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CollectionCount method

class library developers, exception handling guidelines, 478, 485


defining, 168, 276

generic collection, 125

inheritance, 296

partial, 159

as reference types, 119 sealed, 168

security, 168

static, 158

WinRT, 646

cleanup code, 478. See also catch blocks; finally

blocks; try blocks; garbage collection construction of, 479

Dispose method, 535, 537 exceptions thrown by, 457 guaranteeing, 497

for native resources, 533 Clear method, 337

CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), 24 Clone method, 335

cloneable variables, 301

cloning strings, 335

cloning, via serialization, 615 Close method, 648

closed types, 272

CloseHandle method, 780

CLR (Common Language Runtime) code language vs. behavior, 25 code location for, 554

common language aspect of, 152 compilers for, 4

defined, 3

demonstration of, 104

field layout, 123

functions performed by, 471 headers, 5

hosting, 554

interoperability with unmanaged code, 30 loading, 8, 556

namespaces and, 98 nullable type support, 447

passing blocks of data to WinRT, 656 setting host managers, 555

shutting down, as garbage collection trigger, 519

type references, resolving, 80 type safety, 95

version, checking, 8

versioning in, 161

WinRT, mapping types to, 659 CLR projections, 645

WinRT component type system rules and, 645

CLRCreateInstance function, 554

CLRVer.exe, 8

CLS (Common Language Specification), 26

example code using, 27 exceptions, 458

rules overview, 28

Code Contract Checker (CCCheck.exe), 503 Code Contract Document Generator Tool

(CCDocGen.exe), 504

Code Contract Reference Assembly Generator (CCRefGen.exe), 504

code contracts, 475, 498

checking, 503, 504

Contract class, 498

defining, 501

exceptions, 500

runtime function, 502 tools for maximizing, 499

turning on features for, 500 violation of, 500

code explosion, 183, 277

code optimization, 14, 763 Volatile class and, 765

code pages, specifying, 352 code, program order, 765 code reuse. See generics codeBase elements, 45, 84

Collect method, 519, 522, 523 collection classes

generic, 125, 270

thread-safe, 818

collection initializers, 235

collection objects, serializing/deserializing, 622 collection types, WinRT, 648

CollectionCount method, 524




collections, 260 adding items to, 236

array implementation of, 381 maximum number in, 821

non-blocking, into blocking, 820 producer/consumer scenario, 821

WinRT, 648

ColorMatrix class, 244

COM Callable Wrappers (CCWs), 644

COM components, WinRT components as, 644 Combine method, 400

command-line switches, response files, 36 Common Language Specification. See CLS (Common Language Specification)

Common Type System. See CTS (Common Type System)

compacting memory in garbage collection, 509, 521

Compare method, comparing strings, 325 CompareExchange method, 769, 776, 810 CompareInfo

class, methods in, 329 object, 326, 327

property, 327

CompareOptions type, 324

CompareTo method, 135, 311, 318

comparing strings, 323

comparisonType argument, 324

CompilationRelaxations attribute, 330

CompilerGenerated attribute, 410 compilers

code optimization by, 763 functions performed by, 470

managed, exception handling by, 492 compiling source code, 3 CompleteAdding method, 821

Component Object Model (COM). See COM objects

Component Software Processing (CSP), 160 components

overview of, 160

servicing, 161

composability of object-oriented programming, 470

compressing, assemblies, 74

compute-bound asynchronous operations, with threads, 678

compute-bound operations, 691, 693

canceling, 696

canceling after set time, 700 cooperative cancellation, 696

initiating, 700

periodic, 720

preventing cancellation of, 698 ComputeResult method, 770

Concat method, 129, 222

concatenating strings, 322

ConcurrentBag class, 818

concurrent classes, 818

ConcurrentDictionary class, 818

ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair class, 815

ConcurrentQueue class, 818

ConcurrentStack class, 818 condition variable pattern, 811 conditional attribute classes, 440 ConditionalWeakTable class, 551

configuration files, 62, 84

components of, 84

locating, 64

publisher policy controls and, 86

as separate assembly files, 87 ConfigureAwait method, 750

Console class, 345, 759 constants

constraints on, 175

defined, 151, 175

metadata and, 175

for non-primitive types, 175 const-ness, unsupported, 224

ConstrainedCopy method, 380

ConstrainedExecution namespace, 528

constrained execution regions (CERs), 475, 494 constraints

constructor, 289

generics and, 285

primary, 287

reference types as, 287 secondary, 288

on type parameters, 287 constructing type instances, 594 constructor constraints, 289

CreateEvent method

constructor method, 43, 181, 184, 187, 396

calling default, 186 creating types without, 182 default, 181

defining multiple, 182 defining on value types, 185 for delegates, 398

inheritance, 181

parameterless, 186 virtual methods and, 182

ConstructorInfo object, 595 constructors

defining, 595

for custom attribute classes, 428 named parameters, 424

parameterless, 235

positional parameters, 424

for serialization/deserialization, 628 Task objects and, 701

thread, 679

context structures, 683

context switching, 672, 683

in asynchronous synchronization, 814 avoiding, 673

I/O operations and, 731 performance issues, 672, 673

contexts, thread, 671

ContinueWhenAll method, 710

ContinueWith method, 705, 707, 729, 733

Contract class, 475

contract reference assemblies, 504 ContractFailed event, 500

ContractInvariantMethod attribute, 502

ContractReferenceAssembly attribute, 504 contra-variant reference types, 395

contra-variant type parameters, 279 in and out keywords, 280

convenient syntax, 183

conversion constructors, 195 conversion operator methods, 195

constructing, 197

implicit and explicit, 196, 197

metadata for, 197

parameters for, 197

support for, 198

conversion operators, defined, 152

Convert class, 628

Convert method, 355

Convert type, 319, 356

ConvertIList method, 289

cooperative cancellation, 696 unhandled exceptions and, 698

Copy method, 335

Array class, 378, 382

vs. BlockCopy method, 380

copy operation, and unboxing types, 127 copying

arrays, 378, 382

strings, 335

CopyTo method, 335, 338, 658

CoreClr.dll, 574

cores, multiple. See multiple cores CorFlags.exe, 9

corrupted memory, 506

object state, avoiding, 228 state exceptions (CSEs), 489

corruption. See state corruption CountdownEvent class, 804

Counter method, 393, 394 delegate chaining and, 403

country identifiers, 326


in and out keywords, 280 reference types, 395

type parameters, 279

CPU virtualization, 670. See also threads CPUs. See also multiple cores

aggressive utilization of, 682 analyzing usage of, 682

heat dissipation and, 677, 681 high usage, as good thing, 688 hyperthreaded, 677

low usage of, 691 multiple cores, 677

power utilization, optimal, 681 trends for, 677

CreateDelegate method, 417

CreateDomain method, AppDomain overloads of, 563

CreateEvent method, 780


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