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III. English- Latin Anatomy Dictionary

abdomen abdōmen, ĭnis n
additional accessorĭus, a, um
alar alāris, e
alveolar alveolāris, e
anterior anterĭor, ĭus
aortic, aortal aortĭcus, a, um
apex, top, tip apex, ĭcis m
arbor arbor, ōris f
arterial arteriōsus, a, um
back posterĭor, ĭus
bifurcation bifurcatio, ōnis f
blood sanguis, ĭnis m
blood, sanguinerous sanguiněus, a, um
brain cerěbrum, i n; encephălon, i n
canine, cuspid tooth dens (dentis m)canīnus (us, a, um)
capillary capillāris, e
cardiac cardiăcus, a, um
carotid carotĭcus, a, um
cartilage cartilāgo, ĭnis f
caval, hollow cavus, a, um
cavernous cavernōsus, a, um
cavity antrum, i n; cavum, i n; cavĭtas, ātis f
central centrālis, e
cerebellum cerebellum, i n
cervical cervicālis, e
chest thorax, ācis m
chiasm chiasma, ătis n
ciliary ciliāris, e
coccygeal coccygēus, a, um
coccyx, coccygeal bone coccyx, ygis m
cochlea cochlěa, ae f
cochlear cochleāris, e
column columna, ae f
complex composĭtus, a, um
concha concha, ae f
constrictor muscle muscŭlus (i m) constrictor (ōris m)
cord chorda, ae f
coronary coronarĭus, a, um
cortex cortex, ĭcis m
costal costālis, e
cranial craniālis, e
crest crista, ae f
crus crus, cruris n
cutaneous cutaněus, a, um
deep profundus, a, um
dental dentālis, e
depressor muscle muscŭlus (i m) depressor (ōris m)
dorsal dorsālis, e
duct ductus, us m
ear auris, is f
eminence jugum, i n
entry porta, ae f
extensor extensor, ōris m
extensor muscle muscŭlus (i m) extensor (ōris m)
extremity membrum, i n
eyelid palpěbra, ae f
eye-socket orbĭta, ae f
face facĭes, ēi f
fascia fascĭa, ae f
fibrous fibrōsus, a, um
fibula, splint-bone fibŭla, ae f
fibular fibulāris, e; peron(a)eus, a, um
finger; toe digĭtus, i m
first chamber of the heart (atrium) atrĭum, i n
fissure, narrow slit fissūra, ae f
flexor flexor, ōris m
fold plica, ae f
fornix, arc fornix, ĭcis m
foveola foveŏla, ae f
front anterĭor, ĭus
frontal frontālis, e
furrow or groove sulcus, i m
gastric gastrĭcus, a, um
girdle cingŭlum, i n
gland glandŭla, ae f
glome, glomus glomus, ěris n


hard, solid durus, a, um
head caput, ĭtis n
heart cor, cordis n
higher superĭor, ĭus
highest suprēmus, a, um
hollow or cavity sinus, us m
horizontal horizontālis, e
horn; horn-shaped process cornu, us n
iliac iliăcus, a, um
impression impressĭo, ōnis f
incisive, cutting, sharp incisīvus, a, um
incisor tooth dens (dentis m) incisīvus (us, a, um)
incisure, slit or notch incisūra, ae f
interalveolar interalveolāris, e
intercostal intercostālis, e
interglobular interglobulāris, e
interlobular interlobulāris, e
internal internus, a, um
interradicular interradiculāris, e
interspinal interspinōsus, a, um
joint articulatĭo, ōnis f
jugular jugulāris, e
kidney ren, renis m


labyrinth labyrinthus, i m
large major, jus
large rounded swelling tuber, ěris n
large, great magnus, a, um
largest maxĭmus, a, um
lateral laterālis, e
left sinister, tra, trum
leg, crus crus, cruris n
levator muscle muscŭlus (i m) levātor (ōris m)
life vita, ae f
ligament ligamentum, i n
line liněa, ae f
lingual linguālis, e
lip labĭum, i n
little, small parvus, a, um
liver hepar, ătis n
lobe lobus, i m
lobulose, lobulous, lobulated lobātus, a, um
long longus, a, um
longest longissĭmus, a, um
longitudinal, lengthwise longitudinālis, e
lower inferĭor, ĭus
lower jaw mandibŭla, ae f
lumbar lumbālis, e
lung pulmo, ōnis m
lymphatic lymphatĭcus, a, um


main artery of body aorta, ae f
mammary gland mamma, ae f
mammiform mastoiděus, a, um
mandibular mandibulāris, e
mass massa, ae f
masticatory, chewing masseterĭcus, a, um
medial mediālis, e
medulla medulla, ae f
member, extremity membrum, i n
membrane membrāna, ae f
membrane of brain or spinal cord mater, tris f
membranous membranacěus, a, um
mental mentālis, e
middle medĭus, a, um
milk tooth dens (dentis m) decidŭus (us, a, um)
mobile mobĭlis, e
molar molāris, e
molar tooth dens (dentis m) molāris(is, e)
mouth os, oris n
mouth, aperture, opening ostĭum, i n
muscle muscŭlus, i m
