Procedure of the lessonWarm-up page 34
T. reviews the present continuous tense; T. asks the children to sing and act out to the Fly High Band song from lesson 9.
T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.
PB page 34, Vocabulary
T. says Open your book at page 34.
T. presents the new vocabulary with the lesson’s flashcards.
T. uses extra repetition to practice the pronunciation of sh /∫/ in dish and wash.
You aren’t helping.
Pre-reading: T. asks the children to tell him/her what happened in the story in Lesson 9. T. asks the children to look at the story. T asks (in L1 where necessary) Who is at the house? What are they doing?
T. follows the steps for presenting stories.
T. asks some questions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Who is cleaning the floor? Who is tasting a strawberry? Is Tag sad or happy? Why? Do you have a cake on your birthday?
PB: page 34, 1. Circle.
T. does the example with the class; T. asks the children to look at picture 1 and says The phone’s ringing. Yes or No? T. elicits No.
T. asks the children to read and circle their answers. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers.
PB: page 35, Learn with Tag
T. asks a child to stand up and mime reading a book. T. says He/She’s reading. He/She is not talking. He/She isn’t talking.
T. asks the children to read the grammar box out loud.
T. writes on the board: I am not sleeping. She is not sleeping. They are not sleeping. T. rubs out the a in the first sentence and puts in an apostrophe. T. invites children to write the short form for the other sentences.
Optional activity
T. asks the children to look at the sentences in exercise 1 again and turn them into negative. T. demonstrates by reading sentence 1, then saying No, the phone isn’t ringing. T. calls out other postive sentences and asks the children to make them negative.
PB page 35, 2. Write isn’t/aren’t+…ing.
T. asks the children to look at the picture and tell him/her what the boy and girl are doing.
T. does the example with the class: T asks them to read out all the verb options. T. says George is painting a fox. He isn’t painting a rabbit. T. asks the children to read out the example sentence.
T. asks the children to complete the other sentences. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers.
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1177