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Adjectives and adverbs 3 page

8 My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police.

9 I was warned not to believe everything he says.

10 Having a car enables you to travel round more easily.


2 to go 3 to do

4 read 5 to go

6 to go 7 eating

8 cry 9 to study



2 driving 3 to go

4 to go 5 raining

6 to buy 7 asking

8 asking 9 to answer

10 breaking 11 to pay

12 eating 13 to shut

14 meeting ... to see

15 crying or to cry

16 to get


2 He can remember going to Paris when he was eight.

3 He can't remember falling into a river.

4 He can remember crying on his first day at school.

5 He can't remember saying he wanted to be a doctor. or He can't remember wanting to be.

6 He can't remember being bitten by a dog.


1 b. lending

c. to phone

d. to give

e. leaving/putting

2 a. saying

b. to say or to tell you

3 a. to become

b. working

c. reading



2 Try turning it the other way.

3 Have you tried moving the aerial?

4 Why don't you try phoning him at work?

5 Have you tried taking an aspirin?


2 It needs cutting.

3 It needs redecorating.

4 They need tightening.

5 It needs emptying.


1 b. knocking c. to put

d. asking e. to reach

f. to concentrate

2 a. to go b. looking

c. cleaning d. to go

e. You don't need to iron ... It doesn't need ironing

3 a. overhearing b. get or to get

c. smiling

d. make or to make



3 likes taking/to take photographs.

4 doesn't like driving/to drive.

5 likes working/to work in the open air.

6 doesn't like taking/to take risks.

7 likes doing/to do nothing.

8 doesn't like being/to be kept waiting.

57.2 Example answers:

2 I don't mind playing cards.

3 I hate doing the ironing.

4 I enjoy going to museums.

5 I don't like lying on the beach all day.

57.3 Example answers:

2 I wouldn't like to be a dentist.

3 I'd like to be a hairdresser.

4 I'd hate to be an airline pilot.

5 I wouldn't mind being a tourist guide.


2 waiting 3 going/to go

4 writing 5 working/being

6 to come to go

7 wearing to wear

8 to sit 9 to get

10 to talk/to speak


2 I would like/I'd like to have seen the programme.

3 I would hate to have lost my watch.

4 I would love to have met Ann.

5 I wouldn't like to have been alone.

6 I would prefer to have travelled by train.



2 I prefer tennis to football. or ... football to tennis.

3 I prefer phoning people to writing letters. or ... writing letters to phoning people.

4 I prefer going to the cinema to watching films on TV. or ... watching films on TV to going to the cinema.

6 I prefer to phone people rather than write letters. or ... to write letters rather than phone people.

7 I prefer to go to the cinema rather than watch films on TV. or ... to watch films on TV rather than go to the cinema.


3 I'd prefer to listen to some music.

4 I'd rather go for a swim.

5 I'd rather wait a few minutes.

6 I'd prefer to eat at home.

7 I'd rather think about it for a while.

8 I'd rather stand.

9 I'd prefer to go alone.

11 I'd rather go for a swim than play tennis.

12 I'd rather wait a few minutes than leave now.

13 I'd prefer to eat at home rather than go to a restaurant.

14 I'd rather think about it for a while than decide now.


2 I told her

3 would you rather I did it

4 would you rather I answered it


2 stayed 3 stay

4 didn't 5 was 6 didn't



2 lending you any money.

3 remembering names.

4 passing the exam.

5 being late?

6 eating at home, we went to a restaurant.

7 doing nothing.

8 telling any of their friends.

9 playing well.


2 by standing on a chair.

3 by turning a key.

4 by borrowing too much money.

5 by driving too fast.

6 by putting some posters up on the walls.


2 paying 3 going

4 saying 5 going

6 using

7 travelling/being

8 telling

9 doing/having


2 I'm looking forward to seeing her.

3 I'm not looking forward to going to the dentist.

4 She's looking forward to leaving school (next summer).

5 I'm looking forward to playing tennis (tomorrow).



2 he wasn't used to having dinner so early, but after some time he got used to it. ... He is used to having dinner at six o'clock. (or He is used to eating at six o'clock.)

3 She wasn't used to working nights ... to get used to it ... She is used to working nights.


2 No, I'm used to sleeping on the floor.

3 I'm used to working hard./I'm used to hard work.

4 I'm not used to going to bed (so) late.


2 He wasn't used to the heat/... to the hot weather/... to living in a hot climate.

3 She had to get used to living

4 The children soon got used to her./... to their new teacher.

5 (example answers) You would have to get used to the weather to the food/to speaking a foreign language.


