Prabhupäda: That is Kåñëa, not that "I told him, and he did not do. I am free. That's all." (laughs) Expansion of order, and nobody is doing—not like that. One has to see whether it is done. That is Kåñëa. Not that I have told the another man and sleep myself. And Kåñëa does everything in such a way perfect. Pürëam idam [Éçopaniñad, Invocation]. Nobody can find out any defect. That is Kåñëa, all-perfect. [break]
(Morning Walk April 19, 1975, Våndävana)
Dr. Singh. But they will not admit that they are taking anything from Kåñëa. Instead they say that they are the creators.
Çréla Prabhupäda. How have they created anything? They take the sand and mix it with some chemicals and make glass. They have not created the sand or the chemicals; they have taken them from the earth. How have they created anything?
Dr. Singh. They say, "We have taken the materials from nature."
Çréla Prabhupäda. "From nature" means from a person. They have taken from nature, but they are thieves because everything in nature belongs to Kåñëa. Éçäväsyam idaà sarvam: "Everything is God's creation." ( [Éço mantra 1]) In Bhagavad-gétä Kåñëa states that if one does not perform yajïa [sacrifice], he is a thief. Yajïa means acknowledging that things have been taken from Kåñëa. We should think, "Kåñëa, You have given us many, many things for our maintenance." This much acknowledgement Kåñëa wants; that's all. Otherwise, what can He expect from you? What are you in His presence? We should acknowledge Kåñëa's kindness. Therefore, before we eat we offer the food to Kåñëa and say, "Kåñëa, You have given us this nice food, so first You taste it." Then we eat it. Kåñëa is not hungry, yet He can eat the whole world and then again produce it exactly as it was. Pürëasya pürëam ädäya pürëam evävaçiñyate [Éço Invocation]. Kåñëa is so perfect that if you take from Kåñëa all of Kåñëa's energy, all the original energy is still with Him. That is perfect conservation of energy.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described herein as the wonderful cause. He is wonderful in the sense that although there may be unlimited emanations from the Supreme Personality of Godhead (janmädy asya yataù [SB 1.1.1]), He always remains complete (pürëasya pürëam ädäya pürëam evävaçiñyate [Éço Invocation]). In our experience in the material world, if we have a bank balance of one million dollars, as we withdraw money from the bank the balance gradually diminishes until it becomes nil. However, the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, is so complete that although innumerable Personalities of Godhead expand from Him, He remains the same Supreme Personality of Godhead. Pürëasya pürëam ädäya pürëam evävaçiñyate. Therefore He is the wonderful cause.
(SB 8.3.15)
If rivers are not polluted and are allowed to flow in their own way, or sometimes allowed to flood the land, the land will become very fertile and able to produce all kinds of vegetables, trees and plants. The word rasa means "taste." Actually all rasas are tastes within the earth, and as soon as seeds are sown in the ground, various trees sprout up to satisfy our different tastes. For instance, sugarcane provides its juices to satisfy our taste for sweetness, and oranges provide their juices to satisfy our taste for a mixture of the sour and the sweet. Similarly, there are pineapples and other fruits. At the same time, there are chilies to satisfy our taste for pungency. Although the earth's ground is the same, different tastes arise due to different kinds of seeds. As Kåñëa says in Bhagavad-gétä (7.10), béjaà mäà sarva-bhütänäm: "I am the original seed of all existences." Therefore all arrangements are there. And as stated in Éçopaniñad: pürëam idam [Éçopaniñad, Invocation]. Complete arrangements for the production of all the necessities of life are made by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. People should therefore learn how to satisfy the yajïa-puruña, Lord Viñëu. Indeed, the living entity's prime business is to satisfy the Lord because the living entity is part and parcel of the Lord. Thus the whole system is so arranged that the living entity must do his duty as he is constitutionally made. Without doing so, all living entities must suffer. That is the law of nature.
(SB 4.19.8)
It is the duty of the son to depend upon his father without asking anything from him. The good son has faith that the father knows best how to benefit him. Similarly, a pure devotee does not ask anything from the Lord for material benefit. Nor does he ask anything for spiritual benefit. The pure devotee is fully surrendered unto the lotus feet of the Lord, and the Lord takes charge of him, as stated in Bhagavad-gétä (18.66): ahaà tväà sarva-päpebhyo mokñayiñyämi. The father knows the necessities of the son and supplies them, and the Supreme Lord knows the necessities of the living entities and supplies them sumptuously. Therefore the Éçopaniñad states that everything in this material world is complete (pürëam idam [Éçopaniñad, Invocation]). The difficulty is that due to forgetfulness the living entities create unnecessary demands and entangle themselves in material activities. The result is that there is no end to material activities, life after life.
(SB 4.20.31)
The expansions of different forms of the Lord, as from Kåñëa to Baladeva to Saìkarñaëa, from Saìkarñaëa to Väsudeva, from Väsudeva to Aniruddha, from Aniruddha to Pradyumna and then again to second Saìkarñaëa and from Him to the Näräyaëa puruñävatäras, and innumerable other forms, which are compared to the constant flowing of the uncountable waves of a river, are all one and the same. They are like lamps of equal power which kindle from one lamp to another. That is the transcendental potency of the Lord. The Vedas say that He is so complete that even though the whole complete identity emanates from Him, He still remains the same complete whole (pürëasya pürëam ädäya pürëam evävaçiñyate [Iso Invocation]). As such, there is no validity in a material conception of the Lord produced by the mental speculator. Thus He remains always a mystery for the mundane scholar, even if he is vastly learned in the Vedic literatures
(SB 2.4.10)
The Lord's beauty is compared to rainfall because when the rain falls in the rainy season, it becomes more and more pleasing to the people. After the scorching heat of the summer season, the people enjoy the rainy season very much. Indeed, they even come out of their doors in the villages and enjoy the rainfall directly. Thus the Lord's bodily features are compared to the clouds of the rainy season. The devotees enjoy the Lord's beauty because it is a collection of all kinds of beauties. Therefore the word sarva-saundarya-saìgraham is used. No one can say that the body of the Lord is wanting in beautiful parts. It is completely pürëam. Everything is complete: God's creation, God's beauty and God's bodily features. All these are so complete that all one's desires can become fully satisfied when one sees the beauty of the Lord.The word sarva-saundarya indicates that there are different types of beauties in the material and spiritual worlds and that the Lord contains all of them. Both materialists and spiritualists can enjoy the beauty of the Lord. Because the Supreme Lord attracts everyone, including demons and devotees, materialists and spiritualists, He is called Kåñëa. Similarly, His devotees also attract everyone.
(SB 4.24.46)
Svarupa Damodara: Srila Prabhupada? If we add the conservation of energy from the invocation of Isopanisad, it will be a great challenge to science.
Prabhupada: Yes, yes. That is conservation of energy. Purnam idam, purnam idam purnat purnam udacyate.
Svarupa Damodara: The understanding in science is that if I burn a piece of wood, that wood contains originally cellulose. So it has certain amount carbons, and a certain amount hydrogens. So if I burn it, that carbon will be converted to smaller molecules like carbon dioxide and water. So if I balance it, starting from the original cellulose, so I'll get a certain number of carbon atoms and hydrogens. So the matter is conserved. In other words, it is not lost. That is the understanding of the science.
Prabhupada: No, we also, we also say. The energy, we take the sum total, material energy, that is conserved. It is displayed again. When there is annihilation, the whole energy goes back to Krsna. Yanti mamikam, prakrtim yanti mamikam.
Svarupa Damodara: But the original matter is changed.
Prabhupada: Eh?
Svarupa Damodara: The original substance that I started with, changed to some other form.
Prabhupada: Yes. It is just like you take cotton. You make thread. Another form. Then from thread, you make cotton cloth.
Brahmananda: It's not lost.
Prabhupada: It is not lost.
Brahmananda: It just changes it's form.
Prabhupada: The original cotton is there. Simply form is changing. This is the process.
Svarupa Damodara: Is it the same from purnasya purnam adaya...?
Prabhupada: Yes. Everything is preserved.
( Conversations)
Kim: I'm not very familiar with the Hindu scriptures, but I have read some Upanisads, and there's the idea that somehow atman is Brahman? I don't understand that at all, so perhaps you could say something about that?
Prabhupada: Which Upanisad are you reading?
Kim: I've read the Chandogya, the--I don't know the pronunciations.
Prabhupada: There are one hundred and eight Upanisads.
Kim: I don't know the pronunciations, that's the difficulty.
Prabhupada: Have you read Isopanisad?
Kim: Pardon?
Prabhupada: Isopanisad.
Kim: I'm familiar with the name, but that's about all.
Prabhupada: Give him Isopanisad. Read from the beginning. Have you read this book? This is the first Upanisad that is read. Can you read Sanskrit?
Kim: No.
Prabhupada: Transliteration?
Amogha: You just read the sound.
om purnam adah purnam idam
purnat purnam udacyate
purnasya purnam adaya
purnam evavasisyate
Prabhupada: Read the translation.
Kim: "The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the complete whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the complete whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance."
Prabhupada: Now read the purport. After reading the translation do you understand everything?
Kim: No. (reads purport to) "...and Paramatma or Supersoul realization is the realization of His sat and cit features." I don't understand that. I read the words, but...
Prabhupada: It requires elucidation. "Complete whole" means, just like your body is complete whole, and there are so many other things, there are so many holes in the body, there are so many hairs on the body, there are so many hairs on the head, so many fingers, eyes, ears--so many things--but the body is a complete unit, working as a complete machine. And there are so many things. Similarly, the whole cosmos is complete, exactly like this body is a machine. Similarly the whole cosmos is a big machine. It is complete. One sun is there and keeping everything complete. The day and night, the seasonal changes, the equator, the temperature, the moonlight, the other planets, we living beings, the vegetables--everything is complete by God. And because the sun is there. Similarly, this body, machine, is complete. And the soul is there, it is working nicely. The body is also a creation, and the universe is also a creation, and the brain which has created these things, He is complete. Therefore He has created these complete units. That is the idea. Purnam idam. Purnah means complete. And because He is complete, the Creator, He has no defect; therefore He can create everything complete. Purnam idam, purnam adah, purnat purnam udacyate. And He is so complete that purnasya purnam adaya, from the complete, if you take the whole complete, still He is complete. Here is a glass of water; I am drinking. Drinking part by part. And when it is finished, the water is finished, no more complete. But He is so complete, that just like the sun, the temperature is being distributed for million and millions of years, still it is full of temperature. Here, unless the electric power is there, it is not complete. But there is power in the sunshine. It is a reservoir of so much temperature and light, that in history millions and millions of years it is distributing, the seasonal changes are going on, the green foliage is coming again, the snow and rain is coming, so many things are going on account of temperature. Any machine is rolling, just like as soon as there is power the machine is rolling. In all machines, your bodily machine, my bodily machine, and electric machines and other powered machines--everything is going on. Purnat purnam udacyate. And in spite of taking so much energy from the sun, it is still full of light and energy. This is one of the creations of the Supreme. Now how much perfect is the Supreme? Its one of the creations, sun, is maintaining the whole universe. And there are many millions of universes, and each of them has got a sun to conduct the business. And all these suns are created by somebody. How much complete He is? You can just imagine. That is God. God is not such a cheap thing. People become God, "I am God." You are a nonsense rascal. What you can do? These are bluff. They do not know what is God. Here is God--complete. Purnam adah, purnam idam. The whole creation is complete, still He is complete. The energy is coming from here, still He is complete. This energy also. A glass of water, I throw the glass, and water again is coming. Again I throw, again it is coming. Incessantly coming, all the energies. This is the idea of God. Purnam idam, purnam adah, purnam idam, purnat purnam udacyate, purnasya purnam adaya, purnam evavasisyate. One minus one equals one, not zero. One plus one equals one, not two. This is complete. This is the idea of God. Just like the ocean. You take many thousands of buckets of water out, still it is complete. And again you put many buckets, thousands, millions of buckets of water, it is the same depth. This is another example. Material example. This is complete. You take millions of buckets of water from the ocean, you'll find not a drop is lost. And you put millions of buckets of water again, not a drop is increased. Purnasya purnam adaya purnam evavasisyate. If you try to take out the whole ocean, still it will remain the ocean. This is the idea of complete.
(750508rc.per Conversations)
Mantra 1
Satsvarupa: They call the Vedas speculation. They say the Upanisads are speculation.
Prabhupada: No, no, no, not speculation. Isopanisad, isavasyam idam sarvam, everything beginning from isa, the supreme controller... Where is speculation?
Tamala Krsna: They say that the Vedas are written by man so they are imperfect.
Prabhupada: So you are less than a dog. It is written by man. That's all right. But you are less than a dog. You have no reason, no right. What is your philosophy? What is the value of your philosophy? It is speculation. We don't say, "It is written by man." Apauruseya. They may say whatever they..., we don't say. If somebody says, "Your father name is that," and I know my father's name. "What you are? You are not authority to say what is my father's name. I know very well." So it is their suggestion like that, "Your father's name is this." We don't say that "My father name is..." Is that very good suggestion? You don't know anything of my family. How you say that "Your father name is this?" Is it not another rascaldom? You do not know anything about my family, and you say that "Your father's name is this." What is this logic? You cannot say what is my father's name. You do not know about my family.