name nomen, ĭnis n
nape of neck nucha, ae f
nasal nasālis, e
neck cervix, īcis f
nerve nervus, i m
nervous nervōsus, a, um
nervous node ganglĭon, i n
network; chiefly of veins and nerves plexus, us m
node nodus, i m
nodulus nodŭlus, i m
nose nasus, i m
oblique oblīquus, a, um
occipital occipitālis, e
opening forāmen, ĭnis n
optic, visual optĭcus, a, um
orbital orbitālis, e
oval ovālis, e
palate palātum, i n
palatine palatīnus, a, um
pancreas pancrěas, ătis n
papilla papilla, ae f
parietal parietālis, e
part pars, partis f
partition, dividing wall septum, i n
passage meātus, us m
pectoral pectorālis, e
pedicle, small foot pedicŭlus, i m
pelvis pelvis, is f
pertaining to buttocks glutaeus, a, um
pharyngeal pharyngēus, a, um
pharynx pharynx, yngis m
plate lamĭna, ae f
pleural pleurālis, e
pouch, sac bursa, ae f
premolar tooth dens (dentis m) premolāris (is, e)
process, appendix processus, us m; appendix, īcis f
pulmonary pulmonālis, e
pyloric pylorĭcus, e
rectal rectālis, e
red ruber, bra, brum
region regĭo, ōnis f
renal renālis, e
retina retīna, ae f
retinaculum retinacŭlum, i n
rib costa, ae f
right dexter, tra, trum
ring-shaped anulāris, e
roof tegmen, ĭnis n
root, radix radix, īcis f
rotator muscle muscŭlus (i m) rotātor (ōris m)
round rotundus, a, um
saddle sella, ae f
sagital sagittālis, e
semilunar semilunāris, e
serrate serrātus, a, um
shallow depression or cavity fossa, ae f
sheath vagīna, ae f
shinebone, larger of two bones of leg tibĭa, ae f
short brevis, e
shoulder appendix acromĭon, i n
shoulder-blade scapŭla, ae f
sieve-shaped ethmoidālis, e
simple simplex, ĭcis
sinusoid sinusoiděus, a, um
skeleton skelěton, i n
skin cutis, is f
skull cranĭum, i n
small minor, us
small pit or depression fověa, ae f
small valva; valve valvŭla, ae f
smallest minĭmus, a, um
soft pius, a, um
space spatĭum, i n
spheroid body within a cell nuclěus, i m
spinal spinālis, e
spine spina, ae f
spinous spinōsus, a, um
spleen lien, ēnis m
stairs-shaped scalēnus, a, um
sternal sternālis, e
stomach gaster, tris f
stony petrōsus, a, um
stroma stroma, ătis n
sublingual sublinguālis, e; hyoiděus, a, um
superficial superficiālis, e
surface facĭes, ēi f
suture; line of junction sutūra, ae f
synchondrosis synchondrōsis, is f
synovial synoviālis, e
system systēma, ătis n
temporal temporālis, e
tendon tendo, ĭnis m
tensor muscle muscŭlus (i m) tensor (ōris m)
thicker and shorter bone of forearm radĭus, i m
thoracic thoracĭcus, a, um
thymus thymus, i m
thyroid thyreoiděus, a, um
tibial tibiālis, e
tongue, language lingua, ae f
tonsil tonsilla, ae f
tooth dens, dentis m
transverse transversus, a, um
trigeminal trigeminālis, e
trochanter trochanter, ēris m
trochlear trochleāris, e
trunk truncus, i m
tubercle; small rounded swelling tubercŭlum, i n
tuberosity tuberosĭtas, ātis f
tympanic tympanĭcus, a, um
tympanum tympănum, i n
upper superĭor, ĭus
upper arm brachĭum, i n
upper jaw maxilla, ae f
vein vena, ae f
venous venōsus, a, um
vertebra vertěbra, ae f
vertebral vertebrālis, e
vessel vas, vasis n
vestibule vestibŭlum, i n
vomer vomer, ěris m
wall parĭes, ētis m
water duct aquaeductus, us m
wedge-shaped, sphenoid sphenoidālis, e
widest latissĭmus, a, um
wing ala, ae f
wing-shaped, pterygoid pterygoiděus, a, um
wisdom tooth dens (dentis m) sapientĭae (a, ae f) (dens serotĭnus (us, a, um))
yellow flavus, a, um
zygomatic zygomatĭcus, a, um

VI. Greek & Latin-English Clinical Dictionary


Greek & Latin English Meaning


acheilia acheilia lack of lips
acrocyanōsis acrocyanosis blue coloration of the distal parts
adenītis adenitis inflammation of a gland
adenocytus adenocyte glandular cell
adenōma adenoma benign epithelial tumour
adenomyōma adenomyoma benign tumour from smooth muscles with glandular elements
adenopathia adenopathy tumour or enlargement of lymph glands
adenotomia adenotomy removal of adenoids
adentia adentia lack of teeth
anaemia anemia deficiency of the blood in quality or quantity
anaesthesia anesthesia absence of feelings
