| Exceptions: now, how, cow, row, brow.Irregular spellings: shoulder, poultry, mould, soul, own, brooch.
/ a͟ʊ /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the digraph ou - South, thousand, mouth.
2. the digraph ow in the medial position - town, towel, brown, crowd.
Irregular spellings: now, cow, how, vow, bow, brow, allow, bough, plough, drought.
/ ɑ:/
is represented in spelling by:
1. the digraph ar - cart, party
2. the letter a followed by ss-pass, grass
st-past, fast
sk-ask, basket
sp-grasp, clasp
ft-after, craft
th-path, father.
3. the letter a followed by lm-calm, palm
lf - half, calf (the letter l is mute here)
4. the suffixes anceand and-France, glance, demand, command.
Rare spellings: aunt, laughter, clerk, sergeant, heart, hearth, drama, aria, tomato, banana, vase, moustache.
/ u: /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter u in open syllables - tune, mute /ju:/
It sounds /u: / preceded by j, r, l -June, rule, blue, true.
2. the digraphs eu, ew/ju:/ -feudal, neutral, few, new
but: Jew, crew, flew /u:/
3. the digraph ui - suit, fruit, cruise.
4. the digraph oo in all positions except when followed by k or r - moon, soon.
5. the digraph ou in words of French origin - soup, route, youth, wound, you.
Rare spelling: shoe, beauty, queue, who, whom, whose, two.
/ ɔ:/
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letters or ( the third syllable type) - port, sport.
2. the letters oor -floor, door
our - your, course
oar - board, roar.
3. the letter a followed by llandl + cons. -all, tall, salt, chalk.
4. the letters au and aw -autumn, author, law,saw,lawn.
5. the letter combinations ought - ought, thought.
aught -caught, taught.
6. the letters war -warm, ward.
Irregular reading: our, sour, flower, poor.
/ ɜ:/
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letters er- term, service.
ir bird, fir.
ur turn, fur, nurse.
Note: the third syllable type.
2. the digraph ear + cons. - earth, heard.
3. the letters wor - work,word.
Rare spellings: journey, journalist, were, colonel.
/ ɪə /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter combinations ere -here, severe
ear - hear, dear
eer -cheer, deer.
2. the letter combination ier - pier, cashier.
3. the letter e followed by r + vowel - era, hero, period, serious.
Rare spellings: theory, museum, theatre, idea, beard, real.
/ ɛə /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter combinations are - care, fare, prepare.
air - chair, air, hair.
2. the letter a followed by r + vowel - vary, Mary, parents, variant.
Irregular spellings: are /a:/, to bear, to wear, to tear, to swear, pear, where, there.
/ uə /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the combination ure - cure, pure, sure.
2. by the letter u followed by r +vowel - jury, fury, during.
Irregular spellings: poor, moor, tour(ist), Europe.
The English Consonant System
The consonant is a speech sound in the production of which the air stream coming out of the lungs has to overcome a certain obstruction on its way.
The English consonant system consists of 24 consonant phonemes.
/p, b/
/t, d/
/k, g/
/ ʧ, ʤ /
| /f, v/
/T, d/
/s, z/
/ ʃ, ʒ /
| /m/, /n/, / ŋ /, /l/, /w/, /j/, /h/, /r/
Graphical rules
/ k /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letterk - keep, kitchen, kind.
2. the letter c before a, o, u -cat, cut, coat
before consonants-cry, class
in final position- sync, music.
3. the digraph ck - sick, back, buckwheat (only after short vowels)
4. the digraphqu
| /kw/ when stressed - question, queen
/k/ when unstressed - conquer, unique.
/ g /
is represented in spelling by
1. the letter g before a, o, uand cons. -gave, good, gun, grammar.
Irregular readings: give, got, get, girl, finger, begin.
2. the digraph gu - language.
/ ʃ /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter combination sh - shoe, she.
2. the letter c and the letter combination ci - official, ancient, social, special.
3. the suffixes tion,sion,ssion -expression, proposition, excursion, examination.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 907