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Karakter, Hewan, Kegiatan Lain

Harvest Moon : Hero Of Leaf Valley

Seperti judulnya, karakter ( selanjutnya di panggil Hero) harus menjadi pahlawan dan menyelamatkan Leaf Valley yang akan di rubah menjadi amusement park

Ada 2 cara untuk menyelamatkan desa :
1. Mengumpulkan uang sebanyak 50.000 G dalam 2 tahun yang akan di berikan ke perusahaan amusement park sebagai ganti desa
2. Membuat desa menjadi terkenal sehingga desa tidak akan di rubah menjadi amusement park. Terdapat 16 cara yang bisa membuat desa menjadi terkenal, inilah inti dari permainan ini.

Karakter akan dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu Spesial yang semuanya cewek yang merupakan kandidat yang bisa menikah dengan Hero, dan Other yang merupakan para penduduk desa lainnya .

Spesial Karakter

Profile Info:
Birthday: Summer 8th
Favorite: Wild mint flower, Milk G, Cranberry, Full moon berry
Likes: Lumber, vegetables, berries
Dislikes: Ores, bugs, grasses, pink cat flower, fodder

Gift: Milk, Vegetables

Profile Info:
Birthday: Spring 27th
Favorite: Pink cat flower, Full moon berry
Likes: Flowers, berries, nuts
Dislikes: Ores, bugs, grasses, failed dishes
Gift: Pink Grass, Milk, Flower, Berries


Profile Info:
Birthday: Winter 9th
Favorite: Blueberry, Full moon berry
Likes: Cooked dish, very berry
Dislikes: Ores, bugs, grasses, failed dish
Gift: VeryBerry


Profile Info:
Birthday: Autumn 20th
Favorite: Golden milk, golden egg, Stardust flower
Likes: Fish dish, eggs, milk
Dislikes: Ores, bugs, grasses
Gift: Eggs, Milk, Fish

Profile Info:
Birthday: Autumn 29th
Favorite: Blue Mist flower, Full moon berry
Likes: Eggs, milk, Milk G, Golden egg
Dislikes: Bugs, grasses
Gift: Cheese, Eggs


Profile Info:
Birthday: Autumn 5th
Favorite: Lumber
Likes: Very Berry, egg dishes, seashells
Dislikes: Junk ore, grass
Gift: Wood, Veryberry, Eggs


Profile Info:
Birthday: Spring 5th
Favorite: Rare ore, jewelry, accessories
Likes: Ores
Dislikes: Failed dishes
Gift: Blue diamond, moonlight stone, Orihalcon (basically all the expensive
items you got from the mine)


Harvest Goddess
Profile Info:
Real Name: Marina
Favorite: Farm Produce
Likes: Berries, Honey, Fruits
Dislikes: Ores, bugs, grasses
Gift: Vegetables, anything except bugs and grasses

H.Goddess juga salah satu kandidat yang bisa di nikahi, caranya dengan datang ke kolamnya H.G setelah jam 04.00pm dan lempar kesukaan H.G ke dalam kolam, jangan datang waktu hujan.




Birthday: Winter 10th
Favorite: Tomato, tomato risotto
Likes: Red herb, Lumber
Dislikes: Failed dishes, bugs
Gift: Tomatoes, Fish

Birthday: Summer 10th
Favorite: Fish Dishes
Likes: Vegetables, Lumber
Dislikes: Grass, bugs, herbs, red herbs

Gift:Fish cuisine, Fish, vegetable,


Birthday: Winter 2nd
Favorite: Golden Egg
Likes: Olive oil, Red herb
Dislikes: Grass, bugsGift:Eggs

Birthday: Winter 25th
Favorite: Jams, special cheese, special cheesecake
Likes: Eggs, milk, cooked dishes
Dislikes: Grass, bugs
Gift: Milk, Egg, Cheese

Birthday: Spring 11th
Favorite: Pudding
Likes: Walnut, Chestnut, cake, Cooked dishes
Dislikes: Grass, bugs
Gift: Egg

