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Present and past

1.1 '--- this week?' 'No, she's on holiday.'

A. is Susan working B. Does Susan work C. Does work Susan (Unit 1, 3)

1.2 I don't understand this sentence. What ---?

A. does mean this word B. does this word mean C. means this word (Unit 4, 48)

1.3 John --- tennis once or twice a week.

A. is playing usually B. is usually playing C. usually plays D. plays usually (Unit 2, 3, 109)

1.4 How --- now? Better than before?

A. you are feeling B. do you feel C. are you feeling (Unit 4)

1.5 It was a boring weekend --- anything.

A. I didn't B. I don't do C. I didn't do (Unit 5)

1.6 Tom --- his hand when he was cooking the dinner.

A. burnt B. was burning C. has burnt (Unit 6, 14)


Present perfect and past

2.1 Jim is away on holiday. He --- to Spain.

A. is gone B. has gone C. has been (Unit 7)

2.2 Everything is going well. We --- any problems so far.

A. didn't have B. don't have C. haven't had (Unit 8)

2.3 Linda has lost her passport again. It's the second time this ---.

A. has happened B. happens C. happened (Unit 8, 13)

2.4 You're out of breath ---?

A. Are you running B. Have you run C. Have you been running (Unit 9)

2.5 Where's the book I gave you? What --- with it?

A. have you done B. have you been doing C. are you doing (Unit 10)

2.6 We're good friends. We --- each other for a long time.

A. know B. have known C. have been knowing D. knew (Unit 11, 10)

2.7 Sally has been working here ---.

A. for six months B. since six months C. six months ago (Unit 12)

2.8. It's two years Joe.

A. that I don't see B. that I haven't seen C. since I didn't see D. since I saw (Unit 12)

2.9. They --- out after lunch and they've just come back.

A. went B. have gone C. are gone (Unit 13, 14, 7)

2.10. The Chinese --- printing.

A. invented B. have invented C. had invented (Unit 13, 15)

2.11. Ian --- in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London.

A. lived B. has lived C. has been living (Unit 14, 11)

2.12. The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he before ---.

A. hasn't flown B. didn't fly C. hadn't flown D. wasn't flying (Unit 15)

2.13. --- a car when they were living in London?

A. Had they B. Did they have C. Were they having D. Have they had (Unit 17)

2.14. I --- television a lot but I don't any more.

A. was watching B. was used to watch C. used to watch (Unit 18)



3.1. --- tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.

A. I'm not working B. I don't work C. I won't work (Unit 19, 21)

3.2. That bag looks heavy --- you with it.

A. I'm helping B. I help C. I'll help (Unit 21)

3.3. I think the weather --- be nice later.

A. will B. shall C. is going to (Unit 23, 22)

3.4. 'Ann is in hospital.' 'Yes, I know --- her tomorrow.'

A. I visit B. I'm going to visit C. I'll visit (Unit 23, 20)

3.5. We're late. The film --- by the time we get to the cinema.

A. will already start B. will be already started C. will already have started (Unit 24)

3.6. Don't worry --- late tonight.

A. if I am B. when I am C. when I'll be D. if I'll be (Unit 25)



4.1. The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody ---.

A. was able to escape B. managed to escape C. could escape (Unit 26)

4.2. The phone is ringing. It --- be Tim.

A. might B. can C. could (Unit 27, 29)

4.3. Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York? You --- with Barbara.

A. can stay B. could stay C. could have stayed (Unit 27)

4.4. I've lost one of my gloves. I --- it somewhere.

A. must drop B. must have dropped C. must be dropping D. must have been dropping (Unit 28)

4.5. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It --- rain later.

A. may B. might C. can D. could (Unit 30)

4.6. What was wrong with you? Why --- go to hospital?

A. had you to B. did you have to C. must you (Unit 31)

4.7. There's plenty of time. You --- hurry.

A. don't have to B. mustn't C. needn't (Unit 31, 32)

4.8. It was a great party last night. You --- come. Why didn't you?

A. must have B. should have C. ought to have D. had to (Unit 33)

4.9. Jane --- a car.

A. suggested that I buy B. suggested that I should buy C. suggested me to buy (Unit 34)

4.10. I think all drivers --- seat belts.

A. should wear B. had better wear C. had better to wear (Unit 35)

4.11. It's late. It's time --- home.

A. we go B. we must go C. we should go D. we went (Unit 35)


Conditionals and 'wish'

5.1. I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn't sleep if I --- to bed now.

A. go B. went C. had gone D. would go (Unit 37)

5.2. If I were you, I --- that coat. It's much too expensive.

A. won't buy B. don't buy C. am not going to buy D. wouldn't buy (Unit 38)

5.3. I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I --- so tired.

A. wasn't B. weren't C. wouldn't have been D. hadn't been (Unit 39)

5.4. I wish --- a car. It would make life so much easier.

A. have B. had C. would have (Unit 40, 38)



6.1. We --- by a loud noise during the night.

A. woke up B. are woken up C. were woken up D. were waking up (Unit 41)

6.2. There's somebody walking behind us. I think ---.

A. we are following B. we are being followed C. we are followed D. we are being following (Unit 42)

6.3. 'Where --- 'In London.'

