API for .NET Framework API for .NET Framework, 583 APIs, WinRT, calling, 650
AppDomain type, instance methods, 595 AppDomainManager class, 576
AppDomainMonitorDelta class, 573
AppDomains, 17
aborting threads, 578
accessing objects across boundaries, 559 application output, 562
ASP.NET applications and, 575 assemblies in, 557
assemblies in, discovering, 602 assemblies using multiple, 558 callback methods, 573
confirming thread transitions between, 565 CreateDomain method overloads, 563 creating, 563
default, 556
definition of, 556
demonstrations of, 563 executable applications and, 574 features of, 556
first-chance exception notifications, 573 foreground/background threads and, 688 friendly names, 563
garbage collection, 571
garbage collection handle tables, 545 graceful aborts, 577
instance fields and, 566, 567
isolation provided by, 557, 558, 564, 566 loading assemblies for specific, 585 loading assemblies into, 564
loading assemblies into multiple times, 586 managed code and, 576
marshaling objects by value, 568 marshaling objects by references, 564 memory usage, monitoring, 524 method calls across boundaries, 566
Microsoft Silverlight applications and, 574 monitoring, 571
passing objects across boundaries, 569 permission set inheritance, 563
proxy types, defining, 564
purpose of, 553
read-only properties in, 572 robust host applications, 577
singleton types and, 634 SQL Server and, 575 static members and, 567
thread pools. See thread pools threads and, 562
unloading, 477, 494, 566, 570
unloading, as garbage collection trigger, 519 XML web services applications and, 575
AppDomainSetup object, 563
Append method, 338
AppendChar method, 358
AppendFormat method, 338, 345, 346, 347
AppendLine method, 338
application developers, exception handling guidelines, 478, 485
application models, threading models for, 748 application state, serialization/deserialization
of, 616
application types, 36
ApplicationException type, 466 applications
add-in support, 596
administrative control, 62
AppDomains and, 574 architecting for events, 250 compiling, 35
configuration files, 62
configuring for assembly download, 45
dynamically extensible, 583, 588
installation complexity, 34
optimizing, 19
single instance, 781
ApplyPolicy method, 587
.appx files, 60
architecting applications for events, 250 ArgumentNullException exception, 647 arguments
commas in, 212
order of evaluation, 210, 211 passing variable number of, 220
arity, 273
overloading based on, 286 Array class, 373
array covariance, 379
array initializers, 376
Array type, 380
ArrayEnumerator objects, 278 arrays, 373. See also vectors
accessing, 386
accessing elements of, 383 accessing with unsafe code, 386 allocating, 373, 374
allocating on thread stack, 388 casting, 378
casting between types, 379 collection implementation, 381 compiler inferences of, 376 converting, 378
copying, 378, 382
copying elements, 380
covariance, 379
creating, 596
of Decimal values, 383 derivation of, 373, 380
dynamically creating, 383 embedding in structures, 390 implicitly typed, 239, 376, 377
indexes into, 375
initializing elements, 376
inline, 390
internals, 384
jagged, 375
in managed heap, 374 multi-dimensional, 385, 386
non-zero lower bounds, 383 overhead information, 374 passing and returning, 382 of polygons, 375
of reference types, 373 referencing, 376
single-dimensional, 375 static methods for, 380 of tasks, 710
type names, 385
types of, 384
unsafe access, 388
WinRT, 648, 660
zero-based, 374
zero-length, 382
as operator, 96
AsBuffer method, 658
ASCII encoding, 351
ASCIIEncoding object, 353
AsOrdered method, 718 ASP.NET
asynchronous objects, 751
threading model, 748 ASP.NET applications
AppDomains and, 575 processes run by, 687
32-bit and 64-bit, 8 administrative control, 62 Assembly Linker and, 52 benefits of, 7
characteristics of, 45 combining modules into, 45 compressing, 74
configuration files, 84 configuring download of, 45
creating from managed modules, 7 culture, 59
data files in, 46 default path to, 38 defined, 6, 45
delayed signing, 76 deploying and packaging, 60 different types in, 46 directories for, 63 discovering types in, 590 double copies of, 75 downloading from web, 586 executing code, 11
files required for, 50
friend, 154
global assembly cache, 72 globally deployed, 67
loading into AppDomains, 564 locating, 63, 83
manifest tables, 47
multifile, 46, 48
namespaces and, 101
platform, specifying, 8 preventing execution of, 587 private deployment of, 67 privately deployed, 61 publisher policy controls, 86 referencing, 37, 51, 70, 74, 98
Assembly Linker
assemblies (continued)
registering, 74
resource files, adding, 53
satellite, 59
self-describing nature of, 7 serialization and, 616
signing files, 70
statistics, viewing, 44
strongly named, 66, 67, 68, 72 uninstalling from GAC, 73 unloading, 587
used by multiple AppDomains, 558
verification, 76
verification, skipping, 77
version numbers, 58
version resource attributes, 56 version resources in, 54 versioning issues, 597
versioning policies, 587 Visual Studio IDE and, 51 weakly named, 66, 68
Win32 resources, embedding, 54 Windows installer and, 73
Assembly Linker, 52, 53
assembly loading, 584
callback methods, 587, 588 embedding dependent DLLs, 588 Load method, 585
for metadata analysis, 586
multiple times into AppDomain, 586
for specific AppDomain, 585 for specific architecture, 585 with specific path name, 586
AssemblyDef table, 47
AssemblyRef table, 39
AssemblyResolve event, 588
assembly type, 25, 592
AsSequential method, 718
Assert method, 502, 503
associating data, 550
AsStream method, 658
buffering, 656
Assume method, 502, 503
AsTask method, 653, 654
async, 651