Birthday: Autumn 2nd
Favorite: Golden egg, egg dishes, rare metal
Likes: Eggs, ores
Dislikes: Failed dishes, junk ore

Birthday: Autumn 14th
Favorite: Rare metal
Likes: Red herb, cooked dishes, Ores
Dislikes: Grass, bugs, junk ore
Gift: Food, Copper, herv

Wall (Wallie)
Birthday: Summmer 21st
Favorite: Cooked dishes
Likes: Olive oil, Red Herb, Walnuts
Dislikes: Grass, bugs

Profile Info:
Birthday: Spring 16th
Favorite: Vegetable dishes, Herb
Likes: Red herb, Pontata root
Dislikes: Grass, bugs, failed cooking, ores
Gift:Vegetable, Food, potato,pink grass

Birthday: Winter 25th
Favorite: Rare metal, Diamond earring
Likes: Honey, Ores and minerals
Dislikes: Grass, bugs, failed cooking, junk ore
Gift:Bluerock, orihalcon, moonlight stone

Birthday: Summer 1st
Favorite: Honey, cake, milk G
Likes: Egg, milk
Dislikes: Grass, bugs, failed dishes
Gift: Milk, Egg

Profile Info:
Birthday: Autumn 12th
Favorite: Bugs, eggs, golden eggs
Likes: cooked dishes
Dislikes: Grass
Gift:Egg, bugs

A playful little Tanuki who loves to fish. Remember him from River king?
Favorite: Fish dishes
Likes: Fish
Dislikes: Grass, junk ore

Gol Dodo
A trader from a faraway land that appears in the village one day. Apparently he cannot return home until he finds something, but no one knows what he’s looking for.
Likes: Junk ore, grass


Profile Info:
Birthday: Winter 23rd
Favorite: Rare metal
Likes: Ores, honey
Dislikes: Grass, bugs, failed dish, junk ore
Gift: Ores

Profile Info:
Birthday: Spring 1st
Favorite: Milk G, golden egg
Likes: Eggs, Red herb, milk
Dislikes: Grass, bugs, junk ore, failed dish

Harvest Sprites [Nic, Nac, & Flak]
Favorite: Mushroom
Likes: Cooked dishes, eggs, milk
Dislikes: Truffles
Gift: Eggs, Milk

Usahakan selalu bersosialisasi dengan penduduk karna mereka akan menentukan akhir dari permainan ini setidaknya tiap penduduk ( kecuali yang Spesial Karakter) harus dapet 2 hati,


Untuk dapat menikah dengan cewek yang kamu suka ada beberapa persyaratan yaitu:

Harus mendapatkan 5 hati ( hati merah ) pada cewek yang kamu suka
Harus pada tahun ke 3
Harus punya blue feather dan memberikannya pada cewek yang kamu suka
Hewan Peliharaan

Seperti pada HarvestMoon lainnya, selain bisa berternak kita juga bisa punya hewan periharaan yang berupa anjing dan kuda..


Di HarvestMoon HoLV anjing gak kita dapatkan secara gratis ( alias dikasih ) tapi kita harus mengadopsi anjing liar yang sering datang ke rumah, caranya isi dog bowl tiap hari mending dikasih Verry Berry biar cepet dapetnya,

anjing disini sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan Power Berry yang bisa menambah stamina kita (jadi gak gampang capek) dengan cara kita harus punya ocraina untuk ngajarin si anjing cari Power Berry dan hati anjing harus minimal 2

lokasi power berry

* Goddess Spring – diantara 2 pohon di tengah
* Mountain Crossroad – di tengah2 area
* Mountain Crossroad – paling atas tangga
* Supermarket Area – di gundukan tanah depan toko, di antara 2 poon
* Bar/Tea Shop – di pohon deket bagian paling utara
* Clove’s Villa – di poon kanan bagian atas tangga
* Carpenter’s house – deket tangga bagian tengah di tengah2 map
* Carpenter’s house – di bagian sebelah kanan tangga
* Flower shop/Tool Shop area – bagian kiri taman bunga punya Lyla di luar toko / rumah Lyla
* Town Square – sebelah kiri Plang Flower / Shop

