Illustrate and decide whether the following words have any reference to the main character.
Stage five – follow up activities.
The requirements to texts for home-reading:
· -an interesting plot;
· -emotionally-colored and expressive narration;
· -correspondence of the text to pupils' life experience and interest;
· -possibility for giving controversial stand-points which can give rise to a discussion;
· -possibility for various transformations of the content of the text.
Analytical reading is aimed at full and accurate comprehending of all the information present in the text. It implies a purposeful analysis of the content of what is being read.
Analytical readingpresupposes:
- analysis of the sentences;
- building up a word family;
- semantic mapping;
- grouping the words;
- suggesting lexical analogies;
- finding the initial forms of the words;
- skimming reading is aimed at the gist of reading material;
- scanning reading is aimed at finding out a particular piece of information about concrete things.
Checking up understandingin analytical readingis done in the form of written translation.
Checking up understanding in analytical reading is done with the help of grammar analysis aimed at the differentiation of various forms according to their formal characteristics and at defining their function in a particular sentence.
Skimming reading.It is important for reading big texts the amount of which is not great.
Skimming readingis aimed at getting a general idea of the subject of an article, a book, at looking through the titles, some passages.
Synthetical reading is aimed at getting an idea of the content of a book, concentrating attention on the main facts.
Analytical reading is aimed at understanding fully and completely all the information and to think it over.
How to work at a text with the aim of grasping its general content.
Step one: Work at the title. (Setting a task, arousing interest)
Step two: Grasping the main information out of the text (work in pre-questions and pre-text tasks).
Step three: Cutting the main information:
a) dividing the text into logical parts,
b) making up a plan,
c) work with key-words and phrases (distribution of keywords among, the items of the plan, searching and reading out sentences with key-words, cutting, them snort).
d) brief retelling of the content of the text according to the items of the plan,
Step four: interpreting the content of what has been read (defining the main ideas, stating one's own attitude, transfer motion of the text in the person of one of the characters).
Before-you-read activities:
Several techniques that can be used to encourage reader-initiated questions:
1. The first-sentence stimulus. The 1st sentence of a text is put on the board and pupils are asked to write 10 questions about the sentences,
2. The thematic stimulus. Pupils are asked to generate questions that have to do with the general theme of the reading.
3. The picture stimulus. Pictures are used to motivate students to ask questions related to the general theme of the read up.
4. The reading stimulus. Students are asked to formulate questions at various points in the text or at the end of the passage.
Exercises extending from the text.
1) Paragraph structure. In this type of ex. the pupils can appreciate the way paragraphs are organized in discourse terms. "A prescription and narration".
2) Prediction Exercises. With longer readings certain parts of the text can be withheld and the pupil is asked to predict orally or in writing how the paragraph might develop.
3) "Jigsaw" exercise. The text is divided up; the pupils, in groups or individually, are then required to fit "the pieces" together in their correct order.
4) The function of sentences. Work at paragraph level needs to be integrated with work focusing on the functions of individual sentences. Pupils need especially to be clear about the functional value of markers like However, for example, etc.
5) Vocabulary follow-up. In this activity new words encountered in the text are reinforced with a game where the letters of each word are
How to evaluate the pupils’ utterances:
The school syllabus contains qualitative and quantitative indices of monologue which should be produced by pupils of each form.
Quantitative requirements - how many sentences a pupil is to produce for an "11-12", "8-10", "5-7".
Qualitative requirements - what sentences a pupil is to produce: logical? interesting?, whether a pupil has used different models correctly.
The teacher should correct only those mistakes which interfere with understanding. In the regime T - CL semantic mistakes should also be corrected, as well as the teacher is supposed to have pupils work at typical mistakes.
Rule for the teacher:
It is advisable that the teacher should not correct mistakes in the process of a pupil's connected speech. Other important criteria of evaluation of monological skills are as follows: