DC Universe Online: FAQ by jonbon Version 1.00, Last Updated 2011-04-04 View/Download Original FileHosted by GameFAQs Return to DC Universe Online (PS3) FAQs & Guides
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DCUO General Guide & Faqs(PS3) V0.93
I have since stopped playing DCUO. Some of this info may be out of date.
======================T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S==========================
Update Info-------------------[00A0]
PS3 Six Axis Controller------[03B0]
USB Keyboard-----------------[03C0]
Keyboard Commands-------------[04A0]
Emotes ----------------------[04C0]
Character Creation------------[05A0]
Power Trees------------------[06B0]
Iconic Powers----------------[06C0]
Know Your Role----------------[08A0]
Secondary Weapon Picks-------[10C0]
Solo Content------------------[SOLO]
Strykers Island--------------[STRY}
Challenge Modes--------------[CHMD)
Groups & Raids----------------[15A0]
Villain Iconic Battles Suits--[17A0]
Mark of Legend---------------[19C0]
Mark of Victory--------------[19D0]
Mark of Triumph--------------[19E0]
Points of Interest------------[21A0]
Unique Items------------------[22A0]
Voice Chat--------------------[24A0]
Bugs/Bug Work Arounds---------[25A0]
Planned Guide Updates --------[26A0]
============================U P D A T E I N F O=============================
VERSION 0.93 (04/04/11)
-Added more information regarding Marks of Distinction
-Added more mic info to Voice section
-Added mic info to bug section
-Changed the Duo and Alerts section to reflect Mark of Distinction information
-Changed the planned updates section to reflect appropriate information
-Filled in Solo Content Section
-Filled in more information in the Currency section
-Fixed many typos and spelling errors
VERSION 0.92(02/01/11)
-Added open forum location to the content information section
-Added Renown section
-Added more to Mark of Allegience section
-Added minor information to the feats section
-Added Solo Content header for future use
-Changed minor information in the Marks section
-Changed the planned updates section to reflect appropriate information
-Changed the Raids section to Groups And Raids section
-Filled in Groups section
-Filled in the Character Creation Section
-Fixed minor caps, spacing, title error
-Reread guide and fixed minor grammar and comprehension errors
VERSION 0.91 (01/27/11)
-Added Update Info section
-Changed distribution information to reflect new websites permissions.
-Fixed some of the bug/work around information.
-Added more information on allegiance marks.
-Changed planned updates section to reflect my plans.
-Added some FaQ questions
==========================I N T R O D U C T I O N==============================
My intent was/is to create a guide that has as much generic and specific data
as possible for PS3 users. The only thing I will not include in this guide are
item names and locations, pvp specifics, race specifics or mission guides.
My reasoning for this is because I am working on seperate guides for those
topics, as they are comprehensive enough to necesitate their own guides.
For all intensive purposes I attempted to keep the language version generic
however a few sections are PS3 specific, such as the controls and voice chat.
You have read the controls section or understand the controls 99%, that you
will use the terms section if you do not understand a word.
You want to play the game, and have already bought and have it in your
system ready to go.
===========================T E R M I N O L O G Y===============================
The following is a list of mmo specific and game specific terms you are likely
to hear. For the purposes of this guide I will avoid using any terms that are
not both mmo specific and game specific. If you find a term you are unfamiliar
with in this guide then please consult this section.
NOTE: This does not cover EVERY word in mmo or game terminology. Just important
or applicable ones.
This term is used to gauge the likelyhood of an enemy computer character to
attack you, and is short for aggresion. Your level of aggro is determined
by the amount of damage/heals you do(how much of a threat you are to the NPC).
Uses in sentences:
"I have aggro." means the/an enemy is attacking you.
"Lower your aggro."Attempt to avoid having many enemies attack you.
For more details check out the Aggro/Hate/Threat section.
Area Of Effect-Used to describe any power that effects its targets in a
circle/sphere pattern. Two forms of AoE's exist, ones that generate around
the user, and ones that generate around a target.
Damage Over Time-This is an ability that once used continues to do damage to
the target(s), like a poison or fire.
A small 2-4 person temporary joining of people to accomplish a goal or set
of goals.
See Aggro
Heal over Time-Also known as a regen. This is a healing ability that once used
continues to heal for a time period then stops.
A large long term group of people who share similar goals or interests. Linked
by a chat channel and League name under each members name.
