B ... and separate the plug from the toolthe insulator nose (see illustration).Make sure the washer is in place before installing each plug.
10 Since the cylinder head is made of aluminium, which is soft and easily damaged, thread the plugs into the head turning the plug tool by hand to start with. Once the plugs are finger-tight, tighten them to the recommended torque setting (see Specifications). Alternatively, using the plug spanner, tighten a re-usable plug 1/8 to 1/4 turn after it seats. Tighten a new plug 1/2 turn after it seats. Take great care not to over-tighten the plugs.
As the plugs are quite recessed, slip a short length of hose over the end of the plug to use as a tool to thread it into place. The hose will grip the plug well enough to turn it, but will start to slip if the plug begins to cross-thread in the hole - this will prevent damaged threads.
11Reconnect the spark plug caps, making sure they are securely connected to the correct plug. Install all other components previously removed.
Stripped plug threads in the cylinder head can be repaired with a thread insert - see Tools and Workshop Tips' in the Reference section.
A Using a feeler gauge to measure the spark plug electrode gap
14 Throttleand choke cables
check and adjustment
Throttle cables
1Make sure the throttle twistgrip rotates easily from fully closed to fully open with the handlebars turned at various angles. The twistgrip should return automatically from fully open to fully closed when released.
2 If the twistgrip sticks, this is probably due to a cable fault. Remove the cables (see Chapter 4) and lubricate them (see Section 6). Clean the inside of the twistgrip body and lubricate with light grease. Install the cables, making sure they are correctly routed. If this fails to improve the operation of the twistgrip. the cables must be renewed. Note that in very rare cases the fault could lie in the carburettors rather than the cables, necessitating the removal of the carburettors and inspection of the throttle linkage (see Chapter 4).
3 With the twistgrip operating smoothly, check for a small amount of freepiay in the cables, measured in terms of the amount of twistgrip rotation before the throttle opens, and compare the amount to that listed in this Chapter's Specifications (see illustration).If it's incorrect, adjust the accelerator cable (opening cable) to correct it.
4 Freepiay adjustments can be made at the twistgrip end of the cable. Loosen the locknut
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