Ocraina Command
Sit – Up, Left Down
Lay – Up, Down, Down
follow – Left, Right, Right
Run – Right, Left, Right
Jump – Left, Up, Right
beg – Down, Up, Up
search power berry – Down, Left, Up


Di HarvestMoon kita juga bisa dapet kuda yang bisa kita beli di Bob atau kita bisa mendapatkannya secara GRATIS!!! Dan bisa pilih warna sendiri ! hohoho.. caranya dengan kerja part time di tempat Bob dan menyikat dan talk kuda pilihanmu pertamakali sebelum yang lainnya atau bisa diabaikan yang lainnya.. dan beberapa hari kemudian tereng tereng Bob akan memberikanmu kuda GRATIS PILIHANMU ! ;p

Minimal butuh 1 hati untuk bisa ngendarain kuda, tapi itu juga cuma bisa jalan, untuk lari perlu minimal 2 hati, kuda juga bisa diikutin race yang di laksanakan setiap bulan kecuali winter ( bisa dilihat di kalender )

-Horse Race-

Pada horse race ada beberapa bahan yang bisa digunakan untuk nambah kecepatan dan stamina si kuda

Fodder - Restores 5% of max Stamina

Alfalfa Sprouts – Restores 10% of max Stamina

Mineral Alfalfa Sprouts – Restores 15% of max Stamina

Green Herb – Restores 20% of max Stamina

Pontata Root – Restores 30% of max Stamina

Carrot – Boosts speed 1.1x for 4 seconds

Mineral Carrot – Boosts speed 1.2x for 5 seconds

Jenis Race dan Hadiah Horse Race

1. Short distance race ( Mineral Crystal Maker)

2. Long distance race (Special Fishing Bait Maker)

3. Obstacle race (Crop Synthesizer Machine)


Mineral Crystal Maker
Gras > Mineral Crystal

Special Fishing Bait Maker
Lumber > Special Fishing Bait

Crop Synthesizer Machine
Bisa membuat jenis tanaman yang berbeda dengan memasukan 2 jenis tanaman dalam mesin ini

Kegiatan Lain

Selain berkebun dan berternak kita juga bisa melakukan kegiatan lain untuk mendapatkan uang, diantaranya :

Kerja Part Time di berbagai rumah penduduk
Memancing, agar hasil tangkapan lebih maksimal dan tak ada sampah yang ikut terpancing kamu bisa pake spesial fishing bait yang di dapatkan dari para kurcaci (Harvest Spirit) dengan memberi mereka jamur atau membuatnya dengan Special Fishing Bait Maker
Tambang (dapetin Ore), caranya kamu harus kerja part time dulu sama Rudolph di mine beberapa kali, seetelah itu dia akan ngijinin kamu untuk bisa ambil ore kapan aja setiap hari
Nebang Kayu (dapetin Lumber), caranya kamu harus kerja part time beberapa kali di tempat Woody, setelah itu kamu akan diijinin secara bebas menebang kayu dengan syarat tiap 3 hari 1x , selain itu Lumber juga bisa digunakan untuk meng-up-grade rumah dan perternakan kamu
Memasak, setelah bisa meng-up-grade rumah akan ada tambahan dapur yang bisa digunakan untuk memasak, bahan makanan yang telah dimasak harganya jauh lebih mahal

Resep HarvestMoon Hero Of The Leaf Valley Komplit

untuk bisa memasak kamu harus meng-up grade rumah sehingga ada kitchennya, selain itu kamu juga bisa menambah alat alat memasak lain dan meng upgrade nya di tokonya Louise, barang barang yang dimasak harganya akan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang belum so let’s cooking !

[ P O T ]

Strawberry Jam (160G)

Ingredients: Strawberry x3.

Cranberry Jam (100G)

Ingredients: Cranberry x3.

Blueberry Jam (100G)

Ingredients:Blueberry x3.

Veryberry Jam (140G)

Ingredients: Veryberry x3.

Mixed Jam (110G)

Ingredients: Veryberry, Bluerberry, Cranberry.

Orange Marmalede (130G)

Ingredients:Orange x3.

Apple Jam (120G)

Ingredients: Apple x3.

Cheese (500G)

Ingredients: Milk Sx3 or Milk Mx2 or Milk Lx1.

Cheese Risotto (600G)

Ingredients: Rice, Olive Oil, Cheese.

Hot Milk (180G)

Ingredients: Milk S.

Yogurt (350G)

Ingredients: Milk Sx2 or Milk Mx1

Fine Cheese (600G)

Ingredients: Milk G.

Onion Soup (100G)

Ingredients: Onion

Gazpacho (200G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Onion, Olive Oil.

Note: Gazpacho is spanish tomato-based raw vegetable soup.

Cream of Mushroom Soup (250G)

Ingredients: Mushroom (any type), Milk (any size)

Mushroom and Rice (330G)

Ingredients: Mushroom (any type), Rice

Carrot Soup (230G)

Ingredients: Carrot, Milk (any size)

Chestnut and Rice (220G)

Ingredients: Rice, Chestnut.

Cream of Corn Soup (190G)

Ingredients: Corn, Milk(any size).

Tomato Cream Soup (180G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Milk (any size)

Porridge (210G)

Ingredients: Potato, Milk (any size).

Stew (300G)

Ingredients: Milk(any size),Butter.

Croquette (250G)

Ingredients: Potato, Olive Oil, Breadfruit.

Buttered Potato (260G)

Ingredients: Potato, Butter.

Tomato Risotto (280G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Rice, Olive Oil.

Pumpkin Soup (240G)

Ingredients: Pumpkin, Milk(any size).

Steamed Gold Potato (210G)

Ingredients: Gold Potato

Spinach Risotto (310G)

Ingredients: Rice,Spinach, Olive Oil.

French Fries (360G)

Ingredients: Potato, Olive Oil.

Mashed Potato (90G)

Ingredients: Potato.

Minestrone (200G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Onion.

Note: Minestrone soup is an Italian dish.

Boiled Corn (80G)

Ingredients: Corn.

Egg Custard (290G)

Ingredients: Mushroom, Fullmoon berry,Egg

Monkfish Stwe (310G)

Ingredients:Angler, Carrot/Potato/Corn/Pumpkin/Tomato/Spinach.

Fried Squid (180G)

Ingredients: Squid, Breadfruit.

Squid Rice (220G)

Ingredients: Squid, Rice.

Chicken Grunt Vinegar (330G)

Ingredients: Chicken Grunt (fish), Miso, Herb.

Fried Hunchen (350G)

Ingredients: Hunchen, Breadfruit , Olive Oil.

Marinated Sardines (290G)

Ingredients: Sardine, Olive Oil.

Pickled Char (200G)

Ingredients: Char, Rice.

Porgy and Rice (270G)

Ingredients: Porgy, Rice.

Fried Shrimp (330G)

Ingredients: Prawn, Breadfruit, Olive Oil.

Canh Chua (280G)

Ingredients: Blotched Snakehead,Tomato, G.Herb

Fried Leatherfish (200G)

Ingredients: Leatherfish, Breadfruit.

Grouper Stew (340G)

Ingredients: Kelp Bass, Potato, Vegetable, Carrot (pick one vegetable)

Clam Chowder (280G)

Ingredients: Clam,Milk (any size).

Marinated Salmon (280G)

Ingredients: Salmon, Olive Oil.

Salmon Cream Stew (330G)

Ingredients: Milk (any size), Butter, Salmon.

Miso Mackerel (280G)

Ingredients: Miso, Mackerel.

Spanish Mackerel (360G)

Ingredients: Mackerel, Spinach, Prawn

Pike Rice (?)

Ingredients: Pike(fish) , Rice.

Seafood Stew (350G)

Ingredients: Milk(any size), butter, Fish (any type)

Seafood Risotto (360G)

Ingredients: Rice, Olive Oil, Fish (any type)

Marinated Octopus (360G)

Ingredients: Ocotpus, Olive Oil

Cod Soup (340G)

Ingredients: Cod, Miso, Carrot.