angiītis angiitis inflammation of blood vessels
angiocardiogramma angiocardiogram results of X-ray examination of heart blood vessels
angiocardiographia angiocardiography X-ray recording of the heart and vessels
angiocholecystītis angiocholecystitis inflammation of gallbladder vessels
angiogramma angiogram results of blood vessel X-ray examination
angiographia angiography X-ray recording of vessels
angiologia angiology study of blood vessels
angiōma angioma benign tumour composed of blood vessels
angiomatōsis angiomatosis multiple vessel tumours
angiopathia angiopathy disease of blood vessels
anophthalmia anophthalmia lack of eye balls
anuria anuria complete suppression of urine secretion in the kidney
aphagia aphagia inability to swallow
aphonia aphonia loss of voice
aplasia aplasia abnormal formation or development
arthralgia arthralgia feeling of pain in the joint
arthrītis arthritis inflammation of the joint
arthrochondrītis arthrochondritis inflammation of the joint and cartilage
arthropathia arthropathy disease of joints
arthrophthalmopathia arthrophthalmopathy disease of joints and eyes
arthroplastica arthroplasty plastic surgery of the joint
arthrōsis arthrosis any disease of joints
arthrotomia arthrotomy cutting (incision) of the joint
atrichia atrichia lack of hair
atrophia atrophy decrease in size or wasting away of a cell, tissue, organ or part
bilaterālis bilateral on both sides
biologia biology study of life
biopsia biopsy removal of a segment of living tissue for pathological examination
bradyaesthesia bradyesthesia slowing of transmittence of sensoric feelings
bradyarrhythmia bradyarrhythmia disturbance of the heart activity (slowing)
bradycardia bradycardia abnormally slow heart action (slow pulse)
bradyglossia bradyglossia slowing of tongue movements
bradykinesia bradykinesia slowing of movements
bradyphagia bradyphagia slowing of swallowing
cancerophobia cancerophobia fear of cancer
cardiologia cardiology study of the heart and heart function
cardiomegalia cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart
cardiomyoplegia cardiomyoplegia palsy (paralysis) of the heart
cardiopathia cardiopathy disease of the heart
cardiophobia cardiophobia fear of heart diseases
cardiotomia cardiotomy cutting (incision) of the heart
cephalgia (cephalalgia) cephalgia (cephalalgia) head pain (headache)
cephalhaematōma cephalhematoma blood clot in the brain of newborn
cephalomegalia cephalomegaly increased size of the head
cephalopathia cephalopathy disease of the brain
cephalotomia cephalotomy cutting (incision) of the brain
cheilitis cheilitis inflammation of lips
cheilorrhagia cheilorrhagia bleeding from the lip
cheilōsis cheilosis any disease of lips
cholecystectomia cholecystectomy removal of the gallbladder
cholecystītis cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
cholecystogramma cholecystogram results of gallbladder X-ray examination
cholecystographia cholecystography X-ray recording of the gallbladder
cholecystopathia cholecystopathy disease of the gallbladder
cholecystopexia cholecystopexy fixation of the gallbladder
cholecystoscopia cholecystoscopy internal examination of the gallbladder
cholecystostōma cholecystostoma artificial opening of the gallbladder
cholecystostomia cholecystostomy creation of an artificial opening of the gallbladder
cholecystotomia cholecystotomy cutting of the gallbladder
cholelithiāsis cholelithiasis disease with the presence of stones in the gallbladder and its ducts
chondrītis chondritis inflammation of cartilages
chondrodystrophia chondrodystrophy disturbance of cartilage nutrition
chondrogēnus chondrogenous, chondrogenic developing from the cartilaginous tissue
chondrōma chondroma benign tumour from cartilaginous tissue
chondropathia chondropathy disease of cartilages
chondrosteodystrophia chondrosteodystrophy disturbance of cartilaginous and bone tissues nourishment
chondrotomia chondrotomy cutting (incision) of the cartilage
colostomia colostomy creation of an artificial opening of the colon