A. were you born B. are you born C. have you been born D. did you born (Unit 43)

6.4. The train --- arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late.

A. supposed to B. is supposed to C. was supposed to (Unit 44)

6.5. Where ---? Which hairdresser did you go to?

A. did you cut your hair B. have you cut your hair C. did you have cut your hair D. did you have your hair cut (Unit 45)


Reported speech

7.1. Hello, Jim. I didn't expect to see you today. Sonia said you --- ill.

A. are B. were C. was D. should be (Unit 47, 48)

7.2. Ann --- and left.

A. said goodbye to me B. said me goodbye C. told me goodbye (Unit 47)

Questions and auxiliary verbs

8.1. 'How --- ?' 'Nobody knows.'

A. happened the accident B. did happen the accident C. did the accident happen (Unit 48)

8.2. 'Do you know where ---. 'No, he didn't say.'

A. Tom has gone B. has Tom gone C. has gone Tom (Unit 49)

8.3. The police officer stopped us and asked us where ---.

A. were we going B. are we going C. we are going D. we were going (Unit 49)

8.4. 'Do you think- it's going to rain? '---.'

A. I hope not B. I don't hope C. I don't hope so (Unit 50)

8.5. 'You don't know where Karen is --- 'Sorry, I've no idea.'

A. don't you B. do you C. is she (Unit 51)


~ing and the infinitive

9.1. You can't stop me --- what I want.

A. doing B. do C. to do D. that I do (Unit 52)

9.2. I must go now. I promised --- late.

A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. I wouldn't be (Unit 53, 40)

9.3. Do you want --- with you or do you want to go alone?

A. me coming B. me to come C. that I come D. that I will come (Unit 54)

9.4. I'm sure I locked the door. I clearly remember --- it.

A. locking B. to lock C. to have locked (Unit 55)

9.5. She tried to be serious but she couldn't help ---.

A. laughing B. to laugh C. that she laughed (Unit 56)

9.6. I like --- the kitchen as often as possible.

A. cleaning B. clean C. to clean D. that I clean (Unit 57)

9.7. I'm tired. I'd rather --- out this evening, if you don't mind.

A. not going B. not to go C. don't go D. not go (Unit 58)

9.8. 'Shall I stay here?' 'I'd rather --- with us.'

A. you come B. you to come C. you came D. you would come (Unit 58)

9.9. Are you looking forward --- Ann again?

A. seeing B. to see C. to seeing (Unit 59, 61)

9.10. When Jane came to Britain, she had to get used --- on the left.

A. driving B. to driving C. to drive (Unit 60)

9.11. I'm thinking --- a house. Do you think that's a good idea?

A. to buy B. of to buy C. of buying (Unit 61, 65)

9.12. I'm sure you'll have no --- the exam.

A. difficulty to pass B. difficulties to pass C. difficulties passing D. difficulty passing (Unit 62)

9.13. A friend of mine phoned --- me to a party.

A. for invite B. to invite C. for inviting D. for to invite (Unit 63)

9.14. Jim doesn't speak very clearly ---.

A. It is difficult to understand him. B. He is difficult to understand. C. He is difficult to understand him. (Unit 64)

9.15. The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid ---.

A. of falling B. from falling C. to fall (Unit 65)

9.16. I didn't hear you --- in. You must have been very quiet.

A. come B. to come C. came (Unit 66)

9.17. --- a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.

A. Finding B. After finding C. Having found D. We found (Unit 67)


Articles and nouns

10.1. Call an ambulance. There's been ---.

A. accident B. an accident. C. some accident (Unit 68)

10.2. 'Where are you going?' 'I'm going to buy ---.

A. a bread B. some bread C. a loaf of bread (Unit 69)

10.3. Sandra works at a big hospital. She's ---.

A. nurse B. a nurse C. the nurse (Unit 70, 71)

10.4. She works six days --- week.

A. in B. for C. a D. the (Unit 71)

10.5 There are millions of stars in ---.

A. space B. a space C. the space (Unit 72)

10.6 Every day --- begins at 9 and finishes at 3.

A. school B. a school C. the school (Unit 73)

10.7 a problem in most big cities.

A. Crime is B. The crime is C. The crimes are (Unit 74)

10.8 When --- invented?

A. was telephone B. were telephones C. was the telephone D. were the telephones (Unit 75)

10.9 We visited ---.

A. Canada and United States B. the Canada and the United States C. Canada and the United States D. the Canada and United States (Unit 76)

10.10 Julia is a student at ---.

A. London University B. the London University C. the University of London (Unit 77)

10.11 What time --- on television?

A. is the news B. are the news C. is news (Unit 78, 69)

10.12 It took us quite a long time to get here. It was --- journey.

A. three hour B. a three-hours C. a three-hour (Unit 79)

10.13 Where is?

A. the manager office B. the manager's office C. the office of the manager D. the office of the manager's (Unit 80)


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