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IV. Choose the right option.

II. Write questions to which the words in bold are the answers.

1. _____________________________________________________

I would buy the green pullover.

2. _____________________________________________________

Kate is arrogant.

3. _____________________________________________________

These letters are all Jane’s. None of them belong to me.

4. _____________________________________________________

George is happy because he has had his house built.

5. _____________________________________________________

He has laboratory classes 3 times a week.

6. _____________________________________________________

He grew up in a small village.

7. _____________________________________________________

Michael lent him 5000 pounds.

8. _____________________________________________________

Usually it takes me 30 minutes to get to the university.

9. _____________________________________________________

The shirt cost 57 pounds.

10. _____________________________________________________

My brother is tall, with blond hair and blue eyes.

III. Fill in the correct question tags.

1. I don’t think it will rain, … ?  
2. That hardly counts, … ?  
3. I suppose there are scarcely any problems left, … ?  
4. I suppose nobody likes it, … ?  
5. I think I’m hungry, … ?  
6. They aren’t going to visit us next Monday, … ?  
7. Nothing special happened, … ?  
8. That’s your wife over there, … ?  
9. This method is never used in modern laboratories, … ?  
10. She needs to be there, … ?  

IV. Choose the right option.

A. This is part of a memoir written by a young woman.

Sue and her parents … (1) to live in England when she was five years old. Her father … (2) as a dentist in India before they came there thirty-three years ago. In England he couldn’t work as a dentist right away because he … (3) the state examinations yet. While he … (4) for the dentists examinations, he worked in a dental laboratory in order to support his family. Within a year he had passed the examination and established himself in practice with a local dentist. He had a long and successful career as a dentist. By the time he … (5) last year, he … (6) dentistry for thirty years. During his career he earned the respect of his patients as well as the love of the immigrants to whom he … (7) his services free of charge.

Her mother has been happy in England too. She … (8) a degree in finance five years ago, and she now owns and operates her own profitable copy center. She … (9) courses for a long time before she actually got her degree. She would take only one or two courses each semester because she was busy looking her husband, Sue’s brother and Sue. Now she is an independent woman who … (10) her own business.

1. A. come B. had been come C. came D. have come 6. A. had been practicing B. was practicing C. has been practicing D. is practicing
2. A. works B. had been working C. had been worked D. was working 7. A. was used to contribute B. used to contribute C. uses to contribute D. get used to contribute
3. A. didn’t pass B. hasn’t passed C. hadn’t passed D. hadn’t been passed 8. A. has got B. was got C. got D. had been got
4. A. was studying B. was being studied C. is studying D. was studied 9. A. took B. has been taking C. was taking D. had been taking
5. A. has retired B. was retired C. had been retired D. retired 10. A. runs B. has run C. is run D. has been running

B.Mary and her parents … (1) to live in England when she was five years old. Although her family is now very comfortable, at first they had a hard time adjusting to life there. Mary herself … (2) a wonderful life for many years. Three years ago she … (3) her law degree, and since then Mary … (4) in a small law firm where she is very happy. She knows the partners of the firm quite well, as she … (5) here in the summers when she was in law school. While she … (6) here one summer, she … (7) a terrific man, whom she married the following year. He doesn’t work here anymore; he became a judge and … (8) in the community. Mary’s family and Mary faced some difficulties when they first … (9) in this country because they … (10)things to be as difficult as they in fact were. They didn’t know then what they know now: that they would succeed beyond their wildest dreams.

1. A. were coming B. had been come C. came D. come 6. A. was working B. worked C. has been working D. had worked
2. A. has B. has been having C. is having D. was having 7. A. meets B. met C. has met D. had been met
3. A. got B. has got C. was got D. gets 8. A. is well respecting B. have been well respected C. well respects D. is well respected
4. A. had worked B. works C. is working D. has been working 9. A. arrived B. had been arrived C. have arrived D. were arriving
5. A. was used to work B. gets used to work C. used to work D. uses to work 10. A. hasn’t expected B. hadn’t expected C. hadn’t been expected D. didn’t expect

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 2417

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