Looking For Group-Means the person who typed it would like to join a group.
Line of Sight-This is important for healing, if you are behind a box or crate
big enough you will not recieve heals.
Massive Multiplayer Online(game)-A game where 100's of people potentially
interact in the same area at the same time.
Non-Player Character- A character controlled by an AI. Vendors, Enemies etc.
Player Versus Environment-This means your character versus NPC's. For more
information on PvE servers see the character creation section.
Player Versus Player-This mean your character versus other character controlled
by human players.
A 5-8 person group formed to achieve tasks normally unobtainable by fewer
Also known as stance.
What your job in the group is. Will also change your stats depending which kind
you are. See the Roles section for more information.
This is where your character is free from all kinds of attack. You can get
missions here, check your mail, and teleport to your factions main base.
As an action this is when you are brought back to life, also know as respawn.
As a place it is where you are brought back to life, known as 'the spawn'.
See role.
See aggro.
===============================C O N T R O L S=================================
----------------------------PS3 SIX AXIS CONTROLLER----------------------------
Controller configuration for combat
L1(tap) Face Camera Forward
L1(hold) Target
R1 Block/Break Free
R1+Right Analog Roll
L2+R2 Loot(Draw items towards you)
L2 Activate Left half of powers bar
Square+L2 Hot bar Power 1
Triangle+L2 Hot bar Power 2
Circle+L2 Hot bar Power 3
X(cross)+L2 Hot bar Power 4
R2 Activate Right half of powers bar
Square+R2 Hot bar power 5
Triangle+R2 Hot bar Power 6
Circle+R2 Use Equipped Item(sodas=healing)
X(cross)+R2 Use Trinket Effect
Up Actions Menu
Right Current Effects Menu
Down Canned Chat Menu
Left Emotes Menu
Select Activate text chat
Select(then)Circle This closes the PSN text prompt but leave the chat window
Triangle Open Social
L1/R1 Switch Chat Tabs
Right Analog Stick Scrol through chat window
Start Bring up start bar(main menu)
Left Analog Stick Movement
Right Analog Stick Camera
L3 (press) Toggle Movement Power
L3(hold) Toggle Autorun/Movement Power bonus power
Square Melee Attack(costs no power)
Triangle Ranged Attack(costs no power)
Circle(hold) Interaction(action button)
X(cross)(press) Jump
X(cross)(hold) Immediate flight while grounded/Ascend while flying
---------------------------------USB KEYBOARD----------------------------------
J = Journal
K = Power, Skill, Loadout
N = Renown
H = Headlines
I = Inventory
M = Map
O = Social
P = Loadouts
T = Switch roles (after level 10)
Y = On Duty Menu (Arenas, Legends, Duo, Etc)
C = Collection Sets
/ = Renown (again)
Enter =Quick Chat
======================K E Y B O A R D C O M M A N D S=======================
Keyboard commands must begin with a /
The following is a list of commands you may use from your keyboard.
/tell <charater name> sends a private message to the player
/group [message] - Group chat
/invite <character name> will send an invite to another player
/kick [name] - Kicks person from group/raid
/leave - Quit a group
/league <text> communicates to your league channel (if your in one)
/shout <text> shouts the text to zone
====================C H A R A C T E R C R E A T I O N========================
This section handles general aspects of character creation.
This is the most important step in your character creation. There are two main
types of servers, PvP and PvE. The differences are:
~Pvp Server~
You may be attacked by a human player of the opposing side(hero/villain) at any
time while outside.
~PvE Server~
To attack or be attacked by a human player of the opposing side(hero/villain)
you must first flag yourself for combat(up on the directional pad, then toggle
Some equipment in the game is gender specific, not much. This will choose man
or woman.
Build will choose your over all size. This is some what important if you are
considering playing PvP combat, on either server type. A larger player is more
easy to see and a smaller player less easy to see.
Should you wish to have your character inspired by one of DC's main iconic
heroes, then you may choose the 'Inspired by' option to do so, or choose the
'custom' option to make your costume from scratch.
Note: This will automatically pick:
While still allowing you to change your costume. At the end you are given a
summary where you CAN change the above listed options that were automatically
picked for you.
This is wether you are a hero or villain. This will choose whos side you battle
on when doing missions.
This will pick your 'social behaviour' which means your body stance(how you
look when standing still), how you look when you walk/run, and which dance you
Note: Press lightly forwards on the left analog stick to walk and not run, this
will trigger your walking animation, completely unique from running one.