3 drink 4 eating

5 having 6 have

7 go 8 be 9 being



2 doing

3 coming/going

4 doing/trying

5 buying

6 hearing

7 going

8 having

9 being

10 watching

11 inviting/asking


2 in solving

3 of living

4 of causing

5 (from) walking

6 for interrupting

7 of spending

8 from escaping

9 on helping

10 to playing


2 Tom insisted on driving Ann to the station.

3 Jim congratulated me on getting married.

4 Mrs Bond thanked Sue for coming to see her.

5 I warned Jack against staying at the hotel near the airport.

6 Mary apologised to me for not phoning (me) earlier.

7 Jane accused me of being selfish.



2 It's no use asking Tom.

3 There's no point in going out

4 it's no good phoning her now

5 it's not worth complaining (about what happened)

6 I think it's a waste of time reading newspapers.


2 repairing.

3 visiting.

4 It's worth considering.

5 It's worth reading.

6 They aren't/They're not worth keeping.


2 There's no point in eating if you're not hungry.

3 There's no point in working if you don't need money.

4 There's no point in studying if you feel tired.


2 I have difficulty remembering people's names.

3 She had no difficulty getting a job.

4 Do you have difficulty understanding him?

5 You won't have any difficulty getting a ticket for the concert.


2 reading

3 writing

4 watching

5 climbing/going/walking


2 go skiing

3 went swimming

4 goes riding

5 go shopping



2 I had to go to the bank to get some money.

3 I'm saving money to go to Canada.

4 I went into hospital to have an operation.

5 I'm wearing two pullovers to keep warm.

6 I phoned the police station to report that my car had been stolen.


2 to read

3 to walk or to go on foot

4 to drink

5 to put I to carry

6 to discuss/to consider/to talk about

7 to buy/to get

8 to talk/to speak

9 to wear/to put on

10 to celebrate

11 to help I to assist


2 for 3 to 4 to

5 for 6 to 7 for

8 for ... to


2 We wore warm clothes so that we wouldn't get cold.

3 The man spoke very slowly so that I would understand what he said. or ... so that I could understand ...

4 I whispered so that nobody else could hear our conversation. or ... would hear our conversation.

5 Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.

6 She locked the door so that she wouldn't be disturbed.

7 I slowed down so that the car behind could overtake.



2 This machine is quite easy to use.

3 The window was very difficult to open.

4 Some words are impossible to translate.

5 That chair isn't safe to stand on.

6 A car is expensive to maintain.


2 It's an easy mistake to make.

3 It's a nice place to live (in).

4 It was a good game to watch.


2 It's careless of you to make the same mistake again and again.

3 It was nice of Don and jenny to invite me to stay with them.

4 It wasn't very considerate o John to make so much noise (when I was trying to sleep).


2 am/was glad to hear

3 were surprised to see

4 am/was sorry to hear


2 Paul was the last (person) to arrive.

3 Fiona was the only student/the only one to pass the exam.

4 I was the second customer/ person to complain (to the restaurant manager about the service).

5 Neil Armstrong was the first person/man to walk on the moon.


2 are bound to be

3 is sure to forget

4 is not/isn't likely to rain

5 is likely to be



3 I'm afraid of losing it.

4 We were afraid to go swimming.

5 We were afraid of missing our train.

6 We were afraid to look.

7 She was afraid of spilling the drinks.

8 a. I was afraid to eat it.

b. I was afraid of making myself ill.


