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III. The superlative degree


The superlative degree expresses a highest quality of thing or person as compared with the same quality of other things or persons.

You should remember the adjectives in superlative degree used in the anatomical terminology:

· Latissĭmus, a, um broadest
· Longissĭmus, a, um longest
· Maxĭmus, a, um greatest
· Minĭmus, a, um least
· Suprēmus, a, um supreme


The dictionary form of the adjectives in the superlative degree coincides with the dictionary form of the 1st group adjectives and consists of three components:

1. adjective in the masculine form;

2. the feminine ending;

3. the neuter ending.

The superlative degree is declined on the pattern of the 1st and 2nd declensions, i.e. the adjectives have the masculine & neuter genitive ending –i, and the feminine genitive ending –ae.


VI. Exercises


1. Make up the dictionary form of the adjectives:

brevior (shorter); longior (longer); minor (small, minor); major (great, greater, major); anterior (anterior); posterior (posterior); superior (upper, superior); inferior (lower, inferior); simplicior (simpler).


2. Translate into Latin and make up grammatical agreement of the following nouns:

lower (sinus, part, spine); small (tubercle, opening, fossa); anterior (sulcus, tubercle, crest, opening, ligament); posterior (arch, surface, ligament); higher (process, opening, slit); great (sulcus, wing, head); small and great (horn).


3. Make up Genitive singular forms, find the stem:

major, jus (great, major); albior, ius (white); minor, us (small, minor); latior, ius (wider); inferior, ius (lower); simplicior, ius (simpler); superior, ius (upper, superior); longior, ius (longer); brevior, ius (shorter); posterior, ius (posterior); anterior, ius (anterior).


4. Make up Genitive singular forms:

tubercŭlum obturatorium posterius (posterior obturative tubercle); processus superior (superior process); incisūra ischiadĭca major (greater ischiadic slit); forāmen superius (superior opening); ramus superior (superior branch); arcus posterior (posterior arch); incisūra superior (superior slit); labium inferius (lower lip); facies posterior (posterior surface); cornu majus et minus (small and great horn); caput majus (greater head); ligamentum posterius (posterior ligament); sulcus major (greater sulcus), ala major (greater wing).


5. Make up grammatical agreement of following adjectives with nouns:

tubercŭlum thyr(e)oidě... superi... (superior thyroid tubercle); fissūra orbitāl... inferi... (lower orbital fissure); linea glutē... anteri... (anterior gluteal line); forāmen ethmoidāl... anter... (anterior ethmoidal opening); spīna tympanĭc... min... (small tympanic spine); processus articulār... inferi... (lower articular process); plexus hypogastrĭc.. superi... (superior hypogastric network); ligamentum longitudināl... anteri... (anterior longitudinal ligament).


6. Translate into Latin:

a) small tubercle; small horn; small pelvis

b) anterior arch; anterior plate; anterior leg

c) superior angle; superior surface; superior lip


7. Make up Genitive singular forms:

facies anterior (anterior surface); angŭlus inferior (lower angle); cornu majus (greater horn); ganglion superius (superior ganglion (nerve node)); pelvis minor (small pelvis); tubercŭlum majus (greater tubercle); arcus posterior (posterior arch); radix anterior (anterior root).


8. Determine the case of each word and the part of speech:

facies anterior partis petrōsae; linea temporālis superior; fovea articulāris processus articulāris superiōris; ala minor ossis sphenoidālis; arcus dentālis inferior; processus articulāris superior vertebrae lumbālis; ramus dexter venae portae; muscŭlus palpebrae superiōris; crista tubercŭli majōris; sulcus nervi petrōsi majōris; caput superius muscŭli pterygoiděi laterālis; tubercŭlum mediāle processus posteriōris tali; pars laterālis ossis occipitālis; hiātus canālis nervi petrōsi minōris; nervus cutaněus brachii laterālis inferior; processus maxillāris conchae nasālis inferiōris; ligamentum longitudināle anterius columnae vertebrālis.


9. Translate into Latin using superlative degree:

gluteus maximus muscle; the longest muscle of neck; superior nuchal line; longissimus chest muscle; supreme nasal concha; the widest back muscle bursa ;gluteus minimus muscle; the widest back muscle; scalenus minimus muscle; little (the fifth) finger.




1. brevis, e short
2. bulbus, i m bulb
3. bursa, ae f pouch, sac
4. cavus, a, um caval, hollow
5. cervix, īcis f neck
6. cingŭlum, i n girdle
7. cutaněus, a, um cutaneous
8. dexter, tra, trum right
9. digĭtus, i m finger; toe
10. glutaeus, a, um pertaining to buttocks
11. hyoiděus, a, um sublingual, hypoglossal
12. jugulāris, e jugular
13. longitudinālis, e longitudinal, lengthwise
14. mediālis, e medial
15. nasālis , e nasal
16. nervus, i m nerve
17. ostĭum, i n mouth, aperture, opening
18. palpěbra, ae f eyelid
19. scalēnus, a, um stairs-shaped
20. talus, i m ankle bone, talus
21. tendo, ĭnis m tendon
22. thorax, ācis m chest
23. tibiālis, e tibial
Positive degree of comparison
24. magnus, a, um large, great
25. parvus, a, um little, small
Comparative degree
26. anterĭor, ĭus anterior, front
27. inferĭor, ĭus lower
28. major, us large
29. minor, us small
30. posterĭor, ĭus back
31. superĭor, ĭus higher, upper
Superlative degree
32. latissĭmus, a, um widest
33. longissĭmus, a, um longest
34. maxĭmus, a, um largest
35. minĭmus, a, um smallest
36. suprēmus, a, um highest

Lesson 6

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