This will decide who your mentor is. There are three different mentors for each
side(hero/villain) and each one is for a different origin.
~Origin~ ~Hero~ ~Villain~
Tech Batman The Joker
Meta Superman Lex Luthor
Magic Wonder Woman Circe
Your origin/mentor will ultimately pick which Iconic Battle suits you are able
to wear.
This will determine which role/stance you have available to you besides damage.
There are 4 Roles including Damage, 3 of which are unique. 2 of each power
type fits into 1 of each of the unique types, they are:
Each power has two different trees you make choose from or mix with. For more
information on powers visit the powers section.
This will pick what style of movement you are able to use when you click L3.
Each type also has abilites and powers you are able to choose from with skill
This will decide what kind of weapon fighter you are. This is also very
important to match with your style of play and power choices. However
you will eventually be able to pick more then one and change your current
so there is room for error. For more information visit the Skills section.
This can be by far the most important aspect when considering the social part
of the game. No one wants to play with anyone who looks udderly rediculous, and
no one will take them seriously. This and your name can potentially cripple
your ability to socially interact in game. The good news is you can change this
after your character is created.
Almost every piece of gear you wear in the game will have a style attached to
it for you to choose to wear or not. If you do choose to leave a slot empty,
such as belt, head, face, then you may want to put something there anyway, and
remove it the second you get in game, this will unlock an extra style for you.
Unfortunately you are restricted to 3 main color choices for your costume. You
can select this in the palette option. Once you have selected your palette you
can then choose from different sections of your different gear pieces to apply
This is by far the most important part of your character if you wish to
socially interact with others, which you will be forced to if you wish to see
all the content.
DO NOT NAME YOUR CHARACTER(if you want to be taken seriously)
-any variation of a real DC hero or villain ie: 'Sup3r Mannn'
-any variaton of any other comic series ie: 'Wolv3rin3 SHHHHHLINK'
-after a real or fictional person already named ie: 'Jack Bowyer'
-an offensive theme or group ie: 'Natzi Lover69butt'
-based on your internet or gamer handle
-based on a theme tied into your powers and weapon
-using a thesaurus/dictionary/language changer
-with consideration that others are forced to see it when you walk by
Note: With that said, I fully condone any form of homage leagues/legions. There
are many reasons for this, Role Play is the first. The second is general fun.
However there is a different between an homage character and a character you
plan to play seriously.
Naming using any of my 'DO NOT' methods simply shows a lack of creativity. You
are here to play WITH DC heroes/villains, NOT BE THEM. And this is the DC game
not Lost, or 24, or Doctor Who.
Although I like the idea of playing with Doctor Who in the DC universe, or even
shredder, however I think you as a player have no right to take on that role
officially. Be creative and it will be way more fun.
================================P O W E R S====================================
Powers are what make your character. Do you shoot ice or fire? Maybe you use
Mental? What kind of hero/villain are you?
--------------------------------POWER TREES------------------------------------
FIRE(Defense): "Command the power of flame, directing gusts of heat and
protecting allies with targeted blasts."
GADGETS(Control): "Dictate the course of battle with ingenious mechanical
weapons and tools."
ICE(Defense): "Command the power of ice, shaping it into mighty weapons and
protecting allies with frigid winds."
MENTAL(Control): "Assault and control others, either by psychic power or the
sheer force of your will."
NATURE(Healing): "Unleash elemental forces to change form; direct nature's
hidden secrets to cure and revitalize your allies."
SORCERY(Healing): "Revive your allies with a whispered incantation or summon
occult pets to do your bidding."
-------------------------------ICONIC POWERS-----------------------------------
Iconic powers are all based on DC's original heroes and/or villains. They can
be broken down into two groups. Active(level 10+) and Inate(level 22+)
~Active Iconic Powers~
Each of the following become available at level 10 and need to be added to a
loadout to be used.
Amazonium Deflection
Batarang Triple Shot
Sonic Cry
Heat Vision
Mesmerizing Lasso
Hard-Light shield
Robot Sidekick
Freezing Breath
Neo Venom Boost
Word of PowerPheromone Bloom
Sonic shout
~Inate Iconic Powers~
Each of the following become available at level 22 and work passively.
X-Ray Vision
Nanoweave Armour
Intimidating Gaze
Moracle Worker
Weapons Expert
Powerful REsistance
Widsom of Solomon
Empathic Healing
Tactical Genius
===================================R O L E S===================================
Roles may also be refered to as stances. To change your roll(stance) you press
up on the direction pad then choose 'cycle stance'. All players get 2 stances.
All players get this role no matter what. It is the role you start the game in.
At level 10 you are given the ability to switch to your new role.
If you choose to remain damage roll during a group mission then your objective
is always to kill the enemy with the lowest hitpoints or as many enemies at
a time as possible. You should also watch the healers hitpoints and kill
anything attacking him/her if they get low.
Gadjets and Mental gain the ability to go into controller role.
As a Controller role your main goal is to control as many enemies as you can.
The more enemies that arent attacking the less damage your group is taling. You
should also make sure to do as much damage as possibl.e
Specifically for PvP you should make sure to find out who the enemy healer is
and attack them. By attack the healer you will lower their ability to heal,
effectively crippling the other team.
You are the head of the team. If you die they die. You should have more Defense
then everyone on the time by a large portion. This is your main goal is to
meet those requirements.
During battle you should attack anything that is
attacking the healer untill it attacks you. Secondly you should do the same
if any other group member gets low health, it is your job to kill or stop their
enemies from attacking them. Healing in DCUO always heals everyone near, so
ideally you wont need everyone attacking you in normal circumstances. Its ok
to spread the damage around a bit.
Gauge how strong each team member is by playing with them and allow the correct
amount of enemies to attack them.
You should also make sure to try and be the unofficial lead of the team, know
where you are going, what part of the mission you are on, which team member is
low health or lagging behind etc.
Your job can be complicated at times, but simplistically its to multi task.
Your top priority is to make sure that all team member are with in eye sight
and range of your healing abilities at all times during combat.
You second priority is to make sure that your team stays healed.
If you are full power then use a regen ability(HoT) on your group, that way
if anyone takes damage shortly afterwards they will already be regening
hitpoints, you will also now be regening power rather then capped out at max.
You must make sure to be building your attack combo at all times, the higher
and more attack you do the more power you get back. The best way to do this is
from range. I suggest flying for anyone serious about healing.
If you are low on power and about to run out let your team know over voice,
that way they can use a soda if needed untill you get more power back.
These are unofficial roles that you may need to fill.
Crowd Control-If you have a power/skill that allows you to push, pull, knock
up/down, stun or hold a large number of enemies then you are a CC'er(Crowd
In the event a large number of enemies arrive it is your job to reserve power
to use the appropriate ability to hold/stun etc the large group.
The theory behind this is while you are hold/stunning etc your other team mates
are damaging while not being damaged.
If you have 1 or more abilities that once you use it, it does DoT damage to
a group of enemies, you are a drainer. You should try to use this ability as
much as possible, as it will make sure that all enemies die asap.
~Back up Healer~
If you are able to heal the group but choose not to be a healer that is fine.
However if you think your team may need more help then it may be wise to bring
at least one group healing power. Since other members can not bring it, it only
makes sense you do it if you can and its needed.
In this event always reserve some of your power meter to use incase the healer
needs healing.
In any event most boss fights do have healing barrels, so if your healing is
having a tough time try locating one and breaking it near some team mates.
If someone is not constantly making sure everyone is atleast half on task then
people will eventually lose interest and leave the group after a few missions.
Its best to make sure that after each mission you immediately say
"ok whats next?".
If someone on your team is not at the current objective, say something, maybe
they are lost, or confused and dont know it.
Communicate, communicate, communicate, you have to always let everyone know
whats going on, no need to over do it, but it will become apparent after
awhile of play.
=========================K N O W Y O U R R O L E=========================
The following are tips to help make a succesfull team or team leader.
Ally 1:Closest to enemy at start of scenario
Ally 2: Tank, and second to attack the enemy
1.An enemy that has not been attacked will attack the closest of your allies
2.If your ally does not attack the enemy back, the enemy will attack the next
of your allies to attack it.
3.If your ally first attacks the enemy then a second ally attacks it but
does less damage then your first ally the enemy will not change targets
4.If your second ally continues to attack and eventually does more total damage
then your first ally the enemy will change targets to your second ally.
5.If you begin to heal both you and your allies for more hitpoints then the
enemy is dealing in damage+the damage your second ally is doing, the enemy will
change to you(rough estimate, not exact math).
7.Locking down an enemy(continual holds/knockdowns/stuns etc) can also make you
gain aggro.
~Designate a Lead~
Designate someone who everyone should follow, generally a good idea to do this
to the tank. This way you avoid aggroing two groups of enemies. You also wont
lose a team member as easily this way or miss out on any holo points to
~Protect the heals~
Always be aware of where your healer is at all times. If they cant see you(los)
they cant heal you. If your healer dies then everyone might die.
Block can be very important. Some abilities enemies use will go on for extended
periods of time doing massive damage. If no one interupts this with an interupt
ability the best thing to do is block.
Breaks can be deadly when used and over used. A break costs power to use, so
if you are held and not being attacked and nothing major is happening it may
be wiser to not break then to break. Breaking does however make you immune for
a few seconds against the same effect.
Rolls can be preformed only when you are blocking but can be an excellent way
to reposition yourself before you get pinned. Since the enemies take up real
space if you get cornered you can not move.
~Countering Roll~
If a PvP enemy is constantly rolling, all you need do is hold square. If you
did not pick this power in your weapon tree, I suggest picking it if you want
to seriously consider PvP'ing.
~Movement Power~
Use this to your advantage, but dont let it hinder you. If you are not using
your movement power then turn it off, because some abilities that ground you
also knock you down stopping your attacks.
Not all enemies have ranged:
As a flier if you are getting attacked too frequently close up, try flying
above them.
If you are low on hitpoints then try to climb on a wall as a acrobatics and
wait for your heal.
~Barrel Role~
Almost every boss fight has barrels nearby. They can do massive amounts of
damage compared to normal abilites, they can stun/hold enemies and they can
heal team mates.
Its crucial that you keep an eye out for Barrels and use them to your
================================B A R R E L S =================================
Orange Barrel(Cross)
Red Barrel(Flame)
Blue Barrel(Ice)
Purple Barrel(Lexcorp)
Green(Grey Lid)
Grey Barrel(Star Labs)
Black Barrel(Red top, hive barrels)
================================L O A D O U T S================================
Located inside your Traits window of your main menu. Your loadouts is where
you set what powers you will use when you are using each role.
This is also where you will setup any unique loadouts, such as, Illusions,
Stealth and Ape form.
Your loadout will always change automatically based on your current role or
=================================S K I L L S===================================
Skills can be bought with skill points which are earned as you level. But they
can also be earned as you gain feat points. For every 100 feat points you gain
you get 1 skill point.
A slower, precise long-range style using a bow weapon.
A slow, brutal style using fist to inflict maximum damage.
Dual Pistol
A very fast range style utilizing a pair of projectile weapons.
Dual Wield
A fast, dexterous style using paired melee weapons.
Hand Blast
A fast, melle/ranged style that directs power through bare hands.
Martial Arts
A fluid, medium-speed melee style focusing on feet and hand strikes
A fast melee style using a combat weapon held in one hand.
A medium-speed ranged style using a long-barreled rifle.
A fast, decterous style utilizing a long melee weapon.
a slow, powerful style using a massive melee weapon.
----------------------------SECONDARY WEAPON PICK------------------------------
Once you hit level 15 you will be able to put points into a secondary weapon
of your choice. However you may only use the skills from one weapon set at a
time. If you wish to use your second weapons skills then you must equip a
weapon of that type. So if you picked staffs as your secondary weapon then you
must find and equip a staff to use those new skills.
However, when it says 'permanently gain: X stat' on a weapon skill you DO get
to keep those point bonuses even when not equipping that weapon. In other
words if you picked staff as your secondary and dual wield as your primary,
you would still get the permanent stat bonuses applied to the skills in the
staff skill pool even when wearing your dual wield weapon.