2 in starting

3 to read

4 in getting

5 to hear/in hearing

6 in going


2 to disturb

3 for being late or I was late

4 for saying or I said

5 to hear


1 b. to leave

c. from leaving

2 a. to solve

b. in solving

3 a. of going

b. to go

c. to going

d. to go

4 a. to buy

b. to buy

c. on buying

d. of buying



2 arrive

3 take it/do it

4 it ring

5 him play/him playing

6 you lock it/you do it

7 her fall


2 We saw Dave and Helen playing tennis.

3 We saw Clare having a meal in a restaurant./We saw Clare eating in a restaurant.

4 We heard Bill playing the guitar.

5 We could smell the dinner burning.

6 We saw Linda jogging.


3 happen

4 tell

5 crying

6 cycling

7 say

8 run ... open

9 explode

10 crawling

11 slam

12 sleeping climb



2 Emma was sitting in an armchair reading a book.

3 Sue got home late feeling very tired.

4 Sarah went out saying she would be back in an hour.

5 Linda was in London for two years working as a tourist guide.

6 Mary walked round the town looking at the sights and taking photographs.


2 I fell asleep watching television.

3 The man slipped getting off a bus.

4 I got wet walking home in the rain.

5 Margaret had an accident driving to work yesterday.

6 Two firemen were overcome by smoke trying to put out the fire.


2 Having bought our tickets, we went into the theatre.

3 Having had dinner, they continued their journey.

4 Having done all her shopping, Lucy went for a cup of coffee.


2 Thinking they might be hungry, I offered them something to eat.

3 Being a foreigner, she needs a visa to stay in this country.

4 Not knowing his address, I wasn't able to contact him.

5 Having travelled a lot, Sarah knows a lot about other countries.

6 Not being able to understand English, the man didn't know what I wanted.

7 Having spent nearly all our money, we couldn't afford to stay in a hotel.



3 a very nice restaurant

4 right

5 a toothbrush

6 a bank

7 an insurance company

8 right

9 right

10 a petrol station

11 a problem

12 an interview for a job

13 a necklace

14 a very good game


3 a key

4 a coat

5 sugar

6 a biscuit

7 electricity

8 a letter

9 blood

10 a question

11 a moment

12 a decision


2 days 3 meat

4 a queue 5 letters

6 friends 7 people

8 air 9 patience

10 language 11 countries

12 space



2 a. a paper b. any paper

3 a. a light b. Light

4 a. time b. a wonderful time

5 advice

6 very good weather

7 bad luck

8 job

9 journey

10 total chaos

11 some

12 doesn't

13 Your hair is ... it

14 the damage ... was


2 information

3 chairs

4 furniture

5 hair

6 progress


2 I'd like some information about places to see (in this town).

3 Can you give me some advice about which examinations to take?/... some advice about examinations?

4 What time is the news (on TV)?

5 It's a beautiful view isn't it? or It's beautiful scenery isn't it?

6 What horrible weather!



3 It's a vegetable.

4 It's a. game.

5 They're musical instruments.

6 It's a (tall/high) building.

7 They're planets.

8 It's a flower.

9 They're rivers.

10 They're birds.

12 He was a writer/a dramatist a playwright.

13 He was a scientist/a physicist.

14 They were American presidents/presidents of the United States.

15 She was an actress/a film actress/a film star.

16 They were singers/musicians.

17 They were painters/artists.


2 He's a waiter.

3 She's a travel agent.

4 He's a pilot.

5 She's a driving instructor.

6 He's a plumber.

7 She's a journalist.

8 He's an interpreter.


4 a 5 an

6 - (collect stamps)

7 a 8 Some

9 - (I've got sore feet.)

10 a 11 a ... a

12 - (Those are nice shoes.)

13 some

14 a visa ... some countries

15 a teacher. Her parents were teachers too.

16 - (going to concerts)

17 some

18 a liar ... always telling lies



1 ... and a magazine. The newspaper is in my bag but I don't know where I put the magazine.

2 I saw an accident this morning. A car crashed into a tree. The driver of the car wasn't hurt but the car was badly damaged.

3 ... A blue one and a grey one. The blue one belongs to my neighbours; I don't know who the owner of the grey one is.

4 My friends live in an old house in a small village. There is a beautiful garden behind the house. I would like to have a garden like that.


1 a. a b. the c. the

2 a. a b. a c. the

3 a. a b. the c. the

4 a. an ... The b. the c. the

5 a. the b. a c. a


2 the dentist

3 the door

4 a mistake

5 the bus station

6 a problem

7 the post office

8 the floor

9 the book

10 a job in a bank

11 a small flat near the city centre

12 a small supermarket at the end of the street

71.4 Example answers:

3 Once or twice a year.

4 Thirty miles an hour.

5 About seven hours a night.

6 Two or three times a week.

7 About two hours a day.



2 a nice holiday ... the best holiday

3 the nearest shop ... the end of this street

4 listen to the radio ... I haven't got a radio

5 to travel in space ... go to the moon

6 go to the cinema ... a lot of films on television

7 a nice day ... by the sea

8 for breakfast ... eat breakfast

9 where Room 25 is ... on the second floor

10 the most expensive hotel ... a cheaper hotel


2 the ... the

3 -

4 The

5 -

6 the

7 the information ... the top of page 15.

8 The


2 in a small village in the country

3 The moon ... the earth

4 the highest mountain in the world

5 the same thing

6 a very hot day ... the hottest day of the year

7 have lunch ... eat a good breakfast

8 live in a foreign country ... the language

9 on the wrong platform. We were on Platform 3 instead of Platform 8.


2 the cinema 3 the sea

4 dinner 5 Question 8

6 the gate 7 Gate 21



2 to school

3 at home

4 for school; or for work

5 to work or to school

6 in hospital

7 at university

8 in bed

9 to prison


1 c. school d. school e. get home from school ... The school isn't very far f. school g. the school

2 a. university b. university c. the university

3 a. the hospital b. the hospital c. hospital d. hospital

4 a. church b. church c. the church

5 a. prison b. the prison c. prison

6 a. bed b. home c. work d. bed e. work f. work

7 a. the sea b. sea c. the sea


74.1 Example answers:

2 I like cats.

3 I don't like zoos.

4 I don't mind fast food restaurants.

5 I'm not interested in football.


3 spiders 4 meat

5 the questions 6 the people

7 History 8 lies

9 the hotels 10 The water

11 the grass 12 patience


3 Apples 4 the apples

5 Women ... men

6 tea 7 The vegetables

8 Life 9 skiing

10 the people

11 people ... aggression

12 All the books

13 the beds 14 war

15 The First World War

16 unemployment

17 the marriage

18 Most people ... marriage ... family life ... society



1 b. the cheetah

c. the kangaroo (and the rabbit)

2 a. the swan

b. the penguin

c. the owl

3 a. the wheel

b. the laser

c. the telescope

4 a. the rupee

b. escudo

c. the ...


2 a 3 the 4 a 5 the

6 the 7 a 8 (-) 9 The


2 the injured

3 the unemployed

4 the sick

5 the rich ... the poor


2 a German the Germans

3 a Frenchman/a Frenchwoman the French

4 a Russian the Russians

5 a Chinese the Chinese

6 a Brazilian the Brazilians

7 an Englishman/an Englishwoman the English

8 a/an ... the ...



2 the 3 The ... the

4 - 5 the 6 -


3 right

4 the United States

5 The south ... the north

6 right

7 the Channel

8 the Middle East

9 right

10 right

11 the Swiss Alps

12 The United Kingdom

13 The Seychelles .. the Indian Ocean

14 The River Volga ... the Caspian Sea


2 In South America

3 The Nile

4 Sweden

5 The United States

6 The Rockies

7 The Mediterranean

8 Australia

9 The Pacific

10 The Indian Ocean

11 The Thames

12 The Danube

13 Thailand

14 The Panama Canal

15 The Amazon



2. Turner's in Carter Road

3 the Park Hotel in Park Road

4 St Peter's in Baines Street

5 the Royal Oak in Union Street

6 the City Museum in Baines Street

7 Lloyds Bank in Forest Avenue

8 Victoria Park at the end of Baines Street

9 the New China House in Carter Road


2 The Eiffel Tower

3 The Vatican

4 Buckingham Palace

5 Broadway

6 The White House

7 The Acropolis

8 St Mark's Cathedral


2 Hyde Park

3 St James's Park

4 The Grand Hotel ... Baker Street

5 Gatwick Airport

6 Liverpool University

7 Harrison's

8 the Ship Inn

9 The Statue of Liberty .. New York harbour

10 the Science Museum

11 IBM ... British Telecom

12 The Classic

13 the Great Wall

14 the Independent ... the Herald

15 Cambridge University Press



3 shorts

4 a means

5 means

6 some scissors or a pair of scissors

7 a series

8 series

9 species


2 politics 3 economics

4 athletics 5 physics

6 gymnastics 7 electronics


2 don't 3 want

4 was 5 aren't

6 wasn't 7 does or do

8 isn't 9 they are

10 are 11 Do 12 is


2. wearing black jeans

3 right (is playing is also correct)

4 nice people

5 Ten pounds is not enough.

6 some new pyjamas or a new pair of pyjamas

7 right (hasn't is also correct)