colpītis colpitis inflammation of the vagina
colpopexia colpopexy fixation of the vagina
colposcopia colposcopy internal examination of the vagina
colpotomia colpotomy cutting of the vagina
cyanodermia cyanodermia blue coloration of the skin
cyanopsia cyanopsia disturbance of vision: vision only in blue colour
cyanōsis cyanosis blueness of the skin caused by the deficiency of oxygen and the excess of carbon dioxide in the blood
cyanuria cyanuria violet coloration of the urine
cystectomia cystectomy removal of the urinary bladder
cystītis cystitis inflammation of the urinary bladder
cystogramma cystogram results of urinary bladder X-ray examination
cystographia cystography X-ray recording of the urinary bladder
cystopexia cystopexy fixation of the bladder
cystoplegia cystoplegia palsy (paralysis) of the bladder
cystopyelogramma cystopyelogram results of urinary bladder and renal pelvis X-ray examination
cystopyelographia cystopyelography X-ray recording of urinary bladder and renal pelvis
cystoscopia cystoscopy internal examination of the urinary bladder
cystostomia cystostomy creation of an artificial opening of the urinary bladder
cystotomia cystotomy cutting (incision) of the urinary bladder
cytogramma cytogram results of cell microscopic examination
cytologia cytology study of a cell
cytopenia cytopenia decrease in the number of cells in the blood
cytoscopia cytoscopy microscopic examination of the cell
dacryoadenalgia dacryoadenalgia feeling of pain in the tear gland
dacryoadenītis dacryoadenitis inflammation of the tear gland
dacryocystectomia dacryocystectomy removal of the tear sac
dacryocystītis dacryocystitis inflammation of the tear sac
dacryocystogramma dacryocystogram results of tear sac X-ray examination
dacryopyorrhoea dacryopyorrhea purulent discharge from the tear gland
dactylalgia dactylalgia feeling of pain in the fingers or toes
dactylomegalia (megalodactylia) dactylomegaly (megalodactyly) enlargement of fingers or toes
dermatītis dermatitis inflammation of the skin
dermatologia dermatology study of skin diseases
dermatōma dermatoma tumour of the skin
dermatoscopia dermatoscopy internal examination of the skin
dermatōsis dermatosis any disease of the skin
dicheilia dicheilia double lip
didactylia didactyly double finger (toe)
diplegia diplegia bilateral palsy (paralysis)
diplopia diplopia double vision
dysenteria dysentery painful intestines
dyskeratōsis dyskeratosis malfunction of the cornea
dyskinesia dyskinesia disturbance of movements
dysopia dysopia disturbance of vision
dysphagia dysphagia difficulty in swallowing
dysphonia dysphonia disturbance of voice formation
dysplasia dysplasia abnormal development
dystrophia dystrophy abnormal nourishment; disturbance of nourishment
dysuria dysuria difficult or painful urination
electrocardiogramma electrocardiogram recording of electrical activity of heartbeats
electrocardiographia electrocardiography recording of activity and location of the heart
encephalītis encephalitis inflammation of the brain and meninges
encephalogramma encephalogram recording of electrical activity of the brain
encephalographia encephalography recording of the brain
encephalomyelītis encephalomyelitis inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
encephalopathia encephalopathy disease of the brain
endocardītis endocarditis inflammation of heart inner coat
endocardium endocardium endothelial (inner) lining of the heart
endogēnus endogenous normally occurring or existing within the body
endometrītis endometritis inflammation of uterine mucous coat
endophthalmītis endophthalmitis inflammation of internal eye coat
endoscopia endoscopy internal examination of mucous
endosteum endosteum medullary membrane of the bone
enterītis enteritis inflammation of the intestines
enterolithus enterolith intestinal stone
enteropathia enteropathy disease of the small intestine
enteropexia enteropexy fixation of the small intestine
enterorrhagia enterorrhagia small intestine bleeding
