•Which ofthese dictionaries does each piece of information belong to?
• How do you think these dictionaries are different?
• How can they be helpful to students of English?
4,650 new encyclopedic entries on people and places, politics and current affairs, science and technology, history, the arts, religion, linguistics, sport, the media and many other fields.
The only dictionary which provides
up-to-date information and advice on the contemporary English of 75,000 words.
Equal coverage of British and American English. Over 15,000 cultural entries .
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Thorough coverage of British, Ame rican and Austral ian pronunciation varieties of English.
Over 160,000 words in two volumes. The New English-Ukrainian Dictionary contains a great number of words and word comb inations wit h the corresponding Ukrainian translations .
m l'l z Cl
b) Read these entries from different dictionaries. Say what kind of information each entry gives.
h ide• /haJd/ u past tense hid past participle hidden f htdn/ 1 [TJ to deliber ately put or keep something m a place where it cannot ily be seen or found:My
FAUSfA('b:st2):ooc 4>6cra /..am. g r(frumd keeps hiding my fausta -cqaCTJ!HaaJI, 6naronpKJIT· cigarettes.Ihide sth from HU/ Cp. HeM - Fausta . sb Tlu bushes hid Dave's FAUSTINA[fo :s'ti:o: ):ooc4>oCTH· bilre completely from tJu
Ha feap. UA. FAUSTA /; Cp. """'· passers -by.l keep sth hid- Faustioa, pyccK. 4>aBCTHH3 . den CorifidentiaJ docu-
FAUSfiNE [fo:s'tt:n) ""t1>ocTiiH ments are kept hidden in a
gy) TeXHOJIOriSI 6e:mocepell UA. FELICITY /. <t>eAUC 'lap- ·uul struggled to hide hiS diSappointment at nat getting MOH'T)'&aHHSI IC Ha Marl A<oH() -z.AIJIIHoe IJeU<;7rYyoo e ,ou- lu ;ob. .5 (TJ to deliberately not tell people facts or SNA (SyslemS Network Arcl 1/0 s poA<OHt T. Xapi)u 'B t<pOJO M· nfonnation : He took off his ring to hide the/act that he
ture) MepelKell& apxiTeii:TYP coe;Ek:. [f(ltsi:I, fe1ISI. f(itsj:l, lOS marrial. hhide sth from Don't try to hide anything
CTeMH f(ltft: f(ltf.P, a.wep. ft1tf•. t1II: J -om me. 6 ave nothing to hi de to be willing to tell
Mwi>R '
snap (II) cjlio:caui!l (:J06pa;tee
(V) cjllo:cyaa-rn (
i!CHJI <l>eniic >l, cPeJIHIIJKll. eople about everything you have done because you
d>eruuna, mptWuli - 4>e· tve done nothing dishonest, illegal or immoral· The
n:imHJI / eHcK. t< FELIX/. Cp._ r/J_P · >mpanyclai;m«ithattluclealwaslegdtandthatt had
snapshot (v) cjllo:_cysa Felicie, um.
HtA<. FeliZia , >thmg to hide. 7 hide your light under a bushel
rUIM 'Juri/); (II) cjltKC3Ulll (3 Felicia , pyccK. <Peni<D.IlK not tell anyone that you are very good at something
_ _j_e• n [C) .1 Br a place from which you can watch
rorm _ cjll :cauiR noro'IHoro 306· antmals or bt.rds Without being seen by them· BLIND' (3)
palKCHHll (y tJ>aiiAil AmE 2 an animal's skin, especlally when it has been
NP (Sequence Nllmber Field) remov to !Je used for leather: ox hide gloves 3 have/
S (y tan sb s htde spoken humorous to punish someone
nOJte Afl!l n<JTO'IHOro HOMCp& severely 4 not see hide nor hair of spoken to have not
sazo.IIOIJKY) see someone at all recently: I haven 't seen hide nar ha ·
o/hJ111forages . zr
c) In groups, discuss why different types of dictionaries are valuable.
1- G) Organise the phrases in the box according to the headings (1, 2).
1 A good teacher (is) ... 2 A good student (is) ...
makes good progress, a good listener, good at explaining things, uses modern methods, concerned about the students , always marks homework on time , pays attention in class , wor ks hard
learn, teach or study? to pass an exam I to take an examTo learnis to get new
Look: I am going to take the exam in June. I really hope I'll pass! If I don't pass . I will take the exam again in November.
know I find out
If you knowsomething , you already have the information.
Andy knows what time the train leaves . If you findsomething out,you learn new information for the first time.
I found out it recently.
® Match the words with their definitions.
knowledge or skills.
I want to learn how to drive. When you teachsomeone, you give him/her new knowledge or skills.
My dad taught me how to drive.
When you studyyou go to classes , read books, etc. try to understand new ideas and facts . He is studving biology at university.
1 to assist ---- ato become a member of an organisation
2 to attend bto help
3 to get to know cto spend time with someone or something so
4 to join that you gradually learn more about them