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Exudative inflammation


Choose the most correct definitionof inflammation:

An adaptive process for restoration structural constituents of tissue

@Nonspecific complex reaction of vascularized connective tissue as a response on tissue damage

Specific reaction an organism directedon detection, killing and eliminationof foreign substances

Pathologic process based on disturbance of tissue (cell) metabolism that leads to structural changes


Necrosis focus appeared in the area of hyperemia and skin edema in few hours after burn. What mechanism strengthens destructive events in the inflammation area?

Proliferation of fibroblasts

@Secondary alteration

Primary alteration

Emigration of lymphocytes

Diapedesis of erythrocytes


Choose 2 leading mechanism of development of edema due to acute inflammation:

@Increased vascular permeability

Toxic injury

Lymphatic obstruction

Salt retention

Increase renin synthesis

Increase aldosterone synthesis


Choose 2 leading mechanism of development of edema due to acute inflammation:

Toxic injury

@Decrease oncotic pressure

Lymphatic obstruction

Salt retention

Increase renin synthesis

Increase aldosterone synthesis


A 34 year old woman due to incorrect usage of iron gained acute pain, plethora and swelling on her right index. Few minutes later a bladder occurred, filled with transparent of yellow colour. What kind of pathological process is this?

@Exudative inflammation

Traumatic oedema

Alterative inflammation

Proliferative inflammation

Vacuole dystrophy


A 40-year-old woman, with a history of the right palm's burn, presented to her physician an acute pain, reddening and swelling of a palm. In a few "minutes there was a bubble, filled with transparent yellowish liquid. The display of what pathological process the described changes are?

@Exudative inflammation

Traumatic edema

Alterative inflammation

Proliferative inflammation

Vacuolar dystrophy


A man complains of itch and redness of the skin in the buccal area that appeared after shaving. Vesicles, which are filled with bright fluid, can be observed on the hyperemia buccal area. What kind of fluid is in vesicles?

Haemorrhagic exudate


Purulent exudate

Mucous exudate

@Serous exudate


A 15-year-old girl has had episodes of sneezing with watery eyes and runny nose for the past 2 weeks. On physical examination she has red, swollen nasal mucosal surfaces. She has had similar episodes each Spring and Summer when the amount of ragweed pollen in the air is high. To which kind of inflammation her symptoms are most likely to be?







In some minutes after bite of the bee. There were swelling, redness, local increase of the temperature, pain. What morfological process is the base of this changes?

@Serouse inflammation

Dystrophy and necrosis

Proliferative inflammation


Haemorrhagic inflammation


A 43-years-old patient has a burn of right hand. The exfoliation of epidermis and formation of bubbles filled by semi-transparent fluid is manifested in the palm and the back surface of the hand. What kind of inflammation occurs in that case?







A woman, with a history of her hands' skin thermal burn, presented to physician painful blisters, filled with opaque liquid. What is the most likely type of inflammation?

@ Serous inflammation

Productive inflammation

Croupous inflammation

Granulomatous inflammation

Diphtheritic inflammation


A patient presented to the hospital with combustion of his right hand. A physical examination revealed a desquamation of epidermis with blisters formation. The blisters were filled with opaque liquid. What most probable inflammation described in that case?

@ Serous






Autopsy of a man who died from influenza revealed that his heart was slightly enlarged, pastous, myocardium was dull and had specks. Microscopical examination of myocardium revealed signs of parenchymatous adipose and hydropic dystrophy; stroma was edematic with poor macrophagal and lymphocytic infiltration, vessels were plethoric; perivascular analysis revealed petechial hemorrhages. What type of myocarditis was developed in this case?



Interstitial proliferative

@Serous diffuse

Serous focal


At study of a blood smear of the person with presence of inflammatory process it is possible to see a great number of spherical cells with a segmented nucleus, acidophilic cytoplasm and shallow pink-violet granules in the cytoplasm. What blood cells are these?







All following substances are leukocytes attractants (chemotactic agents) EXCEPT:

Bacterial products

Components of complement system

Antivirus antybody


@Arachidonic acid metabolites


Choose the best explanation of neutrophilic leukoeytes predominance in the composition of inflammatory exudate:

@Presence of effective systems of enzyme lysis

Ability to endocytobiosis

Speed of moving

Presence of certain receptorson thesurface of membrane

Ability to create pseudopodia


Opsonins that aid in recognition and attachment of leukocytes to bacteria include all of the following features EXCEPT:

They may be derived from the C3b fragment of serum complement.

The leukocytes have an Fc receptor.

Binding of Opsonins triggers engulfinent

@Leukocyte adhesion molecules are needed.

Immunoglobulin G plays a role.


A small sliver of wood becomes embedded in the finger of a 25-year-old man. He does not remove it, and over the next 3 days the area around the sliver becomes red, swollen, and tender. Neutrophils migrate into the injured tissue. What kind of inflammation is this one?







An autopsy of a dead body revealed 200 ml of a viscid yellow-green liquid in the abdominal cavity. What is the most likely form of exudate inflammation?

