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Alexander I: Russian Empire in Anti Napoleon Coalition


MukhashbayevAzamat ID:20101963


History of Diplomacy I part


Instructor: Gulnara Dadabayeva


December 2013



— Abstract

— Introduction

◦ Antifrench Coalitions

◦ What was the reason?

— Main Body

◦ Main reasons of Alexander I: Russian Empire in Anti Napoleon Coalition

— Conclusion

— Source




Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace ", is considered the top Russian literature spawned one haunting national stereotype .According to Tolstoy , the victory over Napoleon in the legendary Russian campaign of 1812 provided no generalship skill and superiority of the army , but the case and improvisation , long winter and long distances. If Russian in " War and Peace " and something superior opponents , only the ability to realize how they are helpless in the face of nature and history , and to act in accordance with it. According to Tolstoy , Napoleon's error was that he believed that he manages events.Tolstoy typical image of Prince Pyotr Bagration , who during the Battle of Austerlitz did not give any orders , but " tried to pretend that everything that was done out of necessity, chance and the will of private bosses that all this was done , though not on his orders , but according to his intentions. "Russia , in the first years of the reign of Alexander was freed from any external confusion and war, and this is quite consistent with the intentions of Alexander turned his attention to domestic affairs . These peaceful relations were not limited only then Western Europe , but extends to the eastern suburbs , so that when Georgia tried to escape the onslaught of Persia, requested its accession to Russia, and this issue of the secret committee was originally settled in the negative, and only due to insistence Indispensable Council Alexander decided this question in the opposite sense , with , however, ordered that all income derived from the population connected to Russia Georgia , went to local needs and to manage Georgia according to local customs .But it should be noted that Russian public opinion was already well armed against Napoleon, then, that Russia's participation in the war with him almost nobody seemed inappropriate, as people used to make things without murmurings and much greater hardships.



Anti-French coalition - temporary military-political alliances of European countries , aims to restore France 's Bourbon monarchist who died during the French Revolution of 1789-1799 years. Total was created seven coalitions.The first anti-French coalition was created in 1792-1793 gg. It consisted of Britain, Prussia , Naples , Tuscany , Austria , Spain, Holland . Coalition had orders to restore pre-revolutionary France.In the second coalition (1798-1802 gg.) Were England, Austria, Russia , Turkey and the Kingdom of Naples . In 1800 due to disagreements with allies Russia withdrew from the coalition , and it broke .The third anti-French coalition was created in 1805 [1] , it included Russia , England, Austria , Sweden, Turkey and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies . Allies wanted to expel the forces of Napoleonic France with their captured territories and restore order before the Revolution in France. The fourth anti-French coalition was created in 1806 [2] , it included England , Russia , Prussia , Saxony and Sweden . France managed to capture Prussia , and the Treaty of Tilsit , Russia had to recognize the conquest of Napoleon , as well as to join the blockade of Britain, which was a trading partner of Russia . After the Peace of Tilsit coalition ceased to exist. Fifth coalition was formed between England and Austria in 1809 and was an unsuccessful attempt to free Austria from the French influence. After Napoleon's victory at Wagram coalition collapsed , and Austria actually turned into a dependent state of France . Sixth anti-French coalition emerged in 1813 after the expulsion of French troops from Russia . This alliance became the Union of the Three Emperors of continental Europe - Russia , Austria and Prussia. Later, the union joined England . Seventh Coalition was in response to Napoleon's attempt to retake power in France in March 1815 His troops were defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. It was attended by Britain, Russia , Austria and Prussia . So, what was the main reason to join to Antifrench Coalition of Russia during Alexander I time ?


Main body

Economic reasons .

Joining the continental blockade has led to a reduction in foreign trade almost half of that painful blow to the interests of the nobility and the merchant class and caused dramatically accelerates inflation, which severely hurt the interests of all segments of society, but most of all struck by the low-income , which was fraught with serious disturbances. Russia's economy - joining the continental blockade would inevitably have to swipe the Russian economy because for decades with few breaks England remained Russia's main partner in the foreign market . Trade with Britain began during the reign of Ivan the Terrible and lasted quite intensively until mid XYII century, when in 1649 Alexis was forced to sever relations in connection with the English revolution and write , explaining his decision that the breakup caused by the fact that " you are the king Carlos killed her to death ... "But soon the monarchy in England , and Russia's trade with Britain were restored. There was a break in the middle XYIII century, when Russia entered the Seven Years' War ( 1757 ) on the side of England and France against Prussia, but already in 1762, relations were restored . And when Paul had one made ​​a sharp turn in foreign policy for an alliance with Napoleon , Britain gradually resulted in the elimination of Paul 1 , no wonder Napoleon learned of the murder of the Russian tsar , said that his enemies caught up with him in St. Petersburg ... At the beginning of the XIX century to half Russia's foreign trade accounted for England, and after the Peace of Tilsit foreign trade turnover decreased from 127,973 thousand gold rubles in 1801-1805 to 74 years 988 000 gold rubles in 1806-1808 . This, of course , not only caused inflation , which affects all segments of the population , but also drastically reduced the income of that part of the nobility and merchants, who lived through the sale of agricultural products abroad.And this, in turn, caused a murmur of the landed gentry , so you had to turn a blind eye to the numerous violations of the continental blockade . When Napoleon became sharply point us to these violations , and was introduced at all the high customs tariff for many French goods under the pretext of compensation for damages from the loss of trade with England . But it was already 1810 . Emperors no longer pretended to love each other and preparing for war . Russia's participation in the continental blockade of England was reflected in the disastrous Russian economy. The volume of Russia's foreign trade in 1808-1812 gg. decreased by 43% . New ally , France , could not compensate for the damage , as economic ties between Russia and France were superficial (mainly import Russian French luxury items ) . Violating the foreign trade turnover of Russia , the continental system upset her finances . Already in 1809, the budget deficit increased compared to 1801, from 12.2 million to 157.5 million rubles . , Ie, almost 13 times , it went to a financial collapse. Russian economy in the continental blockade began to resemble a man choking from an asthma attack . Alexander I listened to more protests nobles and merchants against the blockade and, increasingly, it allowed them to break .