Note Worthy Bonus stats are
-Stealth(stealth characters only)
-Toughness(PvP stat)
-Dominance(anti Control stat/raid stat)
Bonus Stat Breakdown
(In order of avalability)
+2% Critical Attack Damage
+4 Vitalization
+3 Restoration
+1 Stealth per(x3)
+1% Critical Attack Chance
+10 Defense & Toughness per(x3)
+20 Might per(x3)
+4% Critical Healing Effect(x3)
+2% Critical Healing Magnitude
+25 Health
+3 Restoration
+6 Dominance per(x3)
+1% Critical Attack Chance
+15 Health per(x3)
+4% Critical Attack Damage per(x3)
+1% Critical Healing Chance per(x3)
~Dual Pistol~
+2% Critical Attack Damage
+1% Critical Healing Chance
+10 Might
+15 Restoration per(x3)
+10 might
+20 Might per(x3)
+4% Critical Attack Damage per(x3)
+5 Vitalization per(x3)
~Dual Wield~
+2% Critical Attack Damage
+4 Vitalization
+3 Restoration
+15 Restoration per(x3)
+1% Critical Attack Chance
+6 Dominance per(x3)
+20 Might per(x3)
+4% Critical Attack Damage per(x3)
~Hand Blast~
+2% Critical Attack Damage
+25 Health
+1% Critical
+3 Restoration
+20 Might per(x3)
+4% Critical Healing Effect per(x3)
+15 Health(x3)
+6 Dominance per(x3)
~Martial Arts~
+2% Critical Attack Damage
+2% Critical Healing Magnitude
+25 Health
+20 Might per(x3)
+10 Might
+1 Stealth per(x3)
+4% Critical Attack Damage per(x3)
+15 Restoration per(x3)
+2% Critical Healing Magnitude
+3 Restoration
+10 Might
+1% Critical Attack Chance
+1% critical Attack Chance
+20 Might per(x3)
+15 Health per(x3)
+4% Critical Health per(x3)
+5 Vitalization per(x3)
+2% Critical Healing Magnitude
+25 Health
+4 Vitalization
+10 might
+1% Critical Attack Chance per(x3)
+15 Heath per(x3)
+1% Critical Healing Chance per(x3)
+5 Vitalization per(x3)
+2% Critical Healing Magnitude
+25 Health
+4 Vitalization
+6 Dominance per(x3)
+10 might
+10 Defense and Toughness per(x3)
+1% Critical Attack Chance per(x3)
+4% Critical Healing Effect per(x3)
+2% Critical Attack Damage
+2% Critical Healing Magnitude
+25 Health
+15 Health per(x3)
+1% Critical Healing Chance
+5 Vitalization per(x3)
+1% Critical Attack Chance per(x3)
+1% Critical Healing Chance per(x3)
"Movement mode affects your speed, style, and maneuvers in combat."
"Streak through the skies and dwoop down on opponents."
-Hit L3 to activate flight
-Hold then release L3 while flying to activate super sonic(must purchase first)
-Hold X(cross) to initiate flight
"Grip onto and climb ay surface, leaping down to destroy opponents."
-Hold X to glid
-Catch drafts up the sides of buildings
-Hold X to use grapple hook(must purchase first)
"Race up and over any surface, dashing into the midst of combat"
==================================R A C E S====================================
Races are located all around the world. There are two main types, challenges,
and multiplayer. Both types have 4 compeltion starting times to beat. in order
of worst to best they are: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum.
These are specific to your movement type. The first two difficulties can be
located outside your starting safehouse. Winning any medal earns a one time
experience bonus.
These can be complete alone, and are not movement power specific.Once activated
by anyone other potential racers have 10 seconds to also activate the race.
Once the race commences everyone races together with the same movement power
bestowed to them. Each one also changes you into an ape.
==================================P V P========================================
PvP is the other of two main types of play available in most mmos, the first
being PvE. These two types are also what define the different servers. For more
information on choosing a server please visit the character creation section.
Killing a player in PvP combat rewards Influence.
To flag your character for PvP on a PvE server hit up on the directional pad
and choose the 'Toggle PvP' option. To unflag your character for PvP repeat
the process, however it will take 5 minutes of non PvP combat to take effect.
It is important to note that Defense does nothing for you during PvP combat
and Toughness is what you will require to build in order to defend yourself
properly in PvP combat.
You may join a que for Arena matches by going into your 'On Duty' window(fist
icon) located in your main menu.
At level 30 arena matches reward
-Marks of Victory
-Marks of Legend
This type of PvP match is fought using your own hero/villain. The different
match types are:
-Australia(8vs8)(Capture and hold)
-STAR Labs(4vs4)(King of the Hill)
-The moon(5vs5)(Capture the Flag)
You may join a que for Legends matches by going into your 'On Duty' window
(fist icon) located in your main menu.
