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Materials on the monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements of students

Test items

1. The after-hours ___ consists of functionally different groups:

A) 2

B) 3-x

C) 4-x

D) 5-

E) 6-


2. Allocate ____ basic function of free time:

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

E) 6


3. Human activities in their spare time, working to restore the physical and spiritual strength, as well as for its comprehensive development and characterized, in comparison with other areas of activity, the relative diversity of behavior and self-worth of it:

A) holidays

B) recreation

C) Tourism

D) tour

E) recovery


4. Any human activity which is not aimed at meeting immediate needs:

A) holidays

B) recreation

C) Tourism

D) tour

E) recovery


5. The totality of the phenomena and relationships arising from the use of free time for recreational, educational, sporting, cultural and entertainment activities of people during the daily, weekly and annual life cycles in specialized areas outside of the village, is a place of permanent residence:

A) holidays

B) recreation

C) Tourism

D) tour

E) recreational activities


6. The set of phenomena and relationships arising from the travel and stay of people outside of their permanent place of residence, if the stay is not transformed into a long stay or for temporary employment for a living:

A) holidays

B) recreation

C) Tourism

D) tour

E) recovery


7. sortie, walk, ride, sightseeing than any object, forms and methods of acquiring knowledge:

A) holidays

B) recreation

C) Tourism

D) tour

E) education


8. Dynamic category, which bears the features of a particular age, class or social group, varying in scope and content is a necessary condition for the development of recreational, called -

A) free time

B) non-working time

C) working time

D) recreation

E) tourism


9. What is the concept of the above - "tour", "vacation", "drive", "recreation", "tourism" - includes all the others:

A) tour

B) Rest

C) trip

D) recreation

E) tourism


10. psycho-physiological functions of free time include:

A) recovery

B) communication

C) food, sleep, movement

D) knowledge

E) recreation


11. In the recreation and tourism can be distinguished ____ primary function:

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

E) 6


12. The function of tourism, which is evident in the interest of tourists to the natural, cultural, historical, ethnographic, economic and other area attractions visit:

A) cognitive

B) sports

C) recreational and sports

D) Aesthetic

E) medical


13. climatic attractions include:

A) architectural monuments, museums, theaters

B) social practices, rituals, clothing, kitchen

C) the originality of the forms of farming

D) favorable climate, forests, mountains, lakes

E) the development of services


14. ethnographic attractions include:

A) the development of services

B) architectural monuments, galleries, theaters

C) favorable climate, lakes, forests

D) the originality of the forms of farming

E) rituals, customs, clothing, food, folklore


15. cultural and historical sights include:

A) architectural monuments, museums, theaters

B) social practices, rituals, clothing, kitchen

C) the originality of the forms of farming

D) favorable climate, forests, mountains, lakes

E) the development of services


16. The share of international tourism has to _______ the world's gross domestic product:

A) 11%

B) 6%

C) 10,5%

D) 10%

E) 2%


17. The share of international tourism accounts for _____ world exports:

A) 10%

B) 11%

C) 2%

D) 6%

E) 10,5%


18. The disease of the 20th century, caused by lack of movement:

A) hypoxia

B) hypotension

C) lack of exercise

D) hypertension

E) vascular dystonia


19. The function of recreation, which consists in spa treatment and rehabilitation:

A) socio-cultural

B) biomedical

C) Economic

D) policy

E) Environmental


20. Simple and expanded reproduction of the labor force - the function of recreation:

A) life sciences

B) Socio-cultural

C) Economic

D) policy

E) Environmental


21. The function of recreation, conservation and development of the health of the population, an increase in active life expectancy:

A) Political

B) Economic

C) biomedical

D) Environment

E) socio-cultural


22. The needs of society in the restoration of health and capacity for work, the comprehensive development of physical and spiritual forces of all its members:

A) individual recreational needs

B) group recreational needs

C) public recreational needs

D) generating recreational needs

E) implement recreational needs


23. The requirements reflect the content of the needs of certain socio-demographic, occupational and age groups:

A) individual recreational needs

B) group recreational needs

C) public recreational needs

D) generating recreational needs

E) implement recreational needs


24. The socio-economic factors affecting the recreational needs are:

A) the state of health of the population

B) natural area in which the person lives

C) Degree of urbanization

D) the level of development of productive forces, the incomes of the population

E) the intensity of cultural and business ties, value orientations


25. Demographic factors affecting the recreational needs are:

A) natural area in which the person lives

B) the health status of the population

C) age and sex structure of the population structure and family size

D) the level of the cultural life of the population, the duration of the holiday

E) the influence of fashion, communication


26. socio-psychological factors affecting the recreational needs are:

A) the state of health of the population

B) natural area in which the person lives

C) Degree of urbanization

D) the level of development of productive forces, the incomes of the population

E) the intensity of cultural and business ties, value orientations


27. Medical and biological factors are:

A) the state of health of the population

B) natural area in which the person lives

C) Degree of urbanization

D) the level of development of productive forces, the incomes of the population

E) the intensity of cultural and business ties, value orientations


28. Natural factors include:

A) natural area in which the person lives

B) the health status of the population

C) age and sex structure of the population structure and family size

D) the level of the cultural life of the population, the duration of the holiday

E) the influence of fashion, communication


29. The science that studies the mental requirements for recreational environment inherent in social groups and individuals:

A) Sociology

B) Demography

C) Social Psychology

D) geography

E) urban studies


30. recreational and therapeutic classes include:

A) walking, swimming

B) climate, mud

C) sun and air baths

D) picking mushrooms, berries

E) skiing


31. typology recreational activities emit 2 groups uniting ____ basic types of activities:

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

E) 6


32. cycles recreational activities vary in their social function and the technology does not include:

A) treatment

B) health

C) sports

D) Cultural

E) cognitive


33. The first national park was established in:

A) Canada

B) Australia

C) United States

D) Russia

E) Ukraine


34. In accordance with the typology of territorial recreation systems developed I.V.Zorinym, V.S.Preobrazhenskim, Yu.A.Vedeninym, recreational parks are divided into:

A) Cultural, sports

B) educational, medical

C) therapeutic, recreational and sports, medical

D) health, sports and informative

E) environmental, sporting, educational


35. Factors territorial organization of the recreational sector, by P.Mariotu and I.V.Zorinu divided into ____ Group:

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

E) 6


36. Recreational needs are _______ character and is an important factor in the development of recreation and tourism:

A) social

B) Political

C) Economic

D) socioeconomic

E) a socio-political


37. Integrated-synthetic geographical science studies the spatial (territorial) organization of society in the concrete conditions of the natural environment -

A) Physical Geography

B) Political Geography

C) social geography

D) Geography of Tourism

E) recreational geography


38. The object of the study of geography and the geography of recreational tourism is -

A) recreational space

B) Economic Space

C) information space

E) geographical area

E) environmental space


39. The subsystem TRS, which is characterized by the volume and structure recreational needs, selectivity and geography of tourism demand, seasonality and diversity of tourist flows:

A) «group of travelers"

B) «natural and historical-cultural complex"

C) «technical installations"

D) «staff»

E) «governing body»


40. TRS subsystem, which acts as a resource and the conditions meet the recreational needs and is the basis for the formation of territorial TPC:

A) «group of travelers"

B) «natural and historical-cultural complex"

C) «technical installations"

D) «staff»

E) «governing body»


41. TRS subsystem that provides both the normal life of travelers and staff (services of accommodation, food, transport) and specific recreational needs:

A) «group of travelers"

B) «natural and historical-cultural complex"

C) «technical installations"

D) «staff»

E) «governing body»


42. The subsystem TRS, which is characterized by number of recreational and other personnel specialized companies, the level of skill and professionalism of tourism personnel, labor supply:

A) «group of travelers"

B) «natural and historical-cultural complex"

C) «technical installations"

D) «staff»

E) «governing body»


43. TRS subsystem that provides optimal interaction between the elements of the TPC and the efficient functioning of the whole system:

A) «group of travelers"

B) «natural and historical-cultural complex"

C) «technical installations"

D) «staff»

E) «governing body»


44. _____________ studies TPC as a whole system, identifying patterns: formation, dynamics, development, diversity, distribution TPC relationship between TRS, etc .:

A) Physical Geography

B) Political Geography

C) social geography

D) Geography of Tourism

E) recreational geography


45. The subject of the study of recreational geography:

A) recreational space

B) oecumene





46. ​​The method of research, which uses questionnaires, case interviews, examination of documents:

A) Balance

B) a method of mathematical analysis

C) Sociology

D) Economics and Mathematics

E) mapping


47. The science that studies the effect of environmental conditions on the human body, especially its adaptation to the new developed areas, the spread of certain types of diseases:

A) medical geography

B) Physical Geography

C) Economic Geography

D) Social Geography

E) engineering geography


48. The property, which reflects the length of time the conditions favorable to the human body:

A) the comfort of the natural complex

B) attractiveness of the natural complex

C) the capacity of the natural complex

D) the stability of the natural complex

E) aesthetic natural complex


49. The exotic, unique recreation area - is:

A) the comfort of the natural complex

B) attractiveness of the natural complex

C) the capacity of the natural complex

D) the stability of the natural complex

E) aesthetic natural complex


50. The development of recreational problems geography in the former Soviet Union was engaged in the Institute of Geography of the USSR, headed by:

A) V.S.Preobrazhenskim

B) I.P.Gerasimovym

C) NN Baranski

D) I.V.Zorinym

E) P.Mariotom


51. Who was the first to introduce the concept of "ecumene":

A) LR Popov.

B) EB Alaev.

C) VR Vashkinym.

D) Yu.A.Vedeninym

E) V.S.Preobrazhenskim


52. Who and in what year introduced the concept of recreational geography in Soviet literature:

A) 1987 EA Kotliarov, AA Vedenin.

B) 1971 II Pirozhnik, PA Chistobaev.

C) 1971 VS Transfiguration, Y. Vedenin.

D) 1985 II Pirozhnik, EA Kotliarov

E) 1990 A.I.Chistobaev, MD Sharygin


53. Part of the social and cultural spaces associated with the implementation and organization of recreational activities:

A) geographic space

B) recreational space

C) the physical space

D) ecological space

E) Economic Space


54. CBT - is:

A) the basic territorial system.

B) territorial social system.

C) the territorial environment.

D) territorial organizational system

E) Tourism social system


55. Home of geographical studies of recreation and tourism concerns:

A) for the first half of XVIII century

B) in the second half XVIIIveka

C) to the first half XIXveka

D) in the second half XIXveka

E) to the second half XXveka


56. Who was first used the term "geography of tourism":

A) I.G.Kol

B) A.Getner

C) D.Stradner

D) B.B.Rodomen

E) V.M.Karl


57. The focus of the first geographic studies of leisure and tourism has been given:

A) the development of tourist areas and tourist recreational resources

B) transport services on the route and tourist flows

C) the development of tourist traffic and tourist natural resources

D) of tourist flows and the development of tourist areas

E) the study of the tourist economy and the study of the economic impact of tourism


58. Where and when was formed Institute of Tourism Research:

A) of Bern (1920).

