Divide the next principles into aims and objectives of Lexicology. a) to investigate the problems of word structure, word-formation -obj
B) to give systematic description of the word-stock of modern English -aim
C) to deal with the problems of dictionary compiling -obj
D) to investigate the semantic structure of the words -obj
e) to systematize the whole vocabulary –aim
Prepare 7-10 problematic questions on the theme ways of formation of phraseological units. Then give your own possible answers to them.
1. What are the differences between primary and secondary ways of formation of phraseological units?
2. What are the differences between phraseological units by means of alliteration and phraseological units by using archaisms?
3. Can y ou give the equivalent phraseological unit in your mother tongue for the primary ways of formation of phraseological units?
4. Can you give the equivalent phraseological unit in your mother tongue for the secondary ways of formation of phraseological units?
5. Which way of formation is more in usage of speech in the primary ways of formation of phraseological units?
6. Which way of formation is more in usage of speech in the secondary ways of formation of phraseological units?
7. Can you give an example for the phraseological unit by means of expressiveness, especially characteristic for forming interjections
46. A number of English idioms that have essentially the same meaning show lexical differences between the British and the American version. There is given a table of idioms, you should find out which of them are BE, or AE. Then give other lexical and grammatical differences of BE and AE. 1) sweep under the carpet - a) sweep under the rug
2) touch wood - b) knock on wood
3) see the wood for the trees - c) see the forset for the trees
4) skeleton in the cupboard - d) skeleton in the closet
5) a home from home - e) a home away from home
6) a drop in the ocean - f) a drop in the bucket
47. Make up sentences or situations using the following idioms. Give their equivalents in your mother tongue.
It is a piece of cake – It is very easy to do, to be caught red-handed –(inf) to catch sb in the act of doing sth wrong or committing a crime, hold your horses – (inf) used to tell sb that they should wait a moment and not be so exited that they take action without thinking about it first , to knock on wood-(American) used when you have just mentioned some way in which you have been lucky in the past, to avoid bringing bad luck, a pain in the neck- it is used for person or thing that is very annoying , let sleeping dog lie – (saying) to avoid mentioning a subject or sth that happened in the past, in order to avoid any problems or arguments, to make a mountain out of a molehill- to make an unimportant matter seem important.
48. Make up 5-8 typical or pragmatic-professional tasks on the theme lexicography, types of dictionaries. Then give your own possible answers to them.
1. Is the same requirements for all dictionaries?
2. What do you think which dictionary is famous nowadays?
3. Which dictionary is more effective bilingual or unilingual?
4. What dictionary do you prefer to use?
5. What is the role of Lexicography in Lexicology?