Write questions and answers using his, her, he, she, a or an.
Keyboard operator
What’s her job? Is she a keyboard operator? Yes, she is.
What’s his job? Is he an engineer? Yes, he is.
1. policeman
| 6. nurse
| 2. policewoman
| 7. mechanic
| 3. taxi driver
| 8. hairdresser
| 4. air hostess
| 9. housewife
| 5. postman
| 10. milkman
Lesson 9 How are you today?
Steven: Hello, Helen.
Helen: Hi, Steven.
Steven: How are you today?
Helen: I’m very well, thank you.
And you?
Steven: I’m fine, thanks.
Steven: How is Tony?
Helen: He is fine, thanks.
How is Emma?
Steven: She’s very well, too, Helen.
Steven: Goodbye, Helen.
Nice to see you.
Helen: Nice to see you, too, Steven.
New words
hello /həˈləʊ/ int.
| fine /faɪn/ adj.
| hi /haɪ/ int.
| thanks/θæŋks/ int.
| how /haʊ/ adv.
| goodbye /ˈgʊdˈbaɪ/ int.
| today /təˈdeɪ/ n.
| see /si:/ v
| well /wel/ adj.
Notes on the text
1. And you? à And how are you?
2. Nice to see you à It is nice to see you.
Lesson 10 Look at…
fat /fæt/ adj.
| hot /hɒt/ adj.
| woman /ˈwʊmən/ adj.
| cold /cəʊld/ adj.
| thin/θɪn/ adj.
| old/əʊld/ adj.
| tall /tɔːl/ adj.
| young /jʌŋ/ adj.
| short /ʃɔːt/ adj.
| busy/ˈbɪzi/ adj.
| dirty /ˈdɜːti/ adj.
| lazy /ˈbɪzi/ adj.
| clean /kli:n/ adj.
A. Complete these sentences using He’s, She’s or It’s.
Robert isn’t a teacher. ……. an engineer.
Robert isn’t a teacher. He’s an engineer.
1. Mr. Blake isn’t a student. ……. a teacher.
2. This isn’t my umbrella. …… your umbrella.
3. Sophie isn’t a man. ……. a woman
4. Naoko isn’t Chinese. ……. Japenese.
B. Write sentences using He or She.
Look at Helen. She’s very well.
1. man/fat
| 6. Steven/young
| 2. woman/thin
| 7. housewife/lazy
| 3. policeman/tall
| 8. milkman/old
| 4. policewoman/short
| 9. postman/busy
| 5. nurse/clean
| 10. hairdresser/good
Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?
Teacher: Whose shirt is that?
Is this your shirt, Dave?
Dave: No, sir.
It’s not my shirt.
This is my shirt.
My shirt’s blue.
Teacher: Is this shirt Tim’s?
Dave: Perhaps it is, sir.
Tim’s shirt’s white.
Teacher: Tim!
Tim: Yes, sir.
Teacher: Is this your shirt?
Tim: Yes, Sir.
Teacher: Here you are.
Tim: Thank you, sir.
New words
whose /hu:z/ pron.
| white /waɪt/adj.
| blue /blu:/ adj.
| catch /kætʃ/v.
| perhaps /pəˈhæps/adv
| that /θæt/pron.
Notes on the text
1. Here you are = Here it is
Lesson 12 Possessive Determiners
my /maɪ/
| father /faːθə/ n.
| your /jɔː/
| mother /mʌθə/ n.
| her /hɜː/
| brother /ˈbrʌðə/ .
| his /hi:z/
| sister /ˈsɪstə/ n.
| noun’s
A. Complete these sentences using my, your, his or her
Hans is here. That is … car.
Hans is here. That is his car.
1. Stella is here. That is … car.
2. Excuse me, Steven. Is this … umbrella?
3. I am an engineer. … name is Kaly.
4. Paul is here, too. That is … coat.
B. Write questions and answers using ‘s, his and her.
Whose is this shirt? It’s Tim’s. It’s his shirt.
1. handbag/Stella
| 6. suit/ my father
| 2. car/Paul
| 7. skirt/my mother
| 3. coat/Sophie
| 8. pen/my brother
| 4. umbrella/Steven
| 9. pencil/ my sister
| 5. dress/my daughter
| 10. house/ Hans
Lesson 13 A new dress
Louise: What color is your new dress?
Anna: It is green.
Come upstairs and see it.
Louise : Thank you.
Anna: Look!
Here it is!
Louise: That’s a nice dress.
It’s very smart.
Anna: My hat’s new, too.
Louise: What color is it?
Anna: It’s the same color.
It’s green, too.
Louise: That’s a lovely hat.
New words
colour/ˈkʌlə/ n.
| smart /sma:t/adj.
| green /gri:n/adj.
| hat /hæt/n.
| come /kʌm/v.
| same /seɪm/adj.
| upstairs /ʌpˈsteəz/adv.
| lovely /ˈlʌvli/adj.
Notes on the text
1. What colour’s = What colour is.
2. The same ………….
Lesson 14 What colour’s your….?
case/kseɪs/ n.
| dog/dɒg/ n.
| carpet/ˈka:pɪt/ n.
| | Exercises
A. Rewrite these sentences.
This is Stella. This is her handbag.
This is Stella’s handbag.
1. This is paul. This is his car.
2. This is Sophie. This is her coat.
3. This is Helen. This is her dog.
4. This is my father. This is his suit.
5. This is my daughter. This is her dress.
What colour’s Steven’s umbrella? His umbrella’s black.
1. Steven/car/blue
| 6. Helen/dog/brown
| 2. Tim/shirt/white
| 7. Hans/pen/grey
| 3. Sophie/coat/grey
| 8. Xiaohui/handbag/yellow
| 4. Mrs. White/carpet/red
| 5. Dave/tie/orange
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1806