Ex-ses, aimed at producing an utterance based on a picture or a series of pictures (or a film-strip) without an accompanying text.
3. ex-ses, aimed at producing an utterance based on what has been heard or read. Pupils do oral communicative ex-se on the plot of the text:
· read and say what you have found out;
· read and say what you could foresee and why;
· read and compare (find differences and similarities).
4. ex-ses aimed at producing an utterance based on the topic.
5. ex-ses aimed at thinking of a title to the story (picture) and discussing it with friends.
6. ex-ses aimed at making up texts of postcards.
7. ex-ses aimed at illustrating a proverb.
8. ex-ses aimed at making up a story (by analogy, in different persons, according to the plan, using the key-words).
9. ex-ses aimed at commenting on the story, event/speech – after you read activities.
10. Draw a map of your dream town/ favourite district or street. Label it with the necessary symbols. The task for the friends is to find a school/library/factory…. And to explain how we can get there.
11. “A Town Survey”. Team or pair work: Go to the factory and ask how many people work there; what they produce; salary; vacations; privileges….or Go to your avourite café and ask the sales-man/woman what the most popular dish/dessert is; what the “busiest” hours are; salary, customs… and tell about it to your classmates.
12. time-line of your life.
1980 1984 1986 1990 1997 2000 2004 2006
Was born a sister school The Crimea Uni Fell in love married baby
14. Collages : What are you afraid of:
“A Sign Language”: collect the signs and describe their place and discuss their rules:
Lecture 12
Teaching Dialogue
1. Communicative and psychological characteristics of D.
2. Linguistic characteristics of D.
3. Stages of teaching D. ex-ses for TD.
The dialogueas a form of speaking which is realized in the immediate exchange of replies between 2 and more persons.
Separate replies are interrelated in a D. and are called lines of a dialogue. By a line of a dialoguein linguistics we mean an utterance limited by a change of a speaker.
Two (or more) adjoining lines of a dialogue interrelated in meaning and often with the help of the same lexico-grammatical and rhythmic-intonational means are called adialogical unit (or a lead-response unit),and the mechanism of their interrelation is calledan exchange of remarks.
The minimal structural unit of a dialogue is a dialogical unit.
The aim of teaching D. in the secondary schoolis the development of the skills of arranging a talk or a discussion according to some real or teaching situation, as well as in connection with the content of what has been read or heard.
D is of double nature.
The tasks forTD should comprise 2 kinds of dialogical skills:
1. the skill of initiating a conversation (or of taking the initiative in striking the conversation);
2. the skill of comprehending and adequately responding to the partner remarks, and, in his turn, of prompting the partner to continue the talk.
Dialogue is also a means of teaching when:
· it is used for practicing the speech materials under supervision of a teacher;
· it is used in a question-answer form (the teacher’s questions and the pupils’ answers).
The psychological and linguistic features of dialogue are predetermined by:
Ø bilateral activity of partners;
Ø presence of immediate contact and
Ø the common character of a situation and a subject of the conversation.
The psychological mechanisms of generating D:
Level One - motivational: it is of singular importance that the perception of smb’s speaking is synchronized with one’s own speaking.
The first line of a dialogue, the so-called lead is generated on the basis of one’s own motive; the 2d line – the response- is generated as a sort of the second-signal reflex to the motive perceived.
Level Two – analytical-synthetical level: its content is inner speech.
Level Three – realizational.
The psychological features of D:
1) its situational character, i.e. correlation of an utterance with a particular situation;
2) being addressed to the particular partner,
3) its economical character, i.e. usage of the most important parts of sentences and words which may serve as reference points for comprehension;
4) redundancy of wording of speech, caused by its spontaneous character, which finds its reflection in extended replies, repetitions, conjunctions etc;
5) its expressive character which is achieved by usage of logical and emotional words.