B) of Grenoble (1927).

C), Strasbourg (1926).

D), Frankfurt (1929).

E), Berlin (1929).


59. The first university center for the scientific study of tourism and training:

A) Jagiellonian University Center

B) The Warsaw University Center

C) Boston National University

D) Peking University

E) The Austrian State University


60. Who was the first in the literature to clarify the concept "Tourism Geography" and "Geography of tourism":

A) M.Bchvarov

B) Yu.Golodov

C) L.Leschitsky

D) S.Mak Merry

E) H.Pozer


61. Who was the director of the Higher School of Commerce opened in 1929 in Berlin:

A) Robert Glucksmann

B) Alf Borman

C) Richard Brown

D) Simon Ma-Merry

E) George Midge


62. After the Second World War, the main centers of the geography of tourism and recreation are:

A) Poland and the GDR

B) Yugoslavia and Bulgaria

C) Japan and Czechoslovakia

D) Austria and Australia

E) The US and France


63. In the period 1945-1960gg. there is a new term:

A) «Geography of Tourism"

B) «Geography rest"

C) «Recreational geography"

D) «tourist area"

E) «Tourism Geography"


64. As I understand the term "recreation in the open air":

A) rest in the park

B) rest on the high seas

C) rest in the open air outside the city limits

D) rest is carried out by climbing the mountains

E) recreation, hiking for a long time



65. One of the geographers, who carried out the development of the main stages of the procedure recreational evaluation of natural systems:

A) L.I.Muhina

B) K.N.Valiev

C) E.V.Ilinsky

D) V.L.Hrischaty

E) G.D.Beloglazov


66. One of the geographers landshaftovedov Lomonosov Moscow State University, who were executed in applied research major resort regions: country:

A) M.Pogrebetsky

B) P.Popkov

C) N.S.Kazanskaya

D) E.G.Sheffer

E) E.D.Smirnova


67. Who and when was generalized learning experience recreational resources as a special type of natural resources:

A) A.Kostrovitski (1970).

B) L.G.Shvidchenko (1972).

C) B.N.Lihanov (1973).

D) V.B.Nefedova (1989).

E) E.Koloeolnikov (1975).


68. In the second half of the 60s Soviet geographers started:

A) Purchase of recreational land

B) the study of the competitiveness of the tourism market in natural

C) the study of the social aspects of recreation and tourism

D) organization of routes of the day when the workers make trips to the surrounding recreational areas at their disposal "Train of Health"

E) organizing and conducting mass ascension


69. Which countries were based specialists, depending on the remoteness of the place of residence and the use of gravity models:

A) Germany and France

B) Japan and China

C) Austria and Hungary

D) the United States and Poland

E) US and Canada


70. Where extensively studied natural recreational flows, intercity recreation centers, which served as a transition from the "geography of tourism" to the "geography of leisure":

A) in Japan

B) in the USA

C) into Czechoslovakia

D) in the Federal Republic of Germany

E) into Yugoslavia


71. In what year appeared the International Union official tourism promotion organizations:

A) to 1931.

B) in the 1930.

C) v1933g.

D) in the 1940.

E) in the 1939.


72. Where is the residence IUOTO (International Union of Official Travel Organizations):

A) to Warsaw

B) to Geneva

C) in Berlin

D) in the Lisbon

E) in the Madrid


73. In what year came the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIST):

A) to 1949.

B) in the 1943.

C) for 1951.

D) in the 1927.

E) in the 1935.


74. Where was established International Academy of Tourism (AIT), the merit of which was the publication in 1953 of the International Touring dictionary:

A) to Cartagena

B) to Valencia

C) in a Monte Carlo

D) in Munich

E) in the Milan


75. Where and when were first used the word "tourism" and "tourist":

A) to the XIX century on the Apennine Peninsula

B) in the XVIII century, the British Isles

C) in the second half of the XVIII century in Scandinavia

D) in the first half of XVIII century in Germany

E) in the second half of the XX century on the island of Corsica


76. Who in 1952 in the USSR, one of the first gave close to a perfect definition of tourism:

A) E.Ilinsky

B) V.V.Dobkovich

C) P.Popkov

D) E.Kolokolnikov

E) V.S.Preobrazhensky


77. The United Nations Conference on International Travel and Tourism in the concept of "tourists" include persons conducting in the country:

A) more than a day

B) more than three days

C) more than a week

D) for more than two weeks

E) more than a month


78. What is meant by the concept of "tourism" in the publications of the International Academy of Tourism:

A) Travel committed for pleasure, relaxation or treatment - on foot or by any means of transport

B) traveling in his spare time, one of the outdoor activities

C) All kinds of population movements, non-variable place of residence and work

D) of travel, leisure, treatment, participate in academic, business and cultural meetings

E) a special kind of migration, demography and geography of the studied population and legal sciences


79. The most important part of the main recreational potential are:

A) tourist and recreational needs

B) the tourist and recreational activities

C) tourist and recreational resources

D) tourism and recreation activities

E) tourist and recreational areas


80. Under the tourist and recreational resources are understood:

A) cultural and architectural monuments

B) component of the natural environment

C) the cash flows that the time visitors spend on the organization of tourist trips

D) transit area of ​​airports and ports during stops

E) field of tourist traffic


81. How many types of isolated tourist areas:

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

E) 7


82. The tourist center - is:

A) settlement units

B) location, land area, natural site, where a complex of tourist-excursion service

C) reserves, natural monuments, etc.

