition of the individual and his optimum condition.

REPRESENTATION - samples of subjects, the phenomena and events which arise at the thought of them or imagination.

DECISION-MAKING — a starting element of difficult strong-willed action.

PROBLEM — understanding of subjects of the informative question which has arisen from a problem situation.

PROBLEM SITUATION - the inconsistent ratio of circumstances which does not have the unequivocal decision.

MENTALITY — subjective reflection of reality in ideal images on the basis of which interaction of the person with surrounding reality is carried out.

MENTAL HEALTH - a condition of mental wellbeing that provides adequate mental self-control of the individual.

MENTAL CONDITION - a temporary originality of mental activity of the subject, caused by a subject and conditions of its activity, its relation to such activity.

PSYCHOSIS — deep pathological violation of human mentality.

PSYCHOLOGY — a science about the general regularities of development and functioning of mentality and individual and typological features of its manifestation, a science about the general regularities of interaction of the person with environment.

PSIKHOPATY — the pathology of character interfering adequate perception of surrounding reality.

PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY — a science studying the mental phenomena in unity with neurophysiological processes.

MIND — the function of intelligence providing the adaptation of the individual to typical life experiences, functioning of human mind within experience and knowledge.

RATIONALIZATION — attributing to behavior of the subject of justificatory motives for providing a comfortable condition.

BEHAVIOUR REGRESSION - a version psychological are sewn up with a return way to earlier and less difficult types of behavior, leaving from difficulties of real life.

RELAXATION - tension reduction, a relaxation.

REFLECTION - self-knowledge the subject of the psychological conditions and conditions of other people.

RECEPTION - transformation of energy of the outside world in nervous process of excitement.

ROLE SOCIAL — social function of the personality, its compliance to certain requirements, social expectations, behavior model.

SELF-CONTROL — expedient self-organizing of behavior, an objective assessment of really reached results.

CONSCIOUSNESS — idea of the subject of the interrelations with environment, aspiration to ideal representation of in consciousness of other people.

SENSITIZATION — increase of touch sensitivity in the course of exercises, acquisitions of experience, expectation of a significant signal.

FORCE of NERVOUS SYSTEM — a limit of its working capacity.

CONSCIOUSNESS — the highest form of mentality which is inherent in the person.

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY — the branch of science of psychology studying regularities of behavior and activity of people at their social interaction.

SOTSIOGRAMMA — a graphic representation of mathematically processed results received by means of osiometrichesky dough at research of the interpersonal relations.

SPECIAL PSYCHOLOGY — the branch of psychology studying people with mental deviations: psychology blind, deaf, mentally retarded.

ABILITIES - individual and psychological possibilities of the personality in different types of the activity, based on natural psychophysiological features of the individual — his inclinations.

STEREOTYPE SOCIAL - the asked and steady image of social object.

PASSION — a strong, strong feeling of an inclination to any object, a motive power of various affairs, both great, and low.

FEAR — negative sharp emotion which can arise in the conditions of real threat to the individual. Important in some cases suppression of fear and manifestation of sufficient self-control and submission of all of to strong-willed most orders since the fear will disorganize mental activity of the person.

STRESS - a disputed emotional condition which appears in a dangerous situation.

The SHAME - emotion which arises at the socialized personality because of discrepancy of behavior to TEMPERAMENT — the characteristic of the specific individual from the point of view of his mental activity — speed and intensity of various reactions.

CROWD — socially unorganized great number of the people connected among themselves by the general orientation of consciousness on the same object and a similar emotional condition which extends by a principle of mental infection.

INSTALLATION - readiness for the strengthened stereotypic actions in standard situations for the specific subject.

FRUSTRATSIYA — a disputed emotional condition which can be caused by the difficulties insuperable to the specific individual interfering achievement of the purpose, crash of hopes and crash of all plans.

CHARACTER — set of steady behavioural qualities of the personality, type of behavior is persons.

HEURISTICS — the theory and practice of the organization of informative search in it is information - scarce initial situations.

EXPRESSION - force of external manifestation of feelings of the specific subject.

EMOTIONS - the impulsive reaction reflecting the relation of the individual to value of the phenomenon perceived by it.

EMOTIONALITY - the property of the individual characterizing primary reflection and quality of an emotional condition.

EMPATHY - ability to comprehension of an emotional condition of other person; total absence — a sign of emotional dullness which serves as the precondition for commission of cruel crimes against the personality.social norms, is endured as sharp self-accusations.


Lecture complex


Lecture 1.

Subject: Psychology as a science


1. Subject, object of psychology

2. Psychology methods

3. Practical value of psychology

Keywords: mental functions, properties, processes, conditions, supervision, experiment.

1. The word "psychology" in transfer with Ancient Greek literally is meant ซ science about soulป ("psyche" – soul, "Logos" - concept, the doctrine). In the scientific use the term "psychology" appeared for the first time in the XVIII century. Originally he treated a special science which was engaged in studying, so-called sincere, or the mental phenomena, that is such which the person easily finds in own consciousness as a result of introspection.

Each concrete science differs from other sciences features of the subject. The understanding of a subject of psychology throughout all history of existence of this science changed. Various thinkers, representatives of various schools and currents depending on the status occupied by psychology in system of knowledge, from an explanatory principle by which thinkers were guided, school and the current, used methods of knowledge stated and state various understanding of a subject of psychology. Whatever difficult ways the psychological thought moved ahead throughout centuries, mastering the subject how knowledge of it changed and enriched, whatever terms its (subject) designated ("soul", "consciousness", "mentality", "activity" and so on), now it is possible to allocate signs which characterize own subject of psychology distinguishing it from other sciences.

Psychology subject which is meant as system of the concepts explaining regularities of development and functioning of mentality as forms of mental reflection of reality, actually mental processes, and also mental properties and personality conditions are. It is the general subject for all psychological sciences and the branches, being specified in each of the psychology directions.

As object of psychological knowledge the mentality of the person, that is, an inner world of the personality which arises in the course of interaction of the person with the surrounding outside world, in the course of active reflection of this world acts.

2. The science can't develop, if all constantly not replenishes with the new facts. The correct and its successful development is possible only in that case when it uses evident and reasonable methods for accumulation of factors. All methods have the purpose disclosure of regularities of mentality and behavior of the person, each method carries out it according to features inherent in it.

In psychology distinguish the main and auxiliary methods. To the main methods carry a method of supervision and an experiment method, to auxiliary – all the others (method of expert evaluations, a method of questionnaires, an introspection method, a method of tests and others).

Supervision. The main advantage of a method consists that carry out supervision in a natural situation; it doesn't change usual behavior of observable persons. Supervision can be conducted both for one person, and behind a group of persons. A lack of a method of supervision is its considerable labor input. The psychologist-researcher any manifestation of behavior, and only what is connected with a specific research objective interests not. The psychologist-researcher any manifestation of behavior, and only what is connected with a specific research objective interests not. Therefore the observing should wait the manifestations of properties of the personality necessary to it or mental conditions. Besides, and fixings of individual mental properties it is not enough supervision. The researcher should be convinced of typicalness, typicalness of this or that property. Supervision becomes a method of psychological studying only in case it isn't limited to the description of the external phenomena, and carries out transition to an explanation of the nature of these phenomena. Essence of supervision not in only one registration of the facts, and in a scientific explanation of their reasons.

Experiment. The main difference and advantage of experiment that the researcher can cause at will any mental process or property to track dependence of the mental phenomenon on external conditions. This advantage of an experimental method explains its very wide application in psychology. The bulk of empirical factors in psychology is received experimentally. Distinguish two main types of an experimental method: laboratory and natural experiment. A characteristic sign of laboratory experiment - not only that lead it in vitro by means of special psychological equipment and that actions of the examinee are defined by the instruction, but also the relation of the examinee which knows that over it there is an experiment (though, as a rule, doesn't know in what its essence that specifically investigate and for what purpose). By means of laboratory experiment it is possible to investigate properties of attention, feature of perception, memory etc.

Conversation method. It is applied at different stages of research, both to carrying out primary orientation, and for specification of the conclusions received by other methods, especially by supervision methods.

Interview method. As well as the method of conversation, interview belongs to poll methods. Often questionnaires for interview build as the sociological questionnaires pursuing the aim to receive many answers on many questions. Such approach suits only at the first stage of research, primary orientation in a problem.

3. In the XX century scientific bases of development of the major problems of psychology were created. Now the psychology defined the special subject of studying, the specific tasks, the methods of research; the whole psychological institutes, laboratories are engaged in it, in educational institutions prepare shots of psychologists, special magazines are issued. The international psychological congresses systematically gather, psychologists unite in scientific associations and societies. Value of psychology as about the person is realized now by one of the major sciences everywhere.

The psychology is of great importance not only for the solution of a number of the main theoretical questions on psychological life and conscious activity of the person.

It has also practical value increasing as by the main question of public life there is a management of behavior of the person on scientific bases and the accounting of a human factor in the industry and the public relations.

Thus, the psychology is not only an important division of science, but it has widely branched out areas of practical application, giving a scientific basis for important areas of practice.


Lecture 2

Subject: A psychology place in system of sciences.


1. Psychology in system of sciences.

2. History of development of psychological knowledge.

3. Psychological concepts of the 20th eyelid.

4. The main directions in psychology.

Keywords: animism, introspektsiya, psychophysis, unconscious, associations, structural psychology, behaviorism, geshtaltpsikhologiya, psychoanalysis. ่ํ๑เ้๒, transpersonal psychology.

1. Psychology in system of sciences. The modern psychology is on a joint of a number of sciences. It is intermediate between social sciences, on the one hand, natural – with another, technical – with the third. Its proximity to these sciences, even existence of the branches which are in common developed with some of them, at all doesn't deprive of it independence. In all the branches the psychology keeps the object of research, the theoretical principles, the ways of studying of this subject. As to many-sided nature of psychological problems, so significant not only for psychology, but also for sciences adjacent to it this results from the fact that in the center of attention of psychologists always there is a person – the main character of world progress. All sciences and branches of knowledge make sense also value only because they serve the person, arm it, are created by it, arise and develop as the human theory and practice. All further development of psychological knowledge is thought as the maximum expansion of communications of psychology with interdisciplinary sciences at preservation of an independent object of research by it.

2. The first ideas of mentality were connected with animism (from an armor.ซเํ่์เป – the spirit, soul) – the most ancient views according to which at everything that exists on light, is soul. The soul was understood as the essence independent of a body operating all live and lifeless subjects. Since the most ancient times of requirement of public life forced the person to distinguish and consider features of a mental warehouse of people. In philosophical doctrines of antiquity some psychological aspects which decided either in respect of idealism, or in respect of materialism were already mentioned. So, Ancient Greek philosophers materialists Democritus, Epicurus, ancient Roman philosopher Lucretius understood soul of the person as a matter version, the corporal education consisting of spherical, small and most mobile atoms. Ancient Greek philosopher idealist Platon understood soul of the person as something divine, different from a body. Platon's treating a body and mentality as two independent and antagonistic began the idealistic theory, put a basis for all subsequent idealistic theories. The treatise ซAbout soulป Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle became the first actually psychological scientific work (but within donauchny psychology). Aristotle systematized preceding and modern to it ideas concerning soul and put forward some important provisions which have found justification in its treatise. So, according to Aristotle, the soul and a body are inseparable. The soul is incorporeal, it is a form of existence of a live body, the reason and the purpose of all its vital signs. A motive power of behavior of the person is the aspiration (internal activity of an organism), interfaced to feeling of pleasure or displeasure. Sensual perceptions make the knowledge beginning. Preservation and reproduction of feelings gives memory. The thinking is characterized by drawing up of the general concepts, judgments and conclusions.

During an era of antiquity the first attempts to find answers to questions were made: What is smothering? What its functions and properties? How the soul corresponds with a body? So the first subject of psychology – soul as something distinguishing live from lifeless, giving the chance movement, feelings, passions, thoughts was created historically.

During the Middle Ages era in Europe Christian views of soul were established: the soul is the divine supernatural beginning and consequently studying of sincere life should be subordinated to problems of divinity. Only outer side of soul which is turned to a material world can give in to human judgment. The greatest sacraments of soul are available only in religious (mystical) experience.

Since the XVII century the new era in development of psychological knowledge begins. It is characterized by attempts to comprehend the sincere world of the person mainly from all-philosophical positions without necessary experimental base. The French philosopher and mathematician R. Descartes comes to a conclusion about the sheer distinction existing between soul of the person and his body. According to Descartes ซthe body by the nature is always divisible, whereas the spirit is indivisibleป. Descartes put a basis of the deterministsky (prichinnostny) concept of behavior with her central idea of a reflex as natural impellent answer of an organism to external physical irritation. He was a founder introspective (from an armor. "introspektsiya" – introspection) psychology, having interpreted consciousness as direct knowledge of the subject that occurs in it when he thinks.

Attempt again to "connect" a body and the soul of the person "shared" by the doctrine of Descartes, the Dutch philosopher B. Spinosa undertook: there is no special spiritual beginning, it always is one of manifestations of an extended substance (matter). The soul and a body are defined by the same material reasons. Spinosa believed that such approach gives the chance to consider the mentality phenomena with the same accuracy and objectivity as lines and surfaces in geometry are considered.

German philosopher G. Leibniz, having rejected the equality of mentality established by Descartes and consciousnesses, entered concept about unconscious mentality. In soul of the person continuously there is a hidden work of mental forces – uncountable ซsmall pertseptsiyaป (perceptions). From them there are conscious desires and passions.

The term ซempirical psychologyป is entered by the German philosopher of the XVIII century H.Wolf for direction designation in the psychological science which basic principle consists in supervision over the concrete mental phenomena, their classification and establishment of natural communication checked on experience between them. This principle became a cornerstone of the doctrine of the ancestor of empirical psychology, English philosopher Dzh. Lock. Lock considers soul of the person as passive, but capable Wednesday to perception, comparing it to a pure board on which it is written nothing. Under the influence of sensual impressions of a shower of the person, wakening, it is filled with simple ideas, starts to think, that is to form difficult ideas. Lock entered concept of association into psychology language – communications between the mental phenomena at which updating of one of them involves appearance of another.

The English doctor and priest D. Gartli became the founder of associative psychology in the XVIII century. According to his views, the mental world of the person develops gradually as a result of complication of ซprimary elementsป (chuvstvovaniye) by means of their association. The subsequent development of this direction is connected with J names. Millya and G. Spencer.

In the XIX century the psychology becomes an independent science. Psychology allocation in an independent science occurs in the 60-70th years of the XIX century. It was connected with creation of special research establishments – psychological laboratories and institutes, chairs in higher educational institutions, and also with experiment introduction for studying of the mental phenomena.

The first option of experimental psychology as independent scientific discipline was the physiological psychology of the German scientist V. Vundta, the founder of first-ever psychological laboratory. He believed that in the field of consciousness the special mental causality which is subject to scientific objective research operates.

Follower Vundta E. Titchener, the American psychologist, was the founder of structural psychology. In its basis the idea of elements of consciousness (feelings, images, feelings) and the structural relations lies. The structure, according to Titchener, comes to light an introspektsiya – supervision of the subject over acts of own consciousness.

The experimental direction in psychology with use of objective methods of research was developed by V. M. Bekhterev. Efforts of Nominative of Pavlov were directed on studying of conditionally reflex communications in organism activity. Its works fruitfully affected understanding of physiological bases of mental activity. Nevertheless, Pavlov didn't create own psychological concept of Nominative.

The American scientist D. Watson was the founder of a behaviorism (from English "bikhevior" - behavior). In his opinion, psychology as the science should be engaged not in consciousness, the sincere phenomena which are inaccessible to scientific supervision, and behavior. Watson saw the main objective of a behaviorism in accumulation of supervision over behavior so that it was possible to tell beforehand what will be reaction of the person to the corresponding situation (incentive). Ideas of a behaviorism made beneficial impact on linguistics, anthropology, sociology, became one of cybernetics sources, made a contribution to development of a problem of a naucheniye.

Geshtaltpsikhologiya arose in Germany thanks to efforts of scientists of T.Vertgeymer, V. Köhler and K.Levin who has put forward the program of studying of mentality from the point of view of complete structures (Gestalt). The concept about a Gestalt (in a translation from German, the word "Gestalt" means "form", "image") arose when studying touch educations when "primacy" of their structure in relation to components (feelings) entering into these educations was found. Creation of a difficult mental image occurs in ่ํ๑เ้๒ๅ – the special mental act of instant "skhvatyvaniye" of the relations (structure) in a perceived field. Merits of a geshtaltpsikhologiya consist in development of concept of a psychological image, in the statement of a system approach to the mental phenomena.

Sources of the psychoanalytic direction had the Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist Z.Freud. According to Freud's doctrine, the mentality contains, three educations: "I", ซSuper Iป, "It". Z.Freud entered a number of important subjects into psychology: unconscious motivation, protective mechanisms of mentality, a sexuality role in it, influence of children's mental traumas on behavior at mature age and some other.

3. Cognitive psychology (from an armor. ซ๊๎ใํ่๒๎ป - knowledge). Representatives of this direction U.Naysser, A.Payvio and others allocate in behavior of the subject a crucial role for knowledge. For them central there is a question of the knowledge organization in memory of the subject, of a ratio of verbal (verbal) and figurative components in storing and thinking processes.

Humanistic psychology. Her representatives G. Ollport, G.A.Murray, Merfi, K.Rogers, A.Maslou consider by a subject of psychological researches the healthy creative person of the person. According to humanistic psychology, the purpose of such personality – self-implementation, growth of the constructive beginning human "I".

Transpersonal psychology. Representatives of this direction (S. Groff, C.Toych and others) consider the person as the spiritual space being who is inseparably linked with all Universe, Space, mankind, as a being possessing possibility of access to a universal information space field.

The interactive psychology considers the person as a being which main characteristic is communication, interaction between people. The psychology purpose – to study laws of communication, interaction, the conflicts (E.Bern).

The significant contribution to development of psychology of the XX century was brought by the Russian and Soviet scientific H.p. Vygotsky, A.N.Leontyev, A.R.Lury, P.Ya.Galperin. H.p. Vygotsky entered concept about the highest mental functions as to specifically human, socially caused form of mentality, and also put a basis of the cultural and historical concept of mental development of the person. A.N.Leontyev carried out a cycle of the pilot studies opening the mechanism of formation of the highest mental functions. A.R.Lury gave special attention to problems of brain localization of the highest mental functions and their violations. He was one of founders of new area of a psychological science – a neuropsychology. P.Ya.Galperin considered mental processes (from perception to thinking inclusive as rough activity of the subject in problem situations). P.Ya.Galperin – the author of the concept of stage-by-stage formation of intellectual actions (images, concepts). Practical implementation of this concept allows to increase learning efficiency essentially.

The modern psychology represents widely developed field of knowledge including a number of separate disciplines and the scientific directions. Traditionally as branches of psychology allocate social, pedagogical, age, engineering psychology, work psychology, clinical psychology and psychophysiology, differential psychology.

The social psychology studies social and psychological manifestations of the identity of the person, his relationship with people, with group, psychological compatibility of people, social and psychological manifestations in big groups. The pedagogical psychology studies regularities of development of the personality in the course of training, education. The age psychology studies regularities of development of the normal healthy person, psychological features and the regularities inherent in each age period: from infancy till an old age, and in this regard shares on children's psychology, psychology of youth and mature age, a gerontopsikhologiya (old age psychology).

It is possible to allocate a number of branches of the psychology studying psychological problems of concrete human activities. The psychology of work considers psychological features of labor activity of the person, regularity of development of labor skills. The medical psychology studies psychological features of activity of the doctor and behavior of the patient, develops psychological methods of treatment and psychotherapy. In a framework of the clinical psychology studying manifestations and the reasons of various violations in mentality and behavior of the person, and also mental changes occurring during various diseases as more private enters a patopsikhologiya which studies deviations in mentality development, mentality disintegration at various forms of brain pathology. The psychophysiology studies physiological bases of mental activity, and differential psychology – individual distinctions in mentality of people.


Lecture 3.

Subject: Development of mind and consciousness. Brain and mind

The plan:

1. Social and employment rights.

2. Consciousness and the brain.

3. Reflex theory Sechenov and Pavlov.

Keywords: hemisphere, the cerebral cortex, the reflex, the receptor periphery, psychophysiology.

The beginning of human history means a new level of development is fundamentally different from all previous ways of biological evolution of living beings. New forms of social life and generate new forms of mentality, radically different from the mentality of animals - human consciousness.

The development of human consciousness is inextricably linked with the start of public employment. As the employment rights, acting on nature, changing, adapting it to themselves and ruling over it, began, turning to the subject of history, distinguish themselves from nature and become aware of their relationship to nature and to other people. Work as an activity aimed at specific results - for production of a specific product - demanded foresight. Characteristic of the employment rights focus that build on the anticipation and takes place in accordance with the purpose, is the main manifestation of the consciousness of man, which radically distinguishes his work from the unconscious, "instinctive" in the basis of animal behavior.

The emergence of the human mind and human intelligence can be properly explained only in terms of its material basis, in connection with the process of becoming human as historical beings. Modern science preclude the origin of man from one of modern rock apes, but definitely indicate their common origin.

Development work has also led to the development of better, more refined and better coordinated movements performed under the control of the higher senses, especially vision: for all labor required improved coordination of movements, and at work it has evolved.

2. New features that had to take on the human brain in relation to the development of labor, reflected in a change in its structure. Fundamental change in the nature of activities - with the transition from life to work, the increasingly complex nature of these activities and thus the widening nature of knowledge has led to the fact that over the projection areas directly related to peripheral sensory and motor apparatus, developed rich associative fibers zone employees for more complex syntheses. Comparison of the human brain to brain monkeys clearly identifies these changes: a man of the primary visual field, as developed in monkeys, decreases significantly, and at the same time significantly increasing the field, which are associated with a complex synthesis of visual perception. Since human body is a conscious activity cortex, the question of the relationship between mind and brain is focused primarily on the question of the relationship between the mind and the cerebral cortex of the brain.

Each part of the cortex is involved in the whole process is more or less specific way. For complex intellectual functions there is no "center" which would have produced them, but in the implementation of each of these specific areas of the brain play a particularly important role. For intellectual activity in particular are significant, obviously, share the third frontal gyrus, inferior parietal and temporal partly because their defeat makes the most serious violations of the higher mental processes. Functional ambiguity caused by the fact that mental function is not associated with the mechanism or the unit as such, but with its dynamically changing conditions or, more precisely, from going in it neurodynamic processes in their complex "historical" condition.

3. A special place in the history of the concept of reflex belongs primarily I.Prohaske Czech scientist. With it begins the transition from mechanical to biological understanding of Descartes reflex.

Characteristics of the brain as a reflex, meaning the Sechenov that this activity is natural, deterministic. The starting premise of his natural-reflex theory Sechenov has a position on the unity of the body and the environment, the active interaction of the body with the world. Reflex of the brain - this is a reflex memorized, ie not innate, but acquired in the course of individual development, and depending on the conditions in which it is formed. Expressing the same idea in terms of his theory of higher nervous activity, Pavlov would say that this reflex, it is a temporary connection. Reflex activity - an activity by which an organism possessing a nervous system realized his connection with the living conditions, all variables its relationship with the outside world. The core of the reflex understanding of mental activity is the provision that mental phenomena arise in the ongoing interaction between the individual brain to the world, so the mental processes which are inseparable from the dynamics of neural processes can not be separated either from the effects of the outside world for man, nor any of his actions and deeds , practice, for regulation they serve.

Mental activity - not just a reflection of reality, but also the determinant of value reflects the effects for the individual, their relationship to their needs, and therefore it regulates behavior.

Reflexive understanding of mental activity can be expressed in two positions:

Mental activity can not be separated from the single reflex activity of the brain, it is - "integral part" of the latter.

The first precondition was the development of human consciousness of the human brain. But the human brain and all its natural features - a product of historical development. In the course of human evolution clearly serves the fundamental law of the historical development of human consciousness. The Basic Law of biological organisms, which determines the development of the mind in animals, is in the position of the unity of structure and function. Based on changes in the course of evolution living organism develops, functioning, and his mind is formed in the course of its life. The Basic Law of the historical development of the mind, the consciousness of man is that man is evolving labor: changing nature, it changes itself, giving rise to its activities, its psychic nature.

Lecture 4

Topic: Activities. Types and functions.

The plan:

1. Activities as a human activity.

2. The structure and activities of the

Keywords: activity, motive, purpose, object, internalization, externalization, intelligent instruments, communication, emotional states, interpersonal communication, empathy.

1. Activities - this is human activity directed at achieving the goals consciously related to the satisfaction of their needs and interests. The activities at the same time - is a process of human interaction with the environment, but the process is not passive, but active and consciously controlled.

The problem of the organically linked to the problem of identity. Personality and formed, and presents, and enhanced activity. Here there and the formation of consciousness.

All activities defined goals, objectives that people set themselves. Activity is caused by certain motives, causes that induce people to set a goal of one or another and organize activities to achieve it.

Main activities: education, work, play.

Human activity has the following main features: 1) motive, 2) objective, 3) item 4) structure, 5) means. The motive of action will be what motivates a person to make it. As the motive is usually the particular needs in and through these activities is granted. The goal of the perfect view of her playing (activity) of future results, which determines the nature and methods of human actions. The subject of what is called, with which there is a case directly. The activity refers to a specific form of man's relationship to the world and himself, expressed in a suitable change and transformation of the world and human consciousness. Changing the world, one thus changing the conditions of their existence.

2. Every activity has a specific structure. It usually isolated acts and operations as the main components of activity. In the activity of isolated movements and actions. Relatively complete each element of the activities aimed at the implementation of the current one simple task, called the action. The action is the part of the activity with the fully independent, conscious human purpose. Any activity carried out in the form of action or chain of actions. Can be allocated the following components: 1) decision, and 2) implementation, and 3) monitoring and correction.

Activities: 1) the game, and 2) teaching, and 3) work.

They differ: 1) outcomes, and 2) the organization, and 3) on the specifics of motivation. Activity has external and internal components.

The internal include: 1) anatomical and physiological structures and processes involved in managing the activities of the central nervous system, 2) the psychological processes and structures that are included in the regulation of activity. The external components include a variety of movements associated with the practical implementation of activities. The process of transition from the outside to the inside of the ideal is called internalization. In turn, externalization is the process of generating external actions, utterances on the basis of transformation, a number of internal structures, formed by the internalization of the external conscious human activity. Action with a purpose, is in many ways depending on the context in which the action takes place. Ways to implement the actions called operations. Operation (from Lat. Operatio - action) - the executive unit of human activity can be correlated with objective and substantive conditions of its implementation. As operations are considered primarily congenital or early-formed: 1) perceptual, and 2) mnemonic, 3) intellectual acts.

3. Communication - is a multi-faceted development of human contacts, creates the need for joint action. In terms of content focuses on three main objectives of interpersonal interaction: interpersonal perception and understanding of the rights and building interpersonal relationships and the provision of psychological impact.

For human perception and understanding of the subject unconsciously chooses different mechanisms of interpersonal cognition. The main mechanism is the interpretation (correlation) of personal experience knowing people do with the perception of the person. Authentication mechanism in the interpersonal knowledge is the identification with the other person. Subject also uses the mechanism of causal attribution (attributing certain perceived motives and reasons for his actions, and other features). The mechanism of reflection of another person in the interpersonal knowledge includes awareness of the subject, as it is perceived object.


Lecture 5

Topic: Mental cognitive processes.

The plan:

1. Sensation as a mental process. Types of feelings.

2. Perception as a mental process. Kinds of perception.

3. Attention.

4. Memory.

5. Imagination.

Keywords: central nervous system, sensory system eksteroretseptivnye feeling interoretseptivnye sensation, proprioceptive sensation, irritation, a receptor, an analyzer, physiological patterns, adaptation

1. The world was given to man to feel. Feeling - is the simplest form of mental reflection, providing knowledge of individual properties of objects and phenomena (and peculiar to man and animals living on the touch stage of the organism).