Dark Sleper Stew (320G) <Donko Fish Stew>

Ingredients: Vegetable, Miso, Dark Sleeper Fish.

Marinated Herring (270G)

Ingredients: Herring, Olive Oil.

Tiger Globefish Stew (340G)

Ingredients: Globefish, Vegetable(any type)

Stewed Masu Salmon (240G)

Ingredients: Salmon, Honey.

Boiled Octopus (90G)

Ingredients: Octopus

Boiled Egg (80G)

Ingredients: Egg

Boiled Lobster (140G)

Ingredients: Lobster.

Marinated Smelt (230G)

Ingredients: Smelt(fish), Olive Oil

Fried Smelt (180G)

Ingredients: Smelt(fish), Onion.

Stewed Fish (120G)

Ingredients:Salmon/Rainbow Trout.

Triangle Soup (240G) <Sanpei Soup>

Ingredients: Salmon, Vegetable (any type like spinach)

Loach Stew (260G)

Ingredients: Loach(Fish), Egg.

Bouillabaisse (240G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Fish (any type)

[ Frying Pan ]

Sandwich (400G)

Ingredients: Bread, Cheese, Boiled Egg, Tomato.

Jam Sandwich (300G)

Ingredients: Bread(bought from the shop), Jam (any jam except mixed jam)

Baked Apple (60G)

Ingredients: Apple

Assorted Platter (480G)

Ingredients: Cheesex3

Tomato Salad (340G)

Ingredients: Tomatox3.

Pancake (240G)

Ingredients: Breadfriot, Milk(any size), Egg.

Load Omellet (300G)

Ingredients: Egg, Mushroom, Nut, Vegetable (pick any)

Cheese Omellete (400G)

Ingredients: Cheese, Egg.

Fruit Omellete (290G)

Ingredients: Egg, Fruit (Apple/Orange/Grape)

Plain Omellete (250G)

Ingredients: Egg, Milk(any size).

Fried Egg (80G)

Ingredients: Egg.

French Toast (350G)

Ingredients: Bread, Egg, Milk(any size).

Omellet Rice (280G)

Ingredients: Egg, Rice, Tomato.

Fried Rice (250G)

Ingredients: Rice, Egg.

Sauteed Mushrooms (350G)

Ingredients: Mushroom(any type), Butter.

Fried Mushroom (80G)

Ingredients:Mushroom (any type)

Gourmet Mushroom Saute (400G)

Ingredients: Mushroom x2, Butter.

Sauteed Spinach (280G)

Ingredients: Spinach, Butter.

Buttered Corn (220G)

Ingredients: Corn, Butter.

Popcorn (240G)

Ingredients: Corn, Olive Oil.

Roasted Corn (80G)

Ingredients: Corn.

Fish Meal (300G)

Ingredients: Fish (any type),Vegetable(any type) or Mushroom or Nut or Herb.

Broiled Eel (130G)

Ingredients: Eel.

Pillaf (250G)

Ingredients: Rice, Butter.

Seafood Pillaf (410G)

Ingredients: Seafood, Butter, Rice.

Shrimp Pillaf (390G)

Ingredients: Shrimp, Rice, Butter.

Grilled Chub (60G)

Ingredients: Chub fish.

Teriyaki Swordfish (180G)

Ingredients: Swordfish

Butter-Fried Salmon (280G)

Ingredients: Salmon, butter.

Fish Cream Saute (550G)

Ingredients: Butter, Milk, Salmon

Porgy Carpaccio (280G)

Ingredients: Sea-bream, Olive Oil.

Broiled Broach (70G)

Ingredients: Broach (type of a fish)

Broiled Catfish (110G)

Ingredients: Catfish

Grilled Horse Mackerel (300G)

Ingredients: Mackerel, Mushroom.

Broiled Squid (90G)

Ingredients: Squid.

Rainbow Trout Kebab (290G)

Ingredients: Rainbow Trout, Miso.

