Complete each sentence with the correct form of the appropriate verb from the box.
change, check , contact, look, phone, send, spend, travel
1 Remember ... your grandmother a card on her birthday next week .
2 She stopped ... at a poster and missed the train.
3 Do you remember ... alone for the first time?
4 I'll never forget ... three weeks in the rainforest.
5 Don't forget ... your email before you leave home.
6 He tried ... his hair colour, but he still looked awful.
7 Please stop ... me at work, my boss doesn't allow personal calls.
8 I tried ... my boss, but he was on a climbing holiday.
'to smeared [smta] -Ma3an1, HaMa3ysaTII1

1 In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
a) How are you feeling at the moment? Which of the following
adjectives is the closest to the way you are feeling now?
•bored • relaxed • happy • calm
b) How do you think the people in the sentences below probably feel?
a afraid
| c .Q.!J..9.!Y
| e happy
| g depressed
| b alarmed
| d annoyed
| f delighted
| h sad
| [£] 1 Kathy finds out that her sister has ruined her favourite skirt.
D 2 Bruce realises that he has locked himself out of his flat.
D 3 Joanne says goodbye to her best friend , who is moving to another
D 4 Phil can't see the bright side of life.
D 5 It's the first day of the holiday, and Carol is on her way to the coast
with some friends.
D 6 Paul hears he has got into university.
D 7 Claire has to walk home alone in the dark.
D 8 Richard unexpectedly finds out that he has a test the next day
and he's not prepared.
2 a) Read the sentences and guess the meanings of the words in bold.
1 His letter had filled her with rage and disappointment.
2 The attack provoked an angry response.
3 He looked with envy at Bob's new car.
4 An anxiety among workers about job losses was spreading .
5 She couldn't speak after the accident , she experienced a real handicap.
6 She was like a vulnerable young child, unable to defense herself. 7 A fat and contented black cat was lying in the sun .
8 Don't act like such an idiot- use your intelligence!
9 Lack of sunlight will stunt the plant's growth.
10 This letter full of mistakes is vividly showed his illiteracy.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 2377