Function senses - in a timely manner and quickly bring to the central nervous system state information internal and external environment.

The emergence of feelings:

neural pathways


Types of pain:

a) contact:

- Organic (eg internal pain) receptors are found on the internal organs, they create a sense of comfort (satiety, no pain) or discomfort (pain, hunger, thirst), these feelings do not reach consciousness, they diffuse and affective (emotional) ,

- Kinesthetic (feeling of movement), the receptors located in the muscles and ligaments are generated automatically and are regulated on a subconscious level, as receptor - the inner ear (vestibular system);

- Skin (touch any item to the skin), skin sensations are complex receptors:

• pressure;

• pain;

• heat and cold,

These receptors are located unevenly across the skin;

- Sense of taste receptors are found on the tongue.

b) distanktivnye:

- Visual receptor - retina;

- Auditory receptors (located in the cochlear fluid);

- Olfactory receptors (located in the nasal cavity, are necessary for the meal).

Laws sensations.

1) All the feelings have a threshold experience. There are three threshold of feeling:

- Lower absolute lower threshold sensation, the minimum value of the stimulus, causing a faint feeling, a person experiences a very low threshold, eg dark adapted eye can see seven rays of light, if the eye was more sensitive, we could see the chemical processes occurring in our the eyes;

- Upper absolute threshold - the maximum value of the stimulus, still evoke the feeling of the modality (the person feels pain and sensory organs are damaged), you should refrain from strong stimuli;

- Differential threshold - the minimum difference between two stimuli is barely noticeable difference sensations, a sense of change is not proportional to the stimulus strength, force sensation grows much slower than the magnitude of the physical stimulus (eg, simultaneous two injection needles at a distance, is perceived as one).

2) Adaptation - an adaptation of the senses the ambient conditions, depending on the vital importance of sensations, the adaptation of different kinds of sensations will occur in different ways, the most powerful adaptation observed olfactory and tactile sensations (rods are responsible for night vision, cones per day) significantly smaller - auditory and code the minimum - to organic sensations.

2. The perception is immediate, sensuous objective reflection of the external world. Based on perceptions of the possible actions of other mental processes of memory, thinking, imagination. During the perception is streamlining and integration of separate sensations into coherent images of things and events. In contrast to the experiences, which reflect the individual properties of the stimulus, perception reflects the subject in general, in the totality of its properties.

In the act of perception is shown the relationship of sensory and mental activity of the individual. Perception - the result of activities of the analyzers.

Every perception is determined perceptual system activity, ie, not one, but several analyzers. Traditionally are five types of perception: visual, auditory, tactile (haptic), gustatory, olfactory.

Perception - a system of perceptual actions, and mastering them requires special training and practice.

Gipostezii - is the opposite of the normal state, reflected in the reduced susceptibility to external stimuli.

Researchers identify five basic properties (qualities) of perception: constancy (stability, consistency images of perception), integrity (every object and the situation are perceived as sustainable systemic whole), meaningfulness (usually a person perceives only that understands), selectivity (preferential selection of some objects than others) and apperception (the dependence of perception on historical experience, general mental state of the man and his individual capacity)

3. Before man reaches a large number of stimuli, but it takes away the most important ones and ignore the rest.

Implementation of the selection of the necessary information, the provision of electoral programs of action and maintaining a constant control of their course and called attention.

Selective conscious activity, which is a function of attention, as evident in our perception, and motor processes, and in thinking.

In all kinds of conscious activity should take place:

1) the process of selecting the main, dominant processes that are the subject to which the person pays attention;

2) the "background", consisting of the processes that access to consciousness detained, but at any moment, if there appears a problem, can go to the center of his attention and become dominant.

It is in this context to distinguish between the amount of attention, its stability and its fluctuations.

Under the attention span is understood that the number of incoming signals or proceeding associations that can be saved in the center of clear consciousness, acquiring a dominant character.

The stability of attention is understood that the duration at which these processes can be allocated attention to maintain its dominant character.

By fluctuations of attention is understood that the cyclical nature of the process in which certain content is becoming conscious of the dominant character, they lose it.

4. Memory - is imprinted, preservation, consistent recognition and playback of traces of past experience.

Memory function - allows you to save and use later his past experience.

Memory is divided into types:

- Time storage:

• sensor - ensures retention of information in a very short time (a few seconds), at which time the issue is solved in the CNS of the need to draw attention to this information;

• short-term memory - provides rapid retention of information in a short time, without repetition (about one minute) in short-term memory can hold a limited amount of information;

• Long-term memory - particularly long retention of knowledge, skills, capacity and the storage of long-term memory is not limited to, the more often a person uses the information, the more it is remembered;

• RAM - designed to hold intermediate results;

• genetic memory - the information contained in the genes (hereditary), it can not be changed;

- On the subject of memory:

• Motor - remembering movements (dance, sports, art. Creativity);

• Emotional - memory of emotions, emotional memory is the most durable, if emotions accompany any storage, it will be more stable, based on the emotional memory of empathy, the ability to empathize with the person to empathize with him;

• shape - storing samples of perception: visual, taste, sound, etc.;

• verbal-logical - storing logical material.

