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Quot;They" are that which the International was before 1917

Understand that "They" are not a State; "They" are that which the International was before 1917, that which it still is nothing and at the same time everything.

Imagine to yourself if it is possible that the USSR would have negotiations with freemasonry, with an espionage organization, with the Macedonian Komitadgi or the Croatian Ustashi. Would not some Juridical agreement be written?

... Such pacts as the pact of Lenin with the German General Staff, as the pact of Trotzky with "Them" -- are realized without written documents and without signatures.

The only guarantee of their execution is rooted in the circumstance that the carrying out of that which has been agreed is profitable for the parties to the pact, this guarantee is the sole reality in the pact, however great may be its importance.

Where is the guarantee that "They" will follow through on their word?
(Red Symphony by Dr. J. Landowsky)
[Interrogation of Rakovsky - one of "Them", known as "The Committee of 300", the Illuminati ruling the world.]

And that is how we are going to see the position of the "Illuminati" on this matter. Because it is certain that they will eventually read this analysis and will have to respond in one way or another. They simply have no choice. Otherwise, some consequences may follow and those consequences may turn out to be quite drastic for them. For the key issues have been brought up and are on the table now and their position has to be clarified in full this time around. It is simply inevitable.

So, here is the argument we are going to discuss here as far as "negative approach" vs. Positive approach go.

Now, in light of the fact that Mr. Van Duyn presents himself in his speech as someone who really cares for mankind and poses as someone, who really wants to help the miserable and even desperate situation on this planet, then he would have to explain the reason why he claims that God is doing some balancing act between the negative and the positive and good and evil and why "Illuminati" did not do anything to promote and facilitate Good DIRECTLY, and not via negation?

If they wanted to help the Intelligence to grow, then why not facilitate the education, stimulate the appearance and distribution of truthful information, bring up the essence of the issues and propose the effective and humane solutions, promote and finance the alternative energy technologies, such as, for example, the fuelless energy generation based on the works of Nikola Tesla and others, promote and facilitate natural and healthy food production and assure the clean water supplies, expose the corruption and corrupt politicians and all their lies?

In other words, if they really pursue the Truth and Good, why not do it DIRECTLY via Good acts? Why do just the opposite? What does it "stimulate" in reality?

Why, for example, the education system has been totally destroyed and converted into a system of zombification to mass produce biorobots to slave away for the benefit of parasites, whose minds are programmed like computers to merely select among a few predetermined choices while solving some problem?

Why instead of promoting and financing research on alternative energy technologies what we have instead is TOTAL suppression of any research, murder of scientists that had developed working prototypes, destruction of their labs and equipment and the rest of it?

Why do we have these endless wars for control of energy supplies? Not for control over the whole world by ANY chance? WHO is planning, staging and conducting these wars and under WHOSE watchful eye and guidance?

How much of the most negative things have been done to humanity and what is the result of it? WHERE is the INCREASE in Intelligence and how does it manifest itself outside of utterly inhuman mental processes which merely develop cunningness and calculativeness of the mind and promote the exploitation and manipulation of everything and anything?

Why do we see the corruption growing and devouring all and prostitution of ones own being and betrayal is increasing in geometric proportions?

Where is the RESULTS that prove that the "negative approach" is indeed stimulating the Intelligence? Do these "elites" have a SINGLE shred of proof that this approach indeed works?

Can we SEE that proof? - WHEN? Oh, "the next year" as Mr. Van Duyn promises in his speech talking about some "good things happening next year"? But why does it forever remain in the future, beyond the horizon which you can never reach even in principle?

Why not TODAY? NOW?

What is going on in Ukraine for example? The demonstration that the "Illuminati" are indeed "all powerful" and do indeed control all the so called governments and make them sing any song ordered by the "Illuminati" and lie their shark teeth off, turning everything upside down and bluntly lying to even those who have the first hand information and evidence that everything in fact is just the opposite to their lies?

Just look at the fiery speeches of all these Euro-puppets from Euro-USSR which they call EU. They themselves support violence, consult and provide the hired thugs from "Academy", formerly known as "Blackwater", to conduct the acts of sabotage, murder and violence, concoct all sorts of schemes to create chaos in Ukraine and totally bankrupt it as a sovereign state and convert it into a Zio-Nazi colony of evil. And this list is so big that it is comparable to the times of fascism and Nazi rule in Germany during the WWII or the Zio-Nazi takeover of Russia in 1917.

So, the question arises: WHO is doing it all especially considering the fact that Mr. Van Duyn states: "And today the Bilderbergers advise 134 states members"? First of all, there is a difference between the "advise" and "dictate". Because what is happening in Ukraine, Syria and even Nigeria does not look like a result of an "advise". It looks like DICTATES.

Because the advise one may follow or not. It is a matter of free choice. But one MUST follow the dictates. That is the difference. And the kind of total agreement between the nations and governments of the "civilized world" and even UN look like the results of the dictates. Because only in the communist or other totalitarian states there may be such an agreement, and furthermore, an agreement to do the utmost EVIL! How could this be if they merely followed some advises and not the dictates under some threat?

Therefore, Mr. Van Duyn and all these "Illuminati" are now obliged to provide the EVIDENCE that the approach of "balancing good and evil" does indeed work and we can all see it producing GOOD results. For it has been said:

15. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17. Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Bible, New Testament, Matthew 7:18

And that is the VERDICT to all these "Illuminati" and the Zio-Nazi "banking mafia", serving the "dark side" with their eternal false promises of "good" that forever remains beyond the horizon.

And if we do not see anything genuinely Good in the nearest future then the following applies:

44. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.

When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: [from himself, on his own behalf, but not from God], for he is a liar and the father of lies.

(New Testament, John 8:44)

And let them try to disprove the validity of it.

"Bilderberg isn't a secret society, never was... Bilderberg is no conspiracy..."

Which is a lie and/or perversion of the very essence of it all. Because Mr. Van Duyn says: "Why should we continue to rule the system behind closed doors?". Which means what?

First of all, you may review some information on Bilderbergers from some of the best researchers, experts and historians via following search:


"Bilderberg isn't a secret society, never was. Perhaps in the eyes of the population, but what we did is we kept our topics and decision to ourselves. We are not an evil. I do not have an all-seeing eye. My ancestors only made sure the Eye is on the [U.S.] dollar bill.

"Bilderberg is no conspiracy, but people and conspiracists with their infantile fantasies see it as such. None of you, and I don’t care how powerful you are, sit around the table in a dark room, holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the world's future".

Rather strange assertions, aren't they? After all, this is one of the key moments having the far-reaching consequences.

Then it turns out that all of it was invented by some "conspiracy theorists."

Then why Mr. Van Duyn asserts that "Brussels the evil city of the world ruled by the Illuminati"? Ruling from behind the scenes means what? Is not this a direct proof of gross interference in the affairs of mankind by some clan that operates by hidden ways and in secrecy?

And at the same time, Mr. Van Duyn states:

"I refuse any secrecy of decisions made by us. Why should we continue to rule the system behind closed doors? Why wouldn’t we face the population with their own mirror and tell them: Hey! Wake up…".

"Why should we continue to rule the system behind closed doors?"

Well, that IS the question! Question: does anyone FORCE you to do so? Like some "circumstances beyond your control"?

And you are indeed as secretive as it gets which is evidenced by this very speech where Mr. Van Duyn says: "but what we did is we kept our topics and decision to ourselves". Which means what? And what is interesting about this is that - yes, indeed, if these things have to do with your own private affairs then you have all the right to "keep your decisions to yourselves".

But when you do things that affect the entire humanity, then - NO, you can not keep those secrets to yourselves. Because it affects others, the entire humanity in fact, or doesn't it?

Question: does humanity have the RIGHT to know what is done behind their backs and allegedly on their behalf? Has anybody ASKED them if they accept all your decisions and plans for the entire humanity and your ideas of the "single world government"?

Furthermore, what RIGHT do you have to rule the world from behind the scenes, or even openly? Who has give you that authority? - PEOPLE? Or your "god" - Lucifer, who is not God which is known to ordinary people, and not the conspirators and satanists?

And therefore, by virtue of the fact that you are asking the question "Why should we CONTINUE to rule the system behind closed doors" you now have to operate openly. Otherwise, you are doomed and will be known to all as liars and hypocrites.

And it is proposed to you to exert your influence and to introduce a new rule: ALL solutions, especially those that affect humanity as a whole or even a single state should be published in full version with all the details and related argumentation or debates. So that people can go to a certain web site and quickly do a search on their questions and see all the acts of their "governments" and "rulers" of various stripes in FULL text. There are presently no technical obstacles to implementation of this system. In addition, the transcriptions and the originals of different speeches should be published in full, without any editing.

Why is humanity ruled and run on different "closed" meetings, the details of which are not disclosed, but diligently suppressed? Why is it that all so-called rulers or "authorities" almost always pronounce their fiery speeches by reading everything from the piece of paper? How can people know that it is their own words, rather than carefully concocted misinformation slipped to them by their puppeteers or whispered in their ear?

What right do "rulers" and "lords" of all kinds have to make decisions, and sometimes with fatal consequences, while people do not know what is going on behind their backs and on their behalf, ostensibly for their own good?

How long can this blatant and rampant secrecy almost everywhere go on and at all the levels? What is it needed for?

The thing is that secrecy, as such, directly implies evil and evil intentions. Or it implies complete disregard for the people, as such, who are not allowed to know some moments. Then what is the meaning of "democracy"? Or do you deny the very notion of democracy as some kind of nonsense invented for the purpose of zombifying the minds of the "herd"?

Furthermore, secrecy directly implies the evil plans. Otherwise, why not to discuss the issues, even with your "enemies", and not to come to some alternative that is acceptable to both parties? What are you - some "enemies" from different planetary systems who, even in principle, will not be able to understand each other? How could this be?

WHO had invented all this secrecy and what possible good can it deliver, even in principle?

Why even the most talented and competent people, experts, scholars and researchers do not count and have no real influence on what happens in the world? Do you understand what I mean, Mr. Van Duyn and "lords" of all kinds? WHAT have you actually created on this planet? Is it not the global concentration camp accidentally? Who gave you this authority to do it all and absolutely without any involvement of those against whom and in the name whom you are doing it all? - Do you KNOW?

WHAT means democracy in this case if nobody is even listening to the most talented and competent of all? What can be said about ordinary people? Who listens to them? And who makes the decisions for them? - Not the most sold-off scum who sold their souls to the "lords of the world", controlling the flows of everything and keeping everything in "hedgehog gloves"?

How long can all these lies continue, Mr. Van Duyn? What do you think?

"Next year positive results will show to the world that we aren’t evil"

The same song they forever sing: next year, tomorrow that never comes, bright future of mankind, democracy and on and on and on. But really positive results can be seen IMMEDIATELY. Just arrest the Bushes for one thing and put them before the international war crime tribunal with the worst allegations ever known to mankind and you will not be wrong. George Bush, the senior himself said:

"If American people knew what we have done to America, we would be chased down the street and hung on the first light pole". (not a literal quote, but pretty close to it). Isn't it good enough for a death sentence verdict?

That would immediately show to the people of the world that there IS indeed some progress. Then you arrest a few dozen of REAL war criminals, and you know precisely who they are, and do the same thing.

Then you arrest the Rothschild crime syndicate and the queen Elisabeth.

Actually, there is PLENTY of things you could have done to show the results IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise all your words of some abstract "good" are nothing more than the sucking sounds, and of a black hole caliber and John 8:44 is definitely applicable to you and your grand conspiracy to convert the world into a single world empire of evil.

"Next year positive results will show to the world that we aren’t evil, but we help humanity because humanity isn’t able to rescue itself".

Regarding "we are not evil" the following can be said.

First of all, the "Illuminati" were created by "God chosen" people or more precisely, the ZioNazis, by the Rothschilds with the hands of their puppet Adam Weishaupt specifically in order to create a secret network of influence, control, manipulation that would eventually allow them to concur the world in accordance to the Judean "scriptures", such as, for example, Deuteronomy, which clearly and explicitly states that the entire planet and all peoples will belong and be ruled by the "God chosen" ones.

NWO 308

Baron David de Rothschild sees a New World Order in global banking governance.

"There will be a new form of global government."

-- David de Rothschild, Nov. 7, 2008

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 919

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Quot;... God has other plans with humanity. He creates the balance between good and evil". | James Rothschild III: Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe
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