To participate in the conference work it is necessary (before the 31st of October) to send on electronic address mnpk2014&
- register card (the example of the file name: Ivanov I.I. rc),
- article text (the example of the file name: Ivanov I.I. article),
- scanned review of scientific supervisor for students’ and masters’ articles (the example of the file name: Ivanov I.I. review),
- receipt copy (the example of the file name: Ivanov I.I. receipt).
Publication price of one page is 150 rubles.
Additional collection price is 200 rubles.
Payment requisites of Kursk State Agricultural Academy for other conference participants:
UFK about Kursk region (FGBOU VPO "Kursk GSHA" of p/a 20446Õ13830);
INN/CHECK POINT 4629029121/463201001;
Z/S 40501810138072000001 in office of Kursk Kursk; BIK 043807001;
OKTMO 38701000; PSRN 1034637005292.
KBQ 00000000000000000130
Payment purpose: Payment for organizing and conducting the scientific conference
It is obligatory to indicate sir-name, name and patronymic of conference participants.
FORMATTING Requirements
Òext , including bibliography should not exceed 5 pages.
1. UDC
2. Titles should not exceed 70 characters. Titles of articles should be with all main words capitalized.
3. Format for text is Microsoft Word (6.0; 95; 97-2003). Page formatting: paper size A5 (148x210), font size 10pt, line spacing 12 (i.e. 40 lines on a page), paragraph spacing 0.6, Times New Roman font, margins: top -1.9; bottom-1.9 ; left-hand – 1.5; right-hand-2.3 , footer-1.5 i.e. text width 11cm, text height 17.5 cm. Automatic hyphenation should be set, page numbers are centered at the bottom, figures, tables and diagrams should be incorporated in the text electronically. Figures, used in articles should be uploaded as separate files.
4. Bachelors and masters should indicate the last name and initials of their scientific supervisor, his/her scientific degree and academic rank.
An example of the report title
Petrov A.P., Candidate of Economy, assistant professor
Kursk state agricultural Academy or
Petrova N.V., student
Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economy, assistant professor Petrov P.K.
Kursk state agricultural Academy
An example of the reference list
1. Sedov E.N. Apples all the year round// Agrarian science – 2010.-¹12. p. 14-15
Registration form
1. Surname, name, patronymic
2. Date of birth
3. Place of work/ study ( the full name of organization)
4. The position with indicating the structural unit (for graduate students, young scientists)
5. Academic degree, academic title
6. Faculty, course ( for students, masters degree )
7. Surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title of scientific supervisor (for students, masters degree )
8. The title of the report
9. Contact details ( postal address with zip code, telephone, Fax, e-mail)
10. The form of participation in the conference (oral presentation, poster presentation, correspondence participation) In case full-time participation it is necessary to indicate surname, name, patronymic of the speaker
11. Demonstration equipment should be used
12. Places of accommodation in the hostel of the Academy should be used (enter the dates of staying)
13.Additional collection should be used
Registration of the participants of the conference will be held from 9.30 a.m. to 10.30 on the 12 th of November in 2014 before the plenary session in the Assembly hall on the second floor of the main academic building KSAA by address 305021, Kursk, Karl Marx street, 70
Phone for inquiries
+7 960 694 29 66 Jakov Nikolai Vladimirovich ( a chairman of the council of young scientist)
+7 960 682 86 41 Pozhidaeva Natalia Aleksandrovna (a chairman of CNO)