In the course of the Model the groups of MAC-2016 Participants assigned the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in the Arctic Council Working Groups, as well as each of the MAC-2016 Participants assigned the roles of Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States, Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants and Ministry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council may deliver one official statement within the given time-limit.
Each of the MAC-2016 Participants can ask questions and take part in the discussions. The questions shall be asked and answered within 2 minutes.
-The presentations of each group of the MAC-2016 Participants assigned the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in a certain Arctic Council Working Groupon their MAC-2016 Working Group Project shall be delivered in the first day of the Model, February 17, 2016. Each group will be given 7 minutes for their presentation (in the meantime, the MAC-2016 Secretariat shall display their presentations on the screen). After each presentation, the rest of the MAC-2016 Participants will have an opportunity to ask their questions (6 minutes for the discussion), the Members of the Session Presidium are expected to give their expert comments (7 minutes for the comments). Those organizational aspects on the group presentations not specified in the present Rules of Procedure (including the number of speakers) are permitted to the Participants’ discretion.
-The presentations of the MAC-2016 Participants assigned the roles of Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States,as well as those given the roles ofRepresentatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants, shall be based on their position papers and delivered in the second day of the Model, February 18, 2016. Each Participant will be given 7 minutes for their presentation. After all of the presentations, the rest of the MAC-2016 Participants will have an opportunity to ask their questions (25 minutes for the discussion), the Members of the Session Presidium are expected to give their expert comments (7 minutes for a comment).
-The presentations of the MAC-2016 Participants assigned the roles ofMinistry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council, shall be based on their position papers and delivered in the third day of the Model, February 19, 2016. Each Participant will be given 5 minutes for their presentation. After all of the presentations, the MAC-2016 Participants assigned the roles of Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants will have an opportunity to express their positions (20 minutes for the discussion), the Members of the Session Presidium are expected to give their expert comments (5 minutes for a comment).
All decisions taken at the Model shall be a consensus.
In the event that certain differences appear during a discussion, the Director of MAC-2016 Secretariat may declare a consensus-building discussion (in addition to the planned time). Such discussion may not last longer than 5 minutes.