enterorrhaphia enterorrhaphy suturing of the small intestine
enterostomia enterostomy creation of an artificial opening of the small intestine
erythēma erythema redness of the skin produced by congestion of the capillaries
erythroaemia erythroemia disease with increasing of red blood cell count
erythrocytōsis erythrocytosis increased count of red blood cells in the blood
erythrocyturia erythrocyturia discharge of erythrocytes by urine
erythrocytus erythrocyte red blood cell
erythrodermia erythrodermia skin inflammation with reddening, itching and desquamation
erythrokeratodermia erythrokeratoderma disease accompanied by redness of horny skin layer
erythropenia erythropenia decreased number of erythrocytes
gastralgia gastralgia feeling of pain in the stomach (stomachache)
gastrectomia gastrectomy removal of the stomach
gastrītis gastritis inflammation of stomach lining
gastrocolostomia gastrocolostomy creation of an artificial opening between stomach and colon
gastroduodenostomia gastroduodenostomy creation of an artificial opening between stomach and duodenum
gastroenterītis gastroenteritis inflammation of stomach and small intestine
gastroenterologia gastroenterology study of stomach and small intestine
gastroenterostomia gastroenterostomy creation of an artificial opening between stomach and small intestine
gastroesophagostomia gastroesophagostomy creation of an artificial opening between stomach and esophagus
gastrogēnus gastrogenous, gastrogenic developing from the stomach
gastropexia gastropexy fixation of the stomach
gastrorrhagia gastrorrhagia stomach bleeding
gastroscopia gastroscopy internal examination of the stomach
gastrostōma gastrostoma artificial stomach opening
gastrostomia gastrostomy creation of an artificial stomach opening
gastrotomia gastrotomy cutting of the stomach
glossalgia glossalgia feeling of pain in the tongue
glossītis glossitis inflammation of the tongue
glossopathia glossopathy disease of the tongue
glossoplastica glossoplasty plastic surgery of the tongue
glossoplegia glossoplegia palsy (paralysis) of the tongue
glossorrhagia glossorrhagia bleeding from the tongue
glossorrhaphia glossorrhaphy suturing of the tongue
glossotomia glossotomy cutting of the tongue
glossotrichia glossotrichia hairy tongue
glucosuria glucosuria abnormal presence of glucose (sugar) in the urine
glykaemia glycemia presence of glucose (sugar) in the blood
gynaecologia gynecology the branch of medicine that treats diseases of the genital tract in women
gynaecopathia gynecopathy disease of the genital tract in women
gynaecophobia gynecophobia aversion to women
haemangiōma hemangioma benign tumour from blood vessels
haemarthrōsis hemarthrosis accumulation of blood in the joint cavity
haematogēnus hematogenic developing from blood
haematologia hematology study of blood and blood-forming tissue
haematōma hematoma mass of coagulated blood (internal or under the skin)
haematometra hematometra accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity
haematuria hematuria blood in the urine
haemogramma hemogram results of blood examination
haemopericardium hemopericardium accumulation of blood in the pericardium
haemophthalmus hemophthalmus accumulation of blood in the eye
haemorrhagia hemorrhagia bleeding
haemotherapia hemotherapy treatment by using the blood
haemothorax hemothorax accumulation of blood in the thoracic cavity
hepatolithus hepatolith hepatic stone
heterogēnus heterogenic of different kind or type
histologia histology microscopic study of tissues
histōma histoma benign tumour from the tissue
histopathologia histopathology microscopic study of tissues injured by the disease
histotherapia histotherapy treatment by the introduction of tissue
homogēnus homogenic of the same kind or type
hydraemia hydremia increased blood volume due to increased plasma volume
hydrarthrōsis hydrarthrosis accumulation of fluid in the joint
hydrocephalia hydrocephaly accumulation of fluid in the skull (water in the brain)