@ Purulent inflammation

Serous inflammation

Fibrinous inflammation.

Hemorrhagic inflammation.

Ichorous inflammation


A 45-year-old man has had a fever and dry cough for 3 days, and now has difficulty breathing and a cough productive of sputum. On physical examination his temperature is 38.5 C. Diffuse rales are auscultated over lower lung fields. A chest radiograph shows a right pleural effusion. A right thoracentesis is performed. The fluid obtained has a cloudy appearance with a cell count showing 5500 leukocytes per microliter, 98% of which are neutrophils. Which of the following terms best describes his pleural process?

Serous inflammation

@Purulent inflammation

Fibrinous inflammation

Chronic inflammation

Granulomatous inflammation


During the operation of revision of the abdominal cavity a surgeon noticed, that the leaves of the peritoneum on the entire area are diffusely bulged, plethoric and dingy. 500 ml of muddy yellow-green liquid was detected in the abdominal cavity. This morphology describes:





Purulent-hemorrhagical inflammation


A 37-year-old male presents with a fever, dyspnea and pain in the right part of the chest. The pleurocentesis gave 700 mis of thick yellow-greenish liquid. What pathological process was diagnosed in a pleural cavity?

@Empyema of pleura


Serous pleuritis

Hemorrhagic pleuritis

Carcinomatosis of pleura


A patient has high body temperature, breathlessness, pain in his right part of thorax. During pleural puncture there was 700ml of cream-like, yellowish-green coloured liquid extracted. What is the most probable diagnosis?

@Pleural empyema

Pleural carcinomatosis

Serous pleuritis

Fibrinous pleuritis

Haemorrhagic pleuritis


An autopsy of a 53-year-old male, with a history of crupous pneumonia, revealed in his dextral pleural cavity 900 ml of cloudy, grey-yellowish colored liquid. Pleural membranes were found to be dim and plethoric. Name the clinical -morphological form of the inflammation in the pleural cavity?

@ Empyema.

Fibrinous inflammation.


Chronic abscess.

Acute abscess.


A female patient presented to the hospital with a fever, asphyxia and pain in the right part of her chest. During a pleurocentesis procedure 700 ml of a viscid yellow-green liquid was removed. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Empyema of a pleura

Carcinomatosis of a pleura

Serous pleurisy

Fibrinous pleurisy

Hemorrhagic pleurisy


The patient complains of a high temperature, dyspnoae, and pain in the right part of the thorax. During the pleural puncture, 700 ml of yellow-green colored creamy fluid was evacuated. Make the right diagnosis.

Hemorrhagic pleurisy

Carcinomatosis of the pleura

Serous pleurisy

Fibrinous pleurisy

@Pleural empyema


Autopsy of a patient who suffered from croupous pneumonia and died from pneumococcal sepsis revealed 900 ml of turbid greenish-yellow liquid in the right pleural cavity. Pleural leaves are dull, plephori c. Name the clinicopathological form of inflammation in the pleural cavity:

Fibrinous inflammation

Chronic abscess

Acute abscess




Thoracentesis is performed on a 45-year-old man who has had a fever and cough for several days, and now has more difficulty breathing and a cough productive of sputum. A right pleural effusion is seen by chest radiograph. The fluid obtained has a cloudy appearance with a cell count showing 5500 leukocytes per microliter, 98% of which are neutrophils. The best description of the pleural process is:

Serous inflammation

@Purulent inflammation

Fibrinous inflammation

Chronic inflammation

Granuloreatous inflammation


A 68-year-old man died from meningitis. An autopsy revealed thickened, congested, dim, edematous meninges (pia maters), which were saturated by creamy greenish-yellow exudate. Define the type of inflammation?



Fibrinous croupous

Fibrinous diphtheritic



A 4-year-old child presented to his physician with a cold, high temperature, nausea and vomiting. He was hospitalized and died in two days. An autopsy revealed thickened, dim, edematous, congested, greenish-yellow pia mater of meninges. What variety of exudative inflammation developed in pia maters?







A post-mortem of young male revealed congested, thickened, opaque, yellowish-green meninges. What type of exudative inflammation these changes are characteristic for?

@ Purulent inflammation

Serous inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation

Fibrinous inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation


A 9 year old child suddenly fell ill and died. An autopsy has revealed a cerebral swelling, cerebral covers are intensively plethoric and saturated with viscous dull yellowish-green exudate. What kind of pathological process is this?

@Purulent inflammation

Serous inflammation

Fibrinous inflammation

Haemorrhagic inflammation

Mixed inflammation


A patient died with symptoms of the brain's edema and the dislocation of the stem. A post-mortem revealed thickened, opaque, grayish-green color pia mater. Which pathological process took place in pia mater of meninges?

@Diffuse purulent leptomeningitis

Meningococcal leptomeningitis

Tuberculous leptomeningitis

Malignant arachnoendofhelioma



An elderly man presented with a decomposition of some segments of spongy and cortical layers of an anticnemion bones. The cavities are filled with creamy greenish-yellow masses. What is the type of inflammation?