Teriyaki Amberjack (120G)

Ingredients: Amberjack.

Fried Lobster (230G)

Ingredients: Lobster, Butter.

Sauteed Clam (240G)

Ingredients: Clam, butter.

Fish Meuniere (350G)

Ingredients: Fish (any type), Butter, breadfruit.

Flounder Meuniere (370G)

Ingredients: Flounder, Breadfruit, Butter.

Tuna Carpaccio (260G)

Ingredients: Tuna, Olive Oil.

Tuna Steak (200G)

Ingredients: Tuna.

Stewed Rockfish (60G)

Ingredients: Rockfish(Red/Black)

Broiled Fish (120G)

Ingredients: Fish (any type)

[ O V E N ]

Cookies (220G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Butter, Egg.

Orange Cookies (270G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Egg, Orange.

Herb Cookie (200G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Egg, Herb.

Cake (240G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk(any size), Egg

Carrot Cake (370G)

Ingredients: Carrot, Breadfruit, Milk(any size)

Strawberry Shortcake (340G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk(any size), Strawberry.

Cheesecake (340G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk(any size), Cheese.

Honey Cake (400G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Egg, Honey.

Fruitcake (320G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk (any size), Berry(any type)

Pumpkin Cake (330G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk(any size), Pumpkin.

Special cheesecake (400G)

Ingredients: Special cheese, Milk(any size), Breadfruit.

Muffin (180G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Very Berry, any fruits (apple/orange/grape)

Mont Blanc (350G)

Ingredients: Breadruit, Milk(any size), Chestnut.

Onion Bread (260G)

Ingredients: Onion, Breadfruit.

Herb Bread (120G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Herb.

Walnut Bread (210G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Walnut.

Butter Roll/ Bread Roll (170G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Butter.

Pudding (250G)

Ingredients: Egg, Milk(any size).

Fruit Pudding (280G)

Ingredients: Egg, Milk(any size), Berry (any berry).

Pumpkin Pudding (240G)

Ingredients: Egg, Milk(any size), Pumpkin.

Cornflakes (190G)

Ingredients: Corn, Milk(any size).

Cheese Potato (410G)

Ingredients: Cheese, Potato.

Pizza (520G)

Ingredients: Cheese, Tomato, Breadfruit.

Mushroom Gratin (440G)

Ingredients: Mushroom(any type), Milk(any size), Cheese.

Potato Gratin (460G)

Ingredients: Potato, Milk(any size), Cheese

Seafood Gratin (450G)

Ingredients: Milk(any size), Cheese(any type), Seafood.

Corn Bread (180G)

Ingredients: Corn, Breadfruit.


Ingredients: Rice, Milk(any size), Cheese.

Mushroom Doria (440G)

Ingredients: Mushroom(any type), Milk(any size), Rice.

Roasted Lobster (480G)

Ingredients: Lobster, Butter, Olive Oil.

Herb Grilled Fish and Mushrooms (320G)

Ingredients: Fish(Any type), Mushroom(any type), Herb.

Mediteranian Fish and Tomato (350G)

Ingredients: Olive Oil, Tomato, and Fish (salmon/flounder).

Roasted Fish (fish fry) (300G)

Ingredients: Salmon, Olive Oil, Breadfruit.

Foil Grilled Fish (130G)

Ingredients: Trout, Salmon, and one other fish.

Herb Grilled Fish (280G)

Ingredients: Rainbow Trout, Salmon, Herb.

Fried Clam (60G)

Ingredients: Clam.

[ M I X E R / B L E N D E R ]

Apple Juice (120G)

Ingredients:Apple x3

Orange Juice (140G)

Ingredients: Orangex3

Grape Juice (170G)

Ingredients:Grape x3

Tomato Juice (120G)

Ingredients: Tomatox3

Mix Juice (130G)

Ingredients:Apple, Orange, Grape

Vegetable Juice (180G)

Ingredients:Potatoes, tomatoes, carrot

Strawberry Milk (100G)

Ingredients:Strawberry, Milk

Butter (450G)

Ingredients: Milk Sx3 or MIlk Mx2, or Milk Lx1

Ainame Miso (360 G)

Ingredients:Ainame Miso

Feel Free to Ask !