At level 30 Legends matches reward
-Marks of Victory
-Marks of Legend
This type of PvP match is fought using legendary heroes from DC. The different
match types are:
-Arkham Asylum(4vs4)(Capture and Hold)
-Ace Chemicals(4vs4)(King of the Hill)
-The Batcave(2vs2)(King of the Hill)
The current Legends Characters are:
Batman-Special Edition bonus
The Joker
Arkham Asylum Joker
Harley Quinn-Aquired as you level
World PvP is defined by pvp battles that take place on the world map. This is
most commonly seen on PvP servers, however is not limited to them. On a PvE
server you may take part in world PvP at any time by flagging yourself for
PvP combat. To do so read the paragraph sstarting this section(PvP).
On a PvE server you will notice player characters with RED names, these people
are enemies and are flagged for PvP combat. If you wish to fight them you too
must be flagged. To know if you are flagged simply check for a skull icon
to the far right of your hit points bar.
World PvP is also encourage through at least one missions involving the green
lanterns. During this event, called 'Ring War', you are automatically flagged
for PvP while in the appropriate area.
~Ring War~
The Ring War event will be prompted on your screen when it is close to starting
and will also tell you where to go(Near Lexcorp Tower in Metropolis).
The objective is to find the lantern of your color(green=hero, yellow=villain)
and grab and carry it to your objective. The objective is shown by an arrow
above your head when you are carrying the lantern. Once you carry your lantern
to the correct location it will drop and become interactable again. Interact
with it again to make it pop into one of the spots along side the downed
Should you find lanterns of your opposing teams color then you may interact
with them to make them dissapear. As time passes they will spawn again.
During this you will also have to battle anyone from the opposing faction.
Once completed the winning team is able to revive their ally. If your team
won then your ally will be revived and you will gain access to a store that
sells high quality end game gear.
NOTE: On PvE servers you will be automatically flagged for PvP combat.
================================A L E R T S====================================
Alerts can be joined through your 'on duty' window, located in your main menu.
Your first Alert will unlock for you at level 9. As you continue to level more
Alerts will unlock. Alerts are intended to be done with 4 people.
At level 30 Hard Mode Alerts reward:
-Marks of Triumph
-Mark of Distinction*
The Alerts available are:
-Area 51 Lvl 10
-Gorilla Island Lvl 14
-Hive Moon base Lvl 16
-Oolong Island Lvl 20
-Bludhaven Lvl 24
*Alerts will reward a Mark of Distinction if it has a star beside it labling it
as the daily. It will also be the one on the top of the list.
============================S O L O C O N T E N T===========================
The following entails content that you may/have to partake solo at level 30.
------------------------------STRYKERS ISLAND----------------------------------
There are three missions you are able to do outdoors at strykers island.
They all involve Toyman's toys in some way.
Villains can find these missions in the center ring of the hall of doom.
Heroes can find these missions in the watchtower.
Each of these missions rewards 1 Mark of Allegience.
Mission Names:
-Once More With Rockets!
-Fun for Girls and Boys
------------------------------CHALLENGE MODES----------------------------------
These are repeats of missions you may or may not have done as you leveled up.
They can each be done once a day.
Villains can find these missions 2 in each wing of the hall of doom.
Heroes can find these missions in the watchtower.
I believe you must have the original mission complete for the level 30 one
to show up in the watchtower/hall of doom.
Each of these missions can only be entered alone, and reward 2 Marks of
Allegiance per mission.
Each mission grants renown for 1 of the 3 starting factions.
Mission Names:
-The Last Laugh
-The Demon Inside
-Reign of Blood
-Shipping and Handling
-Storming the Ivory Tower
-Under the Red Sun Lamp
=================================D U O S=======================================
Duos can be joined through your 'on duty' window, located in your main menu.
Duos will not become available untill level 30. They can only be done with 2
Duos reward:
-Marks of Triumph
-Mark of Distinction*
The Duos Available are:
-Hive Base
-Gotham Mercy Hospital
-Gotham University
-OMAC Base
*Duos will reward a Mark of Distinction if it has a star beside it labling it
as the daily. It will also be the one on the top of the list.
========================G R O U P S & R A I D S============================
The main differences between a group and a raid are:
Groups have 2-4 members.
Raids have 5-8 members.
Groups can complete all non solo and raid content.
Raids can complete all outdoor missions, raid content, and 8v8 arena PvP.
Groups will be required to complete 50% or so of the level 30 content. To
invite someone to your group you may type /invite (their name) where you can
exclude the brackets. Or you may find their name in the social panel and select
it, then invite to group.
Some missions at level 30 will not allow groups to enter.