Several areas of spongy and cortex layers of tibia are decaying. Cavities are filled with cream-like masses of greenish-yellow colour. What is the most probable form of inflammation?







A patient with periodontitis has his subcutaneous fat cellulose of bottom of oral cavity is diffusely soaked with greenish-yellow viscous liquid. What kind of exudative inflammation is this?







Autopsy of a man who died from sepsis revealed a phlegmonous inflammation in the femoral bone of lower extremity. The inflammation was seen in the bone marrow, haversian canals and periosteum. There were also multiple abscesses underneath the periosteum; the surrounding soft tissues of the thigh were also affected by the phlegmonous inflammation. What pathological process is it?


Chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis


@Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis



The patient complains of local pain in the back of the head, increasing of the temperature in that area. Macroscopically: there is a conical infiltrate of purple-blue colour with yellow-greenish apex, which protrudes under the surface of the skin. Diagnose it:







A 44-year-old man presented to the policlinic with a local pain in occipital area of a head and rise of a body temperature there. Gross investigation of a lesion zone revealed the cone-shaped cyanotic infiltration with a yellow-greenish apex, which rose above the surface of skin. What is the most likely diagnosis?







Appendix, sent to the pathological department after appendectomia, is intumescenced and enlarged in seizes, serous mucous membrane is dingy, vessels are plethoric, yellow-green fluid discharges from the lumen of the appendix on the cut. In which form of the appendicitis do such changes develop?

@Phlegmonous appendicitis

Apostematous appendicitis

Simple catarrhal appendicitis

Superficial catarrhal appendicitis

Gangrenous appendicitis


To a histological research there was sent a removed appendix vermiformis. Its size is enlarged, serous tunic is dull, plethoric and is covered by films of fibrin; walls are thickened, on incision there is pus coming out of it. Name the form of appendicitis.







A pathology-histology laboratory received a vermiform appendix up to 2,0 cm thick. Its serous membrane was pale, thick and covered with yellowish-green films. The wall was flaccid, of grayish-red colour. The appendix lumen was dilated and filled with yellowish-green substanc e. Histological examination revealed that the appendix wall was infiltrated with neutrophils. Specify the appendix disease:

Acute superficial appendicitis

Acute simple appendicitis

Acute gangrenous appendicitis

Chronic appendicitis

@Acute phlegmonous appendicitis


An operatively removed appendix was sent for histological examination. Macroscopical investigation revealed thickened appendix. His serous membrane was dim, congested, with whitish, loose membranes; the lumen contained turbid, whitish-yellow exudate. Histological study showed the diffuse neutrophil's infiltration of the appendix wall. Choose the most likely type of appendicitis.







An operatively removed appendix was sent to pathology department. Macroscopical investigation revealed markedly enlarged appendix. His serous membrane was dim, congested, covered by fibrin's membranes. The appendix' walls were thickened. On a cut section pus in the lumen was detected. Microscopical investigation showed a plethora of vessels, edema of all appendixes' layers and diffuses infiltration by leucocytes. What is the type of inflammation?







A 22-year-old man develops marked right lower quadrant abdominal pain over the past day. On physical examination there is rebound tenderness. Laparoscopic surgery is performed, and the appendix is swollen, erythematous, and partly covered by a yellowish exudate. It is removed, and a microscopic section shows infiltration with numerous neutrophils. Name the type of inflammation:







A 16-year-old boy was performed an appendectomy. He has been hospitalized for right lower quadrant abdominal pain within 18 hours. The surgical specimen is edematous and erythematous. Infiltration by what of the following cells is the most typical for the process occuring here?





@ Neutrophils


Microscopical examination of a removed appendix revealed an edema, diffuse neutrophilic infiltration of appendix wall along with necrosis and defect of mucous membrane with affection of its muscle plate. What appendicitis form was developed?







An elderly man, with a history of an operation, presented with a sepsis, developed on a background of a decreased immune reactivity of an organism. A disease resulted in fatal outcome. Microscopical investigation of the abdominal wall revealed the diffuse segmentonuclear leukocyte's infiltration of intermuscular spaces, edema of a tissue and lysis of muscle fibers. Define the type of inflammation?

@ Phlegmon.

Diphtheroid inflammation.



Catarrhal inflammation.



A 13-years-old child was admitted into the hospital with complaints of fever, weakness, and intense pain in the right thigh. From anamnesis it was defined that he has bitten by dog 3 days ago. During the visual examination it was found out redness, swelling and acute painfulness along right thigh. After excision it was made the histological examination, which was showed a considerable accumulations of polymorphonucleus leukocytes between the mussel fibers partly undergone by purulent fusion. Diagnose that condition.





Croupous inflammation


After an operative treatment of a patient (burn disease), in a condition of severe the organism reactivity decreasing, a progressive sepsis led to his death. Microscopically: in the area of the anterior abdominal wall the diffuse infiltration by segmented leucocytes of the intramuscularly interval was observed. There were also tissue edema and lyses of muscle fibrils. Define the kind of inflammation.







A 24-year-old primigravida is late in the second trimester of pregnancy. She experiences the sudden onset of some cramping lower abdominal pain. This is immediately followed by passage of some clear fluid per vagina along with a foul-smelling discharge. The fetus is stillborn two days later. Examination of the placenta demonstrates extensive neutrophilic infiltrates in the chorion and amnion. Which kind of inflammation is presented in plasenta?







A 22-year-old man develops marked right lower quadrant abdominal pain over the past day. On physical examination there is rebound tenderness on palpation over the right lower quadrant. Laparoscopic surgery is performed, and the appendix is swollen, erythematous, and partly covered by a yellowish exudate. It is removed, and a microscopic section shows infiltration with numerous neutrophils. Name the tape of inflammation.







A 20-year-old man has experienced painful urination for 4 days following spring break. A urethritis is suspected, and Neisseria gonorrheae is cultured. Numerous neutrophils are present in a smear of the exudate from the penile urethra. Name the tape of inflammation.







A clinical study is peformed of patients with pharyngeal infections. The most typical clinical course averages 3 days from the time of onset until the patient sees the physician. Most of these patients experienced fever and chills. On physical examination, the most common finding is a pharyngeal exudate with great amount of neutrophills. Which of the following types of inflammation did these patients most likely have?

Granulomatous inflammation

@Acute purulent inflammation

Abscess formation

Resolution of inflammation

Chronic inflammation


A patient with burn disease died due to progressive septicaemia. The autopsy in the anterior abdominal wall by means of microscopic examination revealed diffuse infiltration of intermuscular spaces by segmentonuclear leukocytes, tissues edema and lysis of muscular fibres. Determine the nature of the pathological process.


Catarrhal inflammation

Diphtheritic inflammation




A 40-year-old woman has had a chronic cough with fever and weight loss for the past month. A chest radiograph reveals multiple nodules from 1 to 4 cm in size, some of which demonstrate cavitation in the upper lobes. A sputum sample reveals the presence of acid fast bacilli. Which of the following cells is the most important in the development her lung lesions?




Mast cell



The sponge and cortical layers of tibia are on different areas at the stage of destruction. Cavities, that have already appeared, are filled with creamy mass of green-yellow color. What is the most possible form of inflammation?

@Suppurative inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation

Serous inflammation

Proliferous inflammation

Mixed inflammation


A 90-year-old woman has developed a fever and cough over the past 2 days. Staphylococcus aureus is cultured from her sputum. She receives a course of antibiotic therapy. Two weeks later she no longer has a productive cough, but she still has a fever. A chest radiograph reveals a 3 cm rounded density in the right lower lobe whose liquefied contents form a central air-fluid level. There are no surrounding infiltrates. Which of the following is the best description for this outcome of her pneumonia?

Hypertrophic scar

@Abscess formation


Bronchogenic carcinoma

Progression to chronic inflammation


A 24-year-old woman presents with increasing pain and swelling in the posterior region of her neck. Physical examination finds a red, hot, swollen area measuring approximately 1 cm in greatest dimension. The skin is intact in this area, but surgical exploration finds a cavity that is filled with purulent material. Cultures from this material grow Staphylococcus aureus. Histologic section reveal liquefactive necrosis filled with numerous neutrophils and necrotic tissue. These histologic finding best describe which one of the following pathological processes?

@Abscess formation

Epithelial erosion

Fibrinous inflammation

Serous inflammation

Ulcer formation


An autopsy of the 58-year-old man, revealed in his liver a focus of tissue destruction, 4 cm in diameter, filled with a yellow-green liquid. What is the most likely diagnose?







A 49-year-old man, with 14 days history of acute lobar staphylococcal pneumonia in the left lower lobe of a lung, died of pulmonary and cardiac insufficiency. A post-mortem revealed in the upper lobe of a right lung an oval cavity, approximately 5 cm in diameter, filled with pus and connected with bronchus. Which complication of acute pneumonia took place in this case?

@Abscess of the lung

Gangrene of the lung

Thromboembolia of a pulmonary trunk

Bronchiectasis disease

Acute bronchitis


An autopsy of an elderly male revealed a cavity with compacted walls filled with a thick, greenish liquid, which had a stinking odor. What is the most likely disease?

@ Abscess of the lung.

Gangrene of the lung.

Infarct of the lung.

Cavern of the lung.

Tuberculoma of the lung.


During the section of a 47-year-old man, who died of pulmonary-heart failure, there in the left lung was determined a cavity (4x4 cm), filled with the pus. The wall was uneven, presented by the pulmonary tissue. Make a diagnosis.


Chronic abscess

Cavernous tuberculosis

@Acute abscess

Fibrous alveolitis


Patient with purulent recidiving othitis died from the brain’s swelling with pressing of cerebellum into foramen occipitalis magnum. On the autopsy in the temporal lobe of the left hemisphere a cavity with rough edges is detected. It is filled with muddy milk-like liquor of yellow-green colour. This morphology witnesses about the

@Acute abscess

Grey malacia



Chronic abscess


A 50-year-old male died of a pulmonary and cardiac insufficiency. An autopsy revealed in a left lung a 4 x 4 cm cavity, filled with pus. The wall of a cavity had a rough pattern, presented by pulmonary tissue. What is the most likely diagnose?