The conflict between Russia and France because continental blockade spawned the war in 1812 to accelerate its unleashing a Russian -French contradictions in political issues at different levels. The sharpest of them was the question of hegemonic ambitions of the parties.

National- political reasons .

Formed on the border of Russia Grand Duchy of Warsaw was a lure for those inclined to revolt against Russian rule Poles. Napoleon pretended that he was going to restore Poland within the boundaries of a century ago , to return to her prestige and influence of the European powers began XYIII century, and the Poles are very willing to believe him . All this aroused anti-Russian sentiments and in the Baltic states . People just talked - if that will , we will go together with Napoleon against Alexander for free Lithuania , Estonia and so on.

Messianic reasons .

Russia - the Third Rome . We began to feel God's chosen land in the XI century . Napoleon wanted to make France a messianic country aspiring to world domination. Two messianic powers can not live long in the world can not get along for a long time . Messiah must be one ...

Personal .

Also concealed revenge against Alexander to Napoleon were still circumstances excite hostility. Napoleon could not intermarry with Alexander : first, he was denied the hand of Catherine Pavlovna , and then Anna Pavlovna . Naturally, the emperor of the French understood that insulted .Thus , the war became inevitable. Russia did not comply with the Continental Blockade , and sets high duties on French goods , France has not fulfilled its promises regarding assistance in the war against Turkey and Russia transfer the Bosporus and the Dardanelles , and was preparing for war , using the territory of the Duchy of Warsaw .

Under the terms of the Peace of Tilsit Russia :

1) lost the territory between the Southern Bug and Dniester ;

2) acquired territory between the Dniester and Prut ;

3) acquired territory Bialystok district;

4) lost Gandzhiyskoe Karabakh and principalities ;

By 1812 the feud between Russia and France also aggravated the German question . In December 1810 , Napoleon , following his / 30 / rule " to be able to pluck a chicken before it has time cackled ," annexed to France , one after another series of small principalities of Germany , including the Duchy of Oldenburg . Since this was done without the knowledge of Alexander I, the tsarist government regarded as undermining the Napoleonic grips Russia's international prestige and its influence in Central Europe. In addition , the capture of Oldenburg hurt infringed and dynastic interests tsarist because Duke of Oldenburg was the uncle of Alexander I, a king 's beloved sister Catherine P. - wife son the Duke of Oldenburg .


Finally , sharp - faced Russian French interests in 1812 and in the Middle East issue , as the tsarist government sought to seize Constantinople, Napoleon let this just to keep Turkey as a constant counterweight to Russia . These are the main reasons that led Russia and France from Tilsit to war in 1812

Before attacking Russia , Napoleon sought to isolate it politically , and most seek the greatest possible number of allies , " the idea of ​​coalitions flip inside out ," as AZ Manfred . His calculation was that Russia will have to fight simultaneously on three fronts against the five states in the north - against Sweden in the west - against France, Austria, and Prussia , in the south - against Turkey. Calculation seemed right . Prussia and Austria , recently defeated Napoleon made ​​an alliance with him against Russia , and as Sweden and Turkey , they are , according to Napoleon , had volunteered to help him : Turkey - because it has fought since 1806 with Russia over the Crimea , and Sweden - because , firstly, " Whetstone teeth " on Russia because of Finland, taken away from her in 1809 , and secondly, the de facto ruler of Sweden from 1810 became elected in favor of Napoleon Swedish heir Marshal of France JB Bernadotte .

In case if this plan Napoleon realized, Russia would fall in a catastrophic situation . But Napoleon and do not stop . Next trading privileges he has achieved that at the other end of the world the United States June 18, 1812 , a week before the French invasion of Russia , declared war on England - the main enemy of Napoleon , making it more difficult , of course, her struggle with France and Russia's assistance . In such an alarming situation brilliantly proved Russian diplomacy , managing just before Napoleon's invasion neutralize two of the five alleged enemy .

First, she wormed that Sweden prefers to focus on neighboring Russia , not far France. The border with Russia was for Sweden only continental boundary. On the other hand it defended the French sea / 31 / and the English fleet . Finland Sweden assumed loss offset capture Norway, agreed that Russia . As for Bernadotte , it long ago, when he served under Napoleon banners hated Napoleon as methyl himself in " Napoleon " and Napoleon would not mind to do his " Bernadotte " . Using all this flattering Bernadotte as " the only person able to compare with Napoleon and surpass his military glory," Alexander I made ​​in April 1812 to sign the treaty of alliance between Russia and Sweden.


March 30 (March 18 st. Style) 1814 Allied armies field marshals Blucher and Schwarzenberg (mainly Russian Corps) attacked and captured after fierce fighting approaches to Paris. The capital of France surrendered the next day, before Napoleon had to transfer troops to save her. For the people of Paris, Alexander was the first kind of liberator from the tyrant and dictator Napoleon. after which Napoleon was forced from the throne in disgrace.


For Alexander first battle against Napoleon was more personal character. Aleksander dreamed of making Europe a stable and get rid of endless wars. Alexander succeeded in that way. There were errors on the part of Alexander that led to not the best consequences, but in the end it ended successfully. Of course, there were another reasons like, economic reasons, national – political reasons, messianic reasons.









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