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1. Subject: Introduction in the general psychology Psychology definition. Subject and object of psychology. Structure and methods of psychological knowledge Psychology in system of modern scientific knowledge (B. M. Kedrov's triangle). Primary branches of modern psychology. Theory and practice ratio in psychology. Oral form
2. Subject: History of development of ideas of a subject of psychological science Ideas of soul in ancient philosophy (Democritus, Platon, Aristotle). Psychological ideas within philosophical doctrines of New time: sensationalism (J. Lock) and rationalism (R. Descartes). Associationism emergence. Formation of experimental psychology. Psychophysis (G. Fekhner). Classical psychology of consciousness (Century of Vundt, E.Titchener, U.James) and psychology registration as independent science. Cultural and historical and activity approaches in psychology. Modern directions of psychology. Humanistic and existential directions. Cognitivepsychology. Practicalwork, analysis, tables
3. Subject: Origin and structure of mentality of the person. Classification of mental processes Concept of mentality. Emergence and mentality development in phylogenesis. Classification of mental processes. Regulatory mental processes: motivation, emotions, will. Informative processes: actually informative (feeling, perception, thinking) and universal (memory, attention, imagination). Oral
Subject: Psychology of feelings and perception. 1. Feeling and perception definitions. Types of the figurative phenomena. 2. Main characteristics of feelings. Classification of feelings. 3. Main phenomena of a perceptual image. 4. Duality of a perceptual image: object and subject theories of perception. 5. Perception of space: visual and acoustical signs of remoteness and depth. Perception of time and movement. Practical work
Subject: Memory psychology. 1. Determination of memory. Contents, processes and memory phenomena. Properties of memory. Classification of types and memory levels. Amnesia and other violations of memory. 2. Fundamental laws of functioning of memory: position effects, distribution effect of exercises, effect of heterogeneity of a material. Dependence of storing on activity (effect B. V. Zeygarnik, P.I.Zinchenko's experiment). Influence of an activation and emotional condition on storing and reproduction. Forgeting and his reasons. 3. Learning and its types. Creation of motive skill: conditioned reflex or touch correction. Levels of creation of movement. 4. Memory theories. Memory as formation of associations. Memory as constructive process. Memory researches in cognitive psychology: three-component theory of memory and-level approach. Autobiographicalmemory.     Oral analysis
Subject: Attention psychology. 1. Attention definitions. Criteria of attention. Attention and inattention phenomena. Types of absent-mindedness. Errors of attention. Positive and negative effects of attention. 2. Properties of attention. Types of attention. 3. Problem of existence of attention. Attention metaphors in classical psychology of consciousness: visual field, wave, consciousness stream. Attention as mental control. Attention metaphors in cognitive psychology: filter, searchlight, tank of resources. Attentionasperceptualaction. Oral
Subject: Thinking and decision-making psychology. 1. Thinking definition. The main directions in thinking researches. Productive and reproductive thinking. Logical and intuitive thinking. Development of thinking in children. Egocentrism phenomenon. 2. Verbal and logical thinking. Concepts, judgments, conclusions. Operations of logical thinking. Errors of logical thinking. 3. Creative thinking. Researches of productive thinking. 4. Decision-making and solution of complex tasks. Mathematical model of decision-making. Problem of rationality of decision-making: concept heuristics. Concept of strategy of thinking psychology. 5. Concept of intelligence. Intelligence as stage of development of mentality. Psychometric intelligence. Problem of diagnostics of mental abilities. Cognitive styles and solution of intellectual tasks. Written
Subject: Psychology of emotional and strong-willed regulation 1. Determination of emotions. Functions of emotions. Moods, feelings, emotions, affects. 2. Problem of an objective assessment of emotional conditions. Behavioural and vegetative manifestations of emotions. Lie detection. 3. Stress its biological value. Stress mechanisms. Stages of adaptation to a stress. Influence of a stress on health of the person. 4. Concept of will. Problem of a determinism and free will in psychology. Strong-willed behavior in situations of deficiency of motivation or the conflict of motives. Written
Subject: Speech and communication psychology. 1. Speech and its structure. Components of speech actions: perception of speech. 2. Speech and its origin: generative grammar, social conditionality of speech. Interrelation of speech and knowledge. Hypothesis of a linguistic relativity. 3. Communication and its structure. Verbal and nonverbal communication. Communication, interaktion, social perception. Effects of interpersonal communication: effects of primacy and novelty. Oral
Subject: Bases of psychology of the personality 1. Problem of definition of the personality. Structure of the personality. Analysis scheme "individual-personality-identity". 2. Theories of development of the personality: confrontation or convergence of biological and social factors. 3. Methods of research of the personality: direct and projective. The main approaches to diagnostics of the personality: typological and fig. theories. Written
Subject: Motivation psychology. 1. Concept of motivation. Ratio of requirements and motives. Classification of requirements. 2. Biological bases of motivation. Instinct. Biological motivation and socialization: psychoanalytic approach (Z.Freud, E.Ericson). 3. Motivation and activity: law of an optimum of motivation of Yerksa-Dodson. Psychological structure of activity and its communication with motivation. (A.N.Leontyev). 4. Motivation of the person. Hierarchical structure of requirements: A.Maslou's "pyramid". Oral
Subject: The general concept about activity as to a form of interaction of the person with environment. Concept of activity. Essence and value of the principle of unity of consciousness and activity. Physiological, psychological, social aspects of activity of the personality. Subject, object and activity process. Activity structure. Personality and activity. Oral
Subject: Communication as social and psychological phenomenon Concept about communication. Communication functions. Communication and personality. Communication structure in the social and psychological theory. Informative and perceptual party of communication. Communicationandprofessionalactivity. Written
Subject: Intra group processes General characteristic of intra group (intra collective) processes. Intra group (intra collective) differentiation. Intra group (intra collective) integration. Intergroup and interpersonal relations. Methods of their studying. Oral
Subject: Modern general psychology. Sections, stages of development and psychology formation as sciences. Modern general psychology. Classification of the main problems and sciences about the person. Problems of modern general psychology: theoretical and practical.   Written, drawing up schemes and tables



Date: 2016-03-03; view: 735

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