D) a set of questions of theoretical, economic, geographical, legal, cultural and social-related recreational and tourist traffic

E) components of the environment and the objects of human activity


83. Sectoral Economic Region, combining common natural, historical, cultural and socio-economic conditions for the development of tourism, is this:

A) Tourist District

B) tourist enterprise

C) a tourist center

D) space tourist

E) tourist area


84. "recreational development" - is:

A) the current level of economic potential of recreation in the territorial division of labor

B) the protection and adaptation to meet the needs of tourist visitors to the merits

C) to ensure the availability of transport areas, places and objects that make up the purpose of tourist visits

D) to provide the necessary conditions for tourists exist in the field or on routes

E) the multilateral process of adaptation to the territory of certain kinds of recreational activities, and combinations thereof


85. What is meant by base communications:

A) to meet the demand of the tourist

B) all transportation services

C) a tourist stop for the night

D) to provide the tourist with food

E) the safety and security of tourists and vacationers


86. "collateral framework" does not include:

A) Using a wealth of nature

B) all transportation services

C) the organization of sports and entertainment

D) production of tourist equipment and souvenirs

E) information services



87. One of the first marine expeditions to Punt incense was organized:

A) of Queen Hatshepsut

B) Sinuhitom

C) Pharaoh Neco

D) Greeks

E) the Romans


88. Form "clean tourism" to appear in Europe:

A) in XVII.

B) in a XV.

C) in a XIX century.

D) in a XVI.

E) in the XVIII century.


89. The birth of tourism as a social phenomenon is:

A) to the end of XVII - beginning of XVIII century.

B) to the XVIII century.

C) at the end of XVIII.

D) to the middle XVII.

E) to the end of the XIX century.


90. The forms of tourism distinguish the following criteria:

A) the nature organizations

B) by the public functions and manufacturing

C) by the focus, the nature of tourist flows

D) on the legal status

E) depending on the purpose of tourist travel


91. traveling within their own country, without going beyond it:

A) international tourism

B) Domestic tourism

C) foreign tourism

D) outbound tourism

E) inbound tourism


92. ____ domestic tourism accounts for all tourist trips:

A) 60%

B) 30%

C) 80-90%

D) 50-70%

E) 20%


93. In ethnic tourism has to:

A) 20% of the world tourist flow

B) 5% of the world tourist flow

C) 40% of the world tourist flow

D) 10% of the world tourist flow

E) 70% of the world tourist flow


94. The most promising and highly profitable tourism industry:

A) resort and medical tourism

B) ethnic tourism

C) Business

D) Tourism Festival

E) ecotourism


95. One of the most expensive types of foreign tourism:

A) religious

B) hunting

C) congress

D) Training

E) Festival


96. Short-term tourism involves people stay on tourist travel:

A) at least 24 hours

B) more than a day

C) Not more than 3 days

D) is not more than a week

E) less than 2 days


97. Marine passenger transportation is _____ the total volume of the transatlantic passenger traffic:

A) 25%

+ B) 10%

C) 30%

D) 15%

E) 50%


98. By the number of departures of cruise ships first in the world takes the port:

A) London


C) Istanbul

D) Amsterdam

E) Lisbon


99. Travel to areas with relatively well-preserved natural environment in order to get an idea of ​​the natural, cultural and ethnographic peculiarities of the terrain:

A) ecotourism

B) agrotourism

C) ethnographic tourism

D) recreational tourism

E) hunting tourism


100. Religion is not recognizing the pilgrimage:

A) Protestantism

B) Catholicism

C) Islam

D) Judaism

E) Buddhism


101. The period during which you can cultivate this kind of recreation like hiking trips, cycling, motorized tourism, sunbathing, etc .:

A) off-season

B) obscherekreatsionny season

C) the bathing season

D) low season

E) the winter season


102. Season as long as the water temperature is above 18C, and the average daily temperature exceeding 15 ° C:

A) off-season

B) obscherekreatsionny season

C) the bathing season

D) low season

E) the winter season


103. The natural prerequisites for the development of tourism does not include:

A) relief

B) Climate

C) surface water

D) increasing urbanization

E) forest cover


104. The combination of a certain extent have transformed the natural and man-made landscapes, brought to the degree of adaptability under the influence of social needs and the possibility of direct use in the tourist-excursion service:

A) natural recreational resources

B) Socio-economic and recreational resources

C) tourist and recreational resources

D) material resources

E) tourist center


105. Natural and natural-technical geosystems, bodies and phenomena and phenomena of nature, which have comfortable properties for recreational activities and can be used for some time for recreation and recuperation certain contingent of people:

A) natural recreational resources

B) Socio-economic and recreational resources

C) tourist and recreational resources

D) material resources

E) tourist center


106. Depending on the basic features of historical and cultural monuments are divided into ___ major types:

A) 4

B) 5

C) 6

D) 8

E) 7


107. Acts of public authorities and government agencies, and other written and graphic documents, sound recordings and film and photo:

A) historical monuments

B) archaeological monuments

C) documentary monuments

D) works of art

E) monuments of urban planning and architecture


108. Buildings, structures, memorable places and objects related to important historical events in the life of the people, the development of society and the state:

A) historical monuments

B) archaeological monuments

C) documentary monuments

D) works of art

E) monuments of urban planning and architecture


109. mounds, burial mounds, remains of ancient settlements, fortifications, canals, roads, ancient burial sites, rock carvings:

A) historical monuments

B) archaeological monuments

C) documentary monuments

D) works of art

E) monuments of urban planning and architecture


110. How many basic types of evaluation of tourist resources:

A) 5;