hydrocholecystus hydrocholecystis accumulation of fluid in the gallbladder
hydrologia hydrology study of water
hydrometra hydrometra accumulation of fluid in the uterine cavity
hydromyelia hydromyelia accumulation of fluid in the spinal cord
hydronephrōsis hydronephrosis enlargement and distention of the kidney due to block of urine outflow
hydropericardium hydropericardium accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity
hydroperitoneum hydroperitoneum accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
hydrophobia hydrophobia fear of water
hydrophthalmus hydrophthalmos accumulation of fluid in the eye
hydropneumothorax hydropneumothorax accumulation of gas and fluid in the pleural cavity
hydrorrhoea hydrorrhea discharge of water from the tissues
hydrotherapia hydrotherapy use of water in the treatment of disease or injury
hydrothorax hydrothorax accumulation of noninfectious watery fluid in the pleural cavity
hyperaemia hyperemia excessive presence of blood in the part or organ
hyperkeratōsis hyperkeratosis abnormal thickening of cornea or horny skin layer
hyperlipaemia hyperlipemia an excess of lipids (fats) in the blood
hypermastia hypermastia abnormal increase of the breast in size
hypernephrōma hypernephroma abnormal enlargement of kidney tumour
hyperplasia hyperplasia abnormal increase in size of a tissue or an organ
hyperthermia hyperthermia elevation of temperature
hyperthyreōsis hyperthyreosis decreased function of the thyroid gland
hypertrichōsis hypertrichosis abnormal growth of hair
hypertrophia hypertrophy abnormal enlargement of a part or organ
hypogastrium hypogastric under the stomach, pertaining to the lower middle abdomen
hypoglossus hypoglossal; sublingual situated under the tongue
hypoglykaemia hypoglykemia deficiency of glucose in the blood
hypokinesia hypokinesia small quantity of movements
hypoplasia hypoplasia incomplete development of an organ or a tissue
hypothermia hypothermia decreasing of temperature
hypothyreōsis hypothyreosis increased function of the thyroid gland
hypotrophia hypotrophy abnormal decrease in size of a part or an organ
hypovitaminōsis hypovitaminosis deficiency of vitamins in the organism
hysterectomia hysterectomy removal of the uterus
hysteropathia hysteropathy disease of the uterus
hysteropexia hysteropexy fixation of the uterus
hysterorrhagia hysterorrhagia uterine bleeding
hysterorrhaphia hysterorrhaphy suturing of the uterus
hysterotomia hysterotomy cutting of the uterus
keratectomia keratectomy removal of the eye cornea
keratītis keratitis inflammation of the eye cornea
keratōma keratoma tumour of the eye cornea
keratōsis keratosis any disease of the eye cornea
keratotomia keratotomy cutting of the eye cornea
kinesiologia kinesiology study of body movements
kinesitherapia kinesitherapy treatment by motor regimen
kinetōsis kinetosis disease caused by passive movements
leukaemia (leucaemia) leukemia malignant disease of blood-forming organs
leucocytōsis leucocytosis increased count of white blood cells in the blood
leucocytus leucocyte white blood cell
leucoderma leucoderma appearing of white spots on the skin
leucogramma leucogram results of leucocytes studying
leucōma leucoma tumour of white tissue
leucopenia leucopenia decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood
leucorrhoea leucorrhea whitish or yellowish viscid discharge from vagina or uterus
lipaemia lipemia decreased number of lipids in the blood
lipatrophia lipatrophy absence of fat tissue nourishment
lipodystrophia lipodystrophy disturbance of the fat tissue nourishment
lipofibrōma lipofibroma benign tumour composed of fibrous tissue with lipocytes
lipogēnus lipogenic producing fat
lipōma lipoma benign tumour composed of fatty tissues
lipopenia lipopenia decrease in the number of lipids
lipuria lipuria lipid excretion by urine
lymphadenītis lymphadenitis inflammation of lymph nodes
macrocephalia macrocephaly large skull and large amount of brain tissue
macrocheilia macrocheilia excessive enlargement of lips
macroglossia macroglossia large tongue
macromastia macromastia large breast
mammogramma mammogram results of breast X-ray examination
mammographia mammography X-ray recording of the breast
mastectomia mastectomy removal of the breast
mastītis mastitis inflammation of the breast
mastomegalia mastomegaly enlargement of the breast
mastopathia mastopathy disease of the breast
melanodermia melanoderma dark pigment in the skin
melanōma melanoma dark pigment in a tumour
melanōsis melanosis excessive tissues (or organs) pigmentation caused by melanin deposits
melanuria melanuria dark pigment excreted in the urine
metrectomia metrectomy removal of the uterus
metrītis metritis inflammation of the uterus
metrographia metrography X-ray recording of the uterus
metropathia metropathy disease of the uterus
metropexia metropexy fixation of the uterus
metrorrhagia metrorrhagia uterine bleeding
metrotomia metrotomy cutting of the uterus
microcephalia microcephaly small skull and small amount of brain tissue
microencephalia microencephaly congenitally small skull and small amount of brain tissue
microgastria microgastria small stomach
microglossia microglossia small tongue
micromastia micromastia small breast
microphthalmia microphthalmia small size of the eye
microphonia microphonia subsided sound on external examination (on palpation, on auscultation)
microscopia microscopy microscopic examination
microsplenia microsplenia small spleen
monocytopenia monocytopenia decreased number of monocytes
monocytus monocyte particular type of white blood cell that has one nucleus
monodactylia monodactyly one finger on the hand
monomyoplegia monomyoplegia paralysis of one muscle (palsy)
mononeuritis mononeuritis inflammation of one nerve
monopathia monopathy uncomplicated disease
monophobia monophobia fear of loneliness (solitude)
monoplegia monoplegia palsy (paralysis) of one extremity
myalgia myalgia pain in the muscles
myelaemia myelemia abnormally increased amount of myelocytes in the blood or tissues
myelītis myelitis inflammation of the spinal cord
myelocytus myelocyte nerve cell of the grey substance of the brain or spinal cord
myelogēnus myelogenous developing from the bone marrow
myelogramma myelogram X-ray recording of the spinal cord
myelographia myelography results of spinal cord X-ray examination
myelōma myeloma malignant tumour of cells resembling those found in bone marrow
myelopathia myelopathy disease of the spinal cord
myelōsis myelosis any disease of the spinal cord
myocardiodystrophia myocardiodystrophy distrophic lesion of myocardium
myocardiopathia myocardiopathy disease of myocardium
myocardium myocardium middle and thickest layer of the heart wall
myogēnus myogenous developing from muscles
myogramma myogram X-ray recordig of the electrical activity of muscles
myologia myology study of muscles
myōma myoma benign tumour of muscular tissue
myometrītis myometritis inflammation of uterine muscular membrane
myopathia myopathy any disease of the muscle tissue
myopia myopia light rays focus in front of the retina
myorrhaphia myorrhaphy suturing of the muscle
myosītis myositis inflammation of a voluntary muscle
myotomia myotomy cutting of a muscle
nephrectomia nephrectomy removal of the kidney
nephrītis nephritis inflammation of the kidney
nephrogēnus nephrogenous, nephrogenic developing from the renal tissue
nephrogramma nephrogram results of kidney X-ray examination
nephrolithiāsis nephrolithiasis disease with the stones formation (calculi) in the kidney
nephrolithus nephrolith renal stone
nephrologia nephrology study of kidneys
nephrōma nephroma tumour of the kidney
nephromegalia nephromegaly enlargement of the kidney
nephropathia nephropathy disease of kidneys
nephropexia nephropexy fixation of the kidney
nephropyelītis nephropyelitis inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis
nephropyelographia nephropyelography X-ray recording of the kidney and renal pelvis
nephropyelostomia nephropyelostomy creation of an artificial opening between kidney and renal pelvis
