- St. Petersburg branchof TolparKnife Fighting School
4. Participation requirements:
Men and women upward 14 years, practicing knife fencing in sport and youth clubs, as well as independent fighters who passed referee's selection and filled the insurance receipts are allowed to the competitions.
Terms of applications.
Applications are received according to the official form of the Organizing committee till 10 February by the e-mail tolpar-spb@mail.ru
Visa applications are received till 15 January by the e-mail tolpar-spb@mail.ru
The head of a delegation presents to the credentials committee:
• nominal application issued according to the requirements of this Provisions; (see Position of the organizer)
• identification papers of participants:
• for foreign participants – national internal or foreign passport;
• list of responsible persons of delegation (head, coaches, referees, medical workers, technicians), certified by the head of sport organization;
• for all participants – the allowance to participate in the competitions is obligatory from the specialized organizations of SPORTS MEDICINE;
• security blanket against accidents at sport or participation in the competitions.
Payment for insurance is carried out by means of the participating organizations.
You should send all team members photos for making ID cards to the Organizing Committee as soon as possible, and not later than 25 January, 2016 by e-mail tolpar-spb@mail.ru All team members will receive ID-cards during registration.
Photographing and making accreditations in the hotels cost 5 EURper person. Previous making of ID-cards on condition of recieving photos in advance is for free.
System of running the competition.
The competition is held on the Olympic cup system (lost drops out of the contest).
Prizes are for 1-3 places.
In 3 growth categories among men-175,-185. + 185
in 2growth categories among women-170, +170
in two categories among juniors -170, +170
and among teams-175,-185. + 185
Material conditions of participation in the competitions. Types of rewarding.
Competitions are held with entry fee of 25 euro
All winners and prize-winners of the match are awarded with diplomas and medals
Equipment, gears.
Fencing masks are provided by the organizers.
The match is held on the Electronic system of the fixing hits "Sport knife" provided by the TolparKnife Fighting School.
Competition rules.
The match is held by the TolparKnife Fighting School rules.