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STRUCTURE AND CONTENT of «Psychology and human development»discipline PRCh 1204

¹ Title of the theme Number of hours Week
Module 1: Introduction to psychological science
  Lecture 1.Introduction to the subject. week
Practical lesson 1.Subject and problems of modern psychology. The history of its formation and development.
IWST 1.Making table: " Development stages of psychology."
Lecture 2.Origin and development of the human psyche and consciousness. week
Practical lesson 2.Various theories of the origin of the human psyche.
IWST 2.The main theories of the evolution of the human psycheabstract
Lecture 3.Consciousness and unconsciousness. week
Practical lesson 3.The levels of human consciousness. The role of the unconscious in human life.
IWST 3.Essay on: "The theory of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Followers of the approach and its criticism. "
Module 2. Personality and society.
  Lecture 4.Psychology of activity. week
Practical lesson 4.Russian and foreign theories of activity.
IWST 4.Scheme " Leontievs activity Structure " analyze all the components.
ISW 1. 1. Make a scheme "Psychology and other sciences." 2. Give a written definition of the terms "psychic", "consciousness", "super-consciousness". Write an essay on the topic "The Evolution of the subject of psychology." 3. Offer a block diagram of the basic functions of the psyche. (See in CTPISW)  
Lecture 5.The problem of personality in psychology.   week
Practical lesson 5.Problem of the person in psychological science. The concept of personality. The history of the study of personality. Russian and foreign psychologists about personality.
IWST 5. Methodological basis of the analysis of the concepts of personality. Colloquium on the theme: "Various theories of personality."
Lecture 6.The Psychology of communication and groups. week
Practical lesson 6.Classification groups. Processes in groups. The person in the group.
IWST 6.Oral reports on the theme: "The impact of small groups on the development of the child's personality." Discussion of the report on "Intra- and inter-group processes."  
Module 3: The structure of the human psyche.
  Lecture 7.Psychology of cognitive processes. week
Practical lesson 7.Cognitive and emotional and volitional mental processes. Types and properties of these processes.
IWST7 .A full summary of topics: attention, sensation, perception, imagination, memory, thinking and speech.
ISW 2. 1. Offer a block diagram of the "Properties sensations" 2. Prepare answers to questions. 3. Explain the differences of concepts such as "imagination and dream, dream, dream." (See in CTPISW)  
Lecture 8.Mental conditions. week
Practical lesson 8.Joy, grief, apathy, vigor, fatigue, fatigue, Stresa and drunie mental states.
IWST 8.Discussion of the report on the topic: "Stress, apathy, frustration and depression - condition of modern personality."
  1 Totalcontrol (test)    
  Lecture 9.Mental property. week
Practical lesson 9.Accounting for temperament and character of the child in the learning process and everyday communication.
IWST 9.Making table by type and nature of the scheme, ""Communication betwinthe temperament and type of nervous system"." Create glossary topics passed.
Module 4. Developmental Psychology
Lecture 10.The subject, objectives and methods of developmental psychology. 10 week
Practical lesson 10.The emergence of developmental psychology. The stages of its development. Objectives and methods of developmental psychology.
IWST 10.Create glossary.  
Lecture 11.The problem of age and patterns of mental development. 11week
Practical lesson 11.Problems of age study in the world psychology.
IWST 11.Synopsis: "Patterns of mental development."
ISW 3. 1. Offer a block diagram of thinking types. 2. Make notes on the theme: "The main types of speech 3. Value concepts of "individual", "personality", "stakeholders", "individuality" (See in CTPISW)  
Lecture 12.Age periodization of mental development. 12 week
Practical lesson 12.Stages of mental development of Piaget, Vygotsky, Freud, and others.
IWST 12.A comparative analysis of different approaches to the stages of mental development.
Lecture 13. Features of mental development during the preschool years. 13 week
Practical lesson 13.The development of mental cognitive processes in the preschool years. The development of emotional and volitional child.
IWST13. Abstract on the topic: "The aspects of school readiness preschool age child."
Lecture 14.Features of mental development in primary school, adolescence and early adulthood. 14week
Practical lesson 14.Development of cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere of the child. The crisis of adolescence. Psychological maturity of the individual.
IWST 14.Prepare all the notes passed themes and a glossary.
ISW 4. 1. Give examples of the experiences of various emotional states of his life or fiction. 2. Offer a block diagram of a "model of emotions." 3. Answer the questions in writing, using the additional literature. 4. Prepare for the discussion on the topic "The talent - a gift or hard work?" (See in CTP ISW)  
Lecture 15.Psychology of adulthood and old age. 15week
Practical lesson 15.Personal growth in mature periole life. Satisfaction with life as a major aspect of a happy old age.
  2 Total control(colloquium)    
  LecturesPractical lessons ISW (and ISWT)  

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 807

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