@ Acute abscess

Chronic abscess

Cavernous tuberculosis


Fibrosing alveolitis


A 40 year old male patient died from cerebral edema. In anamnesis the face carbuncle was registered. Autopsy revealed hyperemia and edema of cerebral tissue. White matter of the left hemisphere had two cavities 6õ5,5 and 5õ4,5 cm large filled with yellowish-green cream-like fluid. Walls of the cavities were built up by nerve tissue with irregular rands. What complication of carbuncle was it?

Chronic abscesses



Colliquative necroses

@Acute abscesses


After surgical removal of cavernous neoplasm of liver pathological research was executed. Its wall is made of thick reticular conjunctive and granular tissue, the cavity itself contains viscous, dim liquid with an unpleasant smell. Most part of its content is presented by polymorphous leucocytes. Name the pathological process.

Acute abscess

@Chronic abscess

Phlegmona of liver

Single-chamber echinococcus

Simple liver cyst


Surgeon removed cavity formation of the liver. The wall of the cavity was lined by uneven lager of septic necrotic granulation tissue wich changes into fibrouse tissue at its periphery, midzone containing pus. Your diagnosis.

@Chronic abscess


Acute abscess

Catarral purulent inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation


A 40 year old man noticed a reddening and an edema of skin in the area of his neck that later developed into a small abscess. The incised focus is dense, yellowish-green. The pus contains white granules. Histological examination revealed drusen of a fungus, plasmatic and xanthome cells, macrophages. What type of mycosis is the most probable?







Colonoscopy of a patient ill with dysentery revealed that mucous membrane of his large intestine is hyperemic, edematic; its surface was covered with grey-and-green coats. Name the morphological form of dysenteric collitis:







A macroscopic investigation of trachea revealed a dim, hyperemic mucosa, covered with grey - white membranes. Which one is the most likely form of the inflammation?






Exudative focal.


Mucous tunic of trachea is dull, plethoric, with grey film coating. What is the most probable form of inflammation?







A young male presented to his physician with considerably enlarged, hyperemic, painful tonsils. A gross examination of tonsils revealed dense, dirty-gray membranes on the surface. These membranes have spread to the hard palate and were intimately attached to tissues underneath. An attempt to remove the membranes resulted in bleeding. Which pathological process indicates these morphological changes?

@Diphtheroid exudative inflammation.

Croupous exudative inflammation.

Catarrhal exudative inflammation.

Purulent exudative inflammation.

Hemorrhagic exudative inflammation.


A physical examination of a 5-year-old boy reveals the fauces and the tonsils enlarged, plethoric, and coated with irremovable whitish membranes. Which one of the following characterizes the changes in the fauces and tonsils?

@ Diphtheritic inflammation

Caseous necrosis

Fibrinous necrosis

Croupous inflammation

Purulent inflammation


A child with asphyxia was admitted to the hospital. On examination of the child whitish and spots difficult to separate were revealed in his larynx. What type of inflammation was in that case?

@Diphtheritic inflammation

Croupous inflammaton

Purulent inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation

Serous inflammation



A man has died in 8-th day since beginning of the disease. It was diagnosed dysentery. During the autopsy it was found out a thickened wall of the sigma and rectum, fibrinous membrane on the surface of mucous membrane. Histologically: there is a deep necrosis of mucous membrane with infiltration of necrotic masses with fibrin. What kind of colitis does correspond to those changes?







A 28-year-old patient has considerable enlarged sanguineous painful tonsils. On itsr surface there are solid gray membranes that spread on the hard palate and are firmly connected with underlied tissues. The effort to separate them ends with the bleeding. What pathological process does determin these morphological changes?

@Diphtheritic exudative

Croupous exudative

Catarrhal exudative

Suppurative exudative

Hemorrhagic exudative


A 4-year-old boy presented to a hospital with pain in a throat at swallowing and malaise. A physical examination revealed grayish- whitish membranes on a pharynx and tonsils on a background of moderate edema and hyperemia. These membranes were intimately attached to tissues underneath. What pathology the described changes testify to?





Reganerative process


A man who died of shigellosis has a sanguineous mucous membrane of the large intestine. Which was covered with a gray membrane, which can be hardly dissociated. What kind of inflammation has developed in the intestine?

Catarrhal inflammation

Croupous inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation

Serous inflammation

@Diphtheritic inflammation


A man died 8 days after the beginning of the disease. He was diagnosed with dysentery. At the autopsy it was found out a thickened wall of the sigma and rectum, fibrinous membrane on the surface of mucous membrane. Histologically: there is a deep necrosis of mucous membrane with infiltration of necrotic masses with fibrin. What kind of colitis does correspond to the changes?







An autopsy of a 50-year-old male, who died of dysentery, revealed the hyperemic mucosa of the colon, coated with grey membranes, which can be removed from tissues underneath with some effort. Which type of an inflammation described in the intestine?