nephrōsis nephrosis any kidney disease
nephrotomia nephrotomy cutting of the kidney
neuralgia neuralgia pain that extends along one or more nerves
neurectomia neurectomy removal of the nerve
neurītis neuritis inflammation of the nerve
neurogenus neurogenic developing from nervous system or tissue
neurologia neurology medical speciality related to the brain and nervous system
neurōma neuroma tumour from nervous cells
neuropathia neuropathy nervous disease
neuropathologia neuropathology the branch of medicine that treats disease of the nervous system
neurorrhaphia neurorrhaphy suturing of the nerve
neurōsis neurosis mental or psychiatric disorder characterized by fears, anxieties and compulsions
neurotomia neurotomy cutting of the nerve
odontalgia odontalgia feeling of pain in the tooth (toothache)
odontogēnus odontogenic developing from the tooth
odontōma odontoma tumour of tooth tissue
odontorrhagia odontorrhagia bleeding from the tooth
oesophagostomia oesophagostomy creation of an artificial opening of the esophagus
oligaemia oligemia deficiency of the blood
oligocytaemia oligocytemia insufficiency of blood cells
oligodactylia oligodactylia lack of fingers or toes
oligodentia oligodentia lack of teeth
oligokinesia oligokinesia small quantity of movements
oligomenorrhoea oligomenorrhea disturbance of menses
oligotrophia oligotrophy insufficient nutrition of the tissue or organ
oliguria oliguria deficient urinary secretion or infrequent urination
oncocytōma oncocytoma formation of tumour cells
oncologia oncology study of tumours
oncōsis oncosis formation of one or more tumours
oncotomia oncotomy cutting (incision) of the tumour
ophthalmologia ophthalmology study of eye disorders
ophthalmoplegia ophthalmoplegia palsy (paralysis) of the eye
ophthalmorrhagia ophthalmorrhagia bleeding from the eye
ophthalmoscopia ophthalmoscopy internal examination of the eye
orthodontus orthodontist physician who treats abnormalities of teeth
orthopaedia orthopedics study of the correction of the musculoskeletal system deformities
osteoarthrītis osteoarthritis inflammation of bones and joints
osteoarthropathia osteoarthropathy disease of bones and joints
osteoarthrotomia osteoarthrotomy cutting (incision) of the bone and joint
osteochondrītis osteochondritis inflammation of bones and cartilages
osteocytōma osteocytoma solitary bone cyst
osteocytus osteocyte bone cell
osteodystrophia osteodystrophy disturbance of bone tissue nourishment
osteoectomia osteoectomy removal of the bone
osteogenēsis osteogenesis formation of bone tissue
osteogēnus osteogenous, osteogenic developing from the bone
osteologia osteology study of bones
osteōma osteoma tumour made up of bone tissue
osteomyelītis osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone and bone marrow
osteopathia osteopathy disease of bones
osteopathologia osteopathology disease of bones pathologic changes
osteotomia osteotomy cutting (section) of the bone
ostītis ostitis inflammation of bones
otalgia otalgia feeling of pain in the ear (earache)
otītis otitis inflammation of the ear
otogēnus otogenic developing from the ear
otoneurologia otoneurology the branch of medicine studying ear nerves
otopyorrhoea otopyorrhea purulent discharge from the ear
otorrhagia otorrhagia bleeding from the ear
otorrhoea otorrhea discharge from the ear
otoscopia otoscopy internal examination of the ear
paediater pediatrician physician who treats children disorders
paediatria pediatrics study of children treatment
panalgia panalgia widespread pain of the organism
panaortītis panaortitis widespread, general inflammation of the aorta
panarterītis panarteritis widespread, general inflammation of the artery
pancardītis pancarditis widespread,

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 2012

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II. Latin-English Anatomy Dictionary | VII. Common Abbreviations Used in Prescriptions
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