To turn your group into a raid, once in a group open your social panel and
look at the top for a group button. Clicking this will bring down a drop
down option where it says 'Form Raid' select this. You and your whole group
should get a prompt that they are now in a raid group.
Raids can be joined through your 'on duty' window, located in your main menu.
Raids are the most end game thing there is. You must be level 30 to participate
and the game has a built in suggested Dominance score and gear Teir required to
Raids Reward:
-Marks of Distinction
Raids Available:
-Batcave: Outer Caverns
In the event you attempt to enter a location intended for 4 players only, the
first four who enter will stay, and the next four will enter a seperate
instance of the same mission.
===============================V A U L T S=====================================
Vaults can be joined through your 'on duty' window, located in your main menu.
The first and only current vault opens when you reach level 6. Enter the vault
once each day and destroy the presents inside. They will reward you with cash
and the possibilty for unique and rare items.
Vaults Available:
-The Vault
==============================R E N O W N======================================
Each of the two side(hero/villain) have different Renown you may earn by
completing missions.
Each renown faction has 5 stages.
As you complete missions that add renown for the different factions, you
traverse the stages n the above mentioned order.
Vendors insde the Hall of Doom or Watchtower will sell gear with renown stage
The Rogues
Cult of Trigon
===========V I L L I A N I C O N I C B A T T L E S U I T S============
Iconic Battle Suits consist of 8 pieces.
Depending on what your origin is(mentor) you will need to visit a specific wing
of the Hall of Doom to purchase your Iconic Battle Suit.
Joker =Tech(wing)
Lex Luthor=Meta(wing)
Circe =Magic(wing)
Each wing has three vendors, 1 PvP vendor, a teir 1 PvE vendor and a teir 2
PvE vendor.
Each vendor sells 4 suits, a Healer, Tank, Controller, and Damage suit.
Each vendor has only one graphic for all suits, but a different graphic then
the other vendors.
However each vendors 4 suits has different stats, they can also only be worn
by the person who has the role specific to the suit.
All characters can wear the Damage suits.
You will see read writting describing why you can not wear a specific suit in
the information box on the left when shopping for gear.
Additional to normal currency($) each vendor sells their gear for a
different type of mark. More information on marks can be found in the marks
section and PvP section of this guide.
PvP- Mark of Victory
PvE(T1)-Mark of Triumph
PvE(T2)-Nark of Distinction
The difference between PvP and PvE gear is Toughness and Defense. Defense is
only for PvE combat(fighting NPCs) and Toughness is only for PvP combat(other
player characters).
~PvP Gear~
~Teir 1 PvE~
Mister Freeze
~Teir 2 PvE~
Harely Quinn
~PvP Gear~
~Teir 1 PvE~
~Teir 2 PvE~
~PvP Gear~
Felix Faust
~Teir 1 PvE~
Brother blood
~Teir 2 PvE~
================================F E A T S======================================
Feats can be achieved for doing pretty much everything. To view your current
and potential feats check the Deeds window(trophy Icon).
For every 100 feat points you earn you will be awarded 1 skill point to spend.
This becomes crucial at level 30 as you can gain more stat increase. Read the
secondary weapon skills section.
The feats have a 3 star teiring system.
1 star=10 feat points
2 star=25 feat points
3 star=50 feat points
=============================C U R R E N C Y===================================
The following are special forms of currency other then the standard($).
-Purchase Teir 1 PvP Gear
Villains Vendor Location:
-Hall of Doom
Hero Vendor Location:
Rewarded by:
-PvP kills
----------------------------MARK OF ALLEGIENCE---------------------------------
-Purchase some Renown gear
-Trade 10 in for a Mark of Triumph at renown vendors.
-Purchase sodas
Villains Vendor Location:
-Hall of Doom
Hero Vendor Location:
Rewarded by:
-Level 30 missions.
------------------------------MARK OF LEGEND-----------------------------------
-These are used to buy PvP Legend Characters
Villains Vendor Location:
-Hall of Doom
Hero Vendor Location:
Rewarded by:
-PvP Legend Matches
-PvP Arena Matches
-----------------------------MARK OF VICTORY-----------------------------------
-Purchase Teir 2 PvP gear
Villain Vendor Location:
-Hall of doom
Hero Vendor Location:
Rewarded by:
-PvP Legends Matches
-PvP Arena Matches
-Ring War Mission
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 789