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Quot;... God has other plans with humanity. He creates the balance between good and evil".

Here is an interesting and not quite apparent moment, which is a conceptual basis of the so-called "negative approach" to supposedly stimulate development of the Intelligence, as it was described, for example, by various "insiders", such as "Hidden Hand".

See: Window of Opportunity
(Revelations of the Insider - 3)

It is about "balance" between good and evil, or as it is known in Marxism, the concept of "unity and struggle of the opposites."

"... God has other plans with humanity.
He creates the balance between good and evil".

Yes, a tricky argument. But let us see.

Above all, WHAT God creates or does may only be known only by Himself, or rather ITself, but not by a mortal. It is not given to them.

And God is not "He" or "She". Those are applicable to individuated entities which means mortals. Attributing "He" to God means Mr. Van Duyn is blind and is carrying his primitive ideas of a mortal to the levels well beyond mortality. On one hand they claim that God does not exist, and on the other hand, they refer to It as "he".

First of all, of which "God" Mr. Van Duyn is talking about here? The "insiders", and in particular the one who calls himself "Hidden Hand", claim that their "god" is not the one who is your God. Their "god" is Lucifer, as they claim. The same thing is with the "Illuminati" and, interestingly enough, with "God chosen people", or more appropriately ZioNazis. That is what unites them all.

And they wrap this concept of "light" around Lucifer and call him "the morning star" and attribute the concept of "salvation of mankind" from eternal slumber in the "imbecile perimeter" of the Garden of Eden.

But how do they know what or who Lucifer is and what are his genuine deeds, plans or ideas? The thing is, in order to know who or what is Lucifer you need to be on HIS level. You need to BE him. And in fact that is what the "ruling dynasty of Lucifer" on this planet claims. They say we ARE him, we ARE his very essence. But this is nothing but a lie and a wishful thinking. For one thing, some say, and it is also written in the Scriptures, that he has fallen, or, in other words, has been annihilated and thousands of years ago. Try to prove that this is not the case?

Do these "Illuminati" have any EVIDENCE of the existence of such an entity as Lucifer? Yes, they do tune in into some egregore (also egregor) and yes, once you tune into something it gets manifested on more subtle levels.

See: Egregore

But that is about all they can possibly claim. And the egregore is an energy and information field. When you go to the stadium or some concert or a show what you are dealing with is the same thing as egregore. When everyone unites around the same idea what you get is egregore. The same thing with all sorts of discoveries.

It has been noticed in science that some inventions appear nearly simultaneously by several independent authors, who may not even know each other and who might never even communicated with each other and who live in completely different parts of the world. In other words, once you tune-in to some idea or aspect, you enter that particular egregore and the information from different entities tuned-in to the same wavelength becomes available to all the participants.

But it is nothing more than an act, an impersonation, a wishful thinking regardless of how "real" it may look to you at the moment. Else, if your thought-forms were as real as these people think, then you could literally kill with your energy projections, and if you could do that, Life would end nearly instantaneously. Just realize how many "bad" deeds and thoughts have you carried throughout your lives and how many times have you deserved to be annihilated as a result of some of your deeds. Does it tell you something?

So, when the "Illuminati" mention "god" it needs to be remembered that everything is "upside down" in their "system" or view. The one they have in mind when they mention "god", for you, most likely, is known as devil, Satan or Lucifer. Yes, there are other names for it, but they all relate to that which is known as evil or destructive or parasitic force.

What may look like something "bad" or even deadly to you, may look like something "good" to them and vice versa. This is the very nature and one of main operating principles of the "dark side" meant to create the confusion and blindness in the minds of their victims or "slaves" or even "animals" as "god chosen people" call the rest of the people. The same exact signature.

Secondly, under what authority does Mr. Van Duyn make a testimony on behalf of God? Does he have any right or authority to come to such a delusion as to assert what God plans or does? The thing is that a mortal, and that is who Mr. Van Duyn and all these "Illuminati" are, does not have the knowledge available at that level. Purely logically, it is not about "god", but about that which is comprehensible by the mind of a mortal, which makes the whole thing nothing but absurd.

Thirdly, yes, certainly, "Hidden hand" did describe the system which he called the "negative approach" of Lucifer quite clearly and understandably, and yes, it states, that it is the foundation of their view that the Intelligence can develop and evolve, at least "effectively", only by contrasting the opposites. Thus the ideas of "eternal struggle". So, unless you experience something negative, like hurt, pain and so on, there exists to stimuli for you to grow and become more intelligent. In psychology it is called the "negative reinforcement" approach.

To put is simply, you can know who or what you are only through the realization of what you are NOT. A tricky concept indeed. Try to argue it. But isn't it but a trap? And here's why.

The thing is that in order to know that you ARE something with this approach, you would have to deny the whole world, ad infinitum. Are you a cockroach? A sofa? A beast? A thief? A killer? A conman? Etc. etc. - to infinity.

And how can you possibly know that you are not a thief or a murderer? How do you know how does one feel or experiences while climbing up the Himalayan mountains or fighting on a battle field? Read it in some philosophical treatise or watching some theater performance?

No, dear jury, you will have to BECOME him. Otherwise, where is the guarantee that you have not missed some aspects of it and, therefore, have not known it in all its fullness? - And there is no such a guarantee. And if there is no such a guarantee, your knowledge is incomplete and not all-inclusive from the standpoint of various aspects, of which, incidentally, there is an infinite number.

And if you do not know something completely, then how do you know that you haven't missed the most essential and fundamental properties of if because of which black may become white and vice versa? Furthermore, it takes a lifetime to learn that you are NOT something. It is not for no reason there is a saying: as long as you live, forever learn.

Thus, according to this scheme, you have to become all that which you are NOT, which will take you infinity, besides other things. And only then can you be certain that you know that which you indeed ARE! And even that is questionable.

Question: and even then, how can you know that you have learned ALL the aspects, and ALL, without exception, of that which you are NOT? And that is the problem with this approach and it leads you not towards the light, but just the other way around - to utter darkness and confusion. The more you "know" the more you get confused. One piece of your knowledge begins to conflict with the others.

It merely increases the complexity of the problem without any assurance of ever solving it. Just look at the most educated and knowledgeable people. The best of them has said, just like Socrates: "The one thing I know is that I know nothing". And, shockingly enough, this is precisely why Socrates was named the most intelligent person in the entire empire. Strange, isn't it?

And Socrates could tare apart any philosopher to pieces in a single sentence. In fact, he enjoyed tremendously to argue with the best philosophers and destroy them in his dialogs with them and showing them that they are nothing more than mere fools and con-men who do not really know what they are talking about.

One of the masterpieces of Socrates is his dialog about beauty. Definitely worth reading. It is not a very long dialog because Socrates had finished his opponent pretty much from the second sentence except that conman did not even realize to the very end.

Does it tell you something?

But genuine learning is of positive nature and direct knowledge and perception. You learn what is a pen by observing it and using it. Even if you point to a sofa and state that it is NOT a pen, then how do you learn what IS a pen if you have never seen it and never had to deal with it? How do you learn what is a dog if you have never even seen one? By pointing to a pigeon and saying it is NOT a dog? How is it possible to learn something if you can not even identify it? And how do you identify it? - By negation of the infinite number of choices and aspects?

Isn't this absurd? Do you see a trap laid for the naive and "blind being lead by the blind"?

And therefore, according to the "negative approach", it turns out: "the worse - the better." And then come the rivers and seas of blood, parasitism, exploitation, violence, domination, murder and wars and everything else. Allegedly, so you learn what you are NOT.

And that is precisely how they lead you by your noses to the places where they want you to be - the lands of confusion and darkness. They promise you some "light", but take you "to chase shadows in the valley of darkness".

And ALL of it comes in the name of eventual, and yet amorphous and never defined "good". But what is "good"? Try to define it without the help of some "scripture"!

Obviously! Killing people by millions and spilling the rivers of blood, not even mentioning the purely material aspects of it, is done to HELP them!!! Or not THEM? Then WHOM? The "Illuminati", so that they will eventually learn that they are NOT the murderers, criminals and parasites or "kings" and "emperors" of some kind?

For in order to know something with certainty and in all its fullness you have to become it. In order for you to know that you are not a murderer you have to BECOME a murderer and of the most vicious and ultimate kind there is. Otherwise, your knowledge is not complete and there can be no certainty that you have really learned it in its fullness. Simple as that.

Furthermore, to know something in its fullness is simply impossible. No matter what and how much you know, there will forever remain the aspects and subtleties that you have not learned yet. That is why there is Life and that is why it evolves. For if you could EVER come to a state of complete knowledge, you would effectively come to a state known as absolute. And beyond absolute there is nothing. Absolute can not evolve. Because it is the final state that includes all the possible permutations of everything known or even theoretically conceivable. Yes, there is a subtlety here related to dynamic nature of everything, but let us skip it for now as to not make the whole thing more complicated than it is necessary.

The question arises: but how much have you approached that which you ARE and how could it be measured or determined? Does any one of you, including Mr. Van Duyn and all the "Illuminati" combined know who they indeed ARE? Where is it said? Can we look at it? Because in this speech of Mr. Van Duyn except of complaints about how stupid the people are, and their "governments" and various party fanatics, etc. and all the problems that exist you will not find the answer to the question "but who is this Mr. Van Duyn in REALITY?" And then who are these so-called "Illuminati" and what is actually the essence of their messianic mission, of which they accuse the others?

What needs to be remembered here is that any and all "royal bloodlines" and "ruling families" have some "mission". And that is the main part of the "plot". The "royal family" can not exist without some "mission", whatever it might be. Quite often, it is merely a bloodline squabbles of all kinds.

But for the most part it IS some "grand mission" to "protect" something or to "save" something. Take away the concept of "mission" and no "royal bloodline" can exist, even in principle. Because deep inside they are utterly empty. ALL that drives them is some "mission". So, when Mr. Van Duyn accuses someone of being a "missionary", he'd better look in the mirror first.

Furthermore, their very existence depends on som "mission". Even the very idea of the NWO or global reduction of population to one tenths of what it is right now is what? Isn't it a "mission" of some kind? Otherwise, why would they care about it with all their money and "might" and "power"?

Therefore, the "Illuminati" without a mission is nothing more than a plain ordinary soap bubble. Simple as that.

What is that "light" they are preaching you? How do you even DEFINE Light? Is it something ABSOLUTE? Beyond any arguments? All-potent, omni-powerful and all-knowing? Can you even begin to imagine those things and aspects?

Finally, the very term "Illuminati" is a religious notion, even though they deny the religions as such, except of theirs. And the state of religiousness is a state of Joy and Awe and Wander and appreciation and a giggle and a smile. But what are these fake messiahs preaching you but slavery under "powerful Illuminati" that "control" and "advice" to the whole world? And what kind of "advice" do they actually provide? Can we see that in open?

And that is the whole of this story. And the rest is easy.

So, for all non-Satanists, the process of getting in contact with God is POSITIVE and DIRECT approach. In other words, you do not come to some conclusion about what and who you are by DENIAL. But you come to it through direct AWARENESS of that who you indeed ARE, as, for example, was taught by Jesus as recorded in the New Testament.

And you are not a rock or an object. When you experience Joy and a smile on your face, that is who you are! When you experience pain and misery and anger and denial, THAT is who you are at that particular moment. That is why in India it was said by seers or "masters":

You ARE IT!!!

And it is also said: Tatthata - suchness. But let us not dig into it for now. We have enough as it stands.

For example, as attributed to Jesus, it was said: "Be like a child". Because a child's mind is still not corrupted with all sorts of knowledge and his natural giggle and a laughter point to that Joy that permeates all. Secondly, child is open and looks at everything with wide-open eyes and still unprejudiced mind, yet not programmed with all sorts of knowledge, most of which is either fake or a result of all sorts of misconceptions and blindness. Thirdly, child acts out of innocence because his mind is still not manipulative and not seeking for some "gain" for himself, but merely reflects the interplay of all and everything in Life.

That is why the wisest of them all look more like young children rather than grownups. They laugh like kids and they joke and blabber, just like young kids and there is forever a smile on their face, even though most of the time it is so subtle that not many will even recognize it.

Because the wisest of them all simply ENJOY!!!

And the most stupid of them all are forever "solving some problem". Just look at the "greatest thinkers" or philosophers. For one thing, quite a few of them eventually simply commit suicide! Strange! Such as "smart" and "intelligent" "giant of thought" and such a tragic end? How could this be? Then what is that knowledge they allegedly possess and how did it HELP them? Just to get even more confused than they were when they were children? Then what's the point of this exercise in futility?

Another example is when Jesus tells the people: why are you so afraid of "survival"? Just look at the birds. They do not have hands, do not earn money, have no insurance of any kind and there is no even a guarantee that they can find some food to eat. And yet they sing and play all day long. And you, having the abilities to do things with your hands and having all sorts of knowledge and tools are still miserable and are being driven by the fear of some imaginary "survival".

And you can find plenty of other examples of the Positive approach to finding out who you ARE in the New Testament and in other sources that undeniably point one in the Life-affirming direction and help one to see that Life does indeed "make sense" and it is Grand in its very nature. And it is Joy and Awe and Wander and Creativity and Care and appreciation and playfulness and other equally as significant aspects that allow one to see who one REALLY IS.

Yes, indeed, there is also bitterness in Life and seeing it is certainly something that raises some questions, and in particular: "Is it what I want to be?" "What do I need it for?". Would you rather suffer or ENJOY Life, regardless of the circumstances you are in?

Jesus has also pointed to your interrelationship and interdependence by providing an analogy with a branch growing from the trunk of a grape vine which, in turn, grows from the roots, which grow from the land which grows from cosmos.

And that IS who you REALLY are. You are a direct and inevitable consequence of the initial Divine manifestation. In other words, you are the particles of which "consists" God Itself, dissolved in all of you like a sugar in water, which you no longer see, but whose presence you clearly taste and feel. You can not point to God. Because it is everywhere, all permeating. But you can not assert that It does not exist. Yes, the individuated entity may not exist. But you can not talk about God as an individual sitting on some throne in heaven. And you can not talk about God in the image of man. Actually, all the talk about God is an attempt at futility. For how can anyone even comprehend that level?

But the "evidence" of Its existence is pretty obvious and simple: Because there is nothing without a source. Sure, it is not a direct evidence but implicit. For to have a direct evidence you, first of all, need the identity, and on the level of God identity becomes Infinite and infinite can not be identified by definition. Else it is finite. Because by very definition you set its boundaries and erect its limitations.

Certainly, there are endless arguments about the existence of Jesus and the reality of his divine roots. But if you look in the New Testament and skip the clearly unprovable or controversial moments, some of which have been explicitly created and planted for the purpose of discreditation, you can still see many different analogies pointing you to the direct path to that who you indeed ARE.

And what was said in the name of Jesus is the way of direct perception, or rather - AWARENESS or SEEING of that which you are. And it can happen instantaneously at any time. And there is no need to dive into evil of all kinds just to dirty your hands and soul just to realize eventually that this is not who you are.

The same thing happens with what is known as "wisdom of the people", a combined wisdom that came out of experience and which points you to those aspects and moments that facilitate Life. And that is why it is still alive and is being carried from generation to generation. And that wisdom gives you plenty of advices of what are the "good things to do" so that you continue to live in Harmony with others and nature itself. And that wisdom is of Positive nature to a large extent.

Furthermore, the positive approach takes you to the "higher" level, not the LOWER. So, instead of accumulating evil as you "learn", you accumulate Good, something that makes you want to continue to be. And every time you learn something it creates Joy. How does it feel to be a murderer forever facing death? Do you want to CONTINUE to be that way or you'd rather wish it all ended and so is your anxiety, misery, pain and uncertainty?

Because going through all sorts of evil you inevitably "dirty yourselves" and all sorts of consequences stick to you, and inevitably so. And this, in turn, leaves a deep genetic memory in you, which is a constraining and fear stimulating factor.

The thing is that any action, even a thought, as described for example, by Jesus, becomes manifest, even though some things become manifest on more "subtle" levels of existence. You do not commit an act of violence or perversion during the act itself. You commit it, in ESSENCE, at the moment when you have that idea in your mind. And you become it in the moment of intention. The manifestation itself is not more than the inevitable consequence.

Furthermore, any action or thought has implications of further development, including probabilistic alternatives. And any action or thought acquires virtually indestructible reality. You can not destroy something once created. Even if you physically destroy it, you still can not destroy all its possible probabilistic effects that would continue to live on independently of you. All you can do is to give birth to something and from then on it evolves according to its own reality and in its own context.

And that is precisely the tragic aspect of the so-called "negative approach". Because to erase evil in all its possible manifestations and probabilities of further development in future embodiments is practically impossible.

Yes, on the one hand, there is, for example, the story of a "lost and returned son" in the New Testament, where it is said that his father was glad for him to return back home more than he was glad for his other son, who had never left the house. Because the one who was lost and then have returned had EXPERIENCED the consequences of his errors and he is now a mature fruit, to corrupt or seduce which is no longer possible. Because he has learned and experienced the consequences of his mistaken views "on his own skin." And that is precisely why he had returned home.

And so it is for you to decide which path you choose. No one can make this choice for you.

And that is the whole story on this topic.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 939

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