The superlative degree expresses a highest quality of thing or person as compared with the same quality of other things or persons.
You should remember the adjectives in superlative degree used in the anatomical terminology:
· Latissĭmus, a, um
· Longissĭmus, a, um
· Maxĭmus, a, um
· Minĭmus, a, um
· Suprēmus, a, um
The dictionary form of the adjectives in the superlative degree coincides with the dictionary form of the 1st group adjectives and consists of three components:
1. adjective in the masculine form;
2. the feminine ending;
3. the neuter ending.
The superlative degree is declined on the pattern of the 1st and 2nd declensions, i.e. the adjectives have the masculine & neuter genitive ending –i, and the feminine genitive ending –ae.
VI. Exercises
1. Make up the dictionary form of the adjectives:
brevior (shorter); longior (longer); minor (small, minor); major (great, greater, major); anterior (anterior); posterior (posterior); superior (upper, superior); inferior (lower, inferior); simplicior (simpler).
2. Translate into Latin and make up grammatical agreement of the following nouns:
lower (sinus, part, spine); small (tubercle, opening, fossa); anterior (sulcus, tubercle, crest, opening, ligament); posterior (arch, surface, ligament); higher (process, opening, slit); great (sulcus, wing, head); small and great (horn).
3. Make up Genitive singular forms, find the stem:
major, jus (great, major); albior, ius (white); minor, us (small, minor); latior, ius (wider); inferior, ius (lower); simplicior, ius (simpler); superior, ius (upper, superior); longior, ius (longer); brevior, ius (shorter); posterior, ius (posterior); anterior, ius (anterior).
4. Make up Genitive singular forms:
tubercŭlum obturatorium posterius (posterior obturative tubercle); processus superior (superior process); incisūra ischiadĭca major (greater ischiadic slit); forāmen superius (superior opening); ramus superior (superior branch); arcus posterior (posterior arch); incisūra superior (superior slit); labium inferius (lower lip); facies posterior (posterior surface); cornu majus et minus (small and great horn); caput majus (greater head); ligamentum posterius (posterior ligament); sulcus major (greater sulcus), ala major (greater wing).
5. Make up grammatical agreement of following adjectives with nouns:
gluteus maximus muscle; the longest muscle of neck; superior nuchal line; longissimus chest muscle; supreme nasal concha; the widest back muscle bursa ;gluteus minimus muscle; the widest back muscle; scalenus minimus muscle; little (the fifth) finger.