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Each of these sentences has a mistake in it. Write the correct sentence,

At work Mark is talking to Alan in the corridor. Complete their conversation.

Put in the present continuous or simple of the verbs.

Mark: (►) Are you looking (you / look) for someone?

Alan: Yes, (►) / need (I / need) to speak to Neil. He isn't in his office.

Mark: (1)……………………………. (he / talk) to the boss at the moment.

(2)…………………………….. (I / think) (3)…………………………… (they / discuss) money.

Alan: Oh, right. And what about you? (4)…………………………….. (you / look) for someone too?

Mark: Yes, Linda. (5) ......................................... (you / know) where she is?

Alan: Oh, she isn't here today. She only (6) (work) four days a week.

(7) ................ (she / not / work) on Fridays. She'll be here on Monday.

Mark: Thank you. (8) ..........................................(you / know) a lot about Linda.

Alan: Well, most days (9) ....................................... (I / give) her a lift,

or(10) ............... (she / give) me one. (11) ……………………..(she / live)

quite close to me. (12) .......................................(it / save) petrol.

Mark: Yes, of course. Good idea. Yes, (13) ........................................(1/ agree).

Well, (14) ........... ............... (I / waste) my time here then. I'll get back to my computer.

2 Present continuous or simple? (A-C)

Complete the sentences. Put in the present continuous or simple of the verbs.

I'm writing (I / write) to my parents. / write (I / write) to them every weekend.


1 ....... (it / snow) outside. ......................................... (it / come) down quite hard, look.

2 Normally ....................... (I / start) work at eight o'clock, but .................. (I / start) at seven this week. We're very busy at the moment.

3 I haven't got a car at the moment, so...........................................(I / go) to work on the bus this week. Usually .............................. (I / drive) to work.

4 The sun ....................... (rise) in the east, remember. It's behind us so ........ (we / travel) west.

5 I'm afraid I have no time to help just now.......................................... (I / write) a report. But ....................... (I / promise) I'll give you some help later.

6 .................. (I / want) a new car ............................................(I / save) up to buy one.

Always (D)

Complete the sentences. Use always and the present continuous or simple.

► Melanie: Tom talks too much, doesn't he?

Rita: Yes, and he's always talking about football.

► Laura: You forget your keys every time.

Trevor: I try to remember them, but / always forget.


1 Claire: Sarah takes the train every day, doesn't she?

Mark: Yes,..................................................................................................................... the train.

2 Vicky: Rachel misses lectures much too often in my opinion.

Emma: I agree............................................................................................................... lectures.

3 Mike: Every time I drive along here, I go the wrong way.

Harriet: But it's very simple, isn't it? Why......................... the wrong way?

4 David: Trevor and Laura argue much too often, I think.

Melanie: I know ....................................................................................................................................


Past simple and past continuous

Test 2A

Put in the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

► The car stopped (stop) at the lights.

1 We…………………….. ... (leave) the cinema before the end of the film.

2 The streets………………………….(be) crowded with people.

3 My grandmother……………………… (die) last year.

4 Everyone…………………………. (have) a marvellous time.

5 We……………………………… (not / like) the food they gave us.

6 Claire……………………………. ... (go) to Egypt last month.

7 The accident……………………….. (happen) last weekend.

8 It………………………….. (not / be) a very comfortable journey.

9 I…………………………………… (know) that ages ago.

Test 2B

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets.

► There were lights on the spacecraft, (had)

The spacecraft had lights on it.

1 I had my old coat on. (wearing)

2 I was on holiday, and you were on holiday, too. (we)

3 It isn't true that I made a mistake, (didn't)

4 The boys were in the middle of a game of cards, (playing)

5 No one told me about the change of plan, (know)

6 My friend was the winner of the competition, (won)

7 Is it a fact that the Romans built this wall? (did)

Test 2C

Lorna Bright is a long-distance walker. Look at this part of her diary describing a morning's walk along the coast. Write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.

It was a fine day (►) when I started out on the last part of my walk around the coast of Britain. The sun was (l) ……………………, and a light wind (2) …………………… blowing from the southwest. I was pleased that it (3) ……………………… raining. I knew by now that I (4) ……………………… like rain. In fact I (5) …………………… it. I (6) …………………… along the cliff top and then down into the lovely little fishing village of Wellburn, past a cafe where people (7) ……………………… having morning coffee. Three miles past Wellburn I (8) …………………… down for five minutes and (9)…………………… a drink. Now it (10) …………………… getting warmer, so I (11) ……………………. off one of my sweaters. I (12) ………………… stop for long because I (13) ………………… to reach Seabury by lunch-time. (14) …………… I finally got there, it (15)…………… just after half past twelve.


Test 2D

Each of these sentences has a mistake in it. Write the correct sentence,

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