List with phrases to describe charts The pie chart is about ...
| The bar chart deals with ...
| The line graph (clearly) shows ...
| The slices of the pie chart compare the ...
| The chart is divided into ... parts.
| It highlights ...
| ... has the largest (number of) ...
| ... has the second largest (number of) ...
| ... is as big as ...
| ... is twice as big as ...
| ... is bigger than ...
| more than ... per cent ...
| only one third ...
| less than half ...
| The number ... increases/goes up/grows by ...
| The number ... decreases/goes down/sinks by ...
| The number ... does not change/remains stable
| I was really surprised/shocked by the ...
| So we can say ...
| While describing charts pay attention to the use of Tenses!
If the charts deal with facts in the present use the Simple Present, if the facts are the past, then use the Simple Past. If there is a connection between the past and the present, use the Present Perfect.
Remember that there are three parts of chart description:
1. Introduction;
2. Message of the diagram;
3. Conclusion
XXVII. Work in two groups. Group 1 should list all the advantages of using the Internet. Group 2 is to list all the disadvantages. Then together consider how disadvantages could be minimized.
Advantages of the Internet
| Disadvantages of the Internet
| Ability to do research from your home versus research libraries
| There is a lot of wrong information on the Internet
| XXVIII. Using the list you compiled in previous task, describe in written form the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Use linking words from Appendix 1.
I. a) Communications systems enable users to send and receive data and information. In groups of 3 make a list of communications systems. Compare with the class.
b) Here are examples of communications systems. How often do you use these technologies? For which purposes? Discuss with the class.
voice mail
smart phone
| videoconferencing
bulletin board system
the Internet
the Web
instant messaging
II. Work in pairs. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of one of the items of communications systems stated above. Share your ideas with the class.
III. The figure below shows the model of the framework in which communication systems function. Could you explain how it works?
IV. Read and translate the text. What are the Communication and Information theories based on?
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1853