8 Many people have

9 a policeman/a policewoman/a polce officer

10 Have the police

11 These scissors aren't



2 a computer magazine

3 holiday photographs

4 milk chocolate

5 a factory inspector

6 a central London hotel

7 examination results

8 the dinig room carpet

9 a football club scandal

10 a two-part question

11 a seven-year-old girl


1 a. a houseboat

b. a boathouse

2 a. a race horse

b. a horse race

3 a. a cardphone

b. a phonecard


2 room number

3 seat belt

4 credit card

5 weather forecast

6 newpaper editor

7 shop window


3 20-pound

4 15-minute

5 60 minutes

6 two-hour

7 five courses

8 two-year

9 500-year

10 five days

11 six-mile



3 that man's jacket

4 the top of the page

5 Charles's daughter

6 The cause of the problem

7 yesterday's newspaper

8 my father's newspaper

9 the name of this street

10 the children's toys

11 the new manager of the company or the company's new manager

12 the result of the football match

13 our neighbour's garden

14 the ground floor of the building

15 Don and Mary's children

16 the economic policy of the government or the government's economic policy

17 Catherine's husband

18 the husband of the woman talking to Mary

19 Mike's parents' car

20 Helen's friend's wedding


2 a boy's name

3 children's school

4 a girls' school

5 a women's magazine


2 Last week's storm caused a lot of damage.

3 The town;s only cinema has closed down.

4 Britain's exports to the United States have fallen recently.

5 The region's main industry is tourism.


2 five minutes' walk or a five-minute walk

3 two weeks' holiday or a two-week holiday

4 an hour's sleep



2 We must a relation of yours.

3 Henry borrowed a book of mine.

4 Anne invited some friends of hers to her flat.

5 We had dinner with a neighbour of ours.

6 I went on holiday with two friends of mine.

7 Is that man a friend of yours?

8 I met a friend of Jane's at the party.


2 my own television

3 her own money

4 her own business

5 his own private jet

6 his own ideas

7 its own parliament


2 your own fault

3 his own ideas

4 your own problems

5 her own decisions


2 makes her own clothes

3 writes his own songs

4 bake our own bread


2 my own 2 myself

4 himself 5 themselves

6 herself 7 their own

8 yourself 9 our own

10 her own



2 hurt himself

3 blame herself

4 Put yourself

5 enjoyed themselves

6 burn yourself

7 express myself


2 me 3 myself 4 us

5 yourself 6 you 7 ourselves

8 themselves 9 them


2 feel 3 dried herself

4 concentrate 5 defend yourself

6 meeting 7 relax 8 wash


2 themselves

3 each other

4 each other

5 themselves

6 each other

7 ourselves

8 each other

9 ourselves to each other


2 He cut it himself.

3 I'll post it myself.

4 Linda told me herself. or Linda herself told me.

5 Why can't you phone him yourself? or ... do it yourself?



3 Is there ... there is/there's

4 there was ... It was

5 It was

6 There was

7 is it

8 It was

9 It is/It's

10 there wasn't

11 Is it ... it's

12 there was ... There was

13 It was

14 There wasn't

15 There was ... it wasn't


2 There is a lot of salt in the soup.

3 There was nothing in the box.

4 There was a lot of violence in the film.

5 There were a lot of people in the shops.

6 Example answers:

There is/There's a lot to do in this town./... a lot of life in this town./... a lot happening in this town.


2 There might be or There should be

3 there will be or there should be

4 There's going to be or There might be

5 There used to be

6 there should be

7 there wouldn't be


2 there was a lot of snow

3 right

4 There used to be a church here

5 right

6 There must have been a reason.

7 right

8 There's sure to be a car park somewhere.

9 there will be an opportunity

10 right

11 there would be somebody to meet me at the station but there wasn't anybody.



2 some 3 any

4 any ... some

5 some 6 any

7 any 8 some

9 any

10 any (some is also possible)


2 somebody/someone

3 anybody/anyone

4 anything

5 something

6 somebody/someone ...anybody/anyone

7 something ... anybody/anyone

8 Anybody/Anyone

9 anybody/anyone

10 anywhere

11 anywhere

12 somewhere

13 anywhere

14 anybody/anyone

15 something

16 Anybody/Anyone

17 She never tells anybody anything or ... anyone anything.


2 Any day

3 Anything

4 anywhere

5 Anything

6 Any time

7 Anybody/Anyone

8 Any newspaper/Any one



2 Nobody/No one.

3 Nowhere.

4 None.

5 None.

6 Nobody/No one.

7 Nothing.

9 wasn't talking to anybody/anyone.

10 I'm not going anywhere.

11 I haven't got any luggage.

12 They haven't got any children.

13 I didn't meet anybody/anyone.

14 I didn't buy anything.


3 no 4 any

5 None 6 none

7 No 8 any

9 any 10 none


2 nobody/no one

3 Nowhere

4 anything

5 Nothing ... anything

6 Nothing

7 anywhere

8 Nobody/no, one said anything.


2 nobody

3 anybody

4 Anybody

5 Nothing

6 Anything

7 anything


Date: 2016-03-03; view: 783

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