AsyncCoordinator class, 770, 771
asynchronous compute-bound operations, 693. See compute-bound asynchronous operations
calling, 693
initiating, 700
Windows scheduler and, 694 asynchronous exceptions, 495
asynchronous flag, 729
asynchronous functions, 732 await operator and, 746 awaiters and, 738
compiler warnings, turning off, 746 debugging, 745
event handlers and, 741 examples of, 735
exception handling and, 744 extensibility of, 738
in Framework Class Library, 742 identifying, 733
initiating from non-caller thread, 745 restrictions on, 734
as state machines, 734 stepping into and out of, 745 Task object and, 733
thread synchronization and, 757 unhandled exceptions and, 745 WebClient and, 744
asynchronous I/O operations, 729 asynchronous functions and, 732 canceling, 751
concurrent function of, 746 debuggers and, 731
event handlers and, 742 FileStream objects and, 753 garbage collection and, 731 GUI responsiveness and, 732
ignoring SynchronizationContext object, 750 incomplete, showing, 738
performance benefits, 731
Task type for, 738 thread priorities, 754
asynchronous lambda expressions, 746 asynchronous operations, 650, 691 asynchronous server implementation, 751 asynchronous thread synchronization, 814 asynchonous WinRT APIs, 649
C# compiler
AsyncOneManyLock class, 816
Attribute class, 424
attributes. See also custom attributes setting, 368
AttributeUsage attribute, 428 automatically implemented properties, 231 auto-reset events, 782, 784
AutoResetEvent method, 786
await, 651
await operator, 652
awaiters, 738, 740
background threads vs. foreground, 688
backing fields, 230
Backus-Naur Form grammar for type names, 592
Barrier class, 805
base-64 encoding and decoding, 356 Base class, 296, 312
in WinRT, 645
base types, vs. interfaces, 312 BeginBackgroundProcessing method, 755
BeginWaitForConnection method, 743
BinaryFormatter object, 614
binary namespace, 614
binary operators, 192 nullable types and, 444
BinaryReader type, 350
BinaryWriter type, 350 binding
early vs. late, 589 handles for, 608
BindToName method, 641
BindToType method, 641
Bing maps, 659
bit flags, 367
converting numeric values into, 370 enumerated types for, 368
numeric equivalents, 369
setting, 368
bitmaps, garbage collection of, 538 BlockCopy method, 380
blocking collections, 820
blocking threads avoiding, 705, 805
countdown for, 804
reasons for, 806
BlockingCollection class, 820 blocks
catch, 455, 457, 480, 482
finally, 455, 456, 478, 497, 535
try, 454, 497
bool type, 112
boxing, nullable types, 447 boxing value methods, 135 boxing value types, 124
changing fields, 136
efficiency of, 130
example code, 128
Break method (Parallel class), 716 breakpoints, AIPs and, 232 buffering
AsStream methods and, 656 WinRT, 658
buffering LINQ query results, 720 byte array method, garbage collection
and, 548
byte arrays, 656
byte order mark (BOM), 353 byte type, 112
asynchronous functions, 732
is operator, 95
optimizing code, 14 question marks in, 443 using directive, 98
WinRT component definitions in, 658
C# compiler
event implementation, 256 language translation done by, 763 output of, 9
platform command-line switch, 8, 10 primitive types and, 114
referencing types, 35
response files, 36
unsafe code, 17
C++ compiler, managed/unmanaged code and
C++ compiler, managed/unmanaged code and, 6
caching threads, 673
weak references and, 550
callback functions, 391. See also delegates unmanaged, 391
uses for, 391
callback methods, 249. See also lambda method
for AppDomains, 573
assembly loading and, 587, 588
calling, 393
disposing of, 699 exceptions thrown by, 698 invoking, 399
lambda expressions, 410 referencing local parameters, 413 registering after cancellation, 698 returning values with, 408
syntax for, 409
calling back static methods, 394 calling methods, 163
across AppDomain boundaries, 566 calling type constructors, 188
callvirt instruction, 163
CAN-DO relationships, 312
Cancel method, 760
canceling operations, 696 after set time, 700 cooperatively, 696
invoking methods after, 698 preventing, 698
canceling tasks, 704 canceling WinRT APIs, 653 CancellationToken objects
associating with tasks, 705 passing as closure variables, 705
CancellationTokenSource objects, 696
creating, 699
CancellationTokenSource type, 704 CancellationToken value type, 697 CannotUnloadAppDomainException
exception, 571
carriage returns, 322
casting arrays, 378
casting, Char type to numeric value, 319 casting types
between objects, 93
dynamic, 145
implicit vs. explicit, 114 with is/as operators, 95 primitive, 114
catch blocks, 455, 457, 482. See also finally
blocks; try blocks
constrained execution regions and, 475 exceptions thrown by, 457
overuse of, 480
redundant, warning for, 459 stack trace, obtaining, 461
catch types, 455
variable names after, 456
CCCheck.exe (Code Contract Checker), 503 CCDocGen.exe (Code Contract Document
Generator), 504
CCRefGen.exe (Code Contract Reference Assembly Generator), 504
CCWs (COM Callable Wrappers), 644
CERs. See constrained execution regions (CERs chaining delegates, 400, 404
C# support for, 404 ChainSelector method, 639
char type, 112, 317
casting to numeric value, 319 converting numeric types to, 319 instance methods, 318
static methods, 318
character arrays, 337
methods for, 338
characters, 317. See also text elements converting to bytes, 353
examining in strings, 333 expanding, 327
lowercase/uppercase, changing, 318 numeric equivalent, returning, 318
checked operators, 116
child tasks, 707
circuit boards, 727
class constraint, 287
class constructors. See type constructors class inheritance. See inheritance
class libraries, thread synchronization and, 759
Date: 2016-03-03 ; view: 675