For many years Lake Baikal took away thousands of people’s life. Most of the dramatic cases occurred due to people’s negligence to themselves and callous attitude to the nature. As we know, if people do not respect power of nature, they are tended to be against it. And eventually, they finish their life earlier, not with their own death. This research assignment will be talking about Phenomenal Power of Lake Baikal. Specifically, what causes and affects the death of people, and sinking of ships, boats, and motor vessels in anomalous zones without a reason. The solution of the research assignment is an easy decision. Just be yourself against the Lake Baikal and all consequences will be positive ones!
Findings Salient:
It is about what are the mysterious phenomena of the deepest lake in the world Baikal. Why does Baikal kill a huge number of people every year? Why do various transportation with the travellers and exhibitionists disappear in the freshwater of Baykal? What reflects his causes? And, what makes civilized people persuaded that in Baikal lives a ghost that manages people’s life and who decide whether this person has to live or die.
· For people’s existence, they need to comply principles of nature
· Be kinder more helpful to the surrenders of nature
· Love nature, and eventually, nature will love you
· Be more responsible, and do not get dark thoughts
· Come only with bright thoughts to Baikal
As people know, Baikal, which is in the South-Eastern Siberia of Russia, is an oldest lake that made from the tectonic origins. Baikal is originally the deepest lake that is 5314 feet deep, and it contains the largest part of fresh water in the world, 20 per cent of global resources. Another significant feature that sets Lake Baikal is its entire water saturated throughout oxygen and its water renews every autumn and spring. This lake is in an active continental rift zone is valued to be widening at a rate of about 1 inch per year. In addition, there is 2500 plant and animal species that have been found, of which over 75 per cent are believed to be endemic[1]. Regular renewal and water purification are the effects of such expanded flora and fauna. However the landscapes of Baikal are incredibly beautifull, there are anamlous zones that are similar to Bermuda Triangle. The material objectives, such as tens of people, boats, ships, and many others, disappear sometimes without a trace in these places causing unexplained phenomena. Lake Baikal has became extremely popular place in the world, thus it is one of the largest area for investigating phenomena. People, who visit this place, experience the most incredible cases in their life long. – map of the Lake Baikal
Problem Identification
What are the mysterious enigmas of Lake Baikal? Why does Baikal kill a huge number of people every year? Why do ships, motor vessels, boats with people disappear without leaving a trace? And, what makes civilized people believed that in Baykal lives a spirit who manages people's life? These secretes will be observed and investigated in the following components of a major paper. The answers to the secrets might be seen in different views. The first one is based on the aspects of scientists that have been made and researched for a long time. The second one is based on my conclusions.
Since olden times, Baikal has played a significant role in the inhabitants’ life of this lake. Baikal was overtaken with a lot of cryptic events that have remained unsolved to this day. Moreover, the phenomena of this lake connect locators’ life not on a life-and-death. During various expeditions, Baikal begins preventing to scientists to observe and identify new discoveries in anomalous zones where devices stop working and even where scientists experience some unexplained actions.
The first example brings a vital impact for a Russian nation where expeditors tried to find and lift the Russian freight cars with Kolchak's gold from the bottom of lake Baikal. The history of this significant story was in the beginning of 1920, where Russians experienced the Civil War between red and white armies. Kolchak, an admiral of white army who tried to export the half of the gold reserves of the Russian Empire to the different countries from Kazan, faced red army on the way of Circum-Baikal Railway line. Soldiers of the red army met him with a huge suprise of denating the tunnel. There were 1600 tones of Kolchak’s gold[2]. The train was blown up and dropped in the water embraces of the deepest Lake Baikal. Over the long time before 2009, scientists could not find a way to get this treasure out. To be more specific, one of the biggest international expeditions, which was called “Worlds”, were trying to find tsar’s gold of Russian Empire[3]. Agents of this organization were equipped with the best and most upgraded equipment. There were mini submarines that submersed up to 4921 feet. Despite this, scientists faced strange feelings during the expeditions, as a host of lake did not want to give the gold treasure away. As an illustration, every time when expeditors tried to close in to the train filled gold, they got unsuccessful result from the sides of weather conditions and behavior of lake, however, expeditors have been beginning searches when the weather was accurate. In opinions of locaters, there is an ancient spirit, Burhan, which causes all this actions; and furthermore, it takes the large sacrifices away because hundreds of ships, motor vessels, boats are sunk with the drown bodies on them without reasons. Most of people have not been found even until nowadays. Believing in it, shamans bring sacrifice to the lake spirit in the form of animals periodically; thereby, they get respect and calm of the lake from host. In addition to this incredible phenomenon, there were different cases of disasters that happened with the expeditors during the investigation process. For instance, while mini-submarine Mir-2 could not rise to the surface because of engine failure, the captain ordered the expedition to stay at a depth and wait for reinforcements[4]. Expeditors fell asleep suddenly and gratuitously. And one expeditor of the crew, Bair Tsyrenov has heard through a dream that someone opened the door, came in and sat down with them. Not realizing what is going on at the depth, Tsyrenov felt that someone similar to the ghost is physically in the cabin. He told him that they did not touch anything, they were only wondering to look at gold; they did not do anything bad. At the second step, ghost has closed the door of Mir-2 and disappeared. Thereafter, the engine of mini-submarine was activated; they rose to the surface. There were a lot of strange cases such as explained earlier. - comments - this picture illustrates Mir-2 submarine
The next example is when two people, Valdimir Isaichev and Valentin Efremov, wanted to resolve the enigma of Lake Baikal performing an air balloon flight over the so-called local "Bermuda Triangle"[5]. They became the first who have flown across anomalous zones of Baikal on a hot air balloon. There have been attempts to cross the world's largest freshwater lake earlier, but all of them were unsuccessful. First time, Aeronautical battalion of the Russian army experienced in 1907[6]. They tried to fly over Lake Baikal, and returned a verdict: it is dangerous. Several expeditions, who did not believe to this statement, tried to cross it and went missing. The ones who returned told mysterious stories of being "lost in time" and air flow currents[7]. In 2005, Helicopter Mi-2 with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures onboard was wrecked in this place; both pilots were lost. Moreover, three more international expeditions have been missing in the past years[8]. However, it is not the first anomalies which have been noticed in the largest lake in the world. Eyewitnesses have seen strange things in area of "the Baikal triangle" such as the shone spheres, sparkling concentric circles and sharp weather changes. - wrecked Helicopter Mi-2 with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures onboard
Despite this, travellers, Valdimir Isaichev and Valentin Efremov, finally decided to verify the anomalous zones and cross this lake in 2007. However two Russians were equipped with advanced navigation tools, navigation and on-board instruments rejected to work[9]. Although the weather in the beginning of expedition was excellent, later on it changed. They experienced such mysterious enigma that they had to make rite of the Baikal spirit. Thereafter, the weather got better and they landed successfully. – balloonists Valdimir Isaichev and Valentin Efremov
The third example of mysterious phenomenon is dark circles discovered on the largest freshwater lake Baykal in 2009. First time these mysterious circles have been seen in 1999, and they mostly appear in April and change their location every time as compared with previous years[10]. Their sizes are approximately 5-7 km in diameter that cannot be seen from the ice or even from the mountaintops, surrounding the lake basin. However, these dark circles are not new mystery for livers, scientists cannot explain this phenomenon nowadays. There is a version for it, but it might be not exactly accurate. It is about huge formations of circles that are caused due to the seismic activities and tectonic movements within the Baikal rift system. There is also a version of UFO, that probably aliens use these dark circles for studying the Earth. - Circles - illustrated dark circles that are expressed with small yellow arrows - Circles - dark circles that was made with satellite imager in 2009
Returning back, all locators and civilized people are persuaded that there lives a spirit of lake who appears to people in a view of the gray-haired old man. Probably, it is true. Because this lake is the oldest one and a lot of phenomena is going around of it. To prove it, locaters who live close to Baikal often experience the dreams with the host. They see it as a gray-haired old man as well. Some travelers have taken this picture accidentally in Baikal during their expedition. The image represents angry spirit on the right side. To make it believed, there are to different versions of waves made with a boat. – the images made by the traveller Polina that expresses the spirit of Lake Baikal, Burhan
The second image that made fortuitously is confirmed by locaters who have seen the dreams with the host. They strongly claim that exactly the same spirit comes to their head during their dream. Same eyes, nose, and mouth they see. - the image made by the traveller Polina that expresses the spirit of Lake Baikal, Burhan
However it sounds fearfully, it might be a truth because so much mysterious phenomena is surrounded Baikal and shamans with their rites do not give calmness. Another prove of the spirit is when two Russians balloonists, Valdimir Isaichev and Valentin Efremov, were making their flight through Baikal, they took picture of it: – the image of spirit Burhan that made by Vladimir Isaichev while he was flying across the anomalous zones of Baikal
As they believe that this picture can bring bad lack, Valdimir Isaichev agreed just to show it in video. It was impossible to find in Google database, so this picture was made with screenshot during watching a video with a Russian translation.
Livers claim as well that it is the same spirit “Burhan” that manages people’s life along Baikal. They say there is nothing happens without a reason, if something happens, people are deceitful and proud. Livers believe, that spirit can differentiate easily as people consist of 90% of water, it see them thru (to the bone).