B) 3;

C) 2;

D) 4;

E) 6;


111. Note the main types of evaluation standards:

A) Medico-biological, psychological and aesthetic;

B) biomedical, technological;

C) psychological and aesthetic, technological;

D) biomedical, psychological and aesthetic, technological;

E) Biological, Technology


112. The effect of environmental factors on the human body reflects:

A) biomedical;

B) psychological and aesthetic

C) Technology;

D) psychological

E) Biological


113. The leading role in biomedical assessment plays:

A) climate;

B) relief;

C) daily rhythm;

D) landscape variety

E) the degree of forest coverage


114. "comfort zone" for most people, is in the range:

A) from 19 ° to 25 °;

B) from 17 ° to 23 °;

C) from 15 ° to 25 °;

D) from 17 ° to 24 °;

E) from 16 ° to 22 °;


115. The "comfort zone" in the active holidaymakers in the range:

A) 12 ° -16 ° EET;

B) 14 ° -16 ° EET;

C) 12 ° -17 ° EET;

D) 14 ° -18 ° EET;

E) 15 ° -19 ° EET;


116. The arrival of solar energy on the order of 0.7 to a low calorie 1sm² feels like a minimal increase in the t °:

A) 5 °;

B) 4 °;

C) 3 °;

D) 2 °;

E) 6 °;


117. Volatility, which leads to a significant change in the physiological functions of the body are:

A) The pattern of daily rhythms in humans;

B) The meteorological conditions;

C) comfort zone;

D) Contrast variability;

E) biological variability


118. Depending on the value of contrast variation are the following modes weather forecast:

A) Very stable;

B) sustainability;

C) variability;

D) is highly variable;

E) All options are correct;


119. What a contrast change in% is allocated in a very stable manner.

A) 25%

B) 25-34%

C) 35-50%

D) 50%

E) 70%


120. Depending on the average temperature of the skin, taking into account the type of weather teploizmereniya greeters were divided on very cold to very hot on;

A) 7 categories

B) 8 category

C) 10 categories

D) of 6 categories

E) 9 categories.


121. Comfortable condition - the most pleasant sensation of heat when a person feels neither heat nor cold, occurs when the average temperature of the skin:

A) 31-33

B) 31-34

C) 30-33

D) 32-34

E) 32-38.


122. In what year EM Ratner made a breakdown occurring during observations of weather types into classes:

A) 1967

B) 1960

C) 1970

D) 1968

E) 1971.


123. The emotional impact of differences in characteristics of the natural landscape and its components on human estimated at _________ assessment areas:

A) life sciences

B) technology

C) psychological and aesthetic

D) social and technological

E) sociological.


124. Under the boundary zone refers border strip between the two:

A) heterogeneous environments

B) rocks

C) climatic zones

D) diagonals

E) natural waist


125. Saturation territory focal point depends largely on:

A) the nature of the relief

B) atmospheric pressure

C) Climate

D) forest coverage area

E) soil


126. As the dominant feature on the plains, forest areas usually take:

A) the presence of water bodies

B) the presence of artisanal thickets

C) Degree of forest coverage

D) Presence of the fields

E) soil


127. The aesthetic properties of landscapes are sharply reduced when forest coverage: A) more than 50%

B) 45%

C) 35%

D) 40%

E) 55%


128. Type of site assessment, reflecting the interaction between man and the natural environment through "technology" recreational activities and equipment:

A) medico-social

B) Technology

C) pskhologo Aesthetic

D) socio-psychological

E) social and technological


129. Specify the author of "Principles and methods of technology assessment of natural systems":

A) N. Miroshnichenko

B) YL Vedehina

C) EM Ratner

D) D. Mukhina

E) F. Krieger.


130. Which of the following scientists offered an assessment of natural resources for tourism and recreation of the model based on the transformation of quantitative data using the selected theme features

A) N. Miroshnichenko

B) Ya Varshinska

C) D. Mukhina

D) F. Krieger

E) Yu Vedenin


131. The suitability coefficient is given by:

A) to = ave SFR \ SPS

B) TO C = fr \ C m

C) A = C \ C m

D) to the SFR = pr \ C

E) Back to Sf \ C


132. Which of the following scientists is the author of "flour Method":

A) F. Krieger

B) N. Miroshnichenko

C) Yu Vedehina

D) D. Mukhina

E) EM Rotner.


133. For the first time in the USSR recreational zoning was proposed:

A) N.S.Mironenko

B) I.T.Tverdohlebovym

C) L.I.Muhinoy

D) and B.N.Lihanovym V.S.Preobrazhenskim

E) A.N.Kostvitskim


134. As far as recreational areas and Transfiguration Likhanov divided the whole country:

A) 8

B) 4

C) 2

D) 3

E) 5


135. What is the tourist district:

A) the object of study economic geographers

B) the object of study of tourists

C) the object of study of planners, architects

D) the object of research scientists

E) the object of research economists


136. What is the area of ​​tourism:

A) the object of study Economics - Geography

B) the object of study of tourists

C) the object of study of planners, architects

D) the object of research scientists

E) the object of research economists


137. Production of the tourist district:

A) Environmental education work

B) Resorts

C) tourist services, to ensure expanded reproduction of physical and spiritual forces of the population