Memory processes:

- Memorizing;

- Preservation;

- Playback.

Types of Memory:

• involuntary

• arbitrary.

Saving / keeping in mind the information. Saving process repeating.

Reproduction - the process of reconstructing the images, objects or information that has been previously memorized.

Levels of play:

- Recognition - play relying on perception;

- Actually playing - without the support of perception;

- Recall - occurs under partial forgetting requires willpower.

5. Imagination - a mental activity consisting in the creation of meaningful ideas or images in the human mind, never generally not perceived by the person in real life. It allows to present the result of activity before it begins to anticipate what is not there.

Imagination is the anticipatory reflection of reality, is carried out in a concrete shape in the form of bright ideas.

Types of imagination:

- Reproductive imagination is to create images of objects not previously interpreted according to their verbal description or image.

- The creative imagination, suggesting as to create new images, which are embodied in the original product of scientific, technical and artistic activities.

A dream is a special kind of creative imagination. Creating a Vision for the future, not embodied directly in these or other products work. A dream is a kind of deliberate passive imagination.

Dreams called unintended passive imagination, producing images that can not be realized.

Processes of imagination are analytical and synthetic, as well as the processes of perception, memory and thinking. But the analysis and synthesis of the imagination have a different direction and find other trends in active operating with images.

Synthesis, implemented in the processes of imagination, takes many forms:

1) agglutination - "pasting" different, irreconcilable qualities of everyday life, often (for example, the image of a centaur);

2) amplification - mental increase or decrease in the subject, as well as the change in the individual parts;

3) Typing - for the substantial, recurring phrases in uniform;

4) sharpening - underlining any qualities of individual traits.

Lecture 6

Topic: Thought and Language

The plan:

1. The concept of thinking

2. Speech and its function

3. Communication of thought and speech

Keywords: external, internal speech, spoken and written, analytical and synthetic activity, pervosignalnye, vtorosignalnye communication, physiological mechanisms, thinking, mediated knowledge.

1. Thinking - 1) is the process of generalized and indirect reflection of reality in its essential links and relations, and 2) to reflect the relationship between objects and phenomena.

Thinking - the highest form of reflection of the brain of the world, the most complex cognitive mental process, peculiar to man.

Operation of thinking:

1. Analysis - is the logical function dissection of a complex object into its component parts thereof;

2. Synthesis - this mental operation, allowing a single analytical and synthetic thinking process to move from the parts to the whole;

3. Comparison - this mental operation, based on the establishment of the similarities and differences between objects;

4. Abstraction - this mental operation, based on the allocation of the essential properties of the object and a distraction from irrelevant;

5. Synthesis - this mental operation that combines objects and phenomena in their common essential features (apple, pear, cherry - fruit).

Types of thinking on the Genesis:

1. Visual and real - a kind of thinking, based on the direct perception of objects in activities with them;

2. Visual-shaped - a kind of thinking, which is characterized based on the images of performances;

3. Verbal and logical thinking - this kind of thinking, whether through logic operations with concepts.

The concept - a form of thinking, reflecting a substantial connection, the relationship of objects, phenomena, and is expressed in words.

Judgment - a form of thinking that reflects the relationship between objects and phenomena, this approval or denial of something. Proposition is true or false.

Inference - a form of thinking, in which on the basis of several judgments to draw certain conclusions.

Types of reasoning:

a) induction - is the logical conclusion from the particular to the general;

b) deductive - it's a logical conclusion from the general to the particular;

c) by analogy - based on incomplete data is output (usually false).

2. Language - the system of verbal signs that mediate human mental activity.

Sign - any element of reality, mediating our activities, which depends on the properties of its implementation.

Functions and properties of speech.

There are two main functions of language, closely related to each other. The first - the implementation of the process of human communication (communicative function). The second function it serves as a means of expression.

In the communicative function of speech there are three parties:

1. Information. Manifested in the transfer of knowledge.

2. Expressive (expressive). Helps to convey feelings.

3. Incentive. Is the ability of a person through speeches to encourage people to take action.

Speech as a means of thinking has two functions:

1. Significative - marking word objects and phenomena;

2. Function generalizations related to the fact that the word denotes not only a separate subject, but a whole group of similar objects, and is a carrier of essential features.

Properties of speech.

1. Meaningfulness of speech. Characterized by the number of expressions in her thoughts, feelings, aspirations, their significance and correct.


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