| Irregular readings: windGraphical Rules
/ I /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letters i, yin closed stressed syllables - myth, syllable, sit, window.
2.the lettersy, ey in unstressed syllables - money, trolley, city, baby
3.the letters ai, ayin unstressed syllables - holiday, portrait, fountain, mountain
4. the letter e in prefixes - begin, decide.
Rare spellings: busy, build, biscuit, foreign, women.
/ i: /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter e in open and historically open syllables - be, he, meter, these, theme.
2. the letters ee - meet, see, feel, tree.
ea - meat, sea, peace.
ie - piece, field, believe.
ei - ceiling, receive.
Rare spelling: people, key, breathe, wreath.
/ æ /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter a in closed syllables - lad, glad.
Note:A number of disyllabic & trisyllabic words with the letter a in an open syllable fall under this rule - palate, family, cavity.
/ e /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter e in closed syllables - bet, better.
2. the digraph ea before d - bread, head.
th - breath, weather.
Irregular readings: friend, deaf, heavy, measure, pleasure, pleasant, health, wealth, meant, weapon, breakfast, sweat, sweater.
Rare spellings: any, many, bury, says, said.
/ ə /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter a in prefixes and articles - about, asleep, a big city
2. the suffixes er-teacher
ous - famous
3. the letters a, o, u in unstressed syllables (hard reduction) - sofa, autumn, atom.
isrepresented in spelling by:
1. the letter o in closed stressed syllables - not, office, hot.
2. the digraphwa - was, want, except water
3. the letter combination qua - quality, quantity.
Rare spelling: because, cough, knowledge, sausage.
/ ʌ /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter u in closed stressed syllables - hurry, uncle, consult.
2. the letter o followed by m -come, some
n -son, ton
v -love, glove, oven
th -mother, other.
3. the digraph ou followed by gh -enough, tough
bl(e) - trouble, double
pl(e) -couple
Remember:ou + other consonants - country, touch, courage, young, cousin, Southern.
Rare and irregular spellings: blood, flood, worry.
/ ʊ /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the digraph oo followed by k - book, look.
2. the letter u after p, b, f - pull, bull, full.
Exception: but, bus, butter, pulse, fun.
Rare spelling: could, should, would, bouquet, woman, bosom, wolf.
Irregular spellings: good, foot, wood, stood.
/ e͟ɪ /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter a in open stressed syllables - take, make.
2. the letters ai and ay in stressed position -main,plain, may, play.
3. the letters ei and ey - vein, neighbour, grey, they.
4. the letter a followed by ngeand ste -range, change, haste, paste.
Irregular reading: key, height
/ aɪ /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letters i, yinopenstressedsyllables - tie, pie, try, final.
2. the digraph ighfollowed by t - light, night.
3. the letter i followed by ld- child, wild.
nd -kind, blind.
Irregular readings: wind
Irregular spelling: either, neither.
/ ɔɪ /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the digraphs oi -boil, oil, join, poison
oy -toy, joy, employment.
/ əu /
is represented in spelling by:
1. the letter o in open syllables - go, home, moment.
2. the letter o followed by ll -poll, roll
ld -old, told
st -most, post.
3. the letter o in word-final unstressed position - hero, photo, potato.
4. the letters oa - boat, road.
5. the letters ow in word-final position - low, show, know, window, tomorrow.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1008