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You have just been offered a job as a tourist guide in Minsk. Ask the employer about your duties, hours of work, breaks etc.

Interview someone who is applying for the job as a teacher in your private language school.

– hello

-hello. Tell me please about yourself.

- I was born in Vitebsk. I graduated from psu. I worked for the private language school in polotsk then in novopolotsk.

- How long have you worked in polotsk and in novopolotsk?

- I have worked in polotsk for 3 years and in novopolotsk for 4 years.

-are you married?

-I am not.

-Do you have the right skills?

- I communicate a lot with children. Children often come to me for advice. I am cheerful. Children like such people who can joke.

-Why do you want to work for our company?

- your school has a good reputation and there are good chances for promotion.

-ok. I‘ll call you back..

- thank you. Good bye.


2) You are at a job interview. Answer the interviewer’s questions. Try to be convicing if you want to get a job.


-hello. Do you have a job experience.

- I graduated from psu. I worked for the factory naftan, then I worked for the company polimir.

- how long have you worked for naftan and for polimr?

- I have worked for naftan for 3 years fnd for polimir for 4 years.

-are you married?

-I am not.

-do you have the right skills?

-I communicate a lot with other people. People often come to me for advice. And I am sure that they trust me.

-why do you want to work for our company?

- your company has a good reputation and there are good chances for promotion.

- ok. I ‘ll call you back..

- thank you. Good bye.



You want to borrow money from a bank to start your own small business. Persuade the bank manager of your creditworthiness for him or her to give you a loan.

– Hello. Can I help you?

– Yes, please. I’m going to start my own business, but I haven’t enough money to start it. Can I borrow 25.000 for running my salon?

– Yes, of course. But before that you must answer some questions.

– Ok. Could you help me?

– Yes. I’ll try to do it. Have you had any experience in the business you want to start?

– Yes, of course. I worked as a massagist in a clinic for 5 years.

– Have you done any preparation?

– Yes. I’ve already found an office for my salon and also I started to look for people for a team.

– Why do you want to run the beauty salon? Is it perspective?

– I think yes. The competition is very small in our city. The office is situated in the center. So I think my business will have a good income.

– How much capital you already have?

– I have 20.000, but I need 25.000 more to start my business.

– Ok. What exactly do you want to do with the loan?

– I’m planning to buy some equipment and oil for massage.

– How soon can you pay it back?

– I think in 2 years.

– Oh! It’s very nice. You can get a loan. Be successful in your business.

You have just been offered a job as a tourist guide in Minsk. Ask the employer about your duties, hours of work, breaks etc.

-Hello. I have received your offer about the tourist-guide two days before and would like to know about my professional duties.

- Well, you should work from time to time, so it is a part-time job, because we can have not enough tourists every day. You have to meet the tourists and to offer them an amazing guide program.

- Will I have to work all day?

- no. it depends on the duration of your guide programme.

- Must I write the programme myself?

- of course

- Can I ask, how many breaks I can have during a week?

- it depends on a season of the year.

- Does it mean, that I must work about five days a week in summer and a bit less in winter?

- you are right.

- how much money will I earn?

- well, there is no fixed salary.

- thank you.

- good bye.

- bye.

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1704

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