@Diphtheroid inflammation

Croupous inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation

Serous inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation


An autopsy of a 53-year-old male, who died from chronic renal failure, revealed the colon's mucosa, covered with grey - yellow membranes, densely coherent to tissues underneath. The removal of the membranes resulted in ulcers formation. Name a type of an inflammation?







A 5-year-old child has a fever and pain at swallowing. A physical examination revealed enlarged, dark-red palatine tonsils. They were coated with a grey - yellow membrane which was intimately attached to the surface of the tonsils. Which kind of inflammation described in the tonsils?

@Diphtheritic inflammation

Croupous inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation

Purulent inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation


A physical examination of tonsils and soft palate mucosa revealed white-grey color membranes, which are intimately attached to tissues underneath. An attempt to take out membranes results in formation of a deep tissue defect. Diagnose pathology on a mucosa of tonsils and a soft palate.

@Diphfheritic inflammation

Serous inflammation

Croupous inflammation

Purulent inflammation

Mixed inflammation


A 28 years old patient has enlarged, painful, tonsils. On the surface of tonsils there are thick, grey films that extend to soft palate. Films are firmly connected to underneath tissues, while attempting to separate – a bleeding occurs. What pathological process causes such changes?

@Diphtheritic exudative inflammation

Croupous exudative inflammation

Catarrhal exudative inflammation

Purulent exudative inflammation

Haemorrhagic exudative inflammation


A 6-year-old child presented to department of infectious diseases with acute pain in a throat, difficulty at swallowing, rise of body temperature up to 39°C and edema of neck. A gross oral investigation revealed enlarged, hyperemic tonsils, covered with plenty of yellow membranes, which intimately attached to the mucous membrane. An attempt to take off membrane results in deep, bleeding defect formation. What type of inflammation takes place?

@ Diphtheritic






During the section of a man, who died of croupous pneumonia, an opaque fluid was determined in pleural cavity. There was also a membrane of gray color on the visceral pleura. What kind of inflammation has developed on the visceral pleura?







A 62-year-old man died of croupous pneumonia. A post-mortem revealed in the pleural cavity an opaque liquid and a grayish membrane on visceral pleura. What is the most likely type of inflammation on the visceral pleura?

@ Fibrinous inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation

Purulent inflammation

Granulomatous inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation


A 27-years-old woman has been suffered by diabetes mellitus since she had been a child. During the last years the arterial hypertension and proteinuria have occurred. She has died with signs of uremia. What typical changes were found out in autopsy?

@“Cor villosum”

“Tiger heart”

“Armor heart”

Mesenchymal fat dystrophy of the heart

Purulent pericarditis


A 7-year-old child fell ill sharply. His temperature increased up to 38oC; rhinorrhea, cough, lacrimation and large-spot rash on skin appeared in him. Mucous membrane of patient’s pharynx is edematous and red; buccalmucous membrane has whitish spots. What is the character of inflammation underlying changes of buccal mucous membrane?







Autopsy revealed that right lung is enlarged, solid, there are fibrin layers on the pleura. Lung tissue is light grey color on incision with muddy liqued exudates. What lung disease are these symptoms typical for?

Fibrosing alveolitis

@Croupous pneumonia

Interstitial pneumonia


Pulmonary gangrene


Autopsy of a 50-year-old man revealed the following changes: his right lung was moderately compact in all parts, the dissected tissue was found to be airless, fine-grained, dryish. Visceral pleura had greyish-brown layers of fibrin. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Interstitial pneumonia



@Croupous pneumonia



A patient has died after 3 weeks of pneumonia. Lower lobe of right lung is enlarged, thickened, airless, grey, with fibrin coatings on pleura. Microscopically: every alveole of this lobe contain fibrin and segmented neutrophils. Your diagnosis?

@Croupous pneumonia

Nidus bronchopneumonia

Influenza pneumonia

Fibrinous pleuritis

Interstitial pneumonia


A forensic medical expert examines the body of a 58 y.o. man who had been consuming large amounts of alcochol for a long time and died at hom e. Microscopicaly: the right lung is dense and enlarged, its incision revealed that the tissue is greyish and homogenous, pleura is covered with greyish layers. Microscopically - alveolar cavities contain fibrin, hemolyzed erythrocytes. Make a diagnosis:

Interstitial pneumonia

Caseous pneumonia

@Croupous pneumonia

Primary pulmonary tuberculosis

Focal pneumonia


A 5-years-old girl suffered from diphtheria. She has died in three days because of asphyxia caused by diphtheria’s croup. During the autopsy it was found out, that mucous membranes of larynx, trachea and bronchi were thickening, swelling, dull, covering by grayish membranes, which easily came off. What process did?

@Croupous inflammation.

Serous inflammation

Diphteritic inflammation

Proliferative inflammation

Suppurative inflammation


In autopsy the whole lower lobe of left lung had dirty-grey colour and liver-like consistence .There was yellow-grey fibrin on a pleura. An etiology of disease is pneumococcus type IY. Call this disease:

@Croupous pneumonia

Clottage of bronchial arteries



Clottage of pulmonary arteries


On the third day of diphtheria a 4-year-old girl died of true diphtheria croup. During the autopsy there was revealed thickened, edematous, dull mucous membrane of larynx, trachea and bronchial tubes; a grayish membrane that could be easily dissociated covered the mucous membrane. Name the kind of inflammatory process.







During the section of girl, who died of asphyxia, there was determined, that the mucous membrane of trachea and bronchi was covered with the white-gray membrane that was softly connected with underlied tissues and could be easily removed by forceps. The lumen of the segmental bronchi was filled with loose gray-white masses. What kind of tracheobronchitis does the exudation indicates on?







A 5-year-old girl fell ill with diphtheria. In 3 days she died of asphyxia as the after-effect of true diphtheria croup. During the section there was revealed thickened, edematous, dull mucous membrane of larynx, trachea and bronchial tubes. A grayish membrane that could be easily dissociated covered the mucous membrane. What pathological process is indicated by such morphological changes in larynx?

Suppurative inflammation

Serous inflammation

@Croupous inflammation

Diphtheroid inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation


At post-mortem a 5-year-old boy is found to have a severe tracheobronchitis complicated with asphyxia. Grossly, a thick, gray, leathery membrane covered the mucous tunic of trachea and bronchi. The membrane loosely attached to underlying tissues and easily removed with forceps. The lumen of the segmental bronchi was blocked with gray masses of tissue debris, which microscopically consisted with necrotic tissues, neutrophils, fibrin and bacteria. What is the most likely type of inflammation?







A 64-years-old male died of rheumatism. An autopsy revealed epicardium covered with villiferous grey color membranes, which were easily separated from tissues underneath. The separation of membranes presented an edematous, hyperemic surface of epicardium. What type of an inflammation revealed in pericardium?

@Fibrinous pericarditis

Purulent pericarditis

Hemorrhagic pericarditis

Proliferative pericarditis

Catarrhal pericarditis


A 38-year-old man, with a history of chronic pyelonephritis, died from the chronic renal failure. Medical record showed that an auscultation in the hospital determined a patient's "pericardial frictions rub". An autopsy revealed a dim, rough, and hairy - like epicardium. What type of pericarditis presented in that case?

@ Croupous






A child presented to a hospital with symptoms of asphyxia. A physical examination revealed in the larynx whitish membranes, which obstructed lumen and were easily separated from tissues underneath. Name the most probable type of an inflammation in the larynx?

@ Croupous inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation

Diphtheroid inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation

Purulent inflammation


A 3-year-old child presented to a hospital with asphyxia. Examination of the larynx revealed whitish membranes, which occluded a lumen and easily extracted. Diphtheria was suspected. Which form of inflammation took place in the larynx?

@Croupous inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation

Diphtheroid inflammation

Serous inflammation

Purulent inflammation


An autopsy of a 34-years old female, with a history of croupous pneumonia revealed opaque fluid in her pleural cavity. There was also a grey membrane on the visceral pleura. What is the most likely type of the pleura's inflammation?







A 4-year-old girl with 3 days history of diphtheria presents to the emergency with croup symptoms. Intensive care was unsuccessful and child died at the hospital. A post-mortem revealed thickened, edematous, dull mucous tunic of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi covered by grayish membrane easily separated from tissues underneath. What is the most likely type of inflammation?







A man with chronic pyelonephritis died of chronic renal failure. However, there was a sound of pericardial rubbing remarked, while the patient was alive. Autopsy showed: epicardium is dull, rough, seems like covered with hair. What pericarditis is this?







A 65-year-old female with a long history of chronic glomerulonephritis died from chronic renal failure. A post-mortem revealed on the surface of the epicardium and pericardium grey-whitish villous membranes. Which pathological process took place in the pericardium?

@Fibrinous inflammation


Proliferative inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation

Arterial plethora


A 55 year old man had been suffering from chronic glomerulonephritis. He died from chronic renal failure. Macroscopical examination revealed on the surface of epicardium and pericardium some greyish-white villous depositions. After their removal dilated and plethoric vessels were uncovered. What process took place in the pericardium?

Haemorrhagic inflammation

Proliferative inflammation


@Fibrinous inflammation

Arterial hyperemia


Autopsy of a 34 y.o. man who died from rheumatism revealed that epicardium surface was villous and covered with grey films that can be easily remove D. After their removal the surface is edematic and plethori C. What is the most probable diagnosis?

@Fibrinous pericarditis

Hemorrhagic pericarditis

Proliferative pericarditis

Catarrhal pericarditis

Purulent pericarditis


On the autopsy of the dead from the flu patient, muddy red fluid pours down from the cuts. About what inflammation does this morphology witness?







During an autopsy of a man died of acute cardiac failure: under visceral pericardium there are small haemorrhages, surface of serous tunic is dull and covered with grey-coloured hair-like coatings. In the cavity of pericardium there is 200ml of dim liquid. What form of inflammation is this?


Diphtheritic fibrinous





During an autopsy of a man, who died of acute cardiac failure: underneath visceral pericardium there are lots of small haemorrhages, the surface of serous tunic is dull and covered with a net of hair-like coatings. In the cavity of pericardium there is 200ml of dim liquid. What kind of inflammation is this?


Diphtheritic fibrinous





During the histologic lung analysis of a man who died from cardiac insufficiency the inflammation focuses were revealed. Alveoles were full of light-pink fluid, here and there with pinkish fibers that formed a close-meshed reticulum with a small number of lymphocytes. What type of exudate is present in lungs?







A 6-year-old child presented to infectious disease department with a body temperature 38°C, punctulated, and bright red rash on a skin. The scarlet fever diagnosis is made. The fauces mucosa was brightly hyperemic, edematous; tonsils were markedly enlarged, with the dim yellowish-grayish centers and sites of black color. What inflammation underlies changes in fauces?







An 8-year-old child was admitted to the infectious department with fever (up to 38oC) and punctuate bright-red skin rash. The child was diagnosed as having scarlet fever. Objectively: mucous membrane of pharynx is apparently hyperaemic and edematic, the tonsils are enlarged and have dull yellowish-grey foci with some black areas. What inflammation is the reason for the pharynx alterations?



@Purulent necrotic




A 3-year-old child died of a meningococcal fever. A macroscopic study revealed swallowed meninges which had yellow-green colouring. Which pattern of inflammation was most likely in meninges?

@Fibrinous-purulent inflammation

Serous inflammation

Hemorrhagic inflammation

Catarrhal inflammation

Necrotic inflammation


A post-mortem of a man revealed in his abdominal cavity approximately 2.0 liters of a purulent exudate. A peritoneum was found to be dull, with a grayish tint. The intestinal serous membranes were covered with grayish membranes, which were removed easily. Which of the following is the most accurate diagnosis?

@Fibrinous-purulent peritonitis

Hemorrhagic peritonitis

Serous peritonitis

Tuberculous peritonitis



Opening of a patient's abdominal cavity revealed for about 2,0 L of purulent fluid. Peritoneum is dull, greyish, serous tunic of intestines has grayish layers that can be easily removed. It is most likely to be:

Serous peritonitis

Hemorrhagic peritonitis

Tuberculous peritonitis


@Fibrinopurulent peritonitis


During an autopsy of a man, who died of gaster cancer in abdominal cavity there was revealed about 1 litre of dim green liquid. On parietal and visceral peritoneum there are filament-like coatings of grey colour. What kind of inflammation is this?







A 19 year old patient gained painful haemorrhages from gingivae after she had been taking sulfadimezine for 2 days. Objectively: hyperaemia and swelling of gingival edge and papillae, insignificant bleedings. What kind of inflammation is this?

@Acute catarrhal

Chronic catarrhal





A patient with an acute rhinitis has hyperemia and excessive mucus formation in nasal cavity. What epithelial cells of mucous membrane have the intensified activity?

@Goblet cells

Endocrine cells

Microvillous cells

Basal cells

Ciliated cells


A 17 year old boy fell seriously ill, the body temperature rose up to 38,5oC there appeared cough, rhinitis, lacrimation, nasal discharges. What inflammation is it?







During an endoscopy of gaster a biopsy of mucous membrane was taken. Following research showed that mucous membrane is thickened, swollen, plethoric with numerous small haemorrhages and covered with thick layer of mucus. Name the form of acute gastritis.







In course of gastric endoscopy the biopsy material of mucous membrane was taken. Its histological examination revealed the following: mucous membrane is intact, thickened, edematic, hyperemic, with small droplike hemorrhages, coated with thick mucus. Name the form of acute gastritis:







A 60 year old patient complains of tongue burning, excessive salivation and glossalgia effects that came 5 days after he started using a metal dental bridge. Objectively: mucous membrane of oral cavity is edematic and hyperemic. What form of stomatitis is it?







A 5-year-old child who often fells ill with respiratory diseases has eczematous appearances after consumption of some food products, tendency to prolonged course of inflammatory processes. What kind of diathesis can be suspected in this case?







A rectoromanoscopy revealed edematous, reddish color mucosa of rectum and sigmoid colon, covered with a thick layer of mucus. Name the kind of inflammation?







A 5-year-old child presented to a hospital with acute fever (up to 38° C), rhinitis, cough, lacrimation, and a patchy rash on the skin. His pharyngeal mucosa was edematous and hyperemic, with whitish maculae on the cheeks. What type of inflammation is the background of described changes?







A fragment of a stomach mucosa was taken for histology during endoscopy procedure. A microscopic investigation revealed intact mucous membrane, covered by mucus, thickened, edematous and hyperemic with a numerous tiny hemorrhages. Define the type of acute gastritis?

@Catarrhal (simple)






Choose the steps of leukocytes emigration:

Dilation of interendothelial gaps







Choose 4 processes occurring during exudation:

@Reaction of microcirculation


@Exiting of plasma components into extravascular space

Cell injury and necrosis


@Increasing of vascular permeability

Exiting of plasma component in connection of the changes of hydrostatic pressure in microcirculation ways




Date: 2016-03-03; view: 3237

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