The preparation of the MAC-2016 Participants assigned the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in the Arctic Council Working Groups, Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States, Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants and Ministry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council shall be conducted separately, in groups, on the platform of certain Internet resources. The moderation of the preparation process is the responsibility of the Director of MAC-2016 Secretariat and the MAC-2016 Academic Secretaries.
The process of the MAC-2016 Participants’ preparation to the Model shall last 2 weeks, and start on February 1, 2016.
While preparing to the Model, each group of Participants assigned the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in a certain Arctic Council Working Group, shall develop one MAC-2016 Working Group Project (for details see the present Rules of Procedure, & 1.3.) on the topic of their own choice, but in keeping with the MAC-2016 first agenda item “The Arctic Region Challenges and Opportunities”. Each group of Participants given the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in a certain Arctic Council Working Group, shall register the topic of their MAC-2016 Working Group Project by informing the Director of MAC-2016 Secretariat of it (directly or through their Academic Secretary) not later than on February 4, 2016, 23:59 Moscow time (UTC +3:00).
While preparing to the Model, the Participants assigned the roles ofSenior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States,as well as those given the roles ofRepresentatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants, shall write a paper on what stand the respective Arctic State / organization of the Arctic Indigenous Peoples has on the issues, chosen by all of the 6 MAC-2016 Working Groups as their project topics.The Director of MAC-2016 Secretariat shall communicate those topics to the Participants given the roles of Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States, as well as those given the roles of Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants, not later than on February 5, 2016, 14:00 Moscow time (UTC +3:00).
While preparing to the Model, the Participants assigned the roles ofMinistry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council,shall write a paper on what objectives the respective Arctic State can suggest as desirable to be attained under the aegis of the Arctic Council by joint efforts of the Arctic States and the organizations of the Arctic indigenous peoples by 2026 (in keeping with the MAC-2016 second agenda item “Strategies for the Arctic-2026”).
While preparing to the Model, all Participants are encouraged to seek informal guidance from faculty members and other experts.
The process of the Participants’ preparation to the Model shall come to the end on February 14, 2016.
As a result of the preparation process:
- Each group of Participants assigned the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in a certain Arctic Council Working Group, shall produce 1) a MAC-2016 Working Group Project on the previously registered topic in .doc format; 2) a PowerPoint presentation in .pptx format, covering the contents of the developed project for the Group to use while presenting their work at the Model. These materials should be sent to the Director of MAC-2016 Secretariat (directly or through their Academic Secretary) not later than on February 14, 2016, 23:59 Moscow time (UTC +3:00).
- Each group of Participants assigned the roles of Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States, Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent ParticipantsandMinistry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council shall produce a position paper on their Modelist-position in .doc format. These materials should be sent to the Director of MAC-2016 Secretariat (directly or through their Academic Secretary) not later than on February 14, 2016, 23:59 Moscow time (UTC +3:00
All the materials sent to the Director of MAC-2016 Secretariat shall coincide with the sample templates given to the Participants in advance by the Secretariat.
Simulation PROCESS
MAC-2016 shall last three days, February 17-19, 2016.
The simulation sessions shall be organized in strict accordance with the present Rules of Procedure and the MAC-2016 Program, drawn up by the MAC-2016 Secretariat and approved by the MAC-2016 Academic Adviser.
The Director of Secretariat and the Secretary for the Rules of Procedure shall be responsible for monitoring the observationof the present Rules of Procedure during the simulation sessions.