Event Event Di Harvest Moon Hero Of The Leaf Valley Yang Kamu Harus Tau !

yap yap di Harvest Moon Hero of the Leaf Valley ada buaanyak banget event event ( sebut aja misi misi ) yang membuat game ini gak membosankan hohoho , ada beberapa kategori even disini

[ Fixed Event ]

even ini tidak membutuhkan syarat tertentu, jadi pasti terjadi (kecuali jika hari hujan akan ditunda ke hari setelahnya atau setelahnya lagi ;p )


Spring 2 – The harvest sprites datang ke rumah

Spring 3 – Alice dan bodyguardnya memperkenalkan diri

Spring 8 – Chester dan Aulia memperkenalkan diri

Spring 23 – Alice’s warning

Summer 8 – Notice from Bob about the billboard

Fall 28 – Katie’s warning tentang the machines

Winter 2 – Mecha event

Winter 14 – Warning from Rudolf tentang the machines

Winter 20 – Mecha event- Mechanical mole (robot tikus) di mine (tambang)


Spring 2 – Warning lainnya tentang the machines dari Gwen

Spring 5 – Warning dari Woodie tentang Mechanical Tree ( robot pohon )

Spring 18 – Peringatan Bob tentang pertandingan kuda ( horse race )

Summer 10 – warning lainnya tentang the machines

Summer 14 – Warning dari Katie tentang the Mechanical Fish ( robot ikan )


Spring 1 – Kamu akan mendapatkan surat dari Ayah mu

Spring 7 – Dol gogo muncul

Spring 17 – Chester menasehatimu untuk segera menikah, blue feather tersedia di Louis Item Shop.

— setelah ini hati para cewek gak akan menambah lagi —-

Fall 1 – Surat dari Ayah (lagi)

[ Mecha Event ]

Mecha Event atau Mechanical Event adalah event yang berpengaruh besar dalam main story line di game ini dan kamu harus menyelesaikannya secara sempurna agar Alice tetap tinggal dan LeafValley bisa terselamatkan.

Mecha event adalah event event kecil yang berupa beberapa mesin mesin buatan Alice & company

1.Mechanical crow

Location: depan flower shop.

Time: Winter 2, Year 1.

Note: Complete the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

2.Mechanical Mole

Location: Mine

Time: Winter 20, Year 1.

Note: Complete the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

3.Mechanical Tree

Location: Rumah Woody

Time: Spring 5th, Year 2.

Note: Complete the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

4. Mechanical Horse

Location: Depan Rumah mu

Time:Spring 22, Year 2.

Note :You must have a horse to compete with it.

Completing the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

5.Mechanical fish

Location: Maple Lake.

Time: Summer 14, Year 2.

Note: Complete the event by catching 3 fishes within time limit.

Complete the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

6.A visit

Location: Gereja

Time: Summer 16- Fall3, Year 2.

Note: No of previous Mecha Events that you have completed will affect the

conversation dialogue.

7.Final decision

Location: Depan Rumah mu

Time: Fall 5th, Year 2.

Requirements: Must complete the precvious events.

Choose “Protect the village” in order to let Alice stay +30FP.

[ Ending Event ]

Total ada 20 ending yang berbeda di HM HoLV

ending ending itu dibagi ke beberapa kategori

Bad Ending

di akhir cerita kamu tidak bisa membayar 50.000 G ke Alice,

then mereka membangun Funland park dan game berakhir

Normal Ending

kamu membayar 50.000G ke Alice dan pembangunan dihentikan

tapi kamu tidak menyelesaikan mecha event

Great Ending

ini adalah ending yang “seharusnya” ada 16 event ending yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk menyelamatkan LeafValley tanpa harus membayar 50.000G ke Alice (kamu harus melakukan paling tidak 3 ending untuk menyelamatkan desa )


Date: 2016-01-14; view: 796

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