D) camping equipment

E) tourist souvenirs


138. For the typical tourist areas cheryrehediny process of social production. What is the process:

A) study and research, distribution and exchange

B) production, exchange, distribution, consumption

C) planning, distribution

D) study, planning, research, distribution

E) All answers are correct


139. What determines the methods of tourism zoning:

A) from the planning

B) the distribution of

C) the scope and purposes of zoning

D) from studies

E) from researchers


140. What is one of the limiting factors:

A) climatic factors

B) severe waterlogging and presence of endemic infectious foci

C) forecast changes in environmental quality

D) environmental monitoring

E) relief


141. What is the "tourist area" in V.S.Preobrazhenskomu:

A) the area of ​​tourism development

B) the object of study

C) a tourist area

D) tourist zoning

E) tourist center


142. In what century geographers have drawn attention to the changing landscape, occurring as a result of the excessive concentration of tourist traffic areas:

A) to the first half of the XIX century

B) in the first half of XX century

C) for the first half of the XXI century

D) in the first half of the XV century

E) in the first half of XVIII century


143. The negative environmental impact of Western European and North American geographers define the term:

A) «tourist agglomeration"

B) «tourist urbanization"

C) «tourist facilities"

D) «tourist subject"

E) «tourism services"


144 Lake - the pearl of Central Asia, which is polluted rapidly:

A) Lake Issyk-Kul

B) Lake Alakol

C) Lake Baikal

D) Lake Balkhash

E) Lake Sasykol


145. Who has formulated a list of educational and enforcement measures against the damage of nature tourists:

A) Armand (1969)

B) Mironenko (1981)

C) Gunbilato (1983)

D) of the Transfiguration (1975)

E) Likhanov (1966)


146. What should be defined tasks in the field of recreational activities:

A) Society

B) Government

C) by human activity

D) policy

E) Parliament


147. The general system of environmental management includes three mechanisms of environmental protection:

A) administrative and legal, economic planning, self-supporting

B) economic planning, socio-economic, administrative and legal

C) self-supporting, administrative, legal, social and economic

D) legal and administrative, socio-economic, socio-economic

E) self-supporting, socio-economic, socio-economic


148. The maximum number of holidaymakers that can simultaneously reside on this territory, without causing violations of sustainable natural balance, thereby deteriorating working conditions:

A) recreational capacity of the territory

B) recreational capacity

C) load area

D) recreational development of the territory

E) recreational limit


149. The dimension of the simultaneous carrying on a given area of ​​any recreational activities by a number of people without violating the psycho-physical and hygienic conditions of these activities for each of them:

A) recreational capacity of the territory

B) recreational capacity

C) load area

D) recreational development of the territory

E) psychophysiological capacity of the territory


150. Attendance per unit area of ​​natural territorial complex per unit of time:

A) recreational capacity of the territory

B) recreational capacity

C) Load

D) recreational development of the territory

E) recreational limit


151. What's in the Soviet geographical science has developed a model of territorial recreational system:

A) to the mid-70s

B) in the late 70s

C) into the early '70s

D) in the mid-80s

E) in the mid-90s


152. Who in the West has developed a conceptual model of tourism:

A) Guibilato (1983)

B) of the Transfiguration (1975)

C) Myronenko (1981)

D) Armand (1969)

E) Likhanov (1966)


153. The system of "Travel" includes two subsystems:

A) «model of tourist activity" and "object of tourist activity"

B) «the subject of tourist activity" and "object of tourist activity"

C) «the subject of tourism activities" and a "model of tourist activity

D) «resources of tourist activity" and "tourist services"

E) «tourist resources" and "object of tourist activity"


154. Tourist farm produces, which is called:

A) «tourist system"

B) «tourist resources"

C) «tourism services"

D) «tourist attraction"

E) «tourist subject"


155. The scope of services offered to tourists tourism enterprises, is called:

A) tourist product

B) tourist facilities

C) tourism services

D) production of tourist

E) Tour Operator


156. What applies to tourist companies for the development and implementation of the tourism product:

A) autoenterprise

B) tourist desk, a tour desk, tourist firms

C) factory of tourist souvenirs, tourist factories furniture

D) autoenterprise, tourist bureau

E) factory of tourist souvenirs, tourist firms


157. In any of our century began to flourish mass tourism:

A) 50-x

B) 40 x

C) 60

D) 70

E) 30th


158. Tourist companies are divided into:

A) «Tour Operator" and "tourist services"

B) «tourism services" and "turposrednik"

C) «Tour Operator" and "turposrednik"

D) «tourist economy" and "tourism services"

E) «tourist farm" and "tour operator"


159. The greatest effect is achieved when the activities of tourist organizations:

A) when state enterprises are higher than private

B) when the state and private enterprise together

C) when the public and private enterprises do not cooperate

D) when the state-owned enterprises less than private

E) when private enterprises carry out an independent policy


160. What percentage of a minimum of per capita income from tourism in the region of Podhale (Poland):

A) 20%, and often 30-40%

B) 30%, and often 40-50%

C) 60%, and often 70-80%

D) 40%, and often 50-60%

E) 50%, and often 60-70%


161. The totality of enterprises, institutions and organizations of material and immaterial spheres of production, ensuring the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services to tourists, development and operation of tourist and recreational resources and the creation of material and technical base of tourism:

A) tourist market

B) the tourism industry

C) Tour Operator

D) Travel Agent

E) tourist facilities


162. The tourist enterprise which is engaged in development of the tourist product and package tours:

A) tourist market

B) the tourism industry

C) Tour Operator

D) Travel Agent

E) tourist facilities


163. The scope of services provided on a journey to a group or individual plan, which is offered in a broad sell as a serial product:

A) tour package

B) Travel Agent

C) tour

D) product

E) Transfer


164. Goods and services of a tourist destination can be grouped into __ groups:

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

E) 6


165. At the tourist market is significantly affected by the mobility of tourists, depending on _________ factors:

A) Political

B) Economic

C) Social

D) natural and geographical

E) All of the above


166. On the purchase has to _____% of total tourist spending:

A) 25

B) 60

C) 50

D) 45

E) 10


167. The primary unit of the tourist product realized by the client as a whole and is a product of a tour operator on a specific route and specific terms:

A) tour package

B) Travel Agent

C) tour

D) product

E) Transfer


168. According with the tourist product that works directly in the tourist market:

A) tourist market

B) the tourism industry

C) Tour Operator

D) Travel Agent

E) tourist facilities


169. Services are not provided vouchers or vouchers, brought to consumers in the mode of his free choice:

A) tour package

B) Optional tourist-excursion services

C) Related Services

D) the main tourist and excursion services

E) Transfer


170. The scope of the implementation of tourist services and products:

A) tourist market

B) the tourism industry

C) tourist offer

D) the demand for tourist services

E) tourist facilities


171. The situation in the world tourist market determines:

A) tourism infrastructure

B) Pricing

C) tourist offer

D) the demand for tourist services

E) tourist facilities


172. On movement and buying account for ____% of total tourist spending:

A) 25

B) 60

C) 50

D) 45

E) 10


173. In additional tourist-excursion services account for up to ______% of the cost of the tourist:

A) 25

B) 60

C) 50

D) 30

E) 20


174. ___________ estimated as the total volume of goods and services produced in the tourism industry:

A) tourist facilities

B) tourist product

C) tour

D) tourist market

E) tourism consumption


175. The tourist package includes ____ mandatory basic elements:

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

E) 6


176. The concept of strategic marketing appeared in:

A) 80th.

B) 30s.

C) 50-ies.

D) 70th.

E) 90th.


177. professionally managed, held a special, often multi-year training in the field of management, and constantly improve their skills:

A) marketing

B) Director

C) Manager

D) Lawyer

E) Accounting


178. The purpose of ________ is the timely recognition of the needs and requirements of the market and create its own strategy of behavior in the market with the requirements of society and the environment:

A) Management

B) Marketing

C) audit

D) Tourism

E) customer orientation


179. The process of concentration of objectives and resources of the organization to the capabilities and needs of the external environment:

A) Management

B) Marketing

C) Audit

D) tourism

E) customer orientation


180. The first marketing concept was formulated in the ________ as an integrated, customer-oriented business philosophy and profits:

A) the early 50-ies.

B) the early 60-ies.

C) the end of 40-ies.

D) the end of the 50s.

E) the end of the 60s.


181. _________ as an economic category expresses the production relations arising from creation and use of useful properties of goods and services, and the ability to meet social needs in the socially necessary expenditure:

A) tourism

B) Marketing

C) Management

D) Quality

E) the number of


182. ________ can be expressed through a system of indicators that are adapted to different levels of management, forms of tourism activities, individual tourism links which carry a tourist service:

A) sign

B) score

C) criterion

D) ratio

E) definition


183. The most suitable system for assessing the quality management of tourist service:

A) alpha-estimated

B) scoring

C) Interest

D) estimated

E) alphabetic


184. Modern management in the tourism sector takes into account the specifics of the organization and operation of tourism enterprises, which lies in the fact that the service of tourists traveling to different purposes, should differ by:

A) technology

B) the quality and content

C) content

D) technology and content

E) Quality


185. The most important feature of tourism as an object of management:

A) the depth of penetration

B) unclear and difficult to set measurable targets

C) limited impact on the region

D) inseparability from the source form

E) external effects of tourism product


186. Collaboration tourist enterprises that have the same interests, which is carried out in the areas of accommodation, transport, services, etc .:

A) horizontal cooperation

B) Timeshare

C) vertical cooperation

D) Trust

E) obelinenie


187. The means of achieving the objectives, the general concept of how resources should be used to maximize the achievement of the objectives:

A) direction

B) concept

C) Strategy

D) strategy

E) Equipment


188. The Association of enterprises and organizations that seek to own the market and reduce its dependence on other institutions:

A) horizontal cooperation

B) Timeshare

C) vertical cooperation

D) Trust

E) Association


189. Increase of prestige, improve the image of the company - the goal of the tourist enterprise ____:

A) Economic

B) Social

C) firm

D) policy

E) Environmental


190. The organization of the company, the distribution of powers and responsibilities between supervisors, the definition of the scope and sequence of work, the establishment of lines of information flow and reporting tasks related to ________ tourist enterprise:

A) Economic

B) a strategic

C) brand

D) Administrative

E) operational


191. The development of world trade has led to:

A) communication and the use of other countries' experience in the creation of material and spiritual values

B) an increase in the global population mobility

C) the development of a relatively young field of foreign relations

D) study of international tourism

E) various forms of exchange


192. An important area of ​​economic activity of a country:

A) international tourism

B) Trade

C) foreign trade exchange

D) big monopolies

E) services


193. The structure of the stages varies greatly depending on:

A) of the country composition of the tourists

B) foreign tourists, nature

C) the desire of people, their purchasing power

D) offers travel services range

E) the tourism business and the quality of services


194. The majority of the foreign trade turnover falls on between:

A) industrialized countries

B) the financial and economic countries

C) tourist countries

D) Developing Countries

E) consumer countries


195.Na Bahamas GDP service sector, including tourism, reaches:

A) 100%

B) 30%

C) 15%

D) 60%

E) 40%


196. Western European tourists provide the countries they visit, sort of:

A) deposits

B) deposits

C) loans

D) conditions

E) mortgage


197. One of the solutions that contribute to the further development of trade, could be:

A) tourist food export

B) foreign trade export

C) suspended exports

D) International Export

E) Restricted


198. Focusing on the construction of an export tourism sector allows you to master:

A) the foreign trade income

B) tourism services

C) exports

D) the natural values ​​of the country

E) Economic Growth


199. Production of tourist goods and services necessary for ::

A) developed countries

B) industrialized countries

C) countries embarking on the path of economic development

D) underdeveloped countries

E) agrarian countries


200. Tourist turnover does not require:

A) short-term loans

B) Loan

C) seasonal loans

D) government loans

E) long-term loans



201. Tourist sector relies primarily on:

A) natural conditions

B) Services

C) road

D) advertisement

E) low prices


202. Which of the former socialist countries use foreign tourism:

A) Ukraine, Yugoslavia

B), Belarus, Bulgaria

C) Czech Republic, Slovenia

D) Bulgaria, Yugoslavia

E) Moldova, Russia


203. What country is considered a classic of tourism:

A) Switzerland

B) England

C) Yugoslavia

D) Morocco

E) Italy


204. Someone offers to take into account the different elements for the conduct of the tourist sector:

A) Mikhalkov

B) Pavlov

C) Tagan

D) Barrett

E) Vivel


205. The development of a long-term development of the tourism sector should be linked to the plan:

A) Economic growth

B) political growth

C) environmental growth

D) financial growth

E) sustainable growth


206. Factors favoring the development of international tourism can be divided into:

A) static and dynamic

B) material and spiritual

C) Natural and anthropogenic

D) the socio-economic and political

E) economic and environmental


207. The tourist-recreational resources of this category:

A) Technical

B) ethnographic

C) mythological

D) historical

E) the geographic


208. Which factor is particularly important for the growth of international tourism:

A) socio-economic

B) Social and household

C) the technical and economic

D) technical and household

E) Economy and Technology


209. Tourism wore aristocratic up to:

A) XVIII century.

B) XV century.

C) XX century.

D) in XII.

E) to IX.


210. In what year did the English rentier income amounted to 90-100 million. Pounds:

A) 1896.

B) 1899.

C) 1891.

D) 1893.

E) 1898.


211. In what century tourist traffic has become a massive demographic character:

A) XXI century.

B) IX century.

C) XIX century.

D) in the XX.

E) to XIII.


212. What has had a decisive influence on the structure of tourism consumption:

A) the deterioration of economic conditions

B) the improvement of social development

C) the development of infrastructure

D) policy reforms

E) deterioration in the natural state


213. The main consumers of tourism services:

A) Elite

B) youth

C) middle strata of society

D) Children

E) students


214. Increased tourism activity are different:

A) children

B) the elderly

C) Students

D) people, middle-aged

E) students


215. Short duration but more frequent tours are called:

A) «quick trip"

B) «Long walk"

C) «Interval tourism"

D) «Short tours"

E) «Travel intervals"


216. What routes are the most popular in Europe:

A) extreme routes

B) long routes

C) routes holidays

D) routes weekends and holidays

E) mountain routes


217. The main transport for short journeys is:

A) personal car

B) plane

C) public transport

D) Boat

E) train


218. The main "suppliers" of tourists in Europe:

A) Italy, Greece

B) Mexico, United States

C), Germany, UK

D), Kenya, Turkey

E) China, France


219. The first place among European countries in the number of short-term visits take:

A) Turkey

B) France

C) United Kingdom

D) Germany

E) Russia


220. Increased demand among individuals older than 55 years are:

A) walking tours

B) mountain travel

C) extreme kinds of rest

D) active forms of tourism

E) cruise and bus tours


221. In the style of vacation is changing, and changing the formula of "the sea - the sun - beach" comes the formula:

A) «sea - walks - treatment"

B) «vacation - recreation - treatment"

C) «hotel - the beach - a trip"

D) «national traditions - landscape - leisure"

E) «Mountain - Forest - Sea"


222. In what year was the establishment of the International Congress of official tourism promotion association:

A) 1925.

B) 1935.

C) 1915.

D) 1920

E) 1945.


223. The official date of establishment of the WTO:

A) 3 January 1975.

B) January 2, 1975.

C) 2 February 1975.

D) January 2, 1985.

E) January 5, 1975.


224. The Charter of the WTO, there are three categories of membership:

A) the actual associated acceding

B) is not valid, associates, joined

C) is not really associated, joined

D) the actual associated not acceded

E) is not really associated not acceded


225. The supreme governing body of the WTO is:

A) General Assembly

B) Executive Board

C) The Secretariat

D), the General Assembly and the Secretariat

E) Secretariat and Executive Board


226. The General Assembly is convened:

A) 1 time per year

B) 1 time in 2 years

C) 3 times at 2 years

D) 4 times every 2 years

E) 5 times a year 2


227. The governing bodies include:

A) Executive Board

B) The Executive Board and the General Assembly

C) The Secretariat

D) The Executive Board and the Secretariat

E) Secretariat and the General Assembly


228. In what year did the WTO General Assembly decided to observe September 27 as World Tourism Day:

A) 1978.

B) 1980.

C) 1988.

D) 1975.

E) 1960.


229. What city in 1979. The III session of the General Assembly of the WTO:

A) Torremomenose (Spain)

B) Paris (France)

C), Rome (Italy)

D), Madrid (Spain)

E) to Cairo (Egypt)


230. In what year was the establishment of the World Federation of Travel Agencies:

A) 1966.

B) 1967.

C) 1965.

D) 1866.

E) 1766.


231. In what